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package io.joern.gosrc2cpg.astcreation
import io.joern.gosrc2cpg.parser.ParserAst.*
import io.joern.gosrc2cpg.parser.{ParserKeys, ParserNodeInfo}
import io.joern.x2cpg.utils.NodeBuilders.newOperatorCallNode
import io.joern.x2cpg.{Ast, ValidationMode}
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.{NewCall, NewFieldIdentifier}
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.{DispatchTypes, Operators}
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
trait AstForPrimitivesCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) { this: AstCreator =>
protected def astForPrimitive(primitive: ParserNodeInfo): Seq[Ast] = {
primitive.node match {
case BasicLit => Seq(astForLiteral(primitive))
case CompositeLit => astForCompositeLiteral(primitive)
case Ident => Seq(astForIdentifier(primitive))
case FuncLit => astForFuncLiteral(primitive)
case _ => Seq(Ast())
private def astForCompositeLiteralHavingTypeKey(
typeNode: ParserNodeInfo,
compositeLiteralNode: ParserNodeInfo
): Seq[Ast] = {
typeNode.node match
case ArrayType =>
val elementsAsts = Try(compositeLiteralNode.json(ParserKeys.Elts)) match
case Success(value) if !value.isNull => value.arr.flatMap(e => astForNode(createParserNodeInfo(e))).toSeq
case _ => Seq.empty
val arrayInitCallNode = astForArrayInitializer(compositeLiteralNode)
Seq(callAst(arrayInitCallNode, elementsAsts))
// Handling structure initialisation by creating a call node and arguments
case Ident =>
// Handling structure initialisation(alias present) by creating a call node and arguments
case SelectorExpr =>
case _ =>
private def astForCompositeLiteral(compositeLiteralNodeInfo: ParserNodeInfo): Seq[Ast] = {
Try(createParserNodeInfo(compositeLiteralNodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.Type))) match
case Success(typeNode) =>
astForCompositeLiteralHavingTypeKey(typeNode, compositeLiteralNodeInfo)
case _ =>
val elementsAsts = Try(compositeLiteralNodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.Elts)) match
case Success(compositeElements) if !compositeElements.isNull =>
compositeElements.arr.flatMap(e => astForNode(createParserNodeInfo(e))).toSeq
case _ => Seq.empty
// TODO: merge array initializer node Seq(astForArrayInitializer(compositeLiteralNodeInfo))
private def astForLiteral(stringLiteral: ParserNodeInfo): Ast = {
// TODO May need to revisit this
val typ = getTypeOfToken(stringLiteral)
Ast(literalNode(stringLiteral, stringLiteral.code, typ))
private def astForIdentifier(ident: ParserNodeInfo): Ast = {
val identifierName = ident.json(ParserKeys.Name).str
if identifierName != "_" then {
val variableOption = scope.lookupVariable(identifierName)
variableOption match {
case Some((variable, variableTypeName)) =>
val node = identifierNode(ident, identifierName, ident.code, variableTypeName)
Ast(node).withRefEdge(node, variable)
case _ =>
// If its not local node then check if its global member variable of package TypeDecl
goGlobal.getStructTypeMemberType(fullyQualifiedPackage, identifierName) match {
case Some(fieldTypeFullName) => astForPackageGlobalFieldAccess(fieldTypeFullName, identifierName, ident)
case _ =>
// TODO: something is wrong here. Refer to SwitchTests -> "be correct for switch case 4"
Ast(identifierNode(ident, identifierName, ident.json(ParserKeys.Name).str, Defines.anyTypeName))
} else {
protected def astForPackageGlobalFieldAccess(
fieldTypeFullName: String,
identifierName: String,
ident: ParserNodeInfo
): Ast = {
val identifierAsts = Seq(Ast(identifierNode(ident, declaredPackageName, ident.code, fullyQualifiedPackage)))
newOperatorCallNode(Operators.fieldAccess, ident.code, Some(fieldTypeFullName), line(ident), column(ident)),
identifierAsts ++: Seq(
protected def getTypeOfToken(basicLit: ParserNodeInfo): String = {
// TODO need to add more primitive types
Try(basicLit.json(ParserKeys.Kind).str match {
case "INT" => "int"
case "FLOAT" => "float32"
case "IMAG" => "imag"
case "CHAR" => "char"
case "STRING" => "string"
case _ => Defines.anyTypeName
protected def astForBooleanLiteral(rhsParserNode: ParserNodeInfo): Seq[Ast] = {
rhsParserNode.node match
case Ident
// NOTE: This is very corner case where for boolean literals true and false.
// We don't get node of type BasicLit as is the case with other literals. Hence we have to handle it here
if (rhsParserNode.json(ParserKeys.Name).str == "true" || rhsParserNode
.str == "false") =>
Seq(Ast(literalNode(rhsParserNode, rhsParserNode.code, Defines.Bool)))
case _ =>
private def astForArrayInitializer(primitive: ParserNodeInfo): NewCall = {
val (typeFullName, _, _, _) = processTypeInfo(primitive)