io.kaizensolutions.virgil.codecs.CqlUdtValueEncoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.kaizensolutions.virgil.codecs
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.`type`.UserDefinedType
* A [[CqlUdtValueEncoder]] encodes a Scala type `A` as a component of a
* `UdtValue`
* @tparam A
trait CqlUdtValueEncoder[-A] {
def encodeByFieldName(structure: UdtValue, fieldName: String, value: A): UdtValue
def encodeByIndex(structure: UdtValue, index: Int, value: A): UdtValue
object CqlUdtValueEncoder extends UdtValueEncoderMagnoliaDerivation {
* A [[CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object]] that encodes a Scala type `A` as an entire
* `UdtValue`. This is really contravariant in A but Magnolia's automatic
* derivation process is disrupted
* @tparam A
trait Object[A] extends CqlUdtValueEncoder[A] { self =>
def encode(structure: UdtValue, value: A): UdtValue
override def encodeByFieldName(structure: UdtValue, fieldName: String, value: A): UdtValue = {
val emptySubStructure = structure.getType(fieldName).asInstanceOf[UserDefinedType].newValue()
val filledSubStructure = encode(emptySubStructure, value)
structure.setUdtValue(fieldName, filledSubStructure)
override def encodeByIndex(structure: UdtValue, index: Int, value: A): UdtValue = {
val emptySubStructure = structure.getType(index).asInstanceOf[UserDefinedType].newValue()
val filledSubStructure = encode(emptySubStructure, value)
structure.setUdtValue(index, filledSubStructure)
def contramap[B](f: B => A): CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[B] = new CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[B] {
override def encode(structure: UdtValue, value: B): UdtValue = self.encode(structure, f(value))
// Safe to use a subtype because a subtype contains more information, therefore we can discard the extra information
// prior to writing the data
def narrow[B <: A]: CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[B] = contramap(identity)
def zip[B](that: CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[B]): CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[(A, B)] =
new CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[(A, B)] {
def encode(structure: UdtValue, value: (A, B)): UdtValue = {
val (a, b) = value
val resultA = self.encode(structure, a)
val resultAB = that.encode(resultA, b)
def apply[A](implicit encoder: CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[A]): CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[A] = encoder
def custom[A](f: (UdtValue, A) => UdtValue): CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[A] = new CqlUdtValueEncoder.Object[A] {
override def encode(structure: UdtValue, value: A): UdtValue = f(structure, value)
implicit def fromCqlPrimitive[A](implicit prim: CqlPrimitiveEncoder[A]): CqlUdtValueEncoder[A] =
new CqlUdtValueEncoder[A] {
override def encodeByFieldName(structure: UdtValue, fieldName: String, value: A): UdtValue =
CqlPrimitiveEncoder.encodePrimitiveByFieldName(structure, fieldName, value)(prim)
override def encodeByIndex(structure: UdtValue, index: Int, value: A): UdtValue =
CqlPrimitiveEncoder.encodePrimitiveByIndex(structure, index, value)(prim)