io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1DeleteOptionsFluentImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models;
import java.lang.StringBuilder;
import io.kubernetes.client.fluent.Nested;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.String;
import io.kubernetes.client.fluent.Predicate;
import java.lang.StringBuffer;
import java.lang.Deprecated;
import io.kubernetes.client.fluent.BaseFluent;
import java.lang.Long;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.lang.Object;
import java.util.List;
import java.lang.Boolean;
public class V1DeleteOptionsFluentImpl> extends io.kubernetes.client.fluent.BaseFluent implements V1DeleteOptionsFluent {
private String apiVersion;
private List dryRun;
private Long gracePeriodSeconds;
private String kind;
private Boolean orphanDependents;
private V1PreconditionsBuilder preconditions;
private String propagationPolicy;
public V1DeleteOptionsFluentImpl() {
public V1DeleteOptionsFluentImpl(V1DeleteOptions instance) {
public String getApiVersion() {
return this.apiVersion;
public A withApiVersion(String apiVersion) {
this.apiVersion=apiVersion; return (A) this;
public Boolean hasApiVersion() {
return this.apiVersion != null;
public A withNewApiVersion(String arg1) {
return (A)withApiVersion(new String(arg1));
public A withNewApiVersion(StringBuilder arg1) {
return (A)withApiVersion(new String(arg1));
public A withNewApiVersion(StringBuffer arg1) {
return (A)withApiVersion(new String(arg1));
public A addToDryRun(int index,String item) {
if (this.dryRun == null) {this.dryRun = new ArrayList();}
this.dryRun.add(index, item);
return (A)this;
public A setToDryRun(int index,String item) {
if (this.dryRun == null) {this.dryRun = new ArrayList();}
this.dryRun.set(index, item); return (A)this;
public A addToDryRun(String... items) {
if (this.dryRun == null) {this.dryRun = new ArrayList();}
for (String item : items) {this.dryRun.add(item);} return (A)this;
public A addAllToDryRun(Collection items) {
if (this.dryRun == null) {this.dryRun = new ArrayList();}
for (String item : items) {this.dryRun.add(item);} return (A)this;
public A removeFromDryRun(String... items) {
for (String item : items) {if (this.dryRun!= null){ this.dryRun.remove(item);}} return (A)this;
public A removeAllFromDryRun(Collection items) {
for (String item : items) {if (this.dryRun!= null){ this.dryRun.remove(item);}} return (A)this;
public List getDryRun() {
return this.dryRun;
public String getDryRun(int index) {
return this.dryRun.get(index);
public String getFirstDryRun() {
return this.dryRun.get(0);
public String getLastDryRun() {
return this.dryRun.get(dryRun.size() - 1);
public String getMatchingDryRun(io.kubernetes.client.fluent.Predicate predicate) {
for (String item: dryRun) { if(predicate.apply(item)){ return item;} } return null;
public Boolean hasMatchingDryRun(io.kubernetes.client.fluent.Predicate predicate) {
for (String item: dryRun) { if(predicate.apply(item)){ return true;} } return false;
public A withDryRun(List dryRun) {
if (this.dryRun != null) { _visitables.get("dryRun").removeAll(this.dryRun);}
if (dryRun != null) {this.dryRun = new ArrayList(); for (String item : dryRun){this.addToDryRun(item);}} else { this.dryRun = null;} return (A) this;
public A withDryRun(String... dryRun) {
if (this.dryRun != null) {this.dryRun.clear();}
if (dryRun != null) {for (String item :dryRun){ this.addToDryRun(item);}} return (A) this;
public Boolean hasDryRun() {
return dryRun != null && !dryRun.isEmpty();
public A addNewDryRun(String arg1) {
return (A)addToDryRun(new String(arg1));
public A addNewDryRun(StringBuilder arg1) {
return (A)addToDryRun(new String(arg1));
public A addNewDryRun(StringBuffer arg1) {
return (A)addToDryRun(new String(arg1));
public Long getGracePeriodSeconds() {
return this.gracePeriodSeconds;
public A withGracePeriodSeconds(Long gracePeriodSeconds) {
this.gracePeriodSeconds=gracePeriodSeconds; return (A) this;
public Boolean hasGracePeriodSeconds() {
return this.gracePeriodSeconds != null;
public String getKind() {
return this.kind;
public A withKind(String kind) {
this.kind=kind; return (A) this;
public Boolean hasKind() {
return this.kind != null;
public A withNewKind(String arg1) {
return (A)withKind(new String(arg1));
public A withNewKind(StringBuilder arg1) {
return (A)withKind(new String(arg1));
public A withNewKind(StringBuffer arg1) {
return (A)withKind(new String(arg1));
public Boolean isOrphanDependents() {
return this.orphanDependents;
public A withOrphanDependents(Boolean orphanDependents) {
this.orphanDependents=orphanDependents; return (A) this;
public Boolean hasOrphanDependents() {
return this.orphanDependents != null;
public A withNewOrphanDependents(String arg1) {
return (A)withOrphanDependents(new Boolean(arg1));
public A withNewOrphanDependents(boolean arg1) {
return (A)withOrphanDependents(new Boolean(arg1));
* This method has been deprecated, please use method buildPreconditions instead.
* @return The buildable object.
@Deprecated public V1Preconditions getPreconditions() {
return this.preconditions!=null?;
public V1Preconditions buildPreconditions() {
return this.preconditions!=null?;
public A withPreconditions(V1Preconditions preconditions) {
if (preconditions!=null){ this.preconditions= new V1PreconditionsBuilder(preconditions); _visitables.get("preconditions").add(this.preconditions);} return (A) this;
public Boolean hasPreconditions() {
return this.preconditions != null;
public V1DeleteOptionsFluent.PreconditionsNested withNewPreconditions() {
return new PreconditionsNestedImpl();
public V1DeleteOptionsFluent.PreconditionsNested withNewPreconditionsLike(V1Preconditions item) {
return new PreconditionsNestedImpl(item);
public V1DeleteOptionsFluent.PreconditionsNested editPreconditions() {
return withNewPreconditionsLike(getPreconditions());
public V1DeleteOptionsFluent.PreconditionsNested editOrNewPreconditions() {
return withNewPreconditionsLike(getPreconditions() != null ? getPreconditions(): new V1PreconditionsBuilder().build());
public V1DeleteOptionsFluent.PreconditionsNested editOrNewPreconditionsLike(V1Preconditions item) {
return withNewPreconditionsLike(getPreconditions() != null ? getPreconditions(): item);
public String getPropagationPolicy() {
return this.propagationPolicy;
public A withPropagationPolicy(String propagationPolicy) {
this.propagationPolicy=propagationPolicy; return (A) this;
public Boolean hasPropagationPolicy() {
return this.propagationPolicy != null;
public A withNewPropagationPolicy(String arg1) {
return (A)withPropagationPolicy(new String(arg1));
public A withNewPropagationPolicy(StringBuilder arg1) {
return (A)withPropagationPolicy(new String(arg1));
public A withNewPropagationPolicy(StringBuffer arg1) {
return (A)withPropagationPolicy(new String(arg1));
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
V1DeleteOptionsFluentImpl that = (V1DeleteOptionsFluentImpl) o;
if (apiVersion != null ? !apiVersion.equals(that.apiVersion) :that.apiVersion != null) return false;
if (dryRun != null ? !dryRun.equals(that.dryRun) :that.dryRun != null) return false;
if (gracePeriodSeconds != null ? !gracePeriodSeconds.equals(that.gracePeriodSeconds) :that.gracePeriodSeconds != null) return false;
if (kind != null ? !kind.equals(that.kind) :that.kind != null) return false;
if (orphanDependents != null ? !orphanDependents.equals(that.orphanDependents) :that.orphanDependents != null) return false;
if (preconditions != null ? !preconditions.equals(that.preconditions) :that.preconditions != null) return false;
if (propagationPolicy != null ? !propagationPolicy.equals(that.propagationPolicy) :that.propagationPolicy != null) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
return java.util.Objects.hash(apiVersion, dryRun, gracePeriodSeconds, kind, orphanDependents, preconditions, propagationPolicy, super.hashCode());
public class PreconditionsNestedImpl extends V1PreconditionsFluentImpl> implements V1DeleteOptionsFluent.PreconditionsNested,io.kubernetes.client.fluent.Nested {
private final V1PreconditionsBuilder builder;
PreconditionsNestedImpl(V1Preconditions item) {
this.builder = new V1PreconditionsBuilder(this, item);
PreconditionsNestedImpl() {
this.builder = new V1PreconditionsBuilder(this);
public N and() {
return (N) V1DeleteOptionsFluentImpl.this.withPreconditions(;
public N endPreconditions() {
return and();