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tamer.oci.objectstorage.ObjectStorageSetup.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package tamer
package oci.objectstorage
import log.effect.LogWriter
import log.effect.zio.ZioLogWriter.log4sFromName
import zio._
import zio.oci.objectstorage._
sealed abstract case class ObjectStorageSetup[-R, K: Tag, V: Tag, SV: Tag](
initialState: SV,
recordFrom: (SV, V) => Record[K, V],
namespace: String,
bucket: String,
prefix: Option[String],
objectName: SV => Option[String],
startAfter: SV => Option[String],
objectNameFinder: String => Boolean,
stateFold: (SV, Option[String]) => URIO[R, SV],
pipeline: ZPipeline[R, Throwable, Byte, V]
implicit ev: SerdesProvider[K, V, SV]
) extends Setup[R with ObjectStorage, K, V, SV] {
private[this] final val namespaceHash = namespace.hash
private[this] final val bucketHash = bucket.hash
private[this] final val prefixHash = prefix.getOrElse("").hash
override final val stateKey = namespaceHash + bucketHash + prefixHash
override final val repr =
s"""namespace: $namespace
|namespace hash: $namespaceHash
|bucket: $bucket
|bucket hash: $bucketHash
|prefix: $prefix
|prefix hash: $prefixHash
|state key: $stateKey
private[this] final val logTask = log4sFromName.provideEnvironment(ZEnvironment("tamer.oci.objectstorage"))
private[this] final def process(
log: LogWriter[Task],
currentState: SV,
queue: Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]]
): RIO[R with ObjectStorage, Unit] =
objectName(currentState) match {
case Some(name) =>"getting object $name") *>
getObject(namespace, bucket, name)
.mapError(error => TamerError(s"Error while processing object $name: ${error.getMessage}", error))
.map(recordFrom(currentState, _))
.runForeachChunk(chunk => NonEmptyChunk.fromChunk(chunk).map(queue.offer).getOrElse(ZIO.unit))
case None =>
log.debug("no state change")
override def iteration(currentState: SV, queue: Enqueue[NonEmptyChunk[Record[K, V]]]): RIO[R with ObjectStorage, SV] = for {
log <- logTask
_ <- log.debug(s"current state: $currentState")
options <- ZIO.succeed(
ListObjectsOptions(prefix, None, startAfter(currentState), Limit.Max, Set(ListObjectsOptions.Field.Name, ListObjectsOptions.Field.Size))
nextObject <- listObjects(namespace, bucket, options)
_ <- process(log, currentState, queue)
newState <- stateFold(currentState, nextObject.objectSummaries.find(os => objectNameFinder(os.getName)).map(_.getName))
} yield newState
object ObjectStorageSetup {
def apply[R, K: Tag, V: Tag, SV: Tag](
namespace: String,
bucket: String,
initialState: SV
recordFrom: (SV, V) => Record[K, V],
stateFold: (SV, Option[String]) => URIO[R, SV],
objectName: SV => Option[String],
startAfter: SV => Option[String],
prefix: Option[String] = None,
objectNameFinder: String => Boolean = _ => true,
pipeline: ZPipeline[R, Throwable, Byte, V] = ZPipeline.utf8Decode >>> ZPipeline.splitLines
implicit ev: SerdesProvider[K, V, SV]
): ObjectStorageSetup[R, K, V, SV] = new ObjectStorageSetup(
) {}