io.mybatis.mapper.logical.LogicalProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.mybatis.mapper.logical;
import io.mybatis.common.util.Assert;
import io.mybatis.provider.EntityColumn;
import io.mybatis.provider.EntityTable;
import io.mybatis.provider.SqlScript;
import org.apache.ibatis.builder.annotation.ProviderContext;
import java.util.List;
import static io.mybatis.mapper.example.ExampleProvider.EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE;
import static io.mybatis.mapper.example.ExampleProvider.UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE;
* 支持逻辑删除的provider实现
* NOTE: 使用时需要在实体类字段上声明@LogicalColumn注解
* @author hzw
public class LogicalProvider {
private interface LogicalSqlScript extends SqlScript {
// TODO: 复用ExampleProvider中的常量,将此常量去除
"" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
" ${setValue.condition},\n" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
" ${setValue.condition} = #{setValue.value},\n" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
" ";
default String logicalNotEqualCondition(EntityTable entity) {
EntityColumn logicalColumn = getLogicalColumn(entity);
return " AND " + columnNotEqualsValueCondition(logicalColumn, deleteValue(logicalColumn)) + LF;
/* select +++ */
public static String select(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return "SELECT " + entity.baseColumnAsPropertyList()
+ " FROM " + entity.tableName()
+ where(() -> entity.whereColumns().stream()
.map(column -> ifTest(column.notNullTest(), () -> "AND " + column.columnEqualsProperty()))
.collect(Collectors.joining(LF)) + logicalNotEqualCondition(entity))
+ entity.groupByColumn().orElse("")
+ entity.havingColumn().orElse("")
+ entity.orderByColumn().orElse("");
* 根据实体字段条件查询唯一的实体,根据实体字段条件批量查询,查询结果的数量由方法定义
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String selectColumns(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return "SELECT "
+ choose(() -> whenTest("fns != null and fns.isNotEmpty()", () -> "${fns.baseColumnAsPropertyList()}")
+ otherwise(() -> entity.baseColumnAsPropertyList()))
+ " FROM " + entity.tableName()
+ trim("WHERE", "", "WHERE |OR |AND ", "", () ->
ifParameterNotNull(() -> where(() -> entity.whereColumns().stream()
.map(column -> ifTest(column.notNullTest("entity."), () -> "AND " + column.columnEqualsProperty("entity.")))
+ logicalNotEqualCondition(entity))
+ entity.groupByColumn().orElse("")
+ entity.havingColumn().orElse("")
+ entity.orderByColumn().orElse("");
* 根据 Example 条件批量查询,根据 Example 条件查询总数,查询结果的数量由方法定义
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String selectByExample(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return ifTest("startSql != null and startSql != ''", () -> "${startSql}")
+ ifTest("distinct", () -> "distinct ")
+ ifTest("selectColumns != null and selectColumns != ''", () -> "${selectColumns}")
+ ifTest("selectColumns == null or selectColumns == ''", entity::baseColumnAsPropertyList)
+ " FROM " + entity.tableName()
+ trim("WHERE", "", "WHERE |OR |AND ", "", () -> ifParameterNotNull(() -> EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE) + logicalNotEqualCondition(entity))
+ ifTest("orderByClause != null", () -> " ORDER BY ${orderByClause}")
+ ifTest("orderByClause == null", () -> entity.orderByColumn().orElse(""))
+ ifTest("endSql != null and endSql != ''", () -> "${endSql}");
* 根据 Example 条件查询总数
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String countByExample(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return ifTest("startSql != null and startSql != ''", () -> "${startSql}")
+ ifTest("distinct", () -> "distinct ")
+ ifTest("simpleSelectColumns != null and simpleSelectColumns != ''", () -> "${simpleSelectColumns}")
+ ifTest("simpleSelectColumns == null or simpleSelectColumns == ''", () -> "*")
+ ") FROM "
+ entity.tableName()
+ trim("WHERE", "", "WHERE |OR |AND ", "", () -> ifParameterNotNull(() -> EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE) + logicalNotEqualCondition(entity))
+ ifTest("endSql != null and endSql != ''", () -> "${endSql}");
* 根据主键查找未被逻辑删除的值
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String selectByPrimaryKey(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return "SELECT " + entity.baseColumnAsPropertyList()
+ " FROM " + entity.tableName()
+ where(() -> entity.idColumns().stream().map(EntityColumn::columnEqualsProperty).collect(Collectors.joining(" AND ")))
// 如果将条件拼接where()中,将会依赖idColumns()的实现,要求其必须返回非空值
+ logicalNotEqualCondition(entity);
* 根据实体字段条件查询总数
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String selectCount(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + entity.tableName() + LF
+ where(() ->
entity.whereColumns().stream().map(column ->
ifTest(column.notNullTest(), () -> "AND " + column.columnEqualsProperty())
).collect(Collectors.joining(LF)) + logicalNotEqualCondition(entity));
/* select --- */
/* update +++ */
* 根据 Example 条件批量更新实体信息
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String updateByExample(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return ifTest("example.startSql != null and example.startSql != ''", () -> "${example.startSql}")
+ "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ set(() -> entity.updateColumns().stream().map(
column -> column.columnEqualsProperty("entity.")).collect(Collectors.joining(",")))
//TODO 测试
+ variableNotNull("example", "Example cannot be null")
+ (entity.getPropBoolean("updateByExample.allowEmpty", true) ?
"" : variableIsFalse("example.isEmpty()", "Example Criteria cannot be empty"))
+ trim("WHERE", "", "WHERE |OR |AND ", "", () -> UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE + logicalNotEqualCondition(entity))
+ ifTest("example.endSql != null and example.endSql != ''", () -> "${example.endSql}");
* 根据 Example 条件批量更新实体不为空的字段
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String updateByExampleSelective(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return ifTest("example.startSql != null and example.startSql != ''", () -> "${example.startSql}")
+ "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ set(() -> entity.updateColumns().stream().map(
column -> ifTest(column.notNullTest("entity."),
() -> column.columnEqualsProperty("entity.") + ",")).collect(Collectors.joining(LF)))
//TODO 测试
+ variableNotNull("example", "Example cannot be null")
+ (entity.getPropBoolean("updateByExampleSelective.allowEmpty", true) ?
"" : variableIsFalse("example.isEmpty()", "Example Criteria cannot be empty"))
+ trim("WHERE", "", "WHERE |OR |AND ", "", () -> UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE + logicalNotEqualCondition(entity))
+ ifTest("example.endSql != null and example.endSql != ''", () -> "${example.endSql}");
* 根据 Example 条件批量更新实体信息
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String updateByExampleSetValues(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return ifTest("example.startSql != null and example.startSql != ''", () -> "${example.startSql}")
+ variableNotEmpty("example.setValues", "Example setValues cannot be empty")
+ "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ variableNotNull("example", "Example cannot be null")
+ (entity.getPropBoolean("updateByExample.allowEmpty", true) ?
"" : variableIsFalse("example.isEmpty()", "Example Criteria cannot be empty"))
+ trim("WHERE", "", "WHERE |OR |AND ", "", () -> UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE + logicalNotEqualCondition(entity))
+ ifTest("example.endSql != null and example.endSql != ''", () -> "${example.endSql}");
* 根据主键更新实体
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String updateByPrimaryKey(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ " SET " + entity.updateColumns().stream().map(EntityColumn::columnEqualsProperty).collect(Collectors.joining(","))
+ where(() -> entity.idColumns().stream().map(EntityColumn::columnEqualsProperty).collect(Collectors.joining(" AND ")))
+ logicalNotEqualCondition(entity);
* 根据主键更新实体中不为空的字段
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String updateByPrimaryKeySelective(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ set(() ->
entity.updateColumns().stream().map(column ->
ifTest(column.notNullTest(), () -> column.columnEqualsProperty() + ",")
+ where(() -> entity.idColumns().stream().map(EntityColumn::columnEqualsProperty).collect(Collectors.joining(" AND ")))
+ logicalNotEqualCondition(entity);
* 根据主键更新实体中不为空的字段,强制字段不区分是否null,都更新
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String updateByPrimaryKeySelectiveWithForceFields(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
return "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ set(() ->
entity.updateColumns().stream().map(column ->
choose(() ->
whenTest("fns != null and fns.fieldNames().contains('" + + "')", () -> column.columnEqualsProperty("entity.") + ",")
+ whenTest(column.notNullTest("entity."), () -> column.columnEqualsProperty("entity.") + ","))
+ where(() -> entity.idColumns().stream().map(column -> column.columnEqualsProperty("entity.")).collect(Collectors.joining(" AND ")))
+ logicalNotEqualCondition(entity);
/* update --- */
/* delete +++ */
* 根据实体信息批量删除
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String delete(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
EntityColumn logicColumn = getLogicalColumn(entity);
return "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ " SET " + columnEqualsValue(logicColumn, deleteValue(logicColumn))
+ parameterNotNull("Parameter cannot be null")
+ where(() -> entity.columns().stream()
.map(column -> ifTest(column.notNullTest(), () -> "AND " + column.columnEqualsProperty()))
.collect(Collectors.joining(LF)) + logicalNotEqualCondition(entity));
* 根据主键逻辑删除
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String deleteByPrimaryKey(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, new LogicalSqlScript() {
public String getSql(EntityTable entity) {
EntityColumn logicColumn = getLogicalColumn(entity);
return "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ " SET " + columnEqualsValue(logicColumn, deleteValue(logicColumn))
+ " WHERE " + entity.idColumns().stream().map(EntityColumn::columnEqualsProperty).collect(Collectors.joining(" AND "))
+ logicalNotEqualCondition(entity);
* 根据 Example 删除
* @param providerContext 上下文
* @return cacheKey
public static String deleteByExample(ProviderContext providerContext) {
return SqlScript.caching(providerContext, (entity, util) -> {
EntityColumn logicColumn = getLogicalColumn(entity);
return util.ifTest("startSql != null and startSql != ''", () -> "${startSql}")
+ "UPDATE " + entity.tableName()
+ " SET " + columnEqualsValue(logicColumn, deleteValue(logicColumn))
+ util.parameterNotNull("Example cannot be null")
+ (entity.getPropBoolean("deleteByExample.allowEmpty", true) ?
"" : util.variableIsFalse("_parameter.isEmpty()", "Example Criteria cannot be empty"))
+ EXAMPLE_WHERE_CLAUSE + " AND " + columnNotEqualsValueCondition(logicColumn, deleteValue(logicColumn))
+ util.ifTest("endSql != null and endSql != ''", () -> "${endSql}");
/* delete --- */
private static EntityColumn getLogicalColumn(EntityTable entity) {
List logicColumns = entity.columns().stream().filter(c -> c.field().isAnnotationPresent(LogicalColumn.class)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Assert.isTrue(logicColumns.size() == 1, "There are no or multiple fields marked with @LogicalColumn");
return logicColumns.get(0);
private static String deleteValue(EntityColumn logicColumn) {
return logicColumn.field().getAnnotation(LogicalColumn.class).delete();
private static String columnEqualsValueCondition(EntityColumn c, String value) {
return " " + c.column() + choiceEqualsOperator(value) + value + " ";
private static String columnEqualsValue(EntityColumn c, String value) {
return " " + c.column() + " = " + value + " ";
private static String columnNotEqualsValueCondition(EntityColumn c, String value) {
return " " + c.column() + choiceNotEqualsOperator(value) + value;
private static String choiceEqualsOperator(String value) {
if ("null".compareToIgnoreCase(value) == 0) {
return " IS ";
return " = ";
private static String choiceNotEqualsOperator(String value) {
if ("null".compareToIgnoreCase(value) == 0) {
return " IS NOT ";
return " != ";
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