io.opentimeline.opentime.TimeRange Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright Contributors to the OpenTimelineIO Project.
package io.opentimeline.opentime;
import io.opentimeline.LibraryLoader;
import io.opentimeline.OTIOObject;
* Contains a range of time, starting (and including) startTime and
* lasting duration.value * (1/duration.rate) seconds.
* It is possible to construct TimeRange object with a negative duration.
* However, the logical predicates are written as if duration is positive,
* and have undefined behavior for negative durations.
* The duration on a TimeRange indicates a time range that is inclusive of the start time,
* and exclusive of the end time. All of the predicates are computed accordingly.
* This default epsilon value is used in comparison between floating numbers.
* It is computed to be twice 192khz, the fastest commonly used audio rate.
* It can be changed in the future if necessary due to higher sampling rates
* or some other kind of numeric tolerance detected in the library.
public class TimeRange {
static {
private final RationalTime startTime;
private final RationalTime duration;
public TimeRange() {
startTime = new RationalTime();
duration = new RationalTime();
public TimeRange(RationalTime startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
duration = new RationalTime(0, startTime.getRate());
public TimeRange(RationalTime startTime, RationalTime duration) {
this.startTime = startTime;
this.duration = duration;
public TimeRange(TimeRangeBuilder timeRangeBuilder) {
if (timeRangeBuilder.startTime == null && timeRangeBuilder.duration == null) {
this.startTime = new RationalTime();
this.duration = new RationalTime();
} else if (timeRangeBuilder.startTime == null) {
this.startTime = new RationalTime(0, timeRangeBuilder.duration.getRate());
this.duration = timeRangeBuilder.duration;
} else if (timeRangeBuilder.duration == null) {
this.startTime = timeRangeBuilder.startTime;
this.duration = new RationalTime(0, timeRangeBuilder.startTime.getRate());
} else {
this.startTime = timeRangeBuilder.startTime;
this.duration = timeRangeBuilder.duration;
public TimeRange(TimeRange timeRange) {
this.startTime = timeRange.getStartTime();
this.duration = timeRange.getDuration();
public static class TimeRangeBuilder {
private RationalTime startTime = null;
private RationalTime duration = null;
public TimeRangeBuilder() {
public TimeRange.TimeRangeBuilder setStartTime(RationalTime startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
return this;
public TimeRange.TimeRangeBuilder setDuration(RationalTime duration) {
this.duration = duration;
return this;
public TimeRange build() {
if (startTime == null && duration == null) {
return new TimeRange();
} else if (startTime == null) {
return new TimeRange(new RationalTime(0, duration.getRate()), duration);
} else if (duration == null) {
return new TimeRange(startTime, new RationalTime(0, startTime.getRate()));
} else {
return new TimeRange(startTime, duration);
public RationalTime getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public RationalTime getDuration() {
return duration;
* The time of the last sample that contains data in the TimeRange.
* If the TimeRange goes from (0, 24) w/ duration (10, 24), this will be
* (9, 24)
* If the TimeRange goes from (0, 24) w/ duration (10.5, 24):
* (10, 24)
* In other words, the last frame with data (however fractional).
* @return time of the last sample that contains data in the TimeRange
public native RationalTime endTimeInclusive();
* Time of the first sample outside the time range.
* If Start Frame is 10 and duration is 5, then endTimeExclusive is 15,
* even though the last time with data in this range is 14.
* If Start Frame is 10 and duration is 5.5, then endTimeExclusive is
* 15.5, even though the last time with data in this range is 15.
* @return time of the first sample outside the time range
public native RationalTime endTimeExclusive();
public native TimeRange durationExtendedBy(RationalTime other);
* Construct a new TimeRange that is this one extended by another
* @param other timeRange by which the duration is extended
* @return extended TimeRange
public native TimeRange extendedBy(TimeRange other);
* Clamp 'other', according to this.startTime/endTimeExclusive
* @param other RationalTime to clamp to
* @return clamped TimeRange
public native RationalTime clamped(RationalTime other);
* Clamp 'other', according to this.startTime/endTimeExclusive
* @param other TimeRange to clamp to
* @return clamped TimeRange
public native TimeRange clamped(TimeRange other);
* These relations implement James F. Allen's thirteen basic time interval relations.
* Detailed background can be found here:
* Allen, James F. "Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals".
* Communications of the ACM 26(11) pp.832-843, Nov. 1983.
* In the relations that follow, epsilon indicates the tolerance,in the sense that if abs(a-b) < epsilon,
* we consider a and b to be equal
* The start of this precedes other.
* other precedes the end of this.
* other
* ↓
* *
* [ this ]
* @param other RationalTime to check for
* @return does this contain other
public native boolean contains(RationalTime other);
* The start of this precedes start of other.
* The end of this antecedes end of other.
* [ other ]
* [ this ]
* The converse would be other.contains(this)
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @return does this contain other
public native boolean contains(TimeRange other);
* this contains other.
* other
* ↓
* *
* [ this ]
* @param other RationalTime to check for
* @return does this overlap other
public native boolean overlaps(RationalTime other);
* The start of this strictly precedes end of other by a value >= epsilon.
* The end of this strictly antecedes start of other by a value >= epsilon.
* [ this ]
* [ other ]
* The converse would be other.overlaps(this)
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return does this overlap other
public native boolean overlaps(TimeRange other, double epsilon);
* The start of this strictly precedes end of other by a value >= epsilon.
* The end of this strictly antecedes start of other by a value >= epsilon.
* [ this ]
* [ other ]
* The converse would be other.overlaps(this)
* Default epsilon value of 1/(2 * 192000) will be used
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @return does this overlap other
public native boolean overlaps(TimeRange other);
* The end of this strictly precedes the start of other by a value >= epsilon.
* [ this ] [ other ]
* The converse would be other.before(this)
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return is this before other
public native boolean before(TimeRange other, double epsilon);
* The end of this strictly precedes the start of other by a value >= epsilon.
* [ this ] [ other ]
* The converse would be other.before(this)
* Default epsilon value of 1/(2 * 192000) will be used
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @return is this before other
public native boolean before(TimeRange other);
* The end of this strictly precedes other by a value >= epsilon.
* other
* ↓
* [ this ] *
* @param other RationalTime to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return is this before other
public native boolean before(RationalTime other, double epsilon);
* The end of this strictly precedes other by a value >= epsilon.
* other
* ↓
* [ this ] *
* Default epsilon value of 1/(2 * 192000) will be used
* @param other RationalTime to check for
* @return is this before other
public native boolean before(RationalTime other);
* The end of this strictly equals the start of other and
* the start of this strictly equals the end of other.
* [this][other]
* The converse would be other.meets(this)
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return does this meet other
public native boolean meets(TimeRange other, double epsilon);
* The end of this strictly equals the start of other and
* the start of this strictly equals the end of other.
* [this][other]
* The converse would be other.meets(this)
* Default epsilon value of 1/(2 * 192000) will be used
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @return does this meet other
public native boolean meets(TimeRange other);
* The start of this strictly equals the start of other.
* The end of this strictly precedes the end of other by a value >= epsilon.
* [ this ]
* [ other ]
* The converse would be other.begins(this)
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return do the beginnings of both match
public native boolean begins(TimeRange other, double epsilon);
* The start of this strictly equals the start of other.
* The end of this strictly precedes the end of other by a value >= epsilon.
* [ this ]
* [ other ]
* The converse would be other.begins(this)
* Default epsilon value of 1/(2 * 192000) will be used
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @return do the beginnings of both match
public native boolean begins(TimeRange other);
* The start of this strictly equals other.
* other
* ↓
* *
* [ this ]
* @param other RationalTime to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return does the RationalTime match the beginning of this
public native boolean begins(RationalTime other, double epsilon);
* The start of this strictly equals other.
* other
* ↓
* *
* [ this ]
* Default epsilon value of 1/(2 * 192000) will be used
* @param other RationalTime to check for
* @return does the RationalTime match the beginning of this
public native boolean begins(RationalTime other);
* The start of this strictly antecedes the start of other by a value >= epsilon.
* The end of this strictly equals the end of other.
* [ this ]
* [ other ]
* The converse would be other.finishes(this)
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return do the ends of both match
public native boolean finishes(TimeRange other, double epsilon);
* The start of this strictly antecedes the start of other by a value >= epsilon.
* The end of this strictly equals the end of other.
* [ this ]
* [ other ]
* The converse would be other.finishes(this)
* Default epsilon value of 1/(2 * 192000) will be used
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @return do the ends of both match
public native boolean finishes(TimeRange other);
* The end of this strictly equals other.
* other
* ↓
* *
* [ this ]
* @param other RationalTime to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return does the RationalTime match the end of this
public native boolean finishes(RationalTime other, double epsilon);
* The end of this strictly equals other.
* other
* ↓
* *
* [ this ]
* @param other RationalTime to check for
* @return does the RationalTime match the end of this
public native boolean finishes(RationalTime other);
* The start of this precedes or equals the end of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
* The end of this antecedes or equals the start of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
* [ this ] OR [ other ]
* [ other ] [ this ]
* The converse would be other.finishes(this)
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @param epsilon comparison tolerance
* @return does the other TimeRange intersect this
public native boolean intersects(TimeRange other, double epsilon);
* The start of this precedes or equals the end of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
* The end of this antecedes or equals the start of other by a value >= epsilon_s.
* [ this ] OR [ other ]
* [ other ] [ this ]
* The converse would be other.finishes(this)
* Default epsilon value of 1/(2 * 192000) will be used
* @param other TimeRange to check for
* @return does the other TimeRange intersect this
public native boolean intersects(TimeRange other);
public native boolean equals(TimeRange other);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof TimeRange))
return false;
return this.equals((TimeRange) obj);
public native boolean notEquals(TimeRange other);
* Create a TimeRange from start and end RationalTimes
* @param startTime start time
* @param endTime end time
* @return TimeRange from start and end RationalTimes
public native static TimeRange rangeFromStartEndTime(RationalTime startTime, RationalTime endTime);
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getCanonicalName() +
"(" +
"startTime=" + this.getStartTime() +
", duration=" + this.getDuration() +