io.quarkus.keycloak.pep.runtime.KeycloakPolicyEnforcerTenantConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.quarkus.keycloak.pep.runtime;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.keycloak.representations.adapters.config.PolicyEnforcerConfig;
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.ConfigGroup;
import io.smallrye.config.WithDefault;
import io.smallrye.config.WithParentName;
public interface KeycloakPolicyEnforcerTenantConfig {
* Adapters will make separate HTTP invocations to the Keycloak server to turn an access code into an access token.
* This config option defines how many connections to the Keycloak server should be pooled
int connectionPoolSize();
* Policy enforcement configuration when using Keycloak Authorization Services
KeycloakConfigPolicyEnforcer policyEnforcer();
interface KeycloakConfigPolicyEnforcer {
* Specifies how policies are enforced.
PolicyEnforcerConfig.EnforcementMode enforcementMode();
* Specifies the paths to protect.
Map paths();
* Defines how the policy enforcer should track associations between paths in your application and resources defined in
* Keycloak.
* The cache is needed to avoid unnecessary requests to a Keycloak server by caching associations between paths and
* protected resources
PathCacheConfig pathCache();
* Specifies how the adapter should fetch the server for resources associated with paths in your application. If true,
* the
* policy
* enforcer is going to fetch resources on-demand accordingly with the path being requested
boolean lazyLoadPaths();
* Defines a set of one or more claims that must be resolved and pushed to the Keycloak server in order to make these
* claims available to policies
ClaimInformationPointConfig claimInformationPoint();
* Specifies how scopes should be mapped to HTTP methods. If set to true, the policy enforcer will use the HTTP method
* from
* the current request to check whether access should be granted
boolean httpMethodAsScope();
interface PathConfig {
* The name of a resource on the server that is to be associated with a given path
Optional name();
* A URI relative to the application’s context path that should be protected by the policy enforcer
@Deprecated(since = "Quarkus 3.10") // use the 'paths' configuration property
Optional path();
* HTTP request paths that should be protected by the policy enforcer
Optional> paths();
* The HTTP methods (for example, GET, POST, PATCH) to protect and how they are associated with the scopes for a
* given
* resource in the server
Map methods();
* Specifies how policies are enforced
PolicyEnforcerConfig.EnforcementMode enforcementMode();
* Defines a set of one or more claims that must be resolved and pushed to the Keycloak server in order to make
* these
* claims available to policies
ClaimInformationPointConfig claimInformationPoint();
interface MethodConfig {
* The name of the HTTP method
String method();
* An array of strings with the scopes associated with the method
List scopes();
* A string referencing the enforcement mode for the scopes associated with a method
PolicyEnforcerConfig.ScopeEnforcementMode scopesEnforcementMode();
interface PathCacheConfig {
* Defines the limit of entries that should be kept in the cache
int maxEntries();
* Defines the time in milliseconds when the entry should be expired
long lifespan();
interface ClaimInformationPointConfig {
Map>> complexConfig();
Map> simpleConfig();