io.toolsplus.atlassian.jwt.HttpRequestCanonicalizer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.toolsplus.atlassian.jwt
import{MessageDigest, NoSuchAlgorithmException}
import io.toolsplus.atlassian.jwt.api.CanonicalHttpRequest
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex
* Instructions for computing the query hash parameter ("qsh") from a HTTP request.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Overview: query hash = hash(canonical-request)
* canonical-request = canonical-method + '&' + canonical-URI + '&' + canonical-query-string
* 1. Compute canonical method.
* Simply the upper-case of the method name (e.g. "GET", "PUT").
* 2. Append the character '&'
* 3. Compute canonical URI.
* Discard the protocol, server, port, context path and query parameters from the full URL.
* For requests targeting add-ons discard the `baseUrl` in the add-on descriptor.
* (Removing the context path allows a reverse proxy to redirect incoming requests for ""
* to "" without breaking authentication. The requester cannot know that the reverse proxy
* will prepend the context path "/jira" to the originally requested path "/getsomething".)
* Empty-string is not permitted; use "/" instead.
* Do not suffix with a '/' character unless it is the only character.
* Url-encode any '&' characters in the path.
* E.g. in "http://server:80/some/path/?param=value" the canonical URI is "/some/path"
* and in "http://server:80" the canonical URI is "/".
* 4. Append the character '&'.
* 5. Compute the canonical query string.
* Sort the query parameters primarily by their percent-encoded names and secondarily by their percent-encoded values.
* Sorting is by codepoint: sort(["a", "A", "b", "B"]) => ["A", "B", "a", "b"].
* For each parameter append its percent-encoded name, the '=' character and then its percent-encoded value.
* In the case of repeated parameters append the ',' character and subsequent percent-encoded values.
* Ignore the JWT query string parameter, if present.
* Some particular values to be aware of: "+" is encoded as "%20",
* "*" as "%2A" and
* "~" as "~".
* (These values used for consistency with OAuth1.)
* An example: for a GET request to the not-yet-percent-encoded URL
* "http://localhost:2990/path/to/service?zee_last=param&repeated=parameter 1&first=param&
* repeated=parameter 2"
* the canonical request is "GET&/path/to/service&first=param&repeated=parameter%201,parameter%202&
* zee_last=param".
* 6. Convert the canonical request string to bytes.
* The encoding used to represent characters as bytes is UTF-8.
* 7. Hash the canonical request bytes using the SHA-256 algorithm.
* E.g. The SHA-256 hash of "foo" is "2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae".
object HttpRequestCanonicalizer {
val QueryStringHashClaimName: String = "qsh"
* When the JWT message is specified in the query string of a URL then this is the parameter name.
* E.g. "jwt" in:
* http://server:80/some/path?otherparam=value&jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsI.eyJleHAiOjEzNzg5NCI6MTM3ODk1MjQ4OH0
* .cDihfcsKW_We_EY21tIs55dVwjU
private val JwtParamName: String = "jwt"
* Query parameter separator as it appears between "value1" and "param2" in the URL
* "http://server/path?param1=value1¶m2=value2".
private val QueryParamsSeparator: Char = '&'
* The character between "a" and "b%20c" in "some_param=a,b%20c"
private val EncodedParamValueSeparator: String = ","
* For separating the method, URI etc in a canonical request string.
private[jwt] val CanonicalRequestPartSeparator: Char = '&'
* Assemble the components of the HTTP request into the correct format so that they can be signed or hashed.
* @param request [[CanonicalHttpRequest]] that provides the necessary components
* @return String encoding the canonical form of this request as required for constructing query string hash values
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException [[UnsupportedEncodingException]] if the [[]] cannot encode the request's field's characters
def canonicalize(request: CanonicalHttpRequest): String =
s"${canonicalizeMethod(request)}$CanonicalRequestPartSeparator" +
s"${canonicalizeUri(request)}$CanonicalRequestPartSeparator" +
* Canonicalize the given [[CanonicalHttpRequest]] and hash it.
* This request hash can be included as a JWT claim to verify that request components are genuine.
* @param request CanonicalHttpRequest to be canonicalized and hashed
* @return String hash suitable for use as a JWT claim value
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the [[]] cannot encode the request's field's characters
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the hashing algorithm does not exist at runtime
def computeCanonicalRequestHash(request: CanonicalHttpRequest): String = {
// prevent the code in this method being repeated in every call site that needs a request hash,
// encapsulate the knowledge of the type of hash that we are using
* Compute the SHA-256 hash of hashInput.
* E.g. The SHA-256 hash of "foo" is "2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae".
* @param hashInput String to be hashed.
* @return String hash
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the hashing algorithm does not exist at runtime
private def computeSha256Hash(hashInput: String): String = {
val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")
val hashInputBytes = hashInput.getBytes
digest.update(hashInputBytes, 0, hashInputBytes.length)
new String(Hex.encode(digest.digest()))
private[jwt] def canonicalizeMethod(request: CanonicalHttpRequest): String =
private[jwt] def canonicalizeUri(request: CanonicalHttpRequest): String = {
val relativeRequestPath = request.relativePath
val pathWithoutTrailingSlash =
if (relativeRequestPath.endsWith("/")) relativeRequestPath.dropRight(1)
val path =
if (pathWithoutTrailingSlash.isEmpty) "/" else pathWithoutTrailingSlash
val separatorAsString = CanonicalRequestPartSeparator.toString
// If the separator is not URL encoded then the following URLs have the same query-string-hash:
val encodedPath =
path.replaceAll(separatorAsString, percentEncode(separatorAsString))
if (encodedPath.startsWith("/")) encodedPath else s"/$encodedPath"
private[jwt] def canonicalizeQueryParameters(
request: CanonicalHttpRequest): String = {
(request.parameterMap - JwtParamName).toSeq
.sortBy {
case (key, values) =>
s"${percentEncode(key)} ${percentEncode(values.mkString(","))}"
.map((percentEncodePair _).tupled)
* Construct a form-urlencoded document from the given name/parameter pair.
private def percentEncodePair(key: String, values: Seq[String]): String = {
val encKey = percentEncode(key)
val encVal =
* Encode value using URLEncoder.encode() but encode some characters differently to URLEncoder, to match OAuth1
* and VisualVault.
* @param value String to be percent-encoded
* @return encoded Encoded result string
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if URLEncoder does not support UTF-8
private def percentEncode(value: String): String =
.encode(value, "UTF-8")
.replace("+", "%20")
.replace("*", "%2A")
.replace("%7E", "~")