io.toolsplus.atlassian.jwt.JwtParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.toolsplus.atlassian.jwt
import cats.syntax.either._
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSObject
import com.nimbusds.jwt._
import net.minidev.json.JSONObject
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object JwtParser {
final def parse(input: String): Either[ParsingFailure, Jwt] =
for {
jwsObject <- parseJWSObject(input)
claims <- parseJWTClaimsSet(jwsObject.getPayload.toJSONObject)
} yield Jwt(jwsObject, claims)
final def parseJWSObject(input: String): Either[ParsingFailure, JWSObject] = {
Try(JWSObject.parse(input)) match {
case Success(jwsObject) => Right(jwsObject)
case Failure(exception) =>
val message = Option(exception.getMessage).getOrElse("Parsing JWS object failed")
Left(ParsingFailure(message, exception))
final def parseJWTClaimsSet(
json: JSONObject): Either[ParsingFailure, JWTClaimsSet] = {
Try(JWTClaimsSet.parse(json)) match {
case Success(claims) => Right(claims)
case Failure(exception) =>
Left(ParsingFailure(claimParsingFailureDetails(exception), exception))
final def claimParsingFailureDetails(exception: Throwable): String = {
def toClaimName(message: String): String = message
.replace(JwtParser.UnexpectedTypeMessagePrefix, "")
.replaceAll("\"", "")
def failureDetails(claimName: String): String = {
if (JwtParser.NumericClaimNames.contains(claimName))
s"Expecting claim '$claimName' to be numeric but it is a string"
s"Perhaps a claim is of the wrong type (e.g. expecting integer but found string): ${exception.getMessage}"
.map(message => failureDetails(toClaimName(message)))
.getOrElse("Parsing claims failed")
private val UnexpectedTypeMessagePrefix: String =
"Unexpected type of JSON object member with key "
private val NumericClaimNames: Set[String] = Set("exp", "iat", "nbf")