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package io.udash.bootstrap
package form
import com.avsystem.commons._
import com.avsystem.commons.misc.{AbstractCase, AbstractValueEnum, AbstractValueEnumCompanion, EnumCtx}
import io.udash._
import io.udash.bindings.inputs.InputBinding
import io.udash.bindings.modifiers.Binding
import io.udash.bindings.modifiers.Binding.NestedInterceptor
import io.udash.bootstrap.form.UdashForm.{HorizontalLayoutSettings, ValidationTrigger}
import io.udash.bootstrap.utils.BootstrapStyles.ResponsiveBreakpoint
import io.udash.bootstrap.utils.{BootstrapStyles, UdashBootstrapComponent}
import io.udash.css.CssStyle
import io.udash.logging.CrossLogging
import org.scalajs.dom._
import org.scalajs.dom.html.{Form, Input => JSInput}
import scalatags.JsDom.all._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationLong}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
final class UdashForm private(
formStyle: Option[CssStyle],
inputValidationTrigger: ValidationTrigger,
selectValidationTrigger: ValidationTrigger,
override val componentId: ComponentId
)(content: FormElementsFactory => Modifier)
extends UdashBootstrapComponent with Listenable with CrossLogging {
import io.udash.css.CssView._
override type EventType = UdashForm.FormEvent
private[form] val validationProperties: MSet[Property[Option[ValidationResult]]] = MSet.empty
def clearValidationResults(): Unit = {
override val render: Form =
onsubmit :+= { (_: Event) => fire(new UdashForm.FormEvent(this, UdashForm.FormEvent.EventType.Submit)); true },
content(new FormElementsFactory(nestedInterceptor, inputValidationTrigger, selectValidationTrigger, this))
object UdashForm {
final case class FormEvent(override val source: UdashForm, tpe: FormEvent.EventType)
extends AbstractCase with ListenableEvent
object FormEvent {
final class EventType(implicit enumCtx: EnumCtx) extends AbstractValueEnum
object EventType extends AbstractValueEnumCompanion[EventType] {
/** Fired on the form submit. */
final val Submit: Value = new EventType
/** Decides when the provided property will be validated in order to highlight the input. */
final class ValidationTrigger(implicit enumCtx: EnumCtx) extends AbstractValueEnum
object ValidationTrigger extends AbstractValueEnumCompanion[ValidationTrigger] {
/** The validation is disabled. */
final val None: Value = new ValidationTrigger
/** The validation will be triggered on initialization and will be retriggered on each property value change. */
final val Instant: Value = new ValidationTrigger
/** The validation will be triggered on each value change. */
final val OnChange: Value = new ValidationTrigger
/** The validation will be triggered on `blur` event on the input. */
final val OnBlur: Value = new ValidationTrigger
/** The validation will be triggered on the form `submit` event.
* Notice that the validation won't block the form submit. */
final val OnSubmit: Value = new ValidationTrigger
/** Settings for the horizontal form layout.
* More: Bootstrap Docs.
* @param labelWidth Width of the label column.
* @param inputWidth Width of the input column.
* @param breakpoint Breakpoint of the form's grid.
* @param labelSize Size of the label text.
final case class HorizontalLayoutSettings(
labelWidth: Int = 4,
inputWidth: Int = 8,
breakpoint: ResponsiveBreakpoint = ResponsiveBreakpoint.Medium,
labelSize: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None
) extends AbstractCase
* Creates a standard form with a provided content.
* Example:
* More: Bootstrap Docs.
* @param inline If true, creates an inline form.
* @param inputValidationTrigger Default validation trigger for text inputs in this form.
* @param selectValidationTrigger Default validation trigger for selectors like checkboxes or select inputs.
* @param componentId An id of the root DOM node.
* @param content A factory of the form elements. All elements created with the factory will be cleaned up on the form cleanup.
* @return A `UdashForm` component, call `render` to create a DOM element.
def apply(
inline: Boolean = false,
inputValidationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = ValidationTrigger.OnBlur,
selectValidationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = ValidationTrigger.OnChange,
componentId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
)(content: FormElementsFactory => Modifier): UdashForm = {
new UdashForm(
Some(BootstrapStyles.Form.inline).filter(_ => inline),
inputValidationTrigger, selectValidationTrigger, componentId
final class FormElementsFactory(
factoryNestedInterceptor: Binding.NestedInterceptor,
inputValidationTrigger: ValidationTrigger,
selectValidationTrigger: ValidationTrigger,
form: OptArg[UdashForm] = OptArg.Empty
) extends CrossLogging {
import io.udash.css.CssView._
/** Use this method to bond the external binding's lifecycle with the lifecycle of the elements created via this factory. */
def externalBinding[T <: Binding](binding: T): T = {
* Wrapper for disabled elements.
* @param disabled Property indicating if elements are disabled. You can change it anytime.
def disabled(disabled: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.True)(
content: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier
): Modifier = {
factoryNestedInterceptor((scalatags.JsDom.attrs.disabled := "disabled").attrIf(disabled))
/** Provides input elements factory methods. */
object input {
* Creates a standard form group for the provided input. It contains a label and validation feedback elements.
* The group layout can be organized vertically or horizontally based on the provided options.
* You can wrap the result into grid elements in order to create more complex form layout.
* @param horizontal Optional settings for a horizontal layout. If `None`, the layout will be organized vertically.
* @param groupId Id of the root element.
* @param input The input element. It can be wrapped into `UdashInputGroup` or any other decoration.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param labelContent Optional label content.
* It will be wrapped into `label` element with properly set `for` attribute.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validFeedback Optional content of positive validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `valid-feedback` style.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param invalidFeedback Optional content of negative validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `invalid-feedback` style.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param helpText Optional content of help text block.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `form-text text-muted` style.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
def formGroup(
horizontal: Option[HorizontalLayoutSettings] = None,
groupId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
input: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Element,
labelContent: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validFeedback: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
invalidFeedback: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
helpText: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new UdashBootstrapComponent {
override val render: Element = horizontal match {
case None =>
val inputEl = input(nestedInterceptor)
div(, groupId)( => label(`for` :=,
inputEl, => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.validFeedback)(content(nestedInterceptor))), => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.invalidFeedback)(content(nestedInterceptor))), => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.text, BootstrapStyles.Text.muted)(content(nestedInterceptor)))
case Some(HorizontalLayoutSettings(labelWidth, inputWidth, breakpoint, labelSize)) =>
val inputEl = input(nestedInterceptor)
div(, BootstrapStyles.Grid.row, groupId)(
div(BootstrapStyles.Grid.col(labelWidth, breakpoint))( { content =>
label(`for` :=, (BootstrapStyles.Form.colFormLabelSize _).reactiveOptionApply(labelSize))(
div(BootstrapStyles.Grid.col(inputWidth, breakpoint))(
inputEl, => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.validFeedback)(content(nestedInterceptor))), => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.invalidFeedback)(content(nestedInterceptor)))
override val componentId: ComponentId = groupId
* Creates a text input with a default bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* Use `formGroup` if you want to create an input with a label and validation feedback elements.
* @param property Property which will be synchronised with the input content and validated.
* @param debounce Property update timeout after input changes.
* @param size Size of the input.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided text property
def textInput(
property: Property[String],
debounce: Duration = 20 millis,
size: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = inputValidationTrigger,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[String] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new InputComponent(
TextInput(property, debounce)(
validationModifier(property, validationTrigger, factoryNestedInterceptor)(validator),
(BootstrapStyles.Form.size _).reactiveOptionApply(size)
), inputId
* Creates a password input with a default bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* Use `formGroup` if you want to create an input with a label and validation feedback elements.
* @param property Property which will be synchronised with the input content and validated.
* @param debounce Property update timeout after input changes.
* @param size Size of the input.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided password property
def passwordInput(
property: Property[String],
debounce: Duration = 20 millis,
size: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = inputValidationTrigger,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[String] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new InputComponent(
PasswordInput(property, debounce)(
validationModifier(property, validationTrigger, factoryNestedInterceptor)(validator),
(BootstrapStyles.Form.size _).reactiveOptionApply(size)
), inputId
* Creates a number input with a default bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* Use `formGroup` if you want to create an input with a label and validation feedback elements.
* @param property Property which will be synchronised with the input content and validated.
* @param debounce Property update timeout after input changes.
* @param size Size of the input.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided number property
def numberInput(
property: Property[Double],
debounce: Duration = 20 millis,
size: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = inputValidationTrigger,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[Double] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new InputComponent(
NumberInput(property.bitransform(_.toString)(_.toDouble), debounce)(
validationModifier(property, validationTrigger, factoryNestedInterceptor)(validator),
(BootstrapStyles.Form.size _).reactiveOptionApply(size)
), inputId
* Creates a range input with a custom bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* Use `formGroup` if you want to create an input with a label and validation feedback elements.
* @param value Current value synchronised with the input.
* The value should be between `minValue` and `maxValue`. It should be also divisible by `valueStep`.
* @param minValue The minimum value for this input, which must not be greater than its maximum (`maxValue` attribute) value.
* @param maxValue The maximum value for the input. Must not be less than its minimum (`minValue` attribute) value.
* @param valueStep Limit the increments at which a numeric value can be set.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided value property
def rangeInput(
value: Property[Double],
minValue: ReadableProperty[Double] = 0d.toProperty,
maxValue: ReadableProperty[Double] = 100d.toProperty,
valueStep: ReadableProperty[Double] = 1d.toProperty,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = selectValidationTrigger,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[Double] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new InputComponent(
RangeInput(value, minValue, maxValue, valueStep)(
validationModifier(value, validationTrigger, factoryNestedInterceptor)(validator)
), inputId
* Creates a text area with a default bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* Use `formGroup` if you want to create an input with a label and validation feedback elements.
* @param property Property which will be synchronised with the input content and validated.
* @param debounce Property update timeout after input changes.
* @param size Size of the input.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided text property
def textArea(
property: Property[String],
debounce: Duration = 20 millis,
size: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = inputValidationTrigger,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[String] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new InputComponent(
TextArea(property, debounce)(
validationModifier(property, validationTrigger, factoryNestedInterceptor)(validator),
(BootstrapStyles.Form.size _).reactiveOptionApply(size)
), inputId
* Creates a file input with a default bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* It creates the whole input compoennt including a label and validation feedback.
* @param selectedFiles This property contains information about files selected by a user.
* @param acceptMultipleFiles Accepts more than one file if true.
* @param size Size of the input.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param inputName Input element name.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param labelContent Required label content.
* It will be wrapped into `label` element with properly set `for` attribute.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validFeedback Optional content of positive validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `valid-feedback` style.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param invalidFeedback Optional content of negative validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `invalid-feedback` style.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided files property
def fileInput(
selectedFiles: SeqProperty[File],
acceptMultipleFiles: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
size: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = inputValidationTrigger,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputName: String,
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
labelContent: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier = _ => "",
validFeedback: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
invalidFeedback: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[BSeq[File]] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new UdashBootstrapComponent {
private val input = FileInput(selectedFiles, acceptMultipleFiles)(
validationModifier(selectedFiles, validationTrigger, nestedInterceptor)(validator),
(BootstrapStyles.Form.size _).reactiveOptionApply(size)
override val componentId: ComponentId = inputId
override val render: Element = div(BootstrapStyles.Form.customFile)(
label(`for` := inputId, BootstrapStyles.Form.customFileLabel)(labelContent(nestedInterceptor)), => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.validFeedback)(content(nestedInterceptor))), => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.invalidFeedback)(content(nestedInterceptor)))
* Creates a select menu with a default bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* Use `formGroup` if you want to create an input with a label and validation feedback elements.
* @param selectedItem Property containing selected element.
* @param options SeqProperty of available options.
* @param size Size of the input.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param itemLabel Provides options' labels.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided item property
def select[T](
selectedItem: Property[T],
options: ReadableSeqProperty[T],
size: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = selectValidationTrigger,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
itemLabel: T => Modifier,
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[T] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new InputComponent(
Select(selectedItem, options)(
validationModifier(selectedItem, validationTrigger, factoryNestedInterceptor)(validator),
factoryNestedInterceptor((BootstrapStyles.Form.size _).reactiveOptionApply(size))
), inputId
* Creates a multiple select menu with a default bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* Use `formGroup` if you want to create an input with a label and validation feedback elements.
* @param selectedItems Property containing selected elements.
* @param options SeqProperty of available options.
* @param size Size of the input.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param itemLabel Provides options' labels.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided items property
def multiSelect[T, ElemType <: Property[T]](
selectedItems: seq.SeqProperty[T, ElemType],
options: ReadableSeqProperty[T],
size: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = selectValidationTrigger,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
itemLabel: T => Modifier,
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[BSeq[T]] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new InputComponent(
Select(selectedItems, options)(
validationModifier(selectedItems, validationTrigger, factoryNestedInterceptor)(validator),
factoryNestedInterceptor((BootstrapStyles.Form.size _).reactiveOptionApply(size))
), inputId
* Creates a checkbox with a custom bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* It also creates a label and validation feedback elements for the checkbox.
* @param property Property which will be synchronised with the checkbox state and validated.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param inputId Id of the input DOM element.
* @param groupId Id of the root element.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param labelContent Optional label content.
* It will be wrapped into `label` element with properly set `for` attribute.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validFeedback Optional content of positive validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `valid-feedback` style.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param invalidFeedback Optional content of negative validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `invalid-feedback` style.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided checkbox state property
def checkbox(
property: Property[Boolean],
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = selectValidationTrigger,
inline: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
inputId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate(),
groupId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputModifier: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
labelContent: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validFeedback: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
invalidFeedback: Option[Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier] = None,
validator: Validator[Boolean] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new UdashBootstrapComponent {
private val input = nestedInterceptor(Checkbox(property)(
validationModifier(property, validationTrigger, nestedInterceptor)(validator)
override val componentId: ComponentId = groupId
override val render: Element = div(
groupId, BootstrapStyles.Form.customControl, BootstrapStyles.Form.customCheckbox,
label(`for` := inputId, BootstrapStyles.Form.customControlLabel)("\u00a0"))
), => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.validFeedback)(content(nestedInterceptor))), => div(BootstrapStyles.Form.invalidFeedback)(content(nestedInterceptor)))
* Creates a checkboxes with a custom bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* It also creates a label and validation feedback elements for each checkbox.
* @param selectedItems Property which will be synchronised with the checkbox state and validated.
* @param options Seq of available options, one checkbox will be created for each option.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param groupId Id of the root element.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* The factory takes item value and index as the arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param labelContent Optional label content.
* It will be wrapped into `label` element with properly set `for` attribute.
* The factory takes item value and index as the arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validFeedback Optional content of positive validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `valid-feedback` style.
* The factory takes item value and index as the arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param invalidFeedback Optional content of negative validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `invalid-feedback` style.
* The factory takes item value and index as the arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided checkbox states property
def checkButtons[T](
selectedItems: seq.SeqProperty[T, _ <: ReadableProperty[T]],
options: ReadableSeqProperty[T],
inline: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = selectValidationTrigger,
groupId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputModifier: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier] = (_: T, _: Int, _: Binding.NestedInterceptor) => None,
labelContent: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier] = (_: T, _: Int, _: Binding.NestedInterceptor) => None,
validFeedback: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier] = (_: T, _: Int, _: Binding.NestedInterceptor) => None,
invalidFeedback: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier] = (_: T, _: Int, _: Binding.NestedInterceptor) => None,
validator: Validator[BSeq[T]] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new ButtonsComponent(
selectedItems, CheckButtons(selectedItems, options)(_: Seq[(JSInput, T)] => Seq[Node]),
BootstrapStyles.Form.customCheckbox, inline, validationTrigger, groupId
)(inputModifier, labelContent, validFeedback, invalidFeedback, validator))
* Creates radio buttons with a custom bootstrap styling and an optional validation callback which sets
* proper bootstrap classes: `is-valid` and `is-invalid`.
* It also creates a label and validation feedback elements for each radio button.
* @param selectedItem Property which will be synchronised with the radio state and validated.
* @param options Seq of available options, one button will be created for each option.
* @param validationTrigger Selects the event updating validation state of the input.
* @param groupId Id of the root element.
* @param inputModifier Modifiers applied directly to the `input` element.
* The factory takes item value and index as the arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param labelContent Optional label content.
* It will be wrapped into `label` element with properly set `for` attribute.
* The factory takes item value and index as the arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validFeedback Optional content of positive validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `valid-feedback` style.
* The factory takes item value and index as the arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param invalidFeedback Optional content of negative validation feedback.
* It will be wrapped into `div` element with `invalid-feedback` style.
* The factory takes item value and index as the arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param validator Validator for provided item selection property
def radioButtons[T](
selectedItem: Property[T],
options: ReadableSeqProperty[T],
inline: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.False,
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = selectValidationTrigger,
groupId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
inputModifier: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier] = (_: T, _: Int, _: Binding.NestedInterceptor) => None,
labelContent: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier] = (_: T, _: Int, _: Binding.NestedInterceptor) => None,
validFeedback: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier] = (_: T, _: Int, _: Binding.NestedInterceptor) => None,
invalidFeedback: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier] = (_: T, _: Int, _: Binding.NestedInterceptor) => None,
validator: Validator[T] = Validator.Default
): UdashBootstrapComponent = {
externalBinding(new ButtonsComponent(
selectedItem, RadioButtons(selectedItem, options)(_: Seq[(JSInput, T)] => Seq[Node]),
BootstrapStyles.Form.customRadio, inline, validationTrigger, groupId
)(inputModifier, labelContent, validFeedback, invalidFeedback, validator))
private class InputComponent(in: InputBinding[_ <: Element], inputId: ComponentId) extends UdashBootstrapComponent {
private val input: InputBinding[_ <: Element] = nestedInterceptor(in)
override val componentId: ComponentId = inputId
override val render: Element = input.render
private class ButtonsComponent[T, SelectedType](
selected: Property[SelectedType],
input: (Seq[(JSInput, T)] => Seq[Node]) => InputBinding[_ <: Element],
inputDecorationClass: CssStyle,
inline: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger,
groupId: ComponentId
inputModifier: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier],
labelContent: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier],
validFeedback: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier],
invalidFeedback: (T, Int, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Option[Modifier],
validator: Validator[SelectedType]
) extends UdashBootstrapComponent {
private val inputs = nestedInterceptor(input { inputs =>
val groupValidationTrigger = Some(Property(0)) { case ((singleInput, item), idx) =>
inputModifier(item, idx, nestedInterceptor),
validationModifier(selected, validationTrigger, nestedInterceptor, groupValidationTrigger)(validator)
BootstrapStyles.Form.customControl, inputDecorationClass,
labelContent(item, idx, nestedInterceptor).map(label(`for` :=, BootstrapStyles.Form.customControlLabel)(_)),
validFeedback(item, idx, nestedInterceptor).map(div(BootstrapStyles.Form.validFeedback)(_)),
invalidFeedback(item, idx, nestedInterceptor).map(div(BootstrapStyles.Form.invalidFeedback)(_))
override val componentId: ComponentId = groupId
override val render: Element = div(groupId, inputs.render).render
private def validationModifier[ArgumentType](
property: ReadableProperty[ArgumentType], validationTrigger: ValidationTrigger, nested: Binding.NestedInterceptor,
groupValidationTrigger: Option[Property[Int]] = None // value change on this property should trigger validation
)(validator: Validator[ArgumentType]): Modifier = {
def groupTrigger(startValidation: () => Any) = new Binding {
override def applyTo(t: Element): Unit = {
groupValidationTrigger.foreach { p =>
propertyListeners += p.listen { _ =>
def startValidation(validationResult: Property[Option[ValidationResult]], triggerGroup: Boolean): Unit = {
if (triggerGroup) groupValidationTrigger.foreach { p => p.set(p.get + 1) }
validator(property.get).onComplete {
case Success(r) => validationResult.set(Some(r))
case Failure(ex) =>
logger.error("Validation failed.", ex)
def eventBasedModifiers(validationResult: Property[Option[ValidationResult]]): Modifier = Seq(
nested(BootstrapStyles.Form.isInvalid.styleIf(validationResult.transform(v => v.isDefined && !v.contains(Valid)))),
nested(groupTrigger(() => startValidation(validationResult, triggerGroup = false))),
nested(new Binding {
override def applyTo(t: Element): Unit =
form.foreach(_.validationProperties += validationResult)
override def kill(): Unit = {
form.foreach(_.validationProperties -= validationResult)
validationTrigger match {
case ValidationTrigger.None => Seq.empty[Modifier]
case ValidationTrigger.Instant =>
val validationResult = Property[Option[ValidationResult]](None)
nested(new Binding {
override def applyTo(t: Element): Unit = {
propertyListeners += property.listen({ _ =>
startValidation(validationResult, triggerGroup = true)
}, initUpdate = true)
form.foreach(_.validationProperties += validationResult)
override def kill(): Unit = {
form.foreach(_.validationProperties -= validationResult)
nested(BootstrapStyles.Form.isInvalid.styleIf(validationResult.transform(v => v.isDefined && !v.contains(Valid))))
case ValidationTrigger.OnBlur =>
val validationResult = Property[Option[ValidationResult]](None)
onblur :+= { (_: Event) =>
startValidation(validationResult, triggerGroup = true)
case ValidationTrigger.OnChange =>
val validationResult = Property[Option[ValidationResult]](None)
nested(new Binding {
override def applyTo(t: Element): Unit = {
propertyListeners += property.listen { _ =>
startValidation(validationResult, triggerGroup = true)
case ValidationTrigger.OnSubmit =>
val validationResult = Property[Option[ValidationResult]](None)
nested(new Binding {
override def applyTo(t: Element): Unit = {
propertyListeners ++= {
case ev: UdashForm.FormEvent if ev.tpe == UdashForm.FormEvent.EventType.Submit =>
startValidation(validationResult, triggerGroup = true)
/** Provides grid elements factory methods. */
object grid {
def row(content: Modifier*): Modifier =
def formRow(content: Modifier*): Modifier =
def col(content: Modifier*): Modifier =
def col(size: Int, breakpoint: ResponsiveBreakpoint = ResponsiveBreakpoint.All)(content: Modifier*): Modifier =
div(BootstrapStyles.Grid.col(size, breakpoint))(content)
object FormElementsFactory {
def apply(
nestedInterceptor: NestedInterceptor = NestedInterceptor.Identity,
inputValidationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = ValidationTrigger.None,
selectValidationTrigger: ValidationTrigger = ValidationTrigger.None,
form: OptArg[UdashForm] = OptArg.Empty
): FormElementsFactory = new FormElementsFactory(nestedInterceptor, inputValidationTrigger, selectValidationTrigger, form)