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io.udash.bootstrap.pagination.UdashPagination.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.udash.bootstrap
package pagination
import com.avsystem.commons.misc.{AbstractValueEnum, EnumCtx, ValueEnumCompanion}
import io.udash._
import io.udash.bindings.modifiers.Binding
import io.udash.bootstrap.utils.{BootstrapStyles, UdashBootstrapComponent}
import org.scalajs.dom.{Element, Event}
import scalatags.JsDom.all._
final class UdashPagination[PageType, ElemType <: ReadableProperty[PageType]] private(
pages: seq.ReadableSeqProperty[PageType, ElemType],
selectedPageIdx: Property[Int],
paginationSize: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]],
showArrows: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
highlightActive: ReadableProperty[Boolean],
override val componentId: ComponentId
itemFactory: (ElemType, ReadableProperty[Int], Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Modifier,
arrowFactory: (ElemType, UdashPagination.ArrowType, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Modifier,
additionalListModifiers: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier
) extends UdashBootstrapComponent {
import io.udash.css.CssView._
// keep track of pages sequence changes and update selected page
propertyListeners += pages.listenStructure { patch =>
if (patch.idx <= selectedPageIdx.get && patch.idx + patch.removed.size > selectedPageIdx.get) {
selectedPageIdx.set(math.min(patch.idx, pages.size - 1))
} else if (patch.idx <= selectedPageIdx.get && patch.idx + patch.removed.size <= selectedPageIdx.get) {
selectedPageIdx.set(selectedPageIdx.get - patch.removed.size + patch.added.size)
val selectedPage: ReadableProperty[PageType] = {
selectedPageIdx.combine(pages)((idx, pages) => pages(idx))
/** Safely set selected page to the provided index.
* It will select first/last index if the provided value is out of bounds. */
def changePage(pageIdx: Int): Unit = {
selectedPageIdx.set(math.min(pages.get.size - 1, math.max(0, pageIdx)))
/** Safely selects the next page. */
def next(): Unit = changePage(selectedPageIdx.get + 1)
/** Safely selects the previous page. */
def previous(): Unit = changePage(selectedPageIdx.get - 1)
override val render: Element = {
import scalatags.JsDom.tags2
componentId, BootstrapStyles.Pagination.pagination,
nestedInterceptor((BootstrapStyles.Pagination.size _).reactiveOptionApply(paginationSize)),
arrow((idx, _) => idx <= 0, previous _, UdashPagination.ArrowType.PreviousPage)
repeatWithIndex(pages) { (page, idx, nested) =>
selectedPageIdx.combine(idx)(_ == _).combine(highlightActive)(_ && _)
itemFactory(page, idx, nested)
)(onclick :+= ((_: Event) => changePage(idx.get))).render
arrow((idx, size) => idx >= size - 1, next _, UdashPagination.ArrowType.NextPage)
protected def arrow(highlightCond: (Int, Int) => Boolean, onClick: () => Any, buttonType: UdashPagination.ArrowType): Binding = {
import scalatags.JsDom.all._
produceWithNested(showArrows) {
case (true, nested) =>
val elements = pages.elemProperties
selectedPageIdx.combine(pages)((selected, pages) => highlightCond(selected, pages.size))
nested(produceWithNested(selectedPageIdx) { (idx, nested) =>
arrowFactory(elements(math.min(elements.size - 1, idx + 1)), buttonType, nested)
)(onclick :+= ((_: Event) => { onClick(); false })).render
case (false, _) =>
object UdashPagination {
import scalatags.JsDom.all._
final class ArrowType(implicit enumCtx: EnumCtx) extends AbstractValueEnum
object ArrowType extends ValueEnumCompanion[ArrowType] {
final val PreviousPage, NextPage: Value = new ArrowType
/** Creates label based on actual page idx. */
def defaultPageFactory[ElemType]: (ElemType, ReadableProperty[Int], Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Modifier =
(_, idx, nested) => span(nested(bind(idx.transform(_ + 1))))
* Creates standard arrows.
* @param srTexts Optional properties for previous and next arrows aria.label texts.
def defaultArrowFactory[ElemType](
srTexts: Option[(ReadableProperty[String], ReadableProperty[String])] = None
): (ElemType, UdashPagination.ArrowType, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Modifier =
(_, arrowType, _) =>
if (arrowType == UdashPagination.ArrowType.PreviousPage)
span(aria.label.bind("Previous".toProperty)))(span(aria.hidden := true)("«"))
span(aria.label.bind("Next".toProperty)))(span(aria.hidden := true)("»"))
* Creates pagination component.
* More: Bootstrap Docs .
* @param pages Sequence of available pages.
* @param selectedPageIdx A property containing selected page index.
* @param paginationSize A pagination component size.
* @param showArrows If property value is true, shows next/prev page arrows.
* @param highlightActive If property value is true, highlights selected page.
* @param componentId An id of the root DOM node.
* @param itemFactory Creates button for each element in `pages`.
* The factory gets an element property and index as arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param arrowFactory Creates button for the pagination arrows.
* The factory gets an element property and arrow type as arguments.
* Use the provided interceptor to properly clean up bindings inside the content.
* @param additionalListModifiers Additional modifiers of the `ul` element.
* You can pass `BootstrapStyles.Flex.justifyContentCenter()`
* here to center the pagination component.
* @tparam PageType A single element's type in the `items` sequence.
* @tparam ElemType A type of a property containing an element in the `items` sequence.
* @return A `UdashPagination` component, call `render` to create a DOM element.
def apply[PageType, ElemType <: ReadableProperty[PageType]](
pages: seq.ReadableSeqProperty[PageType, ElemType],
selectedPageIdx: Property[Int],
paginationSize: ReadableProperty[Option[BootstrapStyles.Size]] = UdashBootstrap.None,
showArrows: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.True,
highlightActive: ReadableProperty[Boolean] = UdashBootstrap.True,
componentId: ComponentId = ComponentId.generate()
itemFactory: (ElemType, ReadableProperty[Int], Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Modifier = defaultPageFactory,
arrowFactory: (ElemType, UdashPagination.ArrowType, Binding.NestedInterceptor) => Modifier = defaultArrowFactory(),
additionalListModifiers: Binding.NestedInterceptor => Modifier = _ => ()
): UdashPagination[PageType, ElemType] = {
new UdashPagination(
pages, selectedPageIdx, paginationSize, showArrows, highlightActive, componentId
)(itemFactory, arrowFactory, additionalListModifiers)