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package io.udash
package rest.openapi
package adjusters
import com.avsystem.commons._
import com.avsystem.commons.annotation.NotInheritedFromSealedTypes
import com.avsystem.commons.meta.infer
import com.avsystem.commons.rpc.AsRaw
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
sealed trait Adjuster extends StaticAnnotation
* Base trait for annotations which may adjust [[ Schema]] derived for various symbols
* in REST API traits.
* Schema adjusters may be applied on:
* - Types for which [[ RestStructure]] is macro materialized and
* [[ RestSchema]] derived from it.
* This includes all types with companion extending
* [[ RestDataCompanion]].
* - Fields of case classes for which [[ RestStructure]] is macro materialized.
* - [[ Body]] parameters of REST methods.
* Schema adjusters DO NOT WORK on REST methods themselves and their path/header/query/cookie parameters.
* Instead, use [[ OperationAdjuster]] and
* [[ ParameterAdjuster]].
* Also, be aware that schema adjusters may also be applied on schema references. In such cases, the schema reference
* is wrapped into a [[ Schema]] object with `allOf` property containing the original
* reference. This effectively allows you to extend the referenced schema but you cannot inspect it in the process.
trait SchemaAdjuster extends Adjuster with NotInheritedFromSealedTypes {
def adjustSchema(schema: Schema): Schema
object SchemaAdjuster {
def adjustRef(adjusters: List[SchemaAdjuster], schema: RefOr[Schema]): RefOr[Schema] =
if (adjusters.nonEmpty) => adjusters.foldRight(s)(_ adjustSchema _))
else schema
* Base trait for annotation which may adjust [[ Parameter]] generated for path,
* query or header parameters
* of REST RPC methods.
trait ParameterAdjuster extends Adjuster {
def adjustParameter(parameter: Parameter): Parameter
* A [[ SchemaAdjuster]] which can also be applied on a (non-body)
* parameter to affect its schema.
trait ParameterSchemaAdjuster extends ParameterAdjuster { this: SchemaAdjuster =>
final def adjustParameter(parameter: Parameter): Parameter =
parameter.schema.fold(parameter)(s => parameter.copy(schema =
* Base trait for annotations which may adjust [[ Operation]] generated for REST HTTP methods.
* Operation adjusters may also be specified on prefix methods - they will be applied to all operations
* generated for the result of this prefix method.
trait OperationAdjuster extends Adjuster {
def adjustOperation(operation: Operation): Operation
* Base trait for annotations which may adjust [[ PathItem]] generated for REST HTTP methods.
* Path item adjusters may also be specified on prefix methods - they will be applied to all path items
* generated for the result this prefix method.
trait PathItemAdjuster extends Adjuster {
def adjustPathItem(pathItem: PathItem): PathItem
* Convenience implementation of [[ OperationAdjuster]] for adjusting
* [[ RequestBody]] of an operation.
* Request body adjuster is only be applied if [[ Operation]] has
* [[ RequestBody]] defined and it's not a
* reference.
trait RequestBodyAdjuster extends OperationAdjuster {
final def adjustOperation(operation: Operation): Operation =
operation.requestBody match {
case OptArg(RefOr.Value(requestBody)) =>
operation.copy(requestBody = RefOr(adjustRequestBody(requestBody)))
case _ => operation
def adjustRequestBody(requestBody: RequestBody): RequestBody
* Convenience implementation of [[ OperationAdjuster]] for adjusting
* [[ Response]] associated with `200 OK`
* status code (this may be changed by overriding `statusCode` method).
* Default response adjuster is only applied if [[ Responses]] contains a
* [[ Response]] defined for
* `200 OK` and it's not a reference.
trait SuccessfulResponseAdjuster extends OperationAdjuster {
def statusCode: Int = 200
final def adjustOperation(operation: Operation): Operation =
operation.responses |> { resps =>
resps.byStatusCode.getOpt(statusCode) match {
case Opt(RefOr.Value(resp)) =>
operation.copy(responses = resps.copy(
byStatusCode = resps.byStatusCode.updated(statusCode, RefOr(adjustResponse(resp)))
case _ => operation
def adjustResponse(response: Response): Response
/** Convenience implementation of [[ SchemaAdjuster]] */
class adjustSchema(f: Schema => Schema) extends SchemaAdjuster {
def adjustSchema(value: Schema): Schema = f(value)
/** Convenience implementation of [[ ParameterAdjuster]] */
class adjustParameter(f: Parameter => Parameter) extends ParameterAdjuster {
def adjustParameter(value: Parameter): Parameter = f(value)
/** Convenience implementation of [[ OperationAdjuster]] */
class adjustOperation(f: Operation => Operation) extends OperationAdjuster {
def adjustOperation(value: Operation): Operation = f(value)
/** Convenience implementation of [[ PathItemAdjuster]] */
class adjustPathItem(f: PathItem => PathItem) extends PathItemAdjuster {
def adjustPathItem(value: PathItem): PathItem = f(value)
* Sets the `title` of a [[ Schema]]. It can be applied on standard
* [[ SchemaAdjuster]] targets and also
* all parameters of REST methods (not just body parameters).
class title(title: String) extends SchemaAdjuster with ParameterSchemaAdjuster {
def adjustSchema(schema: Schema): Schema = schema.copy(title = title)
* Like [[ description]] but changes [[ Schema]]
* description instead of [[ Parameter]] description when applied
* on a (non-body) parameter. It has no effect when applied on a method.
class schemaDescription(desc: String) extends SchemaAdjuster with ParameterSchemaAdjuster {
def adjustSchema(schema: Schema): Schema = schema.copy(description = desc)
* Annotation that specifies description that will be included into generated OpenAPI specification.
* It can be applied on REST methods ([[OperationAdjuster OperationAdjuster]]), path/header/query/cookie parameters
* ([[ ParameterAdjuster]]),
* body parameters ([[ SchemaAdjuster]]), case class fields
* ([[ SchemaAdjuster]]) and ADTs for which
* [[ RestStructure]]
* is macro generated ([[ SchemaAdjuster]]).
class description(desc: String) extends SchemaAdjuster with ParameterAdjuster with OperationAdjuster {
def adjustSchema(schema: Schema): Schema = schema.copy(description = desc)
def adjustParameter(parameter: Parameter): Parameter = parameter.copy(description = desc)
def adjustOperation(operation: Operation): Operation = operation.copy(description = desc)
* Annotation which may be applied on HTTP REST method to specify description for that method's
* [[ RequestBody]].
class bodyDescription(desc: String) extends RequestBodyAdjuster {
def adjustRequestBody(requestBody: RequestBody): RequestBody = requestBody.copy(description = desc)
* Annotation which may be applied on HTTP REST method to specify description for that method's
* [[ Response]] associated with `200 OK` status code.
class responseDescription(desc: String, override val statusCode: Int = 200) extends SuccessfulResponseAdjuster {
def adjustResponse(response: Response): Response = response.copy(description = desc)
* Annotation which may be applied on HTTP REST method to specify description for
* [[ PathItem]] associated with that method's path.
class pathDescription(desc: String) extends PathItemAdjuster {
def adjustPathItem(pathItem: PathItem): PathItem = pathItem.copy(description = desc)
* Annotation which may be applied on HTTP REST method to specify summary for
* [[ Operation]] generated for that method.
class summary(summary: String) extends OperationAdjuster {
def adjustOperation(operation: Operation): Operation = operation.copy(summary = summary)
* Annotation which may be applied on HTTP REST method to specify summary for
* [[ PathItem]] associated with that method's path.
class pathSummary(summary: String) extends PathItemAdjuster {
def adjustPathItem(pathItem: PathItem): PathItem = pathItem.copy(summary = summary)
* Adds example to [[ Schema]] or [[ Parameter]] object
class example[+T](value: T, @infer asJson: AsRaw[JsonValue, T] = infer.value)
extends SchemaAdjuster with ParameterAdjuster {
def adjustSchema(schema: Schema): Schema =
schema.copy(example = asJson.asRaw(value))
def adjustParameter(parameter: Parameter): Parameter =
parameter.copy(example = asJson.asRaw(value))
* Can be applied on REST method parameters, case class parameters and REST types themselves to include
* `"nullable": true` property into their OpenAPI Schema.
class nullable extends SchemaAdjuster with ParameterSchemaAdjuster {
def adjustSchema(schema: Schema): Schema = schema.copy(nullable = true)
* Allows setting custom `operationId` for [[ Operation]] objects generated
* for REST HTTP methods.
* By default, `operationId` is set to method's `rpcName` which in turn
* defaults to method's regular name. If method is overloaded, method name may be prepended with lowercased
* HTTP method followed by underscore (e.g. "post_")
class operationId(operationId: OptArg[String] = OptArg.Empty) extends OperationAdjuster {
def adjustOperation(operation: Operation): Operation =
operation.copy(operationId = operationId)
* Adds OpenAPI operation tags to an [[ Operation]] object.
class tags(tags: String*) extends OperationAdjuster {
def adjustOperation(operation: Operation): Operation =
operation.copy(tags = operation.tags ++ tags)
* Prefix methods may be annotated with this annotation to specify prefix that will be prepended to
* `operationId` of all [[ Operation]] objects generated for result of that prefix method.
* By default, this prefix is prefix method's name with underscore,
* so this annotation may be used in particular to set empty prefix.
class operationIdPrefix(val prefix: String) extends StaticAnnotation