Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.udash
package rest
package raw
import com.avsystem.commons._
import com.avsystem.commons.meta._
import com.avsystem.commons.rpc._
import io.udash.macros.RestMacros
import monix.eval.{Task, TaskLike}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
@implicitNotFound("RestMetadata for ${T} not found, " +
"is it a valid REST API trait with properly defined companion object?")
final case class RestMetadata[T](
@tagged[Prefix](whenUntagged = new Prefix)
@tagged[NoBody](whenUntagged = new NoBody)
@paramTag[RestParamTag](defaultTag = new Path)
@rpcMethodMetadata prefixMethods: List[PrefixMetadata[_]],
@tagged[NoBody](whenUntagged = new NoBody)
@paramTag[RestParamTag](defaultTag = new Query)
@rpcMethodMetadata httpGetMethods: List[HttpMethodMetadata[_]],
@tagged[BodyMethodTag](whenUntagged = new POST)
@tagged[SomeBodyTag](whenUntagged = new JsonBody)
@paramTag[RestParamTag](defaultTag = new Body)
@rpcMethodMetadata httpBodyMethods: List[HttpMethodMetadata[_]]
) {
val httpMethods: List[HttpMethodMetadata[_]] =
httpGetMethods ++ httpBodyMethods
val prefixesByName: Map[String, PrefixMetadata[_]] =
val httpMethodsByName: Map[String, HttpMethodMetadata[_]] =
private lazy val resolutionTrie = {
val allMethods = (prefixMethods.iterator: Iterator[RestMethodMetadata[_]]) ++ httpMethods.iterator
new ResolutionTrie( => (m.pathPattern, m)).toList)
private[this] lazy val valid: Unit = {
def ensureValid(): Unit = valid
private def ensureUniqueParams(prefixes: List[PrefixMetadata[_]]): Unit = {
def ensureUniqueParams(method: RestMethodMetadata[_]): Unit = {
for {
prefix <- prefixes
headerParam <- method.parametersMetadata.headerParams
if prefix.parametersMetadata.headerParamsMap.contains(
} throw new InvalidRestApiException(
s"Header parameter ${} of ${} collides with header parameter of the same " +
s"(case insensitive) name in prefix ${}")
for {
prefix <- prefixes
queryParam <- method.parametersMetadata.queryParams
if prefix.parametersMetadata.queryParamsMap.contains(
} throw new InvalidRestApiException(
s"Query parameter ${} of ${} collides with query parameter of the same " +
s"name in prefix ${}")
for {
prefix <- prefixes
cookieParam <- method.parametersMetadata.cookieParams
if prefix.parametersMetadata.cookieParamsMap.contains(
} throw new InvalidRestApiException(
s"Cookie parameter ${} of ${} collides with cookie parameter of the same " +
s"name in prefix ${}")
prefixMethods.foreach { prefix =>
prefix.result.value.ensureUniqueParams(prefix :: prefixes)
private def ensureUnambiguousPaths(): Unit = {
val trie = new RestMetadata.ValidationTrie
val ambiguities = new MListBuffer[(String, List[String])]
if (ambiguities.nonEmpty) {
val problems = { case (path, chains) =>
s"$path may result from multiple calls:\n ${chains.mkString("\n ")}"
throw new InvalidRestApiException(s"REST API has ambiguous paths:\n${problems.mkString("\n")}")
def resolvePath(path: List[PlainValue]): List[ResolvedCall] =
resolutionTrie.resolvePath(this, Nil, Nil, path).toList
object RestMetadata extends RpcMetadataCompanion[RestMetadata] {
* Materializes [[RestMetadata]] for an arbitrary type rather than a trait.
* Scans all public methods instead of just abstract methods.
def materializeForImpl[Real]: RestMetadata[Real] = macro RestMacros.materializeImplMetadata[Real]
private class ResolutionTrie(methods: List[(List[PathPatternElement], RestMethodMetadata[_])]) {
private val named: Map[PlainValue, ResolutionTrie] = methods.iterator
.collect { case (PathName(pv) :: tail, method) => (pv, (tail, method)) }
.groupToMap(_._1, _._2).iterator
.map { case (pv, submethods) => (pv, new ResolutionTrie(submethods.toList)) }
private val wildcard: Opt[ResolutionTrie] =
methods.collect { case (PathParam(_) :: tail, method) => (tail, method) }
.opt.filter(_.nonEmpty).map(new ResolutionTrie(_))
private val httpMethods: List[HttpMethodMetadata[_]] = methods
.collect { case (Nil, hmm: HttpMethodMetadata[_]) => hmm }
private val prefixes: List[PrefixMetadata[_]] = methods
.collect { case (Nil, pm: PrefixMetadata[_]) => pm }
def resolvePath(
root: RestMetadata[_], prefixCalls: List[PrefixCall], pathParams: List[PlainValue], path: List[PlainValue]
): Iterator[ResolvedCall] = {
val fromPrefixes = prefixes.iterator.flatMap { prefix =>
val prefixCall = PrefixCall(pathParams.reverse, prefix)
prefix.result.value.resolutionTrie.resolvePath(root, prefixCall :: prefixCalls, Nil, path)
val fromSelf = path match {
case Nil => => ResolvedCall(root, prefixCalls.reverse, HttpCall(pathParams.reverse, hm)))
case head :: tail =>
val fromWildcard =
wildcard.iterator.flatMap(_.resolvePath(root, prefixCalls, head :: pathParams, tail))
val fromNamed =
named.getOpt(head).iterator.flatMap(_.resolvePath(root, prefixCalls, pathParams, tail))
fromWildcard ++ fromNamed
fromPrefixes ++ fromSelf
private class ValidationTrie {
val rpcChains: Map[HttpMethod, MBuffer[String]] =
HttpMethod.values.mkMap(identity, _ => new MArrayBuffer[String])
val byName: MMap[String, ValidationTrie] = new MHashMap
var wildcard: Opt[ValidationTrie] = Opt.Empty
def forPattern(pattern: List[PathPatternElement]): ValidationTrie = pattern match {
case Nil => this
case PathName(PlainValue(pathName)) :: tail =>
byName.getOrElseUpdate(pathName, new ValidationTrie).forPattern(tail)
case PathParam(_) :: tail =>
wildcard.getOrElse(new ValidationTrie().setup(t => wildcard = Opt(t))).forPattern(tail)
def fillWith(metadata: RestMetadata[_], prefixStack: List[PrefixMetadata[_]] = Nil): Unit = {
def prefixChain: String ="", "->", "->")
metadata.prefixMethods.foreach { pm =>
if (prefixStack.contains(pm)) {
throw new InvalidRestApiException(
s"call chain $prefixChain${} is recursive, recursively defined server APIs are forbidden")
forPattern(pm.pathPattern).fillWith(pm.result.value, pm :: prefixStack)
metadata.httpMethods.foreach { hm =>
forPattern(hm.pathPattern).rpcChains(hm.method) += s"$prefixChain${}"
private def merge(other: ValidationTrie): Unit = {
HttpMethod.values.foreach { meth =>
rpcChains(meth) ++= other.rpcChains(meth)
for (w <- wildcard; ow <- other.wildcard) w.merge(ow)
wildcard = wildcard orElse other.wildcard
other.byName.foreach { case (name, trie) =>
byName.getOrElseUpdate(name, new ValidationTrie).merge(trie)
def mergeWildcardToNamed(): Unit = wildcard.foreach { wc =>
byName.values.foreach { trie =>
def collectAmbiguousCalls(ambiguities: MBuffer[(String, List[String])], pathPrefix: List[String] = Nil): Unit = {
rpcChains.foreach { case (method, chains) =>
if (chains.size > 1) {
val path = pathPrefix.reverse.mkString(s"$method /", "/", "")
ambiguities += ((path, chains.toList))
wildcard.foreach(_.collectAmbiguousCalls(ambiguities, "*" :: pathPrefix))
byName.foreach { case (name, trie) =>
trie.collectAmbiguousCalls(ambiguities, name :: pathPrefix)
sealed trait PathPatternElement
final case class PathName(value: PlainValue) extends PathPatternElement
final case class PathParam(param: PathParamMetadata[_]) extends PathPatternElement
sealed abstract class RestMethodMetadata[T] extends TypedMetadata[T] {
def name: String
def methodPath: List[PlainValue]
def parametersMetadata: RestParametersMetadata
def requestAdjusters: List[RequestAdjuster]
def responseAdjusters: List[ResponseAdjuster]
val pathPattern: List[PathPatternElement] = ++
parametersMetadata.pathParams.flatMap(pp => PathParam(pp) ::
def applyPathParams(params: List[PlainValue]): List[PlainValue] = {
def loop(params: List[PlainValue], pattern: List[PathPatternElement]): List[PlainValue] =
(params, pattern) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => Nil
case (_, PathName(patternHead) :: patternTail) => patternHead :: loop(params, patternTail)
case (param :: paramsTail, PathParam(_) :: patternTail) => param :: loop(paramsTail, patternTail)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"got ${params.size} path params, expected ${parametersMetadata.pathParams.size}")
loop(params, pathPattern)
def extractPathParams(path: List[PlainValue]): Opt[(List[PlainValue], List[PlainValue])] = {
def loop(path: List[PlainValue], pattern: List[PathPatternElement]): Opt[(List[PlainValue], List[PlainValue])] =
(path, pattern) match {
case (pathTail, Nil) => Opt((Nil, pathTail))
case (param :: pathTail, PathParam(_) :: patternTail) =>
loop(pathTail, patternTail).map { case (params, tail) => (param :: params, tail) }
case (pathHead :: pathTail, PathName(patternHead) :: patternTail) if pathHead == patternHead =>
loop(pathTail, patternTail)
case _ => Opt.Empty
loop(path, pathPattern)
def adjustRequest(request: RestRequest): RestRequest =
requestAdjusters.foldRight(request)(_ adjustRequest _)
def adjustResponse(asyncResponse: Task[RestResponse]): Task[RestResponse] =
if (responseAdjusters.isEmpty) asyncResponse
else => responseAdjusters.foldRight(resp)(_ adjustResponse _))
final case class PrefixMetadata[T](
@reifyName(useRawName = true) name: String,
@reifyAnnot methodTag: Prefix,
@composite parametersMetadata: RestParametersMetadata,
@multi @reifyAnnot requestAdjusters: List[RequestAdjuster],
@multi @reifyAnnot responseAdjusters: List[ResponseAdjuster],
@infer @checked result: RestMetadata.Lazy[T]
) extends RestMethodMetadata[T] {
def methodPath: List[PlainValue] = PlainValue.decodePath(methodTag.path)
final case class HttpMethodMetadata[T](
@reifyName(useRawName = true) name: String,
@reifyAnnot methodTag: HttpMethodTag,
@reifyAnnot bodyTypeTag: BodyTypeTag,
@composite parametersMetadata: RestParametersMetadata,
@multi @tagged[Body] @rpcParamMetadata @allowOptional bodyParams: List[ParamMetadata[_]],
@isAnnotated[FormBody] formBody: Boolean,
@multi @reifyAnnot requestAdjusters: List[RequestAdjuster],
@multi @reifyAnnot responseAdjusters: List[ResponseAdjuster],
@infer @checked responseType: HttpResponseType[T]
) extends RestMethodMetadata[T] {
val method: HttpMethod = methodTag.method
val customBody: Boolean = bodyTypeTag match {
case _: CustomBody => true
case _ => false
def singleBodyParam: Opt[ParamMetadata[_]] =
if (customBody) bodyParams.headOpt else Opt.Empty
def methodPath: List[PlainValue] =
* Typeclass used during [[ RestMetadata]] materialization to determine whether a real method is a valid HTTP
* method. Usually this means that the result must be a type wrapped into something that captures asynchronous
* computation, e.g. `Future`. Because REST framework core tries to be agnostic about this
* asynchronous wrapper (not everyone likes `Future`s), there are no default implicits provided for [[ HttpResponseType]].
* They must be provided externally.
* For example, [[ FutureRestImplicits]] introduces an instance of [[ HttpResponseType]] for `Future[T]`,
* for arbitrary type `T`. For [[ RestMetadata]] materialization this means that every method which returns a
* `Future` is considered a valid HTTP method. [[ FutureRestImplicits]] is injected into materialization of
* [[ RestMetadata]] through one of the base companion classes, e.g. [[ DefaultRestApiCompanion]].
* See `MacroInstances` for more information on injection of implicits.
@implicitNotFound("${T} is not a valid result type of HTTP REST method")
final case class HttpResponseType[T]()
object HttpResponseType {
implicit def asyncEffectResponseType[F[_] : TaskLike, T]: HttpResponseType[F[T]] =
final case class RestParametersMetadata(
@multi @tagged[Path] @rpcParamMetadata pathParams: List[PathParamMetadata[_]],
@multi @tagged[Header] @rpcParamMetadata @allowOptional headerParams: List[ParamMetadata[_]],
@multi @tagged[Query] @rpcParamMetadata @allowOptional queryParams: List[ParamMetadata[_]],
@multi @tagged[Cookie] @rpcParamMetadata @allowOptional cookieParams: List[ParamMetadata[_]]
) {
lazy val headerParamsMap: Map[String, ParamMetadata[_]] =
lazy val queryParamsMap: Map[String, ParamMetadata[_]] =
lazy val cookieParamsMap: Map[String, ParamMetadata[_]] =
final case class ParamMetadata[T](
@reifyName(useRawName = true) name: String
) extends TypedMetadata[T]
final case class PathParamMetadata[T](
@reifyName(useRawName = true) name: String,
@reifyAnnot pathAnnot: Path
) extends TypedMetadata[T] {
val pathSuffix: List[PlainValue] = PlainValue.decodePath(pathAnnot.pathSuffix)