Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.udash
package rest.raw
import com.avsystem.commons._
import com.avsystem.commons.misc.ImplicitNotFound
import com.avsystem.commons.rpc.{AsRaw, AsReal}
import monix.eval.{Task, TaskLike}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
final case class RestResponse(code: Int, headers: IMapping[PlainValue], body: HttpBody) {
def header(name: String, value: String): RestResponse =
copy(headers = headers.append(name, PlainValue(value)))
def isSuccess: Boolean =
code >= 200 && code < 300
def toHttpError: HttpErrorException =
HttpErrorException(code, body)
def ensureNonError: RestResponse =
if (isSuccess) this else throw toHttpError
object RestResponse extends RestResponseLowPrio {
def plain(status: Int, message: OptArg[String] = OptArg.Empty): RestResponse =
RestResponse(status, IMapping.empty, HttpBody.plain(message))
class LazyOps(private val resp: () => RestResponse) extends AnyVal {
def recoverHttpError: RestResponse = try resp() catch {
case e: HttpErrorException => e.toResponse
implicit def lazyOps(resp: => RestResponse): LazyOps = new LazyOps(() => resp)
implicit class TaskOps(private val asyncResp: Task[RestResponse]) extends AnyVal {
def recoverHttpError: Task[RestResponse] =
asyncResp.onErrorRecover {
case e: HttpErrorException => e.toResponse
implicit def taskLikeFromResponseTask[F[_], T](
implicit fromTask: FromTask[F], fromResponse: AsReal[RestResponse, T]
): AsReal[Task[RestResponse], Try[F[T]]] =
rawTask => Success(fromTask.fromTask(
implicit def taskLikeToResponseTask[F[_], T](
implicit taskLike: TaskLike[F], asResponse: AsRaw[RestResponse, T]
): AsRaw[Task[RestResponse], Try[F[T]]] =
_.fold(Task.raiseError, ft => Task.from(ft).map(asResponse.asRaw)).recoverHttpError
// following two implicits provide nice error messages when serialization is lacking for HTTP method result
// while the async wrapper is fine (e.g. Future)
@implicitNotFound("${F}[${T}] is not a valid result type because:\n#{forResponseType}")
implicit def effAsyncAsRealNotFound[F[_], T](implicit
fromAsync: TaskLike[F],
forResponseType: ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[RestResponse, T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[Task[RestResponse], Try[F[T]]]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("${F}[${T}] is not a valid result type because:\n#{forResponseType}")
implicit def effAsyncAsRawNotFound[F[_], T](implicit
toAsync: TaskLike[F],
forResponseType: ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[RestResponse, T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[Task[RestResponse], Try[F[T]]]] = ImplicitNotFound()
// following two implicits provide nice error messages when result type of HTTP method is totally wrong
implicit def asyncAsRealNotFound[T](
implicit forResponseType: ImplicitNotFound[HttpResponseType[T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[Task[RestResponse], Try[T]]] = ImplicitNotFound()
implicit def asyncAsRawNotFound[T](
implicit forResponseType: ImplicitNotFound[HttpResponseType[T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[Task[RestResponse], Try[T]]] = ImplicitNotFound()
trait RestResponseLowPrio { this: RestResponse.type =>
implicit def bodyBasedFromResponse[T](implicit bodyAsReal: AsReal[HttpBody, T]): AsReal[RestResponse, T] =
resp => bodyAsReal.asReal(resp.ensureNonError.body)
implicit def bodyBasedToResponse[T](implicit bodyAsRaw: AsRaw[HttpBody, T]): AsRaw[RestResponse, T] =
value => bodyAsRaw.asRaw(value).defaultResponse.recoverHttpError
// following two implicits forward implicit-not-found error messages for HttpBody as error messages for RestResponse
@implicitNotFound("Cannot deserialize ${T} from RestResponse, because:\n#{forBody}")
implicit def asRealNotFound[T](
implicit forBody: ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[HttpBody, T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsReal[RestResponse, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()
@implicitNotFound("Cannot serialize ${T} into RestResponse, because:\n#{forBody}")
implicit def asRawNotFound[T](
implicit forBody: ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[HttpBody, T]]
): ImplicitNotFound[AsRaw[RestResponse, T]] = ImplicitNotFound()