lson.core_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package nelson
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import nelson.notifications.NotificationSubscriptions
import Manifest._
import cleanup.ExpirationPolicy
final case class Manifest(
units: List[UnitDef],
plans: List[Plan],
loadbalancers: List[Loadbalancer],
namespaces: List[Namespace],
targets: DeploymentTarget,
notifications: NotificationSubscriptions
object Manifest {
trait Versioned
val Versioned = Tag.of[Versioned]
final case class UnitDef(
name: String,
description: String,
dependencies: Map[String, FeatureVersion],
resources: Set[Resource],
alerting: Alerting,
workflow: Workflow[Unit],
ports: Option[Ports],
deployable: Option[Deployable],
meta: Set[String],
// maintained for backwards compatibility (manifest).
// these fields are also defined in the plan.
// if they are absent in the plan then fallback to
// what's defined here, otherwise use a sensible default
schedule: Option[Schedule] = None,
policy: Option[ExpirationPolicy] = None
final case class Plan(
name: String,
environment: Environment
object Plan {
val default = Plan("default", Environment())
final case class Environment(
cpu: Option[Double] = None,
memory: Option[Double] = None,
desiredInstances: Option[Int] = None,
retries: Option[Int] = None,
constraints: List[Constraint] = Nil,
alertOptOuts: List[AlertOptOut] = Nil,
bindings: List[EnvironmentVariable] = Nil,
healthChecks: List[HealthCheck] = Nil,
resources: Map[String, URI] = Map.empty,
schedule: Option[Schedule] = None,
policy: Option[ExpirationPolicy] = None,
trafficShift: Option[TrafficShift] = None,
ephemeralDisk: Option[Int] = None
final case class Namespace(
name: NamespaceName,
units: Set[(UnitRef, Set[PlanRef])], // String references as defined in the actual manifest yaml file
loadbalancers: Set[(LoadbalancerRef, Option[PlanRef])]
final case class Resource(
name: String,
description: Option[String] = None
* Loadbalancers represent the end of the world for nelson. The allow the outside world
* to connect to services deployed by nelson inside a private datacenter. A loadbalancer
* defines a list of routes which it is repsonsible for proxying into the datacenter.
final case class Loadbalancer(
name: String,
routes: Vector[Route],
majorVersion: Option[MajorVersion] = None
* The concept over here is that a loadbalancer has routable units associated
* to it, which form a superset of the "dependency" concept.
* An example of a loadbalanced dependecy would be:
* Route -> BackendDestination("foo", "default")
* This makes *nelson* resolve the most recent stack for `foo` and
* declares that the port exposed by `foo` unit with the reference
* `default` will be the destination for traffic from this proxy config.
* The Route also defines a port which is exposed externally on the loadbalancer
final case class Route(
port: Port,
destination: BackendDestination
) {
def asString: String =
final case class BackendDestination(
name: UnitName,
portReference: String
) {
def asString: String =
sealed trait DeploymentTarget {
def values: Seq[String]
object DeploymentTarget {
// whitelist
final case class Only(values: Seq[String]) extends DeploymentTarget
// blacklist
final case class Except(values: Seq[String]) extends DeploymentTarget
final case class Ports(default: Port, others: List[Port]) {
def nel: NonEmptyList[Port] = NonEmptyList.nel(default, others)
final case class Port(ref: String, port: Int, protocol: String) {
def isDefault: Boolean = ref === Port.defaultRef
def asString = s"$ref->$port/$protocol"
object Port {
val defaultRef: String = "default"
final case class Volume(
mount: String,
source: String,
mode: String // rw, r
final case class AlertOptOut(ref: String)
final case class Alerting(
prometheus: PrometheusConfig
object Alerting {
val empty = Alerting(PrometheusConfig.empty)
final case class PrometheusConfig(
alerts: List[PrometheusAlert],
rules: List[PrometheusRule]
object PrometheusConfig {
val empty = PrometheusConfig(Nil, Nil)
final case class PrometheusAlert(
alert: String,
expression: String
final case class PrometheusRule(
rule: String,
expression: String
final case class Deployable(
name: String,
version: Version,
output: Deployable.Output
object Deployable {
sealed trait Output
final case class Container(image: String) extends Output
sealed trait Constraint {
def fieldName: String
object Constraint {
import scala.util.matching.Regex
final case class Unique(fieldName: String) extends Constraint
final case class Cluster(fieldName: String, param: String) extends Constraint
final case class GroupBy(fieldName: String, param: Option[Int]) extends Constraint
final case class Like(fieldName: String, param: Regex) extends Constraint
final case class Unlike(fieldName: String, param: Regex) extends Constraint
final case class EnvironmentVariable(
name: String,
value: String
) {
override def toString: String =
final case class HealthCheck(
name: String,
portRef: String,
protocol: String,
path: Option[String],
interval: FiniteDuration,
timeout: FiniteDuration
final case class TrafficShift(
policy: TrafficShiftPolicy,
duration: FiniteDuration
final case class Action(
config: ActionConfig,
run: Kleisli[Task, (NelsonConfig, ActionConfig), Unit]
final case class ActionConfig(
datacenter: Datacenter,
namespace: Namespace,
plan: Plan,
hash: String,
notifications: NotificationSubscriptions
def isPeriodic(unit: UnitDef, plan: Plan): Boolean =
unit.schedule.isDefined || plan.environment.schedule.isDefined
def getSchedule(unit: UnitDef, plan: Plan): Option[Schedule] =
plan.environment.schedule orElse unit.schedule
def getExpirationPolicy(unit: UnitDef, plan: Plan): Option[cleanup.ExpirationPolicy] =
plan.environment.policy orElse unit.policy
def toAction[A](a: A, dc: Datacenter, ns: Namespace, p: Plan, n: NotificationSubscriptions)(implicit A: Actionable[A]): Action = {
val hash = randomAlphaNumeric(desiredLength = 8) // create a unique hash for this deployment
val config = ActionConfig(dc, ns, p, hash, n)
val action = A.action(a)
Action(config, action)
* Saturates the manifest with all the bits that a unit or loadbalancer needs for deployment.
def saturateManifest(m: Manifest)(r: Github.Release): Task[Manifest @@ Versioned] = {
val units = addDeployable(m)(r)
val lbs = addVersionToLoadbalancers(m)(r) => Versioned(m.copy(units = u, loadbalancers = lbs)))
* convert units in the manifest to actions, filtered by f
def unitActions(m: Manifest @@ Versioned, dcs: Seq[Datacenter], f: (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,UnitDef) => Boolean): List[Action] = {
val mnf = Versioned.unwrap(m)
val us = units(mnf, dcs)
val uf = us.filter { case (dc,ns,pl,unit) => f(dc,ns,pl,unit) } { case (dc,ns,pl,unit) =>
Manifest.toAction(Versioned(unit), dc, ns, pl, mnf.notifications)
* convert loadbalancers in the manifest to actions, filtered by f
def loadbalancerActions(m: Manifest @@ Versioned, dcs: Seq[Datacenter], f: (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,Loadbalancer) => Boolean): List[Action] = {
val mnf = Versioned.unwrap(m)
val lbs = loadbalancers(mnf, dcs)
val lf = lbs.filter { case (dc,ns,pl,lb) => f(dc,ns,pl,lb) } { case (dc,ns,pl,lb) =>
Manifest.toAction(Versioned(lb), dc, ns, pl, mnf.notifications)
* Enumerates all the combinations of Datacenter/Namespace/Plan/UnitDef as dictated
* by the manifest. If a unit reference in the namespace plan does't reference a
* specific plan use the default
def units(m: Manifest, dcs: Seq[Datacenter]): List[(Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,UnitDef)] = {
type Res = (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,UnitDef)
val unitFolder: (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,UnitDef,List[Res]) => List[Res] =
(dc, ns, p, u, res) => (dc, ns, p, u) :: res
foldUnits(m, dcs, unitFolder, Nil)
* Enumerates all the combinations of Datacenter/Namespace/Loadbalancer as dictated
* by the manifest.
def loadbalancers(m: Manifest, dcs: Seq[Datacenter]): List[(Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,Loadbalancer)] = {
type Res = (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,Loadbalancer)
val lbFolder: (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,Loadbalancer,List[Res]) => List[Res] =
(dc, ns, pl, lb, res) => (dc,ns,pl,lb) :: res
foldLoadbalancers(m, dcs, lbFolder, Nil)
* folds over all the datacenters, and namespaces
def foldNamespaces[A](m: Manifest, dcs: Seq[Datacenter], f: (Datacenter,Namespace,A) => A, a: A): A =
filterDatacenters(dcs)(m.targets).foldLeft(a)((a,d) => m.namespaces.foldLeft(a)((a,ns) => f(d,ns,a)))
* folds over all the datacenters, namespaces, and loadbalancers specified by the Manifest
def foldLoadbalancers[A](m: Manifest, dcs: Seq[Datacenter], f: (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,Loadbalancer,A) => A, a: A): A = {
val folder: (Datacenter,Namespace,A) => A =
(dc,ns,a) => ns.loadbalancers.foldLeft(a){ (a,ref) =>
val (lbRef, plRef) = ref
val loadbalancer = m.loadbalancers.find( == lbRef)
val plan = m.plans.find(p => plRef.exists(_ ==
loadbalancer.fold(a)(lb => f(dc,ns,plan,lb,a))
* fold over all the datacenters, namespaces, (unit, plans) combinations specified by the Manifest.
def foldUnits[A](m: Manifest, dcs: Seq[Datacenter], f: (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,UnitDef,A) => A, a: A): A = {
val folder: (Datacenter,Namespace,A) => A =
(dc,ns,a) => ns.units.foldLeft(a){ (a,u) =>
val (unitRef, planRefs) = u
val unit: Option[UnitDef] = m.units.find( == unitRef)
val ps: List[Plan] = m.plans.filter(p => planRefs.exists(_ ==
val plans = if (ps.isEmpty) List(Plan.default) else ps
plans.foldLeft(a)((a,p) => unit.fold(a)(u => f(dc,ns,p,u,a)))
def verifyDeployable(m: Manifest, dcs: Seq[Datacenter], storage: StoreOp ~> Task): Task[ValidationNel[NelsonError,Unit]] = {
val folder: (Datacenter,Namespace,Plan,UnitDef,List[Task[ValidationNel[NelsonError,Unit]]]) => List[Task[ValidationNel[NelsonError,Unit]]] =
(dc,ns,p,u,res) =>, StoreOp.verifyDeployable(,, u)) :: res
implicit val monoid: Monoid[ValidationNel[NelsonError, Unit]] =
Monoid.instance[ValidationNel[NelsonError, Unit]](_ +++ _, ().successNel)
foldUnits(m, dcs, folder, Nil)
.map(l => Foldable[List].fold(l))
private def addVersionToLoadbalancers(m: Manifest)(r: Github.Release): List[Loadbalancer] = {
val major = Version.fromString(r.tagName).map(_.toMajorVersion) => lb.copy(majorVersion = major))
private def addDeployable(m: Manifest)(r: Github.Release): Task[List[UnitDef]] =
m.units.traverse(u => parseDeployable(r, => u.copy(deployable = Some(d))))
* feels a little weird coupling the DeployableParser to
* this function, but right now its the most obvious
* place i could find to put it.
private def parseDeployable(release: Github.Release, name: String): Task[Deployable] = {
release.findAssetContent(s"${name}.deployable.yml").handleWith {
case ProblematicDeployable(_, _) => release.findAssetContent(s"${name}.deployable.yaml")
}.flatMap { a =>
yaml.DeployableParser.parse(a).fold(e =>,
private[nelson] def filterDatacenters(dcs: Seq[Datacenter])(targets: DeploymentTarget): Seq[Datacenter] =
targets match {
case DeploymentTarget.Only(what) =>
what.flatMap(d => dcs.find( == d))
case DeploymentTarget.Except(what) =>
dcs.foldLeft(List.empty[Datacenter])((a,b) =>
if(what.exists(_.trim.toLowerCase =={ a }
else { a :+ b }
def versionedUnits(m: Manifest @@ Versioned): List[UnitDef @@ Versioned] =
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