policies.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package nelson
import Datacenter.StackName
import scalaz.~>
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.stream.Process
import vault._
package object policies {
val DenySysRule =
Rule("sys/*", policy = Some("deny"), capabilities = Nil)
val RevokeSelfRule =
Rule("auth/token/revoke-self", policy = Some("write"), capabilities = Nil)
def pkiRule(pkiPath: String, ns: NamespaceName) = {
val path = pkiPath.replaceAllLiterally("%env%", ns.root.asString)+"/issue/*"
Rule(path, policy = None, capabilities = List("create", "update"))
* Creates a rule to read from a resource based on `resourceCredsPath`. Variables
* `%env%`, `%unit%`, and `%resource%` are interpolated.
def resourceRule(resourceCredsPath: String, sn: StackName, ns: NamespaceName, resource: String): Rule = {
val path = resourceCredsPath
.replaceAllLiterally("%env%", ns.root.asString)
.replaceAllLiterally("%unit%", sn.serviceType)
.replaceAllLiterally("%resource%", resource)
Rule(path = path , capabilities = List("read"), policy = None)
def policyName(sn: StackName, ns: NamespaceName): String =
* For every resource in the specified namespace and unit, we create
* grant read access to a resource creds path from `cfg` for each
* resource, which may be internal or external.
def createPolicy(cfg: PolicyConfig, sn: StackName, ns: NamespaceName, resources: Set[String]): VaultF[Unit] = {
val resourceRules = resources.map(r => resourceRule(cfg.resourceCredsPath, sn, ns, r)).toList
val rules = List(
List(DenySysRule, RevokeSelfRule),
cfg.pkiPath.fold(List.empty[Rule])(pkiPath => List(pkiRule(pkiPath, ns))),
name = policyName(sn, ns),
rules = rules
).map(_ => ())
def deletePolicy(sn: StackName, ns: NamespaceName): VaultF[Unit] = {
val name = policyName(sn, ns)
def withPolicy[A](cfg: PolicyConfig, sn: StackName, ns: NamespaceName, resources: Set[String], interp: Vault ~> Task)(f: Token => Process[Task, A]): Process[Task, A] = {
val acquire = (for {
_ <- createPolicy(cfg, sn, ns, resources)
token <- Vault.createToken(policies = Some(List(policyName(sn, ns))))
} yield (token)).runWith(interp)
def release(token: Token) = Process.eval_(deletePolicy(sn, ns).runWith(interp))
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