Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import scala.collection.mutable
* a data structure used to search the neighbour
* you can add elements like map structure:
* @{code
* val index[Int] = NNIndex(Map.empty)
* index += Point3D -> 0
* val elems = (0 to 100) map {x => Point3D(math.random,math.random,math.random) -> x}
* index ++= elems
* }
* you can find neighbours using in this way:
* @{code
* val radiusSearch = 10
* val neighbour = index.neighbours(Point3D(0,0,0),radiusSearch)
* }
* @tparam A the value ok key
trait NNIndex[A] {
* search the neighbours near a point p
* @param p the center of search
* @param r the radius
def neighbours(p : Point3D, r : Double) : Iterable[(Point3D,A)]
* allow to add a set of elements in the neighbour index
* @param elems the elements to add in the data structure
* @return the data structure
def ++=(elems : Iterable[(Point3D,A)]) : this.type
def +=(elem: (Point3D,A)) : this.type
def -=(elem: Point3D) : this.type
def get(elem: Point3D) : Option[A]
object NNIndex {
* @param elems
* @tparam A
* @return
def apply[A](elems : Iterable[(A,Point3D)]) : NNIndex[A] = QuadTree(elems)
def apply[A](elems : Iterable[(A,Point3D)], min : Point3D, max : Point3D) : NNIndex[A]= {
val tree : NNIndex[A] = QuadTree(min,max,elems.size)
tree ++={ x => x._2 -> x._1}