kr.motd.maven.sphinx.dist.pygments.lexers.css$py.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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???? 1
? f$0 R(Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject; __doc__ ?
Lexers for CSS and related stylesheet formats.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
org/python/core/PyString fromInterned .(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyString;
setglobal /(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V
setline (I)V
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copy " pygments.lexer $ java/lang/String & ExtendedRegexLexer (
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importFrom \(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/python/core/PyFrame;I)[Lorg/python/core/PyObject; 6 7
8 pygments.token : Text < Comment > Operator @ Keyword B Name D String F Number H Punctuation J
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Q ^ __all__ ` org/python/core/PyTuple b -ms- d mso- f -moz- h -o- j -xv- l -atsc- n -wap- p -khtml- r -webkit- t prince- v -ah- x -hp- z -ro- | -rim- ~ -tc- ?
c ^ _vendor_prefixes ? set$$0
align-content ? align-items ?
align-self ? alignment-baseline ? all ? animation ? animation-delay ? animation-direction ? animation-duration ? animation-fill-mode ? animation-iteration-count ? animation-name ? animation-play-state ? animation-timing-function ?
appearance ? azimuth ? backface-visibility ?
background ? background-attachment ? background-blend-mode ? background-clip ? background-color ? background-image ? background-origin ? background-position ? background-repeat ? background-size ? baseline-shift ? bookmark-label ? bookmark-level ? bookmark-state ? border ?
border-bottom ? border-bottom-color ? border-bottom-left-radius ? border-bottom-right-radius ? border-bottom-style ? border-bottom-width ? border-boundary ? border-collapse ? border-color ? border-image ? border-image-outset ? border-image-repeat ? border-image-slice ? border-image-source ? border-image-width ? border-left ? border-left-color ? border-left-style ? border-left-width ?
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border-top ? border-top-color ? border-top-left-radius ? border-top-right-radius border-top-style border-top-width border-width bottom box-decoration-break
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column-gap6 column-rule8 column-rule-color: column-rule-style< column-rule-width> column-span@ column-widthB columnsD contentF counter-incrementH
counter-resetJ counter-setL cropN cueP cue-afterR
cue-beforeT cursorV directionX displayZ dominant-baseline\ elevation^ empty-cells` filterb flexd
flex-basisf flex-directionh flex-flowj flex-growl flex-shrinkn flex-wrapp floatr float-defert float-offsetv float-referencex flood-colorz
flood-opacity| flow~ flow-from? flow-into? font? font-family? font-feature-settings? font-kerning? font-language-override? font-size? font-size-adjust? font-stretch?
font-style? font-synthesis? font-variant? font-variant-alternates? font-variant-caps? font-variant-east-asian? font-variant-ligatures? font-variant-numeric? font-variant-position? font-weight? footnote-display? footnote-policy? glyph-orientation-vertical? grid? grid-area? grid-auto-columns? grid-auto-flow? grid-auto-rows? grid-column? grid-column-end? grid-column-gap? grid-column-start? grid-gap? grid-row? grid-row-end? grid-row-gap? grid-row-start?
grid-template? grid-template-areas? grid-template-columns? grid-template-rows? hanging-punctuation? height? hyphenate-character? hyphenate-limit-chars? hyphenate-limit-last? hyphenate-limit-lines? hyphenate-limit-zone? hyphens? image-orientation? image-resolution? initial-letter? initial-letter-align? initial-letter-wrap? isolation? justify-content?
justify-items? justify-self? left? letter-spacing? lighting-color?
line-break? line-grid? line-height? line-snap
list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type margin
margin-bottom margin-left margin-right
margin-top marker-side marquee-direction marquee-loop
marquee-style mask mask-border mask-border-mode" mask-border-outset$ mask-border-repeat& mask-border-slice( mask-border-source* mask-border-width, mask-clip. mask-composite0
mask-image2 mask-mode4 mask-origin6
mask-position8 mask-repeat: mask-size< mask-type>
max-height@ max-linesB max-widthD
min-heightF min-widthH mix-blend-modeJ motionL
motion-offsetN motion-pathP motion-rotationR move-toT nav-downV nav-leftX nav-rightZ nav-up\
object-fit^ object-position` offset-afterb
offset-endf offset-starth opacityj orderl orphansn outlinep
outline-colorr outline-offsett
outline-widthx overflowz overflow-style|
overflow-y? padding? padding-bottom? padding-left?
padding-right? padding-top? page? page-break-after? page-break-before? page-break-inside? page-policy? pause? pause-after? pause-before? perspective? perspective-origin? pitch? pitch-range? play-during? polar-angle? polar-distance? position? presentation-level? quotes? region-fragment? resize? rest?
rest-after? rest-before? richness? right? rotation? rotation-point?
ruby-position? running? scroll-snap-coordinate? scroll-snap-destination? scroll-snap-points-x? scroll-snap-points-y? scroll-snap-type? shape-image-threshold? shape-inside? shape-margin?
shape-outside? size? speak? speak-as? speak-header?
speak-numeral? speak-punctuation? speech-rate? stress?
string-set? tab-size? table-layout?
text-align? text-align-last? text-combine-upright? text-decoration? text-decoration-color? text-decoration-line? text-decoration-skip text-decoration-style
text-emphasis text-emphasis-color text-emphasis-position text-emphasis-style
text-indent text-justify text-orientation
text-overflow text-shadow text-space-collapse text-space-trim text-spacing text-transform text-underline-position text-wrap top" transform$ transform-origin& transform-style(
transition* transition-delay, transition-duration. transition-property0 transition-timing-function2 unicode-bidi4 user-select6 vertical-align8
voice-balance< voice-duration> voice-family@ voice-pitchB voice-rangeD
voice-rateF voice-stressH voice-volumeJ volumeL white-spaceN widowsP widthR will-changeT
word-breakV word-spacingX word-wrapZ
wrap-after\ wrap-before^ wrap-flow` wrap-insideb wrap-throughd writing-modef z-indexh pygments/lexers/css$pyj ? ]
kl _css_propertiesn set$$1 absoluteq aliass all-petite-capsu
all-scrollw all-small-capsy allow-end{ alpha} alternate alternate-reverse? always? armenian? auto? avoid? avoid-column?
avoid-page? backwards? balance? baseline? below? blink? block? bold? bolder?
border-box? both? box-decoration?
capitalize? cell? center? circle? clone? close-quote?
col-resize? collapse?
color-burn? color-dodge? column? column-reverse? compact? condensed? contain? container? content-box? context-menu? cover? crisp-edges? crosshair? currentColor? cursive? darken? dashed? decimal? decimal-leading-zero? descendants?
difference? digits? disc?
distribute? dot? dotted? double?
double-circle? e-resize? each-line? ease? ease-in? ease-in-out? ease-out? edges? ellipsis? end? ew-resize exclusion expanded extra-condensed extra-expanded fantasy fill
fill-box filled first fixed flat flex-end
flex-start flip force-end forwards!
full-width% geometricPrecision' georgian) groove+ hanging-
hard-light/ help1 hidden3 hide5
horizontal7 hue9 icon; infinite= initial? inkA inlineC inline-blockE inline-flexG inline-tableI insetK insideM
inter-wordO invertQ isolateS italicU justifyW largeY larger[ last] lighten_ lightera line-throughc lineare list-itemg locali loosek lower-alpham lower-greeko lower-latinq lower-romans lowercaseu ltrw luminancey
luminosity{ mandatory} manipulation manual?
margin-box? match-parent? medium? mixed? monospace? move? multiply? n-resize? ne-resize? nesw-resize? no-close-quote? no-drop?
no-open-quote? no-repeat? none? normal? not-allowed? nowrap? ns-resize? nw-resize? nwse-resize? objects? oblique? off? on? open?
open-quote? optimizeLegibility?
optimizeSpeed? outset? outside? over? overlay? overline? padding-box? pan-down? pan-left? pan-right? pan-up? pan-x? pan-y? paused? petite-caps? pixelated? pointer? preserve-3d? progress? proximity? relative? repeat? repeat no-repeat? repeat-x? repeat-y? reverse? ridge? round? row?
row-resize? row-reverse? rtl? ruby? ruby-base? ruby-base-container? ruby-text ruby-text-container run-in s-resize
screen scroll se-resize semi-condensed
semi-expanded separate serif sesame show sideways!
sideways-left# sideways-right% slice' small)
small-caps+ smaller- smooth/ snap1
soft-light3 solid5 space7 space-around9
space-between; spaces= square? startA staticC step-endE
step-startG stickyI stretchK strictM
stroke-boxO styleQ sw-resizeS tableU
table-cellY table-column[ table-column-group] table-footer-group_ table-header-groupa table-rowc table-row-groupe textg thicki think titling-capsm too triangleq ultra-condenseds ultra-expandedu underw underliney unicase{ unset} upper-alpha upper-latin? upper-roman? uppercase? upright? use-glyph-orientation? vertical?
vertical-text? view-box? visible? w-resize? wait? wavy? weight? weight style? wrap? wrap-reverse? x-large? x-small? xx-large? xx-small? zoom-in? zoom-out?p ]
k? _keyword_values? set$$2 aliceblue? antiquewhite? aqua?
aquamarine? azure? beige? bisque? black? blanchedalmond? blue?
blueviolet? brown? burlywood? cadetblue?
chartreuse? chocolate? coral? cornflowerblue? cornsilk? crimson? cyan? darkblue? darkcyan?
darkgoldenrod? darkgray? darkgreen? darkgrey? darkkhaki? darkmagenta? darkolivegreen?
darkorchid? darkred?
darksalmon? darkseagreen?
darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dimgrey
firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro
ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray green greenyellow grey" honeydew$ hotpink& indianred( indigo* ivory, khaki. lavender0
lavenderblush2 lawngreen4 lemonchiffon6 lightblue8
lightcoral: lightcyan< lightgoldenrodyellow> lightgray@
lightgreenB lightgreyD lightpinkF lightsalmonH
lightseagreenJ lightskyblueL lightslategrayN lightslategreyP lightsteelblueR lightyellowT limeV limegreenX linenZ magenta\ maroon^ mediumaquamarine`
mediumblueb mediumorchidd mediumpurplef mediumseagreenh mediumslatebluej mediumspringgreenl mediumturquoisen mediumvioletredp midnightbluer mintcreamt mistyrosev moccasinx navajowhitez navy| oldlace~ olive? olivedrab? orange? orangered? orchid?
palegoldenrod? palegreen?
papayawhip? peachpuff? peru? pink? plum?
powderblue? purple?
rebeccapurple? red? rosybrown? royalblue? saddlebrown? salmon?
sandybrown? seagreen? seashell? sienna? silver? skyblue? slateblue? slategray? slategrey? snow? springgreen? steelblue? tan? teal? thistle? tomato? turquoise? violet? wheat? white?
whitesmoke? yellow? yellowgreen?? ]
k? transparent? _add 6(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;??
S? _color_keywords? above? aural? behind?
bidi-override? center-left? center-right? cjk-ideographic?
continuous? cross? embed? far-left? far-right? fast? faster? hebrew high higher hiragana hiragana-iroha katakana
katakana-iroha landscape left-side leftwards level loud low lower message-box middle mix narrower" once$ portrait&
rightwards* silent, slow. slower0
small-caption2 soft4 spell-out6
status-bar8 super: text-bottom< text-top> wider@ x-fastB x-highD x-loudF x-lowH x-softJ yesL preN pre-wrapP pre-lineR _other_keyword_valuesT attrV blacknessX blendZ blenda\ blur^
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translateZ? whiteness? #_functional_notation_keyword_values? deg? grad? rad? turn? _angle_units? Hz? kHz? _frequency_units? em? ex? ch? rem? vh? vw? vmin? vmax? px? mm? cm? in? pt? pc? q?
_length_units? dpi? dpcm? dppx? _resolution_units? s? ms _time_units getname .(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;
__module__ __name__
For CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
CSS name css aliases *.css filenames text/css mimetypes org/python/core/PyDictionary! root# basics% __call__ S(Lorg/python/core/ThreadState;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)Lorg/python/core/PyObject;'(
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string-url? [a-z_-][\w-]*(?=\()? set$$3 url?? ]
k? Entity? \!(important|default)? Exception? (true|false)? (and|or|not)? Word? /\*? Multiline? inline-comment? //[^\n]*? \#[a-z0-9]{1,6}? (-?\d+)(\%|[a-z]+)?? (-?\d*\.\d+)(\%|[a-z]+)?? #\{? Interpol?
interpolation? [~^*!&%<>|+=@:,./?-]+ [\[\]()]+ "
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S i
startswith k block_indentation m _ne o?
S p stack r append t None v v 3 ? x 6? k z j(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;[Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyCode;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V \ |
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1 ? ?? k ?
_starts_block ? SassLexer$5 :
For Sass stylesheets.
.. versionadded:: 1.3
? Sass ? sass ? *.sass ? text/x-sass ?
S ? flags ? [ \t]*\n ? [ \t]* ? single-comment ? /\*[^\n]* ?
multi-comment ? @import ? import ? @for ? @(debug|warn|if|while) ? (@mixin)( [\w-]+) ? (@include)( [\w-]+) ? @extend ? @[\w-]+ ? =[\w-]+ ? \+[\w-]+ ? &([!$][\w-]\w*)([ \t]*(?:(?:\|\|)?=|:)) ? : ? Attribute ? old-style-attr ? (?=.+?[=:]([^a-z]|$)) ? new-style-attr ? .+ ? \n ? \S+ ? [^\s:="\[]+ ? [ \t]*= ?
[ \t]*[=:] ? '(\\#|#(?=[^\n{])|\*(?=[^\n/])|[^\n#*])+ ? \*/ ? __iter__ ??
S ? unpackSequence 8(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;I)[Lorg/python/core/PyObject; ? ?
? ? common ? __setitem__ 7(Lorg/python/core/PyObject;Lorg/python/core/PyObject;)V ? ?
S ? __iternext__ ??
S ? __getitem__ ??
S ? ?? k ? ScssLexer$6
For SCSS stylesheets.
? SCSS ? scss
(\$[\w-]*\w)([ \t]*:)
[ \t]*:
?? k
LessCssLexer$7 R
For `LESS `_ styleshets.
.. versionadded:: 2.1
! text/x-less-css
# @\w+
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C token
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SourceFile RuntimeVisibleAnnotations !k
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