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package diode.util
import java.util.Date
import diode.util
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
sealed trait PotState
object PotState {
case object PotEmpty extends PotState
case object PotReady extends PotState
case object PotPending extends PotState
case object PotFailed extends PotState
* Represents a potential value that may be in different states.
* @define pot [[util.Pot]]
* @define ready [[Ready]]
* @define empty [[Empty]]
sealed abstract class Pot[+A] extends Product with Serializable {
self =>
def get: A
def isEmpty: Boolean
def isPending: Boolean
def isStale: Boolean
def isFailed: Boolean
def isReady = !isEmpty && !isStale
def retryPolicy: RetryPolicy
def ready[B >: A](value: B): Pot[B] = Ready(value)
def pending(policy: RetryPolicy = Retry.None): Pot[A]
def retry(policy: RetryPolicy): Pot[A]
def fail(exception: Throwable): Pot[A]
def state: PotState
/** Returns false if the pot is Empty, true otherwise.
* @note Implemented here to avoid the implicit conversion to Iterable.
final def nonEmpty = !isEmpty
@inline final def getOrElse[B >: A](default: => B): B =
if (isEmpty) default else this.get
/** Returns a Ready containing the result of applying $f to this Pot's
* value if this Pot is nonempty.
* Otherwise return Empty.
* @note This is similar to `flatMap` except here,
* $f does not need to wrap its result in a pot.
* @param f the function to apply
* @see flatMap
* @see foreach
@inline final def map[B](f: A => B): Pot[B] =
if (isEmpty) Empty else Ready(f(this.get))
/** Returns the result of applying $f to this Pot's
* value if the Pot is nonempty. Otherwise, evaluates
* expression `ifEmpty`.
* @note This is equivalent to `Pot map f getOrElse ifEmpty`.
* @param ifEmpty the expression to evaluate if empty.
* @param f the function to apply if nonempty.
@inline final def fold[B](ifEmpty: => B)(f: A => B): B =
if (isEmpty) ifEmpty else f(this.get)
/** Returns the result of applying $f to this Pot's value if
* this Pot is nonempty.
* Returns Empty if this Pot is empty.
* Slightly different from `map` in that $f is expected to
* return a pot (which could be Empty).
* @param f the function to apply
* @see map
* @see foreach
@inline final def flatMap[B](f: A => Pot[B]): Pot[B] =
if (isEmpty) Empty else f(this.get)
def flatten[B](implicit ev: A <:< Pot[B]): Pot[B] =
if (isEmpty) Empty else ev(this.get)
/** Returns this Pot if it is nonempty '''and''' applying the predicate $p to
* this Pot's value returns true. Otherwise, return Empty.
* @param p the predicate used for testing.
@inline final def filter(p: A => Boolean): Pot[A] =
if (isEmpty || p(this.get)) this else Empty
/** Returns this Pot if it is nonempty '''and''' applying the predicate $p to
* this Pot's value returns false. Otherwise, return Empty.
* @param p the predicate used for testing.
@inline final def filterNot(p: A => Boolean): Pot[A] =
if (isEmpty || !p(this.get)) this else Empty
/** Necessary to keep Pot from being implicitly converted to
* [[scala.collection.Iterable]] in `for` comprehensions.
@inline final def withFilter(p: A => Boolean): WithFilter = new WithFilter(p)
/** We need a whole WithFilter class to honor the "doesn't create a new
* collection" contract even though it seems unlikely to matter much in a
* collection with max size 1.
class WithFilter(p: A => Boolean) {
def map[B](f: A => B): Pot[B] = self filter p map f
def flatMap[B](f: A => Pot[B]): Pot[B] = self filter p flatMap f
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = self filter p foreach f
def withFilter(q: A => Boolean): WithFilter = new WithFilter(x => p(x) && q(x))
/** Tests whether the pot contains a given value as an element.
* @example
* {{{
* // Returns true because Ready instance contains string "something" which equals "something".
* Ready("something") contains "something"
* // Returns false because "something" != "anything".
* Ready("something") contains "anything"
* // Returns false when method called on Empty.
* Empty contains "anything"
* }}}
* @param elem the element to test.
* @return `true` if the pot has an element that is equal (as
* determined by `==`) to `elem`, `false` otherwise.
final def contains[A1 >: A](elem: A1): Boolean =
!isEmpty && this.get == elem
/** Returns true if this pot is nonempty '''and''' the predicate
* $p returns true when applied to this Pot's value.
* Otherwise, returns false.
* @param p the predicate to test
@inline final def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean =
!isEmpty && p(this.get)
/** Returns true if this pot is empty '''or''' the predicate
* $p returns true when applied to this Pot's value.
* @param p the predicate to test
@inline final def forall(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = isEmpty || p(this.get)
/** Apply the given procedure $f to the pot's value,
* if it is nonempty. Otherwise, do nothing.
* @param f the procedure to apply.
* @see map
* @see flatMap
@inline final def foreach[U](f: A => U) {
if (!isEmpty) f(this.get)
/** Returns a Ready containing the result of
* applying `pf` to this Pot's contained
* value, '''if''' this pot is
* nonempty '''and''' `pf` is defined for that value.
* Returns Empty otherwise.
* @example
* {{{
* // Returns Ready(HTTP) because the partial function covers the case.
* Ready("http") collect {case "http" => "HTTP"}
* // Returns Empty because the partial function doesn't cover the case.
* Ready("ftp") collect {case "http" => "HTTP"}
* // Returns Empty because Empty is passed to the collect method.
* Empty collect {case value => value}
* }}}
* @param pf the partial function.
* @return the result of applying `pf` to this Pot's
* value (if possible), or Empty.
@inline final def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Pot[B] =
if (!isEmpty) pf.lift(this.get).map(b => Ready(b)).getOrElse(Empty) else Empty
/** Returns this Pot if it is nonempty,
* otherwise return the result of evaluating `alternative`.
* @param alternative the alternative expression.
@inline final def orElse[B >: A](alternative: => Pot[B]): Pot[B] =
if (isEmpty) alternative else this
* Applies the given function `f` if this is a `Failure`, otherwise returns this if this is a `Success`.
* This is like `flatMap` for the exception.
def recoverWith[B >: A](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, Pot[B]]): Pot[B] = this
* Applies the given function `f` if this is a `Failure`, otherwise returns this if this is a `Success`.
* This is like map for the exception.
def recover[B >: A](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, B]): Pot[B] = this
def exceptionOption = Option.empty[Throwable]
/** Returns a singleton iterator returning the Pot's value
* if it is nonempty, or an empty iterator if the pot is empty.
def iterator: Iterator[A] =
if (isEmpty) collection.Iterator.empty else collection.Iterator.single(this.get)
* Returns `None` if this is empty or a `Some` containing the value otherwise.
@inline def toOption: Option[A] = if (!isEmpty) Some(get) else None
* Returns `Failure` if this has failed or a `Success` containing the value otherwise.
def toTry: Try[A] = {
if (isEmpty)
Failure(new NoSuchElementException)
else this match {
case Failed(ex, _) => Failure(ex)
case FailedStale(_, ex, _) => Failure(ex)
case _ => Success(get)
/** Returns a singleton list containing the Pot's value
* if it is nonempty, or the empty list if the Pot is empty.
def toList: List[A] =
if (isEmpty) List() else new ::(this.get, Nil)
/** Returns a [[scala.util.Left]] containing the given
* argument `left` if this Pot is empty, or
* a [[scala.util.Right]] containing this Pot's value if
* this is nonempty.
* @param left the expression to evaluate and return if this is empty
* @see toLeft
@inline final def toRight[X](left: => X) =
if (isEmpty) Left(left) else Right(this.get)
/** Returns a [[scala.util.Right]] containing the given
* argument `right` if this is empty, or
* a [[scala.util.Left]] containing this Pot's value
* if this Pot is nonempty.
* @param right the expression to evaluate and return if this is empty
* @see toRight
@inline final def toLeft[X](right: => X) =
if (isEmpty) Right(right) else Left(this.get)
object Pot {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
/** An implicit conversion that converts an option to an iterable value
implicit def pot2Iterable[A](pot: Pot[A]): Iterable[A] = pot.toList
/** A Pot factory which returns `Empty` in a manner consistent with
* the collections hierarchy.
def empty[A]: Pot[A] = Empty
case object Empty extends Pot[Nothing] {
def get = throw new NoSuchElementException("Empty.get")
def isEmpty = true
def isPending = false
def isFailed = false
def isStale = false
def retriesLeft = 0
def state = PotState.PotEmpty
def retryPolicy = Retry.None
def retry(policy: RetryPolicy) = throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot retry in Empty state")
override def pending(policy: RetryPolicy) = Pending(policy)
override def fail(exception: Throwable) = Failed(exception)
final case class Ready[+A](x: A) extends Pot[A] {
def get = x
def isEmpty = false
def isPending = false
def isFailed = false
def isStale = false
def retriesLeft = 0
def state = PotState.PotReady
def retryPolicy = Retry.None
def retry(policy: RetryPolicy) = throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot retry in Ready state")
override def pending(policy: RetryPolicy) = PendingStale(x, policy)
override def fail(exception: Throwable) = FailedStale(x, exception)
private[diode] sealed trait PendingBase {
def startTime: Long
def isPending = true
def state = PotState.PotPending
def duration(currentTime: Long = new Date().getTime) = (currentTime - startTime).toInt
final case class Pending(retryPolicy: RetryPolicy = Retry.None, startTime: Long = new Date().getTime) extends Pot[Nothing] with PendingBase {
def get = throw new NoSuchElementException("Pending.get")
def isEmpty = true
def isFailed = false
def isStale = false
def retry(policy: RetryPolicy) = Pending(policy, startTime)
override def pending(policy: RetryPolicy) = copy(policy)
override def fail(exception: Throwable) = Failed(exception)
final case class PendingStale[+A](x: A, retryPolicy: RetryPolicy = Retry.None, startTime: Long = new Date().getTime) extends Pot[A] with PendingBase {
def get = x
def isEmpty = false
def isFailed = false
def isStale = true
def retry(policy: RetryPolicy) = PendingStale(x, policy, startTime)
override def pending(policy: RetryPolicy) = copy(x, policy)
override def fail(exception: Throwable) = FailedStale(x, exception)
private[diode] sealed trait FailedBase {
def exception: Throwable
def isPending = false
def isFailed = true
def state = PotState.PotFailed
final case class Failed(exception: Throwable, retryPolicy: RetryPolicy = Retry.None) extends Pot[Nothing] with FailedBase {
def get = throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed.get")
def isEmpty = true
def isStale = false
override def exceptionOption = Some(exception)
def retry(policy: RetryPolicy) = throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot retry in Failed state")
override def recoverWith[B](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, Pot[B]]): Pot[B] = {
if (f isDefinedAt exception)
override def recover[B](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, B]): Pot[B] = this
override def pending(policy: RetryPolicy) = Pending(policy)
override def fail(exception: Throwable) = Failed(exception)
final case class FailedStale[+A](x: A, exception: Throwable, retryPolicy: RetryPolicy = Retry.None) extends Pot[A] with FailedBase {
def get = x
def isEmpty = false
def isStale = true
override def exceptionOption = Some(exception)
def retry(policy: RetryPolicy) = throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot retry in Failed state")
override def recoverWith[B >: A](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, Pot[B]]): Pot[B] = {
if (f isDefinedAt exception)
override def recover[B >: A](f: PartialFunction[Throwable, B]): Pot[B] = this
override def pending(policy: RetryPolicy) = PendingStale(x, policy)
override def fail(exception: Throwable) = FailedStale(x, exception)