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me.lyh.parquet.avro.Predicate.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package me.lyh.parquet.avro
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.avro.specific.{SpecificRecord => SR }
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.FilterPredicate
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
case class Predicates [T ](native: T => Boolean , parquet: FilterPredicate )
object Predicate {
def apply [T <: SR ](p: T => Boolean ): FilterPredicate = macro applyImpl[T ]
def applyImpl [T <: SR : c.WeakTypeTag ](c: Context )
(p: c.Expr [T => Boolean ]): c.Expr [FilterPredicate ] = buildFilterPredicate(c)(p)
def build [T <: SR ](p: T => Boolean ): Predicates [T ] = macro buildImpl[T ]
def buildImpl [T <: SR : c.WeakTypeTag ](c: Context )
(p: c.Expr [T => Boolean ]): c.Expr [Predicates [T ]] = {
import c.universe._
val f = buildFilterPredicate(c)(p)
c.Expr (q"$p , $f )" ).asInstanceOf[c.Expr [Predicates [T ]]]
private val logicalOps = Map ("$amp$amp" -> "and" , "$bar$bar" -> "or" )
private val compareOps = Map (
"$greater" -> "gt" ,
"$less" -> "lt" ,
"$greater$eq" -> "gtEq" ,
"$less$eq" -> "ltEq" ,
"$eq$eq" -> "eq" ,
"$bang$eq" -> "notEq" )
private val numericTypes = Map (
Schema .Type .INT -> ("Integer" , "intColumn" , "toInt" ),
Schema .Type .LONG -> ("Long" , "longColumn" , "toLong" ),
Schema .Type .FLOAT -> ("Float" , "floatColumn" , "toFloat" ),
Schema .Type .DOUBLE -> ("Double" , "doubleColumn" , "toDouble" ))
private def buildFilterPredicate [T <: SR : c.WeakTypeTag ](c: Context )
(p: c.Expr [T => Boolean ]): c.Expr [FilterPredicate ] = {
import c.universe._
val ns = q""
val nsApi = q"$ns .FilterApi"
val nsOp = q"$ns .Operators"
val schema = Class
.forName(implicitly[WeakTypeTag [T ]].tpe.typeSymbol.fullName)
.getMethod("getClassSchema" )
.invoke(null )
.asInstanceOf[Schema ]
def mkPredicateFn (columnType: Tree , columnFn: String , value: Tree ): (String , String ) => Tree = {
val vt = tq"$columnType with Comparable[$columnType ]"
val supportsLtGt = tq"$nsOp .SupportsLtGt"
val ct = tq"$nsOp .Column[$columnType ] with $supportsLtGt "
(columnPath: String , operator: String ) => {
val opFn = newTermName(operator)
val cFn = newTermName(columnFn)
val colVal = q"$nsApi .$cFn ($columnPath )"
q"$nsApi .$opFn ($colVal .asInstanceOf[$ct ], $value .asInstanceOf[$vt ])"
def applyToPredicate (tree: Tree ): c.Expr [FilterPredicate ] = {
val Apply (Select (lExpr, operator), List (rExpr)) = tree
def extractGetter (expr: Tree ): Option [(String , Schema .Type )] = try {
val getter = expr match {
case Apply (_, List (g)) => g
case t => t
val (fieldName, fieldType) = Common .treeToField(c)(schema, c.Expr [T => Any ](q"(x: Any) => $getter " ))
if (fieldName != "" && fieldType != Schema .Type .NULL ) Some ((fieldName, fieldType)) else None
} catch {
case _: Exception => None
val logicalOp = logicalOps.get(operator.toString)
if (logicalOp.isDefined) {
val (op, l, r) = (newTermName(logicalOp.get), parse(lExpr), parse(rExpr))
c.Expr (q"$ns .FilterApi.$op ($l , $r )" ).asInstanceOf[c.Expr [FilterPredicate ]]
} else {
val (flipped, (fieldName, fieldType), valueExpr) = (extractGetter(lExpr), extractGetter(rExpr)) match {
case (Some (g), None ) => (false , g, rExpr)
case (None , Some (g)) => (true , g, lExpr)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException ("Invalid expression: " + tree)
def flip (op: String ) = if (op.startsWith("gt" )) {
"lt" + op.substring(2 )
} else if (op.startsWith("lt" )) {
"gt" + op.substring(2 )
} else {
if (operator.toString == "Boolean2boolean" ) {
val predicateFn = mkPredicateFn(tq"java.lang.Boolean" ,"booleanColumn" , q"true" )
c.Expr (predicateFn(fieldName, "eq" )).asInstanceOf[c.Expr [FilterPredicate ]]
} else {
val isNullLiteral = try {
val Literal (Constant (null )) = valueExpr
} catch {
case _: Exception => false
val predicateFn = fieldType match {
case t if numericTypes.contains(t) =>
val (cType, cFn, vFn) = numericTypes(t)
val cTypeName = tq"java.lang.${newTypeName(cType)} "
val vFnName = newTermName(vFn)
val nullCase = cq"_: NullPointerException => null"
val value = if (isNullLiteral) q"null" else q"(try { $valueExpr .$vFnName } catch { case $nullCase })"
mkPredicateFn(cTypeName, cFn, value)
case Schema .Type .BOOLEAN =>
val value = if (isNullLiteral) q"null" else valueExpr
mkPredicateFn(tq"java.lang.Boolean" ,"booleanColumn" , value)
case Schema .Type .STRING =>
val ns = q""
val value = if (isNullLiteral) q"null" else q"$ns .Binary.fromString($valueExpr )"
mkPredicateFn(tq"$ns .Binary" ,"binaryColumn" , value)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException ("Unsupported value type: " + fieldType)
if (!compareOps.contains(operator.toString)) {
throw new RuntimeException ("Unsupported operator type: " + operator)
val op = compareOps(operator.toString)
val realOp = if (flipped) flip(op) else op
c.Expr (predicateFn(fieldName, realOp)).asInstanceOf[c.Expr [FilterPredicate ]]
def selectToPredicate (tree: Tree ): c.Expr [FilterPredicate ] = {
val Select (expr, operator) = tree
if (operator.toString == "unary_$bang" ) {
val p = parse(expr)
c.Expr (q"$nsApi .not($p )" ).asInstanceOf[c.Expr [FilterPredicate ]]
} else {
throw new RuntimeException ("Unknown unary operator: " + operator)
def parse (tree: Tree ): c.Expr [FilterPredicate ] = {
tree match {
case Apply (_, _) => applyToPredicate(tree)
case Select (_, _) => selectToPredicate(tree)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException ("Invalid expression: " + tree)
val Function (_, body) = p.tree