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package com.teambytes.inflatable.raft
import protocol._
import com.teambytes.inflatable.raft.model.{RaftSnapshot, RaftSnapshotMetadata}
private[inflatable] trait SharedBehaviors {
this: RaftActor =>
private[raft] implicit val raftDispatcher = context.system.dispatchers.lookup("raft-dispatcher")
/** Used when a client contacts this Follower, instead of the Leader; so we redirect him to the Leader. */
var recentlyContactedByLeader: Option[ActorRef] = None
/** Waits for initial cluster configuration. Step needed before we can start voting for a Leader. */
private[raft] lazy val initialConfigurationBehavior: StateFunction = {
case Event(AssignClusterSelf(clusterSelf), m: Meta) =>"Registered proxy actor, will expose clusterSelf as: {}", clusterSelf)
stay() using m.copy(clusterSelf = clusterSelf)
case Event(ChangeConfiguration(initialConfig), m: Meta) =>"Applying initial raft cluster configuration. Consists of [{}] nodes: {}",
initialConfig.members.size,"{", ", ", "}"))
val deadline = resetElectionDeadline()"Finished init of new Raft member, becoming Follower. Initial election deadline: {}", deadline)
goto(Follower) using m.copy(config = initialConfig)
case Event(msg: AppendEntries[Command], m: Meta) =>"Got AppendEntries from a Leader, but am in Init state. Will ask for it's configuration and join Raft cluster.")
leader() ! RequestConfiguration
// handle initial discovery of nodes, as opposed to initialization via `initialConfig`
case Event(added: RaftMemberAdded, m: Meta) =>
val newMembers = m.members + added.member
val initialConfig = ClusterConfiguration(m.config.singleNodeCluster, newMembers)
if (added.keepInitUntil <= newMembers.size) {"Discovered the required min. of {} raft cluster members, becoming Follower.", added.keepInitUntil)
goto(Follower) using m.copy(config = initialConfig)
} else {
// keep waiting for others to be discovered"Up to {} discovered raft cluster members, still waiting in Init until {} discovered.", newMembers.size, added.keepInitUntil)
stay() using m.copy(config = initialConfig)
case Event(removed: RaftMemberRemoved, m: Meta) =>
val newMembers = m.config.members - removed.member
val waitingConfig = ClusterConfiguration(m.config.singleNodeCluster, newMembers)
// keep waiting for others to be discovered
log.debug("Removed one member, until now discovered {} raft cluster members, still waiting in Init until {} discovered.", newMembers.size, removed.keepInitUntil)
stay() using m.copy(config = waitingConfig)
/** Handles adding / removing raft members; Should be handled in every state */
private[raft] lazy val clusterManagementBehavior: StateFunction = {
case Event(WhoIsTheLeader, m: Metadata) =>
stateName match {
case Follower => recentlyContactedByLeader foreach { _ forward WhoIsTheLeader } // needed in order to expose only "clusterSelfs"
case Leader => sender() ! LeaderIs(Some(m.clusterSelf), None)
case _ => sender() ! LeaderIs(None, None)
// enter joint consensus phase of configuration comitting
case Event(ChangeConfiguration(newConfiguration), m: Metadata) =>
val transitioningConfig = m.config transitionTo newConfiguration
val configChangeWouldBeNoop =
transitioningConfig.transitionToStable.members == m.config.members
if (configChangeWouldBeNoop) {
// no transition needed, the configuration change message was out of date
} else {"Starting transition to new Configuration, old [size: {}]: {}, migrating to [size: {}]: {}",
m.config.members.size, simpleNames(m.config.members),
transitioningConfig.transitionToStable.members.size, transitioningConfig)
// configuration change goes over the same process as log appending
// here we initiate the 1st phase - committing the "joint consensus config", which includes all nodes from these configs
// the 2nd phase is initiated upon committing of this entry to the log.
// Once the new config is committed, nodes that are not included can step-down
m.clusterSelf ! ClientMessage(m.clusterSelf, transitioningConfig) // todo unclean?
// todo handle RaftMember{Added / Removed} here? Think if not duplicating mechanisms though.
private[raft] lazy val snapshottingBehavior: StateFunction = {
case Event(InitLogSnapshot, m: Metadata) =>
val committedIndex = replicatedLog.committedIndex
val meta = RaftSnapshotMetadata(replicatedLog.termAt(committedIndex), committedIndex, m.config)"Initializing snapshotting of replicated log up to: {}", meta)
val snapshotFuture = prepareSnapshot(meta)
snapshotFuture onSuccess {
case Some(snap) =>"Successfuly prepared snapshot for {}, compacting log now...", meta)
case None =>
log.debug("No snapshot data obtained, skipping snapshotting...")
snapshotFuture onFailure {
case ex: Throwable =>
log.error("Unable to prepare snapshot!", ex)
// logically only a Follower should take such write, keeping handling in SharedBehaviors though, as it's more nicely grouped here - by feature
case Event(install: InstallSnapshot, m: Metadata) if stateName == Follower =>"Got snapshot from {}, is for: {}", leader(), install.snapshot.meta)
* Compacts this member's replicated log.
* Each member executes replication independently; If a Follower requests writes of data older than the last snapshot
* in a Leader's replicated log, the leader will issue an [[com.teambytes.inflatable.raft.protocol.RaftProtocol.InstallSnapshot]] command,
* thus even with data loss (we drop past data), consistency can be achieved even with Followers that lag behind the current snapshot.
* Implementations of snapshotting can be provided as extensions,
* see [[com.teambytes.inflatable.raft.compaction.LogCompactionSupport]].
// todo rethink flow here, not sure if we need such level of configurability (of different compactors...)
private def compactLogWith(snapshot: RaftSnapshot) {
val compactedLog = logCompaction.compact(replicatedLog, snapshot)
if (raftConfig.publishTestingEvents)
context.system.eventStream.publish(SnapshotWritten(replicatedLog.length, compactedLog.length))
replicatedLog = compactedLog
private def simpleNames(refs: Iterable[ActorRef]) ="{", ", ", "}")