net.sf.eBus.client.EMultiReplyFeed Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2017, 2023 Charles W. Rapp
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package net.sf.eBus.client;
import java.util.Objects;
import static net.sf.eBus.client.EFeed.NO_CONDITION;
import static net.sf.eBus.client.EReplyFeed.CANCEL_METHOD;
import static net.sf.eBus.client.EReplyFeed.REQUEST_METHOD;
import net.sf.eBus.messages.EMessageKey;
import net.sf.eBus.messages.ERequestMessage;
import net.sf.eBus.util.Validator;
* This feed allows an {@link EReplier} to open one feed for a
* given request message class and multiple message subjects. It
* acts as a proxy between the replier and the individual,
* subordinate feeds. The replier interacts solely with the
* multi-subject reply feed and is unable to access underlying
* {@code EReplyFeed}s. The replier client opens, advertises,
* un-advertises, and closes the multi-subject feed. In turn, the
* multi-subject feed opens, advertises, un-advertises, and
* closes subordinate {@link EReplyFeed}s. But
* subordinate feeds issue
* {@link EReplier#request(EReplyFeed.ERequest)}
* callbacks to the {@code EReplier} registered with the
* multi-subject feed. The multi-subject feed does not callback
* to the replier client. If the client opens a large number of
* subordinate feeds, then the client must be prepared for a
* large number of callbacks.
* The subordinate feeds are selected by passing a reply message
* message class to
* {@link EMultiFeed.Builder#messageClass(java.lang.Class) EMultiReplyFeed.Builder.messageClass}
* and either a subject list to
* {@link EMultiFeed.Builder#subjects(java.util.List) EMultiReplyFeed.Builder.subject}
* or
* a regular express query to
* {@link EMultiFeed.Builder#query(net.sf.eBus.util.regex.Pattern) EMultiReplyFeed.Builder.query}.
* The first limits the subordinate feeds to exactly those whose
* subject is listed. The second chooses subjects match the
* regular expression. In either case, the publisher may
* {@link #addFeed(String) add} or
* {@link #closeFeed(String) remove} feeds dynamically while the
* multi-subject feed is open. When adding a new reply feed, the
* new feed is configured in the same was as existing feeds and
* put into the same state (open, advertised, etc.).
* Example use of EMultiReplyFeed
* import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.eBus.client.EFeed.FeedScope;
import net.sf.eBus.client.EReplier;
import net.sf.eBus.client.EReplyFeed;
import net.sf.eBus.messages.EReplyMessage
import net.sf.eBus.messages.EReplyMessage.ReplyStatus; import net.sf.eBus.messages.EMessageKey;
import net.sf.eBus.messages.ERequestMessage;
import net.sf.eBus.util.regex.Pattern;
Step 1: Implement EReplier interface.
public class CatalogReplier implements EReplier {
// Select subjects matching this query pattern.
private final Pattern mQuery;
private final FeedScope mScope;
private EMultiReplyFeed mFeed;
private final List<EReplyFeed.ERequest> mRequests;
public CatalogReplier(final Pattern query, final FeedScope scope) {
mQuery = query;
mScope = scope;
mRequests = new ArrayList<>();
public void startup() {
try {
Step 2: Open a reply feed for reply message key. May override EReplier interfaces methods.
// This advertisement has no associated ECondition and uses EReplier interface method overrides.
mFeed = (EMultiReplyFeed.builder()).target(this)
Step 3: Advertise reply feed.
} catch (IllegalArgumentException argex) {
// Advertisement failed. Place recovery code here.
Step 4: Wait for requests to arrive.
public void request(final EReplyFeed.ERequest request, final EReplyFeed feed) {
final ERequestMessage msg = request.request();
try {
startOrderProcessing(msg, request);
} catch (Exception jex) {
request.reply(new CatalogOrderReply(ReplyStatus.ERROR, // reply status.
jex.getMessage())); // reply reason.
public void cancelRequest(final EReplyFeed.ERequest request, final boolean mayRespond) {
// Is this request still active? It is if the request is listed.
if (mRequests.remove(request)) {
// Yes, try to stop the request processing.
try {
// Throws an exception if the request cannot be stopped.
} catch (Exception jex) {
// Ignore since nothing else can be done.
Step 5: Send one or more reply messages back to requestor.
public void orderReply(final EReplyFeed.ERequest request, final ReplyStatus status, final String reason) {
final ERequestAd ad = mRequests.get(request);
if (mRequests.contains(request) && request.isActive()) {
// If the request processing is complete, remove the request.
if (status.isFinal()) {
public void shutdown() {
final String subject = mKey.subject();
// While eBus will does this for us, it is better to do it ourselves.
for (EReplyFeed.ERequest request : mRequests) {
.replyReason("shutting down")
Step 6: When shutting down, either unadvertise or close reply feed.
if (mFeed != null) {
mFeed = null;
* @see EReplier
* @see ERequestor
* @see EMultiRequestFeed
* @author Charles W. Rapp
public final class EMultiReplyFeed
extends EMultiFeed
implements IEReplyFeed
// Member data.
// Locals.
* Use this condition to check if the request message should
* be forwarded to subscriber.
private final ECondition mCondition;
* Tracks the replier's ability to handle request messages.
* for this feed. {@link #mFeedState} tracks whether there
* are any requestor to this feed.
private EFeedState mReplyState;
* Contains the functional interface callback for request
* messages. If not explicitly set by client, then defaults
* to
* {@link EReplier#request(EReplyFeed.ERequest)}.
private final RequestCallback mRequestCallback;
* Contains the functional interface callback for request
* messages. If not explicitly set by client, then defaults
* to
* {@link EReplier#cancelRequest(EReplyFeed.ERequest, boolean)}.
private final CancelRequestCallback mCancelCallback;
// Member methods.
// Constructors.
* Creates a new multi-reply feed instance based on
* validated builder settings.
* @param builder contains multi-reply feed settings.
private EMultiReplyFeed(final Builder builder)
super (builder);
mCondition = builder.mCondition;
mRequestCallback = builder.mRequestCallback;
mCancelCallback = builder.mCancelCallback;
mReplyState = EFeedState.UNKNOWN;
} // end of EMultiReplyFeed(Builder)
// end of Constructors.
// IEReplyFeed Interface Implementations.
* Returns {@code true} if this reply feed is both open and
* advertised; otherwise, returns {@code false}.
* @return {@code true} if this reply feed is open and
* advertised.
public boolean isAdvertised()
return (mIsActive.get() && mInPlace);
} // end of isAdvertised()
* Advertises each subordinate {@link EReplyFeed}. If this
* feed is currently advertised, then does nothing. If the
* cancel request and request callbacks were previously set
* for this feed, then these callbacks are set in the
* subordinate feeds prior to advertising them.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if this feed is closed or the client did not override
* {@link EReplier} methods nor put the required callbacks
* in place.
* @see #unadvertise()
* @see #updateFeedState(EFeedState)
* @see #close()
public void advertise()
if (!mIsActive.get())
throw (new IllegalStateException(FEED_IS_INACTIVE));
if (!mInPlace)
"{} multi-subject replier {}: advertising ({}).",
// Advertise each subordinate feed.
// This feed is now advertised.
mInPlace = true;
// If this multi-subject feed is query based, then
// listen for subject updates.
if (mQuery != null)
} // end of advertise()
* Retracts this multi-subject replier feed by un-advertising
* each subordinate reply feed. Does nothing if this
* feed is not currently advertised.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if this multi-subject reply feed is closed.
* @see #advertise()
* @see #close()
public void unadvertise()
if (!mIsActive.get())
throw (new IllegalStateException(FEED_IS_INACTIVE));
if (mInPlace)
"{} multi-subject replier {}: unadvertising ({}).",
// Unadvertise each subordinate feed.
// This feed is no longer advertised.
mReplyState = EFeedState.UNKNOWN;
mInPlace = false;
// Stop listening for subject updates.
} // end of unadvertise()
* Updates the reply feed state to the given value. If
* {@code update} equals the currently stored publish feed
* state, nothing is done. Otherwise, the updated value is
* stored and the subordinate reply feed states are updated
* as well.
* The reply feed state may be updated only when this feed
* is open and advertised. The method may not be called when
* the feed is closed or un-advertised.
* @param update the new reply feed state.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code update} is {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if this feed was closed or is not advertised.
public void updateFeedState(final EFeedState update)
Objects.requireNonNull(update, "update is null");
if (!mIsActive.get())
throw (new IllegalStateException(FEED_IS_INACTIVE));
else if (!mInPlace)
throw (
new IllegalStateException(FEED_NOT_ADVERTISED));
// Does this update actually change anything?
else if (update != mReplyState)
// Yes. Apply the update.
mReplyState = update;
"{} multi-subject replier {}: setting feed state to {} ({}).",
// Update each subordinate publish feed.
.forEach(feed -> feed.updateFeedState(update));
} // end of updateFeedState(EFeedState)
// end of IEReplyFeed Interface Implementations.
// Abstract Method Implementations.
* Returns a newly minted subordinate reply feed for the
* given key.
* @param key create feed for this key.
* @return a subordinate reply feed.
protected EReplyFeed createFeed(EMessageKey key)
final EReplyFeed.Builder builder =
return (
} // end of createFeed(EMessageKey)
* Sets the feed status callback, advertises {@code feed},
* and updates the reply feed state. The reply feed state
* is taken from the most recent
* {@link #updateFeedState(EFeedState)} setting. If the
* reply feed state has never been updated, then the state
* is {@link EFeedState#UNKNOWN}.
* @param feed advertise this feed.
protected void putFeedInPlace(final EReplyFeed feed)
} // end of putFeedInPlace(EReplyFeed)
// end of Abstract Method Implementations.
// Get Methods.
* Returns the reply state which specifies whether this
* multi-subject reply feed (and its subordinate feeds) are
* ready to handle requests or not. An update reply state
* does not mean that the replier will receive requests but
* only that the replier is capable of handling requests at
* this time.
* @return current reply state.
* @see #feedState(String)
public EFeedState replyState()
return (mReplyState);
} // end of replyState()
// end of Get Methods.
* Returns a new {@code EMultiReplyFeed} builder instance.
* This instance should be used to build a single reply feed
* instance and not used to create multiple such feeds.
* @return new feed builder.
public static Builder builder()
return (new Builder());
} // end of builder()
// Inner classes.
* {@code EMultiReplyFeed.Builder} is the mechanism for
* creating an {@code EMultiReplyFeed} instance. A
* {@code Builder} instance is acquired from
* {@link EMultiReplyFeed#builder()}. The following example
* shows how to create an {@code EMultiReplyFeed} instance
* using a {@code Builder}. The code assumes that the target
* class implements {@code EReplier} interface methods.
* @Overricde public void startup() {
final EMultiReplyFeed feed = (EMultiReplyFeed.builder()).target(this)
.subjects(mSubjectsList) // msSubjectsList is List<String> subject list
// Call .requestCallback(lambda expression) and
// .cancelRequestCallback(lambda expression) to replace request, cancelRequest methods
public static final class Builder
extends EMultiFeed.Builder
// Member data.
// Locals.
* Apply this condition to all incoming messages. Only
* those messages satisfying the condition are forwarded
* to the target. Defaults to {@link #NO_CONDITION}.
private ECondition mCondition;
* Contains the functional interface callback for request
* messages. If not explicitly set by client, then
* defaults to
* {@link EReplier#request(EReplyFeed.ERequest)}.
private RequestCallback mRequestCallback;
* Contains the functional interface callback for request
* messages. If not explicitly set by client, then
* defaults to
* {@link EReplier#cancelRequest(EReplyFeed.ERequest, boolean)}.
private CancelRequestCallback mCancelCallback;
// Member methods.
// Constructors.
* Creates a new multi-feed reply builder with the
* given "require callbacks" flag.
private Builder()
super (EMultiReplyFeed.class,
mCondition = NO_CONDITION;
} // end of Builder()
// end of Constructors.
// Abstract Method Overrides.
protected Validator validate(final Validator problems)
// If the callbacks were not put in place, then use
// the defaults.
if (mRequestCallback == null &&
mTarget != null &&
mRequestCallback =
((EReplier) mTarget)::request;
if (mCancelCallback == null &&
mTarget != null &&
mCancelCallback =
((EReplier) mTarget)::cancelRequest;
return (super.validate(problems)
" not overridden or requestCallback not set")
" not overridden or cancelRequestCallback not set"));
} // end of validate(Validator)
protected EReplyFeed createFeed(final EMessageKey key)
final EReplyFeed.Builder builder =
return ( mTarget)
} // end of createFeed(EMessageKey)
protected EMultiReplyFeed buildImpl()
return (new EMultiReplyFeed(this));
} // end of buildImpl()
protected Builder self()
return (this);
} // end of self()
// end of Abstract Method Overrides.
// Set Methods.
* Sets advertisement condition to the given value. May
* be {@code null} which results in condition being set
* to {@link #NO_CONDITION}.
* An example using this method is:
* {@code condition(m -> ((CatalogUpdate) m).category == Category.APPLIANCES)}
* @param condition advertisement condition.
* @return {@code this Builder} instance.
public Builder condition(final ECondition condition)
if (condition == null)
mCondition = NO_CONDITION;
mCondition = condition;
return (this);
} // end of condition(ECondition)
* Puts the new request callback in place. If {@code cb}
* is not {@code null}, requests will be passed to
* {@code cb} rather than
* {@link EReplier#request(EReplyFeed.ERequest)}. A
* {@code null cb} means that requests are passed to the
* {@link EReplier#request(EReplyFeed.ERequest)}
* override.
* An example using this method is:
* {@code requestCallback(this::newOrder)}
* @param cb the request callback. May be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this Builder} instance.
public Builder requestCallback(final RequestCallback cb)
mRequestCallback = cb;
return (this);
} // end of requestCallback(RequestCallback)
* Puts the cancel request callback in place. If
* {@code cb} is not {@code null}, requests will be
* passed to {@code cb} rather than
* {@link EReplier#cancelRequest(EReplyFeed.ERequest, boolean)}.
* A {@code null cb} means that cancellations are passed
* to the
* {@link EReplier#cancelRequest(EReplyFeed.ERequest, boolean)}
* override.
* An example using this method is:
* {@code this::cancelOrder}
* @param cb the cancel request callback. May be
* {@code null}.
* @return {@code this Builder} instance.
public Builder cancelRequestCallback(final CancelRequestCallback cb)
mCancelCallback = cb;
return (this);
} // end of cancelRequestCallback(CancelRequestCallback)
// end of Set Methods.
} // end of class Builder
} // end of class EMultiReplyFeed