net.sf.eBus.client.ESingleFeed Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright 2018, 2020 Charles W. Rapp
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package net.sf.eBus.client;
import java.util.Objects;
import net.sf.eBus.messages.EMessageKey;
import net.sf.eBus.util.Validator;
* Base class for all feeds which connect to a single
* {@link ESubject eBus subject}.
* @author Charles W. Rapp
/* package */ abstract class ESingleFeed
extends EFeed
// Enums.
* Enumerates the supported feed types. There are four basic
* feed types:
* -
* publishing notification messages,
* -
* receiving notification messages,
* -
* sending a request message, and
* -
* replying to a request message.
protected enum FeedType
* Feed for publishing notification messages.
* Feed for receiving notification messages.
* Feed for placing requests.
* Feed for replying to requests.
} // end of enum FeedType
// Member data.
// Locals.
* Specifies whether this is a publish, subscribe, request,
* or reply feed.
protected final FeedType mFeedType;
* The feed interfaces with this eBus subject. The subject
* type is based on {@link #mFeedType feed type}.
protected final ESubject mSubject;
* Tracks the number of contra-feeds matched to this feed. If
* this is a publisher feed, then counts subscriber feeds. If
* a subscriber feed, then counts publisher feeds.
protected int mActivationCount;
* Index in the {@link EFeedList}. Note that a feed is stored
* in only one feed list.
private int mFeedIndex;
// Member methods.
// Constructors.
* Creates a new single eBus feed instance for the given
* parameters.
* This constructor is not deprecated since it is
* @param client post eBus tasks to this client.
* @param feedScope this feed supports either local, local
* & remote, or just remote feeds.
* @param feedType the actual feed type.
* @param subject interact with this eBus subject.
protected ESingleFeed(final EClient client,
final FeedScope feedScope,
final FeedType feedType,
final ESubject subject)
super (client, feedScope);
mFeedType = feedType;
mSubject = subject;
mFeedIndex = -1;
mActivationCount = 0;
} // end of ESingleFeed()
* Creates a new single eBus feed instance based on the
* given builder's settings.
* @param builder contains feed settings.
protected ESingleFeed(final Builder builder)
super (builder);
mFeedType = builder.mFeedType;
mSubject = builder.getSubject();
mFeedIndex = -1;
mActivationCount = 0;
} // end of ESingleFeed(Builder)
// end of Constructors.
// Abstract Method Declarations.
* Updates the feed activation count if the feed
* scope supports the contra-feed location. If the activation
* count transitions between activate and inactive, then
* updates the feed.
* @param loc contra-feed location.
* @param fs contra-feed state.
* @return 1 if activated, -1 if deactivated, and zero if
* not affected.
/* package */ abstract int
updateActivation(final EClient.ClientLocation loc,
final EFeedState fs);
// end of Abstract Method Declarations.
// Object Method Overrides.
* Returns a containing the feed message key and data member
* values.
* @return textual representation of this feed.
public String toString()
return (String.format("%s %s %s",
} // end of toString()
// end of Object Method Overrides.
// Get Methods.
* Returns the feed message key. The message key type matches
* the feed type. If this is a {@link EPublishFeed}, then a
* {@link net.sf.eBus.messages.ENotificationMessage notification}
* message key is returned.
* @return message key.
public final EMessageKey key()
return (mSubject.key());
} // end of key()
* Returns the feed
* {@link EMessageKey#subject() message key subect}.
* @return message key subject.
public final String messageSubject()
return ((mSubject.key()).subject());
} // end of messageSubject()
* Returns the index into the {@link EFeedList}.
* @return feed list index.
/* package */ final int feedIndex()
return (mFeedIndex);
} // end of feedIndex()
* Returns the feed activation count.
* @return value ≥ zero.
public final int activationCount()
return (mActivationCount);
} // end of activationCount()
// end of Get Methods.
// Set Methods.
* Sets the {@link EFeedList feed list} index to the given
* value.
* @param index the updated feed list index.
/* package */ final void feedIndex(final int index)
mFeedIndex = index;
} // end of feedIndex(int)
// end of Set Methods.
// Inner classes.
* Base class for single subject feeds. Contains feed message
* key.
* @param feed type.
* @param {@link EObject} sub-type.
* @param builder leaf type.
protected abstract static class Builder>
extends EFeed.Builder
// Member data.
// Locals.
* Target feed type.
protected final FeedType mFeedType;
* eBus message key. Required for single feeds.
protected EMessageKey mKey;
// Member methods.
// Constructors.
* Creates a new single feed builder for the given feed
* type and eBus target feed class.
* @param feedType target feed type.
* @param targetClass target builder class.
protected Builder(final FeedType feedType,
final Class targetClass)
super (targetClass);
mFeedType = feedType;
} // end of className(FeedType, Class)
// end of Constructors.
// Abstract Method Declarations.
* Returns eBus subject for the given message key.
* @return eBus feed subject.
protected abstract ESubject getSubject();
// end of Abstract Method Declarations.
// Abstract Method Overrides.
* Checks if message key is set.
* @param problems place invalid configuration settings
* in this problems list.
* @return {@code problems} to allow for method chaining.
protected Validator validate(final Validator problems)
return (problems.requireNotNull(mKey, "messageKey"));
} // end of validate(Validator)
// end of Abstract Method Overrides.
// Set Methods.
* Sets eBus message key defining this feed. Returns
* {@code this Builder} instance so that configuration
* methods may be chained.
* @param key eBus message key.
* @return {@code this Builder} instance.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if {@code target} is {@code null}.
public B messageKey(final EMessageKey key)
mKey = Objects.requireNonNull(key, "key is null");
return (self());
} // end of messageKey(EMessageKey)
// end of Set Methods.
} // end of class Builder
} // end of class ESingleFeed