Download kernel-core JAR file with all dependencies
kernel-core from group net.sf.sf3jswing (version 1.3.14)
Artifact kernel-core
Group net.sf.sf3jswing
Version 1.3.14
Last update 22. May 2016
Tags: using maven manager handle lays reason common applets before becomes most deployed javadoc currently editors platforms used dependency heap scopes appropriately repository file worked three feature various published central application cache important windows linux memory handful picture project originally what implementation library java this small overflows
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies ${project.parent.artifactId}-${platformModule}, junit-dep, commons-codec, commons-httpclient, commons-io, httpcore-nio, commons-logging, httpcore, ant-contrib,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.sf.sf3jswing
Version 1.3.14
Last update 22. May 2016
Tags: using maven manager handle lays reason common applets before becomes most deployed javadoc currently editors platforms used dependency heap scopes appropriately repository file worked three feature various published central application cache important windows linux memory handful picture project originally what implementation library java this small overflows
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies ${project.parent.artifactId}-${platformModule}, junit-dep, commons-codec, commons-httpclient, commons-io, httpcore-nio, commons-logging, httpcore, ant-contrib,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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