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com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.SearchRequest.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.Indexes
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ext.OptionImplicits._
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.admin.IndicesOptionsRequest
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.common.{FetchSourceContext, Preference}
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.script.ScriptField
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.aggs.AbstractAggregation
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.collapse.CollapseRequest
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.knn.Knn
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.queries.compound.BoolQuery
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.queries.matches.{MatchAllQuery, MatchQuery}
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.queries.{PrefixQuery, Query, QueryStringQuery, RawQuery, RegexQuery}
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.sort.{FieldSort, Sort}
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.suggestion.Suggestion
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.requests.searches.term.TermQuery
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}
case class SearchRequest(indexes: Indexes,
aggs: Seq[AbstractAggregation] = Nil,
collapse: Option[CollapseRequest] = None,
docValues: Seq[String] = Nil,
scriptFields: Seq[ScriptField] = Nil,
storedFields: Seq[String] = Nil,
fetchContext: Option[FetchSourceContext] = None,
pref: Option[String] = None,
routing: Option[String] = None,
terminateAfter: Option[Int] = None,
timeout: Option[Duration] = None,
minScore: Option[Double] = None,
rescorers: Seq[Rescore] = Nil,
trackScores: Option[Boolean] = None,
indicesOptions: Option[IndicesOptionsRequest] = None,
inners: Seq[InnerHit] = Nil,
indexBoosts: Seq[(String, Double)] = Nil,
keepAlive: Option[String] = None,
highlight: Option[Highlight] = None,
query: Option[Query] = None,
postFilter: Option[Query] = None,
requestCache: Option[Boolean] = None,
sorts: Seq[Sort] = Nil,
suggs: Seq[Suggestion] = Nil,
globalSuggestionText: Option[String] = None,
from: Option[Int] = None,
size: Option[Int] = None,
slice: Option[(Int, Int)] = None,
explain: Option[Boolean] = None,
stats: Seq[String] = Nil,
searchType: Option[SearchType] = None,
searchAfter: Seq[Any] = Nil,
version: Option[Boolean] = None,
seqNoPrimaryTerm: Option[Boolean] = None,
profile: Option[Boolean] = None,
source: Option[String] = None,
trackHits: Option[Any] = None,
allowPartialSearchResults: Option[Boolean] = None,
batchedReduceSize: Option[Int] = None,
typedKeys: Option[Boolean] = None,
runtimeMappings: Seq[RuntimeMapping] = Nil,
ext: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
knn: Option[Knn] = None,
multipleKnn: Seq[Knn] = Nil,
pit: Option[Pit] = None) {
/** Adds a single string query to this search
* @param string the query string
def query(string: String): SearchRequest = query(QueryStringQuery(string))
// adds a query to this search
def query(q: Query): SearchRequest = copy(query = q.some)
def minScore(min: Double): SearchRequest = copy(minScore = Some(min))
def bool(block: => BoolQuery): SearchRequest = query(block)
def inner(first: InnerHit, rest: InnerHit*): SearchRequest = inner(first +: rest)
def inner(inners: Iterable[InnerHit]): SearchRequest = copy(inners = inners.toSeq)
def searchAfter(values: Seq[Any]): SearchRequest = copy(searchAfter = values)
def postFilter(block: => Query): SearchRequest = copy(postFilter = block.some)
def requestCache(requestCache: Boolean): SearchRequest = copy(requestCache = requestCache.some)
def aggs(first: AbstractAggregation, rest: AbstractAggregation*): SearchRequest = aggs(first +: rest)
def aggs(iterable: Iterable[AbstractAggregation]): SearchRequest = aggregations(iterable)
def aggregations(aggs: Iterable[AbstractAggregation]): SearchRequest = copy(aggs = aggs.toSeq)
def aggregations(first: AbstractAggregation, rest: AbstractAggregation*): SearchRequest =
aggregations(first +: rest)
def sortBy(sorts: Sort*): SearchRequest = sortBy(sorts)
def sortBy(sorts: Iterable[Sort]): SearchRequest = copy(sorts = sorts.toSeq)
def sortByFieldAsc(name: String): SearchRequest = sortBy(FieldSort(name))
def sortByFieldDesc(name: String): SearchRequest = sortBy(FieldSort(name).desc())
def trackTotalHits(value: Boolean): SearchRequest = copy(trackHits = Some(value))
def trackTotalHits(value: Long): SearchRequest = copy(trackHits = Some(value))
/** This method introduces zero or more script field definitions into the search construction
* @param fields zero or more [[ScriptField]] instances
* @return this, an instance of [[SearchRequest]]
def scriptfields(fields: ScriptField*): SearchRequest = scriptfields(fields)
def scriptfields(_fields: Iterable[ScriptField]): SearchRequest =
copy(scriptFields = _fields.toSeq)
* Adds a new suggestion to the search request, which can be looked up in the response
* using the name provided.
def suggestions(first: Suggestion, rest: Suggestion*): SearchRequest =
suggestions(first +: rest)
def suggestions(suggs: Iterable[Suggestion]): SearchRequest =
copy(suggs = suggs.toSeq)
def suggestion(sugg: Suggestion): SearchRequest = suggestions(Seq(sugg))
def globalSuggestionText(text: String): SearchRequest =
copy(globalSuggestionText = text.some)
// Adds a single prefix query to this search
def prefix(name: String, value: Any): SearchRequest = query(PrefixQuery(name, value))
def regexQuery(tuple: (String, String)): SearchRequest = regexQuery(tuple._1, tuple._2)
// Adds a single regex query to this search
def regexQuery(field: String, value: String): SearchRequest = query(RegexQuery(field, value))
def termQuery(tuple: (String, Any)): SearchRequest = termQuery(tuple._1, tuple._2)
def termQuery(field: String, value: Any): SearchRequest = {
val q = TermQuery(field, value)
def matchQuery(field: String, value: Any): SearchRequest = {
val q = MatchQuery(field, value)
def matchAllQuery(): SearchRequest = query(MatchAllQuery())
/** Expects a query in json format and sets the query of the search request.
* i.e. underneath a "query" field if referencing HTTP API
* Query must be valid json beginning with '{' and ending with '}'.
* Field names must be double quoted.
* Example:
* {{{
* search in "*" limit 5 rawQuery {
* """{ "prefix": { "bands": { "prefix": "coldplay", "boost": 5.0, "rewrite": "yes" } } }"""
* } searchType SearchType.Scan
* }}}
def rawQuery(json: String): SearchRequest = query(RawQuery(json))
* Sets the source of the request as a json string. Note, if you use this method
* any other body-level settings will be ignored.
* HTTP query-parameter settings can still be used, eg limit, routing, search type etc.
* Unlike rawQuery, source is parsed at the "root" level
* Query must be valid json beginning with '{' and ending with '}'.
* Field names must be double quoted.
* NOTE: This method only works with the HTTP client.
* Example:
* {{{
* search in "*" limit 5 source {
* """{ "query": { "prefix": { "bands": { "prefix": "coldplay", "boost": 5.0, "rewrite": "yes" } } } }"""
* } searchType SearchType.Scan
* }}}
def source(json: String): SearchRequest = copy(source = json.some)
def explain(enabled: Boolean): SearchRequest = copy(explain = enabled.some)
def highlighting(first: HighlightField, rest: HighlightField*): SearchRequest =
highlighting(HighlightOptions(), first +: rest)
def highlighting(fields: Iterable[HighlightField]): SearchRequest =
highlighting(HighlightOptions(), fields)
def highlighting(options: HighlightOptions, first: HighlightField, rest: HighlightField*): SearchRequest =
highlighting(options, first +: rest)
def highlighting(options: HighlightOptions, fields: Iterable[HighlightField]): SearchRequest =
copy(highlight = Highlight(options, fields).some)
def routing(r: String): SearchRequest = copy(routing = r.some)
def start(i: Int): SearchRequest = from(i)
def from(i: Int): SearchRequest = copy(from = i.some)
def limit(i: Int): SearchRequest = size(i)
def size(i: Int): SearchRequest = copy(size = i.some)
def preference(pref: Preference): SearchRequest = preference(pref.value)
def preference(pref: String): SearchRequest = copy(pref = pref.some)
def indicesOptions(options: IndicesOptionsRequest): SearchRequest = copy(indicesOptions = options.some)
def rescore(first: Rescore, rest: Rescore*): SearchRequest = rescore(first +: rest)
def rescore(rescorers: Iterable[Rescore]): SearchRequest =
copy(rescorers = rescorers.toSeq)
// alias for scroll
def keepAlive(keepAlive: String): SearchRequest = scroll(keepAlive)
def keepAlive(duration: FiniteDuration): SearchRequest = scroll(duration)
def scroll(keepAlive: String): SearchRequest = copy(keepAlive = keepAlive.some)
def scroll(duration: FiniteDuration): SearchRequest = copy(keepAlive = Some(duration.toSeconds + "s"))
def slice(id: Int, max: Int): SearchRequest = copy(slice = Some(id, max))
def searchType(searchType: SearchType): SearchRequest = copy(searchType = searchType.some)
def version(version: Boolean): SearchRequest = copy(version = version.some)
def seqNoPrimaryTerm(seqNoPrimaryTerm: Boolean): SearchRequest = copy(seqNoPrimaryTerm = seqNoPrimaryTerm.some)
* The maximum number of documents to collect for each shard,
* upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early.
* If set, the response will have a boolean field terminated_early
* to indicate whether the query execution has actually terminated
* early. Defaults to no.
def terminateAfter(terminateAfter: Int): SearchRequest =
copy(terminateAfter = terminateAfter.some)
// Allows to return the doc value representation of a field for each hit, for example:
def docValues(first: String, rest: String*): SearchRequest = docValues(first +: rest)
def docValues(_fields: Seq[String]): SearchRequest = copy(docValues = _fields)
def indexBoost(map: Map[String, Double]): SearchRequest = indexBoost(map.toList: _*)
def indexBoost(tuples: (String, Double)*): SearchRequest = copy(indexBoosts = tuples)
def timeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): SearchRequest = copy(timeout = timeout.some)
def stats(groups: String*): SearchRequest = copy(stats = groups.toSeq)
def trackScores(enabled: Boolean): SearchRequest = copy(trackScores = enabled.some)
def storedFields(first: String, rest: String*): SearchRequest = storedFields(first +: rest)
def storedFields(_fields: Iterable[String]): SearchRequest =
copy(storedFields = _fields.toSeq)
def fetchContext(context: FetchSourceContext): SearchRequest = copy(fetchContext = context.some)
def fetchSource(fetch: Boolean): SearchRequest = copy(fetchContext = FetchSourceContext(fetch).some)
def sourceInclude(first: String, rest: String*): SearchRequest = fetchContext match {
case Some(ctx) => sourceFiltering(first +: rest, ctx.excludes)
case None => sourceFiltering(first +: rest, Nil)
def sourceInclude(includes: Iterable[String]): SearchRequest = fetchContext match {
case Some(ctx) => sourceFiltering(includes, ctx.excludes)
case None => sourceFiltering(includes, Nil)
def sourceExclude(first: String, rest: String*): SearchRequest = fetchContext match {
case Some(ctx) => sourceFiltering(ctx.includes, first +: rest)
case None => sourceFiltering(Nil, first +: rest)
def sourceExclude(excludes: Iterable[String]): SearchRequest = fetchContext match {
case Some(ctx) => sourceFiltering(ctx.includes, excludes)
case None => sourceFiltering(Nil, excludes)
def sourceFiltering(includes: Iterable[String], excludes: Iterable[String]): SearchRequest =
copy(fetchContext = FetchSourceContext(true, includes.toArray, excludes.toArray).some)
def collapse(collapse: CollapseRequest): SearchRequest = copy(collapse = collapse.some)
def typedKeys(enabled: Boolean): SearchRequest = copy(typedKeys = enabled.some)
def runtimeMappings(mappings: RuntimeMapping*): SearchRequest = runtimeMappings(mappings)
def runtimeMappings(mappings: Iterable[RuntimeMapping]): SearchRequest =
copy(runtimeMappings = mappings.toSeq)
def ext(ext: Map[String, Any]): SearchRequest = copy(ext = ext)
def knn(knn: Knn): SearchRequest = copy(knn = knn.some)
def multipleKnn(multipleKnn: Iterable[Knn]): SearchRequest = copy(multipleKnn = multipleKnn.toSeq)
def pit(pit: Pit): SearchRequest = {
// When a pit is provided, no target must be given
copy(pit = Some(pit), indexes = Indexes(Nil))