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eu.peppol.identifier.SchemeId Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package eu.peppol.identifier;
* Provides a binding between the attributes schemeAgencyId and the corresponding ISO6523 prefix (ICD).
* The ENUM is taken from Policy for use of Identifiers version 3.0 dated 2014-02-03.
* The ICD's should be 4 digits, a list can be found :
* @author andy
* @author steinar
* @author thore
public enum SchemeId {
SE_ORGNR("SE:ORGNR", "0007"),
FR_SIRET("FR:SIRET", "0009"),
FI_OVT("FI:OVT", "0037"),
DU_S("DUNS", "0060"),
GL_("GLN", "0088"),
DK_P("DK:P", "0096"),
IT_FTI("IT:FTI", "0097"),
NL_KVK("NL:KVK", "0106"),
IT_SIA("IT:SIA", "0135"),
DK_CPR("DK:CPR", "9901"),
DK_CVR("DK:CVR", "9902"),
DK_SE("DK:SE", "9904"),
DK_VANS("DK:VANS", "9905"),
IT_VAT("IT:VAT", "9906"),
IT_CF("IT:CF", "9907"),
NO_ORGNR("NO:ORGNR", "9908"),
NO_VAT("NO:VAT", "9909"),
HU_VAT("HU:VAT", "9910"),
@Deprecated EU_VAT("EU:VAT", "9912"),
EU_REID("EU:REID", "9913"),
AT_VAT("AT:VAT", "9914"),
AT_GOV("AT:GOV", "9915"),
@Deprecated AT_CID("AT:CID", "9916"),
IS_KT("IS:KT", "9917"),
IB_N("IBAN", "9918"),
AT_KUR("AT:KUR", "9919"),
ES_VAT("ES:VAT", "9920"),
IT_IPA("IT:IPA", "9921"),
AD_VAT("AD:VAT", "9922"),
AL_VAT("AL:VAT", "9923"),
BA_VAT("BA:VAT", "9924"),
BE_VAT("BE:VAT", "9925"),
BG_VAT("BG:VAT", "9926"),
CH_VAT("CH:VAT", "9927"),
CY_VAT("CY:VAT", "9928"),
CZ_VAT("CZ:VAT", "9929"),
DE_VAT("DE:VAT", "9930"),
EE_VAT("EE:VAT", "9931"),
GB_VAT("GB:VAT", "9932"),
GR_VAT("GR:VAT", "9933"),
HR_VAT("HR:VAT", "9934"),
IE_VAT("IE:VAT", "9935"),
LI_VAT("LI:VAT", "9936"),
LT_VAT("LT:VAT", "9937"),
LU_VAT("LU:VAT", "9938"),
LV_VAT("LV:VAT", "9939"),
MC_VAT("MC:VAT", "9940"),
ME_VAT("ME:VAT", "9941"),
MK_VAT("MK:VAT", "9942"),
MT_VAT("MT:VAT", "9943"),
NL_VAT("NL:VAT", "9944"),
PL_VAT("PL:VAT", "9945"),
PT_VAT("PT:VAT", "9946"),
RO_VAT("RO:VAT", "9947"),
RS_VAT("RS:VAT", "9948"),
SI_VAT("SI:VAT", "9949"),
SK_VAT("SK:VAT", "9950"),
SM_VAT("SM:VAT", "9951"),
TR_VAT("TR:VAT", "9952"),
VA_VAT("VA:VAT", "9953"),
NL_ION("NL:OIN", "9954"), /* was wrongly noted as NL:ION in the peppol document */
SE_VAT("SE:VAT", "9955"),
ZZ_("ZZZ", "9999");
final String schemeId;
final String iso6523Icd;
SchemeId(String schemeId, String iso6523Icd) {
this.schemeId = schemeId;
this.iso6523Icd = iso6523Icd;
public String getSchemeId() {
return schemeId;
public String getIso6523Icd() {
return iso6523Icd;
* Allows a specific PartyId implementation to format the organisationId
* correctly.
* The norwegian Organisation number can be postfixed with MVA or prefixed with NO
* e.g. 987654321MVA is valid as is NO987654321MVA
* @param organisationId
* @return
public String formatOrganisationId(String organisationId) {
return organisationId;
* Tries to find the Party id with the given schemeId
* e.g. "ES:VAT" --> ES_VAT
* @param schemeId
* @return the PartyId if found, null otherwise
public static SchemeId parse(String schemeId) {
if (schemeId == null)
return null;
for (SchemeId partyId : values()) {
if (partyId.schemeId.equalsIgnoreCase(schemeId)) {
return partyId;
throw new IllegalStateException("schemeID '" + schemeId + "' is unknown");
* Tries to find the Party id from the ISO652 code
* e.g. "9919" --> AT_KUR
* @param code
* @return the party id if found null otherwise.
public static SchemeId fromISO6523(String code) {
if (code == null) {
return null;
for (SchemeId schemeId : values()) {
if (schemeId.iso6523Icd.equalsIgnoreCase(code)) {
return schemeId;
return null;