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no.nrk.bigquery.codegen.CodeGen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 NRK
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package no.nrk.bigquery
package codegen
import org.apache.commons.text.translate.LookupTranslator
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.*
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
object Generators {
private val escaper = new LookupTranslator(
Map[CharSequence, CharSequence]("\"" -> "\\\"", "\\" -> "\\\\", "$" -> "$$").asJava)
private def lit(v: String) = s""""$v""""
private def description(desc: Option[String]) = => s"Some(${lit(s)})").getOrElse("None")
def genSchema(schema: BQSchema) = {
val outerIndent = repeat(4)(" ")
def genField(indent: Int, field: BQField): String = {
val level = repeat(indent)(" ")
val desc = description(field.description)
val gen = if (field.tpe == BQField.Type.STRUCT) {
val subfields = => genField(indent + 2, f)).mkString(",\n")
s"BQField.struct(${lit(}, BQField.Mode.${}, ${desc})(\n$subfields\n$level)"
} else {
s"BQField(${lit(}, BQField.Type.${}, BQField.Mode.${}, ${desc})"
level + gen
|${, _)).mkString("", ",\n", "")}
def repeat(n: Int)(rep: String) = List.fill(n)(rep).mkString
def genQuery(sql: String) = {
val indent = repeat(14 + 8)(" ")
def escape(line: String) =
val query2 = {
val split = sql.split("\n")
if (split.length > 1) {
val head = "|" + escape(split.head) + "\n"
head + => indent + "|" + escape(line)).mkString("\n")
} else sql.trim
val quoted = "\"\"\""
def genPartitionType(partitionType: BQPartitionType[Any]): String =
partitionType match {
case BQPartitionType.DatePartitioned(Ident(field)) =>
case BQPartitionType.HourPartitioned(Ident(field)) =>
case BQPartitionType.MonthPartitioned(Ident(field)) =>
case BQPartitionType.Sharded =>
case BQPartitionType.IntegerRangePartitioned(Ident(field), range) =>
s"BQPartitionType.IntegerRangePartitioned(Ident(${lit(field)}), BQIntegerRange(start = ${range.start}, end = ${range.end}, interval = ${range.interval}))"
case _: BQPartitionType.NotPartitioned =>
// todo: can we use pprint for this?
def genViewDef(view: BQTableDef.View[Any]) = {
val partitionType = genPartitionType(view.partitionType)
val labels =
if (view.labels.values.isEmpty) "TableLabels.Empty"
else { case (k, v) => s"${lit(k)} -> ${lit(v)}" }.mkString("TableLabels(", ", ", ")")
val outerLevel = repeat(2)(" ")
val level = repeat(4)(" ")
§${level}tableId = BQTableId.unsafeFromString(${lit(view.tableId.asString)}),
§${level}partitionType = ${partitionType},
§${level}query = ${genQuery(view.query.asString)},
§${level}schema = ${genSchema(view.schema)},
§${level}description = ${description(view.description)},
§${level}labels = ${labels},
// todo: can we use pprint for this?
def genTableDef(table: BQTableDef.Table[Any]) = {
val partitionType = genPartitionType(table.partitionType)
val labels =
if (table.labels.values.isEmpty) "TableLabels.Empty"
else { case (k, v) => s"${lit(k)} -> ${lit(v)}" }.mkString("TableLabels(", ", ", ")")
val clustering = => s"Ident(${lit(ident.value)})").mkString("List(", ", ", ")")
val options =
if (table.tableOptions == TableOptions.Empty) "TableOptions.Empty"
else s"TableOptions(partitionFilterRequired = ${table.tableOptions.partitionFilterRequired})"
val outerLevel = repeat(2)(" ")
val level = repeat(4)(" ")
|${level}tableId = BQTableId.unsafeFromString(${lit(table.tableId.asString)}),
|${level}schema = ${genSchema(table.schema)},
|${level}partitionType = ${partitionType},
|${level}description = ${description(table.description)},
|${level}clustering = $clustering,
|${level}labels = $labels,
|${level}tableOptions = $options
object CodeGen {
def generate(tables: immutable.Seq[BQTableDef[Any]], basePackage: List[String]) =
tables.collect {
case table: BQTableDef.Table[?] =>
Source(SourceLocation(table.tableId, basePackage, "Table"), Generators.genTableDef(table))
case view: BQTableDef.View[?] =>
Source(SourceLocation(view.tableId, basePackage, "View"), Generators.genViewDef(view))
case class Source(loc: SourceLocation, definition: String) {
def asObject =
s"""|package ${loc.pkgNames.mkString(".")}
|import no.nrk.bigquery._
|import no.nrk.bigquery.syntax._
|object ${loc.typeName} {
| val definition = $definition
def writeTo(basedir: Path) = {
val destination = loc.destinationFile(basedir)
Files.write(destination, asObject.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
case class SourceLocation(pkgNames: List[String], typeName: String) {
def destinationFile(basedir: Path): Path =
object SourceLocation {
def apply(tableId: BQTableId, packages: List[String], suffix: String): SourceLocation = {
def clean(str: String): String = {
val camelCase = str
.split("[-_ ]")
.map {
case (frag, 0) => frag
case (frag, _) => frag.capitalize
camelCase.filter(_.isLetterOrDigit) match {
case x if x.head.isDigit => "x" + x
case x => x
val pkgNames =
packages ::: List(clean(tableId.dataset.project.value), clean(
val objectName = clean(tableId.tableName).capitalize
SourceLocation(pkgNames, objectName + suffix)