org.acplt.oncrpc.OncRpcClientReplyMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* $Header: /home/harald/repos/,v 1.1 2003/08/13 12:03:40 haraldalbrecht Exp $
* Copyright (c) 1999, 2000
* Lehrstuhl fuer Prozessleittechnik (PLT), RWTH Aachen
* D-52064 Aachen, Germany.
* All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program (see the file LICENSE.txt for more
* details); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package org.acplt.oncrpc;
* The OncRpcReplyMessage
class represents an ONC/RPC reply
* message as defined by ONC/RPC in RFC 1831. Such messages are sent back by
* ONC/RPC to servers to clients and contain (in case of real success) the
* result of a remote procedure call.
* The decision to define only one single class for the accepted and
* rejected replies was driven by the motivation not to use polymorphism
* and thus have to upcast and downcast references all the time.
The derived classes are only provided for convinience on the server
* side.
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/08/13 12:03:40 $ $State: Exp $ $Locker: $
* @author Harald Albrecht
public class OncRpcClientReplyMessage extends OncRpcReplyMessage {
* Initializes a new RPC reply message object to represent
* an invalid state {@link OncRpcReplyMessage}. This default constructor
* should only be used if in the next step the real state of the reply
* message is immediately decoded from a XDR stream.
* @param auth Client-side authentication protocol handling object which
* is to be used when decoding the verifier data contained in the reply.
public OncRpcClientReplyMessage(OncRpcClientAuth auth) {
this.auth = auth;
* Check whether this OncRpcReplyMessage
represents an
* accepted and successfully executed remote procedure call.
* @return true
if remote procedure call was accepted and
* successfully executed.
public boolean successfullyAccepted() {
return (replyStatus == OncRpcReplyStatus.ONCRPC_MSG_ACCEPTED)
&& (acceptStatus == OncRpcAcceptStatus.ONCRPC_SUCCESS);
* Return an appropriate exception object according to the state this
* reply message header object is in. The exception object then can be
* thrown.
* @return Exception object of class {@link OncRpcException} or a subclass
* thereof.
public OncRpcException newException() {
switch ( replyStatus ) {
case OncRpcReplyStatus.ONCRPC_MSG_ACCEPTED:
switch ( acceptStatus ) {
case OncRpcAcceptStatus.ONCRPC_SUCCESS:
return new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_SUCCESS);
case OncRpcAcceptStatus.ONCRPC_PROC_UNAVAIL:
return new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_PROCUNAVAIL);
case OncRpcAcceptStatus.ONCRPC_PROG_MISMATCH:
return new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_PROGVERSMISMATCH);
case OncRpcAcceptStatus.ONCRPC_PROG_UNAVAIL:
return new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_PROGUNAVAIL);
case OncRpcAcceptStatus.ONCRPC_GARBAGE_ARGS:
return new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_CANTDECODEARGS);
case OncRpcAcceptStatus.ONCRPC_SYSTEM_ERR:
return new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_SYSTEMERROR);
case OncRpcReplyStatus.ONCRPC_MSG_DENIED:
switch ( rejectStatus ) {
case OncRpcRejectStatus.ONCRPC_AUTH_ERROR:
return new OncRpcAuthenticationException(authStatus);
case OncRpcRejectStatus.ONCRPC_RPC_MISMATCH:
return new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_FAILED);
return new OncRpcException();
* Decodes -- that is: deserializes -- a ONC/RPC message header object
* from a XDR stream.
* @param xdr An instance of class {@link XdrDecodingStream}.
* @throws OncRpcException if an ONC/RPC error occurs.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public void xdrDecode(XdrDecodingStream xdr)
throws OncRpcException, IOException {
messageId = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
// Make sure that we are really decoding an ONC/RPC message call
// header. Otherwise, throw the appropriate OncRpcException exception.
messageType = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
if ( messageType != OncRpcMessageType.ONCRPC_REPLY ) {
throw(new OncRpcException(OncRpcException.RPC_WRONGMESSAGE));
replyStatus = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
switch ( replyStatus ) {
case OncRpcReplyStatus.ONCRPC_MSG_ACCEPTED:
// Decode the information returned for accepted message calls.
// If we have an associated client-side authentication protocol
// object, we use that. Otherwise we fall back to the default
// handling of only the AUTH_NONE authentication.
if ( auth != null ) {
} else {
// If we don't have a protocol handler and the server sent its
// reply using another authentication scheme than AUTH_NONE, we
// will throw an exception. Also we check that no-one is
// actually sending opaque information within AUTH_NONE.
if ( xdr.xdrDecodeInt() != OncRpcAuthType.ONCRPC_AUTH_NONE ) {
throw(new OncRpcAuthenticationException(
if ( xdr.xdrDecodeInt() != 0 ) {
throw(new OncRpcAuthenticationException(
// Even if the call was accepted by the server, it can still
// indicate an error. Depending on the status of the accepted
// call we will receive an indication about the range of
// versions a particular program (server) supports.
acceptStatus = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
switch ( acceptStatus ) {
case OncRpcAcceptStatus.ONCRPC_PROG_MISMATCH:
lowVersion = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
highVersion = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
// Otherwise "open ended set of problem", like the author
// of Sun's ONC/RPC source once wrote...
case OncRpcReplyStatus.ONCRPC_MSG_DENIED:
// Encode the information returned for denied message calls.
rejectStatus = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
switch ( rejectStatus ) {
case OncRpcRejectStatus.ONCRPC_RPC_MISMATCH:
lowVersion = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
highVersion = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
case OncRpcRejectStatus.ONCRPC_AUTH_ERROR:
authStatus = xdr.xdrDecodeInt();
* Client-side authentication protocol handling object to use when
* decoding the reply message.
protected OncRpcClientAuth auth;
// End of