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org.apache.brooklyn.entity.brooklynnode.BrooklynNode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.brooklynnode;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.effector.Effector;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.ImplementedBy;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ha.HighAvailabilityMode;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ha.ManagementNodeState;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.AttributeSensor;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.BrooklynVersion;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.MapConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.effector.Effectors;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.BrooklynConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.BasicAttributeSensor;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.Sensors;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey.StringAttributeSensorAndConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.ssh.BashCommands;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
@Catalog(name="Brooklyn Node", description="Deploys a Brooklyn management server")
public interface BrooklynNode extends SoftwareProcess, UsesJava {
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey> COPY_TO_RUNDIR = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey>(
new TypeToken>() {}, "brooklynnode.copytorundir", "URLs of resources to be copied across to the server, giving the path they are to be copied to", MutableMap.of());
public static final ConfigKey SUGGESTED_VERSION = ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyWithDefault(BrooklynConfigKeys.SUGGESTED_VERSION, "0.9.0"); // BROOKLYN_VERSION
public static final ConfigKey DISTRO_UPLOAD_URL = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.distro.uploadurl", "URL for uploading the brooklyn distro (retrieved locally and pushed to remote install location. Takes precedence over downloadUrl, if non-null)", null);
// Note that download URL only supports versions in org.apache.brooklyn, so not 0.6.0 and earlier
// (which used maven group io.brooklyn). Aled thinks we can live with that.
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey DOWNLOAD_URL = new StringAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
"<#if version?contains(\"SNAPSHOT\")>"+
"${version}&a=brooklyn-dist&c=dist&e=tar.gz" +
ConfigKey SUBPATH_IN_ARCHIVE = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("",
"Path to the main directory in the archive being supplied for installation; "
+ "to use the root of an archive, specify '.'; "
+ "default value taken based on download URL (e.g. 'name' for 'http://path/name.tgz' or 'http://path/name-dist.tgz') "
+ "falling back to an appropriate value for brooklyn, "
+ "e.g. 'brooklyn-"+BrooklynVersion.INSTANCE.getVersion()+"'", null);
ConfigKey MANAGEMENT_USER = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey("brooklynnode.managementUser",
"The user for logging into the brooklyn web-console (also used for health-checks)",
ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("brooklynnode.managementPassword", "Password for MANAGEMENT_USER", null);
/** useful e.g. with {@link BashCommands#generateKeyInDotSshIdRsaIfNotThere() } */
ConfigKey EXTRA_CUSTOMIZATION_SCRIPT = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("brooklynnode.customization.extraScript",
"Optional additional script commands to run as part of customization; this might e.g. ensure id_rsa is set up",
static enum ExistingFileBehaviour {
ConfigKey ON_EXISTING_PROPERTIES_FILE = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(ExistingFileBehaviour.class,
"What to do in the case where a global already exists",
ConfigKey LAUNCH_COMMAND = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("brooklynnode.launch.command",
"Path to the script to launch Brooklyn / the app relative to the subpath in the archive, defaulting to 'bin/brooklyn'",
ConfigKey EXTRA_LAUNCH_PARAMETERS = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("brooklynnode.launch.parameters.extra",
"Launch parameters passed on the CLI, in addition to 'launch' and parameters implied by other config keys (and placed afterwards on the command line)");
ConfigKey LAUNCH_COMMAND_CREATES_PID_FILE = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("",
"Whether the launch script creates/updates the PID file, if not the entity will do so, "
+ "but note it will not necessarily kill sub-processes",
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey APP = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
String.class, "", "Application (fully qualified class name) to launch using the brooklyn CLI", null);
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey LOCATIONS = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
String.class, "brooklynnode.locations", "Locations to use when launching the app", null);
* Exposed just for testing; remote path is not passed into the launched brooklyn so this won't be used!
* This will likely change in a future version.
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_REMOTE_PATH = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"Remote path for the global file to be uploaded", "${HOME}/.brooklyn/; "+
"only useful for testing as this path will not be used on the remote system");
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_URI = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"", "URI for the global brooklyn properties file (uploaded to ~/.brooklyn/", null);
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_CONTENTS = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"", "Contents for the global brooklyn properties file (uploaded to ~/.brooklyn/", null);
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_LOCAL_PROPERTIES_REMOTE_PATH = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.brooklynproperties.local.remotepath", "Remote path for the launch-specific file to be uploaded", "${driver.runDir}/");
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_LOCAL_PROPERTIES_URI = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.brooklynproperties.local.uri", "URI for the launch-specific brooklyn properties file", null);
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_LOCAL_PROPERTIES_CONTENTS = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.brooklynproperties.local.contents", "Contents for the launch-specific brooklyn properties file", null);
// For use in testing primarily
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0; instead set the catalog initial bom */
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_CATALOG_REMOTE_PATH = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.brooklyncatalog.remotepath", "Remote path for the brooklyn catalog.xml file to be uploaded", "${HOME}/.brooklyn/catalog.xml");
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0; instead use {@link #BROOKLYN_CATALOG_INITIAL_BOM_URI} */
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_CATALOG_URI = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.brooklyncatalog.uri", "URI for the brooklyn catalog.xml file (uploaded to ~/.brooklyn/catalog.xml)", null);
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0; instead use {@link #BROOKLYN_CATALOG_INITIAL_BOM_CONTENTS} */
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_CATALOG_CONTENTS = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.brooklyncatalog.contents", "Contents for the brooklyn catalog.xml file (uploaded to ~/.brooklyn/catalog.xml)", null);
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_CATALOG_INITIAL_BOM_REMOTE_PATH = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"Remote path for the launch-specific initial catalog file to be uploaded",
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_CATALOG_INITIAL_BOM_URI = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"", "URI for the catalog .bom file (to overwrite the default)", null);
public static final ConfigKey BROOKLYN_CATALOG_INITIAL_BOM_CONTENTS = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey(
"", "Contents for the catalog .bom file (to overwrite the default)", null);
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey> ENABLED_HTTP_PROTOCOLS = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
List.class, "brooklynnode.webconsole.enabledHttpProtocols", "List of enabled protocols (e.g. http, https)", ImmutableList.of("http"));
public static final PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey HTTP_PORT = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.webconsole.httpPort", "HTTP Port for the brooklyn web-console", "8081+");
public static final PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey HTTPS_PORT = new PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
"brooklynnode.webconsole.httpsPort", "HTTPS Port for the brooklyn web-console", "8443+");
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey NO_WEB_CONSOLE_AUTHENTICATION = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
Boolean.class, "brooklynnode.webconsole.nosecurity", "Whether to start the web console with no security", false);
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey WEB_CONSOLE_BIND_ADDRESS = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
InetAddress.class, "brooklynnode.webconsole.address.bind", "Specifies the IP address of the NIC to bind the Brooklyn Management Console to (default", Networking.ANY_NIC);
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey WEB_CONSOLE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
InetAddress.class, "brooklynnode.webconsole.address.public", "Specifies the public IP address or hostname for the Brooklyn Management Console");
public static final AttributeSensor WEB_CONSOLE_ACCESSIBLE = Sensors.newBooleanSensor(
"brooklynnode.webconsole.up", "Whether the web console is responding normally");
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static final BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey CLASSPATH = new BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(
List.class, "brooklynnode.classpath", "classpath to use, as list of URL entries", Lists.newArrayList());
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static final ConfigKey> PORT_MAPPER = (ConfigKey) ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Function.class,
"brooklynnode.webconsole.portMapper", "Function for mapping private to public ports, for use in inferring the brooklyn URI", Functions.identity());
public static final AttributeSensor WEB_CONSOLE_URI = new BasicAttributeSensor(
URI.class, "brooklynnode.webconsole.url", "URL of the brooklyn web-console");
public static final AttributeSensor MANAGEMENT_NODE_STATE = new BasicAttributeSensor(
ManagementNodeState.class, "brooklynnode.ha.state", "High-availability state of the management node (MASTER, HOT_STANDBY, etc)");
public static final ConfigKey POLL_PERIOD = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Duration.class, "brooklynnode.poll_period",
"Frequency to poll for client sensors", Duration.seconds(2));
public interface DeployBlueprintEffector {
ConfigKey> BLUEPRINT_CAMP_PLAN = new MapConfigKey(Object.class, "blueprintPlan",
"CAMP plan for the blueprint to be deployed; currently only supports Java map or JSON string (not yet YAML)");
ConfigKey BLUEPRINT_TYPE = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("blueprintType");
ConfigKey> BLUEPRINT_CONFIG = new MapConfigKey(Object.class, "blueprintConfig");
Effector DEPLOY_BLUEPRINT = Effectors.effector(String.class, "deployBlueprint")
.description("Deploy a blueprint, either given a plan (as Java map or JSON string for a map), or given URL and optional config")
public static final Effector DEPLOY_BLUEPRINT = DeployBlueprintEffector.DEPLOY_BLUEPRINT;
public interface ShutdownEffector {
ConfigKey STOP_APPS_FIRST = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("stopAppsFirst", "Whether to stop apps before shutting down");
ConfigKey FORCE_SHUTDOWN_ON_ERROR = ConfigKeys.newBooleanConfigKey("forceShutdownOnError", "Force shutdown if apps fail to stop or timeout");
ConfigKey SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Duration.class, "shutdownTimeout", "A maximum delay to wait for apps to gracefully stop before giving up or forcibly exiting");
ConfigKey REQUEST_TIMEOUT = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Duration.class, "requestTimeout", "Maximum time to block the request for the shutdown to finish, 0 to wait infinitely");
ConfigKey DELAY_FOR_HTTP_RETURN = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Duration.class, "delayForHttpReturn", "The delay before exiting the process, to permit the REST response to be returned");
Effector SHUTDOWN = Effectors.effector(Void.class, "shutdown")
.description("Shutdown the remote brooklyn instance (stops via the REST API only; leaves any VM)")
public static final Effector SHUTDOWN = ShutdownEffector.SHUTDOWN;
public interface StopNodeButLeaveAppsEffector {
ConfigKey TIMEOUT = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Duration.class, "timeout", "How long to wait before giving up on stopping the node", Duration.ONE_HOUR);
Effector STOP_NODE_BUT_LEAVE_APPS = Effectors.effector(Void.class, "stopNodeButLeaveApps")
.description("Stop the Brooklyn process, and any VM created, and unmanage this entity; but if it was managing other applications, leave them running")
public static final Effector STOP_NODE_BUT_LEAVE_APPS = StopNodeButLeaveAppsEffector.STOP_NODE_BUT_LEAVE_APPS;
public interface StopNodeAndKillAppsEffector {
ConfigKey TIMEOUT = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Duration.class, "timeout", "How long to wait before giving up on stopping the node", Duration.ONE_HOUR);
Effector STOP_NODE_AND_KILL_APPS = Effectors.effector(Void.class, "stopNodeAndKillApps")
.description("Stop all apps managed by the Brooklyn process, stop the process, and any VM created, and unmanage this entity")
public static final Effector STOP_NODE_AND_KILL_APPS = StopNodeAndKillAppsEffector.STOP_NODE_AND_KILL_APPS;
public interface SetHighAvailabilityPriorityEffector {
ConfigKey PRIORITY = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey("priority", "HA priority");
Effector SET_HIGH_AVAILABILITY_PRIORITY = Effectors.effector(Integer.class, "setHighAvailabilityPriority")
.description("Set the HA priority on the node, returning the old priority")
public static final Effector SET_HIGH_AVAILABILITY_PRIORITY = SetHighAvailabilityPriorityEffector.SET_HIGH_AVAILABILITY_PRIORITY;
public interface SetHighAvailabilityModeEffector {
ConfigKey MODE = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(HighAvailabilityMode.class, "mode", "HA mode");
Effector SET_HIGH_AVAILABILITY_MODE = Effectors.effector(ManagementNodeState.class, "setHighAvailabilityMode")
.description("Set the HA mode on the node, returning the existing state")
public static final Effector SET_HIGH_AVAILABILITY_MODE = SetHighAvailabilityModeEffector.SET_HIGH_AVAILABILITY_MODE;
public EntityHttpClient http();