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package org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchbase;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.ImplementedBy;
import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.AttributeSensor;
import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys;
import org.apache.brooklyn.core.sensor.Sensors;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag;
import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
@Catalog(name="CouchBase Cluster", description="Couchbase is an open source, distributed (shared-nothing architecture) "
+ "NoSQL document-oriented database that is optimized for interactive applications.")
public interface CouchbaseCluster extends DynamicCluster {
AttributeSensor ACTUAL_CLUSTER_SIZE = Sensors.newIntegerSensor("coucbase.cluster.actualClusterSize", "returns the actual number of nodes in the cluster");
AttributeSensor> COUCHBASE_CLUSTER_UP_NODES = Sensors.newSensor(new TypeToken>() {
}, "couchbase.cluster.clusterEntities", "the set of service up nodes");
AttributeSensor> COUCHBASE_CLUSTER_BUCKETS = Sensors.newSensor(new TypeToken>() {
}, "couchbase.cluster.buckets", "Names of all the buckets the couchbase cluster");
AttributeSensor COUCHBASE_PRIMARY_NODE = Sensors.newSensor(Entity.class, "couchbase.cluster.primaryNode", "The primary couchbase node to query and issue add-server and rebalance on");
AttributeSensor IS_CLUSTER_INITIALIZED = Sensors.newBooleanSensor("couchbase.cluster.isClusterInitialized", "flag to emit if the couchbase cluster was intialized");
ConfigKey CLUSTER_NAME = ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey("", "Optional name for this cluster");
ConfigKey INITIAL_QUORUM_SIZE = ConfigKeys.newIntegerConfigKey("couchbase.cluster.intialQuorumSize", "Initial cluster quorum size - number of initial nodes that must have been successfully started to report success (if < 0, then use value of INITIAL_SIZE)",
ConfigKey DELAY_BEFORE_ADVERTISING_CLUSTER = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Duration.class, "couchbase.cluster.delayBeforeAdvertisingCluster", "Delay after cluster is started before checking and advertising its availability", Duration.TEN_SECONDS);
// TODO not sure if this is needed; previously waited 3m (SERVICE_UP_TIME_OUT) but that seems absurdly long
ConfigKey NODES_STARTED_STABILIZATION_DELAY = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(Duration.class, "couchbase.cluster.postStartStabilizationDelay", "Delay after nodes have been started before treating it as a cluster", Duration.TEN_SECONDS);
AttributeSensor> COUCHBASE_CLUSTER_UP_NODE_ADDRESSES = Sensors.newSensor(new TypeToken>() {},
"couchbase.cluster.node.addresses", "List of host:port of all active nodes in the cluster (http admin port, and public hostname/IP)");
AttributeSensor COUCHBASE_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_URL = Sensors.newStringSensor(
"couchbase.cluster.connection.url", "Couchbase-style URL to connect to the cluster (e.g. or couchbase://,");
// Interesting stats
AttributeSensor OPS_PER_NODE = Sensors.newDoubleSensor("couchbase.stats.cluster.per.node.ops",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/ops");
AttributeSensor EP_BG_FETCHED_PER_NODE = Sensors.newDoubleSensor("",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/ep_bg_fetched");
AttributeSensor CURR_ITEMS_PER_NODE = Sensors.newDoubleSensor("couchbase.stats.cluster.per.node.curr.items",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/curr_items");
AttributeSensor VB_REPLICA_CURR_ITEMS_PER_NODE = Sensors.newDoubleSensor("couchbase.stats.cluster.per.node.vb.replica.curr.items",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/vb_replica_curr_items");
AttributeSensor GET_HITS_PER_NODE = Sensors.newDoubleSensor("couchbase.stats.cluster.per.node.get.hits",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/get_hits");
AttributeSensor CMD_GET_PER_NODE = Sensors.newDoubleSensor("couchbase.stats.cluster.per.node.cmd.get",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/cmd_get");
AttributeSensor CURR_ITEMS_TOT_PER_NODE = Sensors.newDoubleSensor("couchbase.stats.cluster.per.node.curr.items.tot",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/curr_items_tot");
// Although these are Double (after aggregation), they need to be coerced to Long for ByteSizeStrings rendering
AttributeSensor COUCH_DOCS_DATA_SIZE_PER_NODE = Sensors.newLongSensor("",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/couch_docs_data_size");
AttributeSensor MEM_USED_PER_NODE = Sensors.newLongSensor("couchbase.stats.cluster.per.node.mem.used",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/mem_used");
AttributeSensor COUCH_VIEWS_ACTUAL_DISK_SIZE_PER_NODE = Sensors.newLongSensor("couchbase.stats.cluster.per.node.couch.views.actual.disk.size",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/couch_views_actual_disk_size");
AttributeSensor COUCH_DOCS_ACTUAL_DISK_SIZE_PER_NODE = Sensors.newLongSensor("",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/couch_docs_actual_disk_size");
AttributeSensor COUCH_VIEWS_DATA_SIZE_PER_NODE = Sensors.newLongSensor("",
"Average across cluster for pools/nodes//interestingStats/couch_views_data_size");
AttributeSensor BUCKET_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS = Sensors.newBooleanSensor("couchbase.cluster.bucketCreationInProgress", "Indicates that a bucket is currently being created, and" +
"further bucket creation should be deferred");
* createBuckets is a list of all the buckets to be created on the couchbase cluster
* the buckets will be created on the primary node of the cluster
* each map entry for a bucket should contain the following parameters:
* - <"bucket",(String) name of the bucket (default: default)>
* - <"bucket-type",(String) name of bucket type (default: couchbase)>
* - <"bucket-port",(Integer) the bucket port to connect to (default: 11222)>
* - <"bucket-ramsize",(Integer) ram size allowed for bucket (default: 200)>
* - <"bucket-replica",(Integer) number of replicas for the bucket (default: 1)>
ConfigKey>> CREATE_BUCKETS = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(new TypeToken>>() {},
"couchbase.cluster.createBuckets", "a list of all dedicated port buckets to be created on the couchbase cluster");
ConfigKey>> REPLICATION = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey(new TypeToken>>() {},
"couchbase.cluster.replicationConfiguration", "List of replication rules to configure, each rule including target (id of another cluster) and mode (unidirectional or bidirectional)");
int getQuorumSize();