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com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.pool.ChannelPool Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.pool;

import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.AsyncAutoCloseable;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlIdentifier;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.InvalidKeyspaceException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.UnsupportedProtocolVersionException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.auth.AuthenticationException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config.DefaultDriverOption;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config.DriverConfig;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.connection.ReconnectionPolicy;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.loadbalancing.NodeDistance;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metadata.Node;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metrics.DefaultNodeMetric;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.config.ConfigChangeEvent;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.context.EventBus;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.context.InternalDriverContext;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.metadata.DefaultNode;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.metadata.TopologyEvent;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.concurrent.CompletableFutures;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.concurrent.Reconnection;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.concurrent.RunOrSchedule;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.concurrent.UncaughtExceptions;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.guava.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.guava.common.collect.Sets;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.netty.util.concurrent.GenericFutureListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * The channel pool maintains a set of {@link DriverChannel} instances connected to a given node.

It allows clients to obtain a channel to execute their requests. * *

If one or more channels go down, a reconnection process starts in order to replace them; it * runs until the channel count is back to its intended target. */ @ThreadSafe public class ChannelPool implements AsyncAutoCloseable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChannelPool.class); /** * Initializes a new pool. * *

The returned completion stage will complete when all the underlying channels have finished * their initialization. If one or more channels fail, a reconnection will be started immediately. * Note that this method succeeds even if all channels fail, so you might get a pool that has no * channels (i.e. {@link #next()} return {@code null}) and is reconnecting. */ public static CompletionStage init( Node node, CqlIdentifier keyspaceName, NodeDistance distance, InternalDriverContext context, String sessionLogPrefix) { ChannelPool pool = new ChannelPool(node, keyspaceName, distance, context, sessionLogPrefix); return pool.connect(); } // This is read concurrently, but only mutated on adminExecutor (by methods in SingleThreaded) @VisibleForTesting final ChannelSet channels = new ChannelSet(); private final Node node; private final CqlIdentifier initialKeyspaceName; private final EventExecutor adminExecutor; private final String sessionLogPrefix; private final String logPrefix; private final SingleThreaded singleThreaded; private volatile boolean invalidKeyspace; private ChannelPool( Node node, CqlIdentifier keyspaceName, NodeDistance distance, InternalDriverContext context, String sessionLogPrefix) { this.node = node; this.initialKeyspaceName = keyspaceName; this.adminExecutor = context.getNettyOptions().adminEventExecutorGroup().next(); this.sessionLogPrefix = sessionLogPrefix; this.logPrefix = sessionLogPrefix + "|" + node.getEndPoint(); this.singleThreaded = new SingleThreaded(keyspaceName, distance, context); } private CompletionStage connect() { RunOrSchedule.on(adminExecutor, singleThreaded::connect); return singleThreaded.connectFuture; } public Node getNode() { return node; } /** * The keyspace with which the pool was initialized (therefore a constant, it's not updated if the * keyspace is switched later). */ public CqlIdentifier getInitialKeyspaceName() { return initialKeyspaceName; } /** * Whether all channels failed due to an invalid keyspace. This is only used at initialization. We * don't make the decision to close the pool here yet, that's done at the session level. */ public boolean isInvalidKeyspace() { return invalidKeyspace; } /** * @return the channel that has the most available stream ids. This is called on the direct * request path, and we want to avoid complex check-then-act semantics; therefore this might * race and return a channel that is already closed, or {@code null}. In those cases, it is up * to the caller to fail fast and move to the next node. */ public DriverChannel next() { return; } /** @return the number of active channels in the pool. */ public int size() { return channels.size(); } /** @return the number of available stream ids on all channels in the pool. */ public int getAvailableIds() { return channels.getAvailableIds(); } /** * @return the number of requests currently executing on all channels in this pool (including * {@link #getOrphanedIds() orphaned ids}). */ public int getInFlight() { return channels.getInFlight(); } /** * @return the number of stream ids for requests in all channels in this pool that have either * timed out or been cancelled, but for which we can't release the stream id because a request * might still come from the server. */ public int getOrphanedIds() { return channels.getOrphanedIds(); } /** * Sets a new distance for the node this pool belongs to. This method returns immediately, the new * distance will be set asynchronously. * * @param newDistance the new distance to set. */ public void resize(NodeDistance newDistance) { RunOrSchedule.on(adminExecutor, () -> singleThreaded.resize(newDistance)); } /** * Changes the keyspace name on all the channels in this pool. * *

Note that this is not called directly by the user, but happens only on a SetKeyspace * response after a successful "USE ..." query, so the name should be valid. If the keyspace * switch fails on any channel, that channel is closed and a reconnection is started. */ public CompletionStage setKeyspace(CqlIdentifier newKeyspaceName) { return RunOrSchedule.on(adminExecutor, () -> singleThreaded.setKeyspace(newKeyspaceName)); } public void reconnectNow() { RunOrSchedule.on(adminExecutor, singleThreaded::reconnectNow); } @NonNull @Override public CompletionStage closeFuture() { return singleThreaded.closeFuture; } @NonNull @Override public CompletionStage closeAsync() { RunOrSchedule.on(adminExecutor, singleThreaded::close); return singleThreaded.closeFuture; } @NonNull @Override public CompletionStage forceCloseAsync() { RunOrSchedule.on(adminExecutor, singleThreaded::forceClose); return singleThreaded.closeFuture; } /** Holds all administration tasks, that are confined to the admin executor. */ private class SingleThreaded { private final DriverConfig config; private final ChannelFactory channelFactory; private final EventBus eventBus; // The channels that are currently connecting private final List> pendingChannels = new ArrayList<>(); private final Set closingChannels = new HashSet<>(); private final Reconnection reconnection; private final Object configListenerKey; private NodeDistance distance; private int wantedCount; private final CompletableFuture connectFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); private boolean isConnecting; private final CompletableFuture closeFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); private boolean isClosing; private CompletableFuture setKeyspaceFuture; private CqlIdentifier keyspaceName; private SingleThreaded( CqlIdentifier keyspaceName, NodeDistance distance, InternalDriverContext context) { this.keyspaceName = keyspaceName; this.config = context.getConfig(); this.distance = distance; this.wantedCount = getConfiguredSize(distance); this.channelFactory = context.getChannelFactory(); this.eventBus = context.getEventBus(); ReconnectionPolicy reconnectionPolicy = context.getReconnectionPolicy(); this.reconnection = new Reconnection( logPrefix, adminExecutor, () -> reconnectionPolicy.newNodeSchedule(node), this::addMissingChannels, () ->, () ->; this.configListenerKey = eventBus.register( ConfigChangeEvent.class, RunOrSchedule.on(adminExecutor, this::onConfigChanged)); } private void connect() { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); if (isConnecting) { return; } isConnecting = true; CompletionStage initialChannels = addMissingChannels() .thenApply( allConnected -> { if (!allConnected) { reconnection.start(); } return ChannelPool.this; }); CompletableFutures.completeFrom(initialChannels, connectFuture); } private CompletionStage addMissingChannels() { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); // We always wait for all attempts to succeed or fail before scheduling a reconnection assert pendingChannels.isEmpty(); int missing = wantedCount - channels.size(); LOG.debug("[{}] Trying to create {} missing channels", logPrefix, missing); DriverChannelOptions options = DriverChannelOptions.builder() .withKeyspace(keyspaceName) .withOwnerLogPrefix(sessionLogPrefix) .build(); for (int i = 0; i < missing; i++) { CompletionStage channelFuture = channelFactory.connect(node, options); pendingChannels.add(channelFuture); } return CompletableFutures.allDone(pendingChannels) .thenApplyAsync(this::onAllConnected, adminExecutor); } private boolean onAllConnected(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Void v) { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); Throwable fatalError = null; int invalidKeyspaceErrors = 0; for (CompletionStage pendingChannel : pendingChannels) { CompletableFuture future = pendingChannel.toCompletableFuture(); assert future.isDone(); if (future.isCompletedExceptionally()) { Throwable error = CompletableFutures.getFailed(future); ((DefaultNode) node) .getMetricUpdater() .incrementCounter( error instanceof AuthenticationException ? DefaultNodeMetric.AUTHENTICATION_ERRORS : DefaultNodeMetric.CONNECTION_INIT_ERRORS, null); if (error instanceof ClusterNameMismatchException || error instanceof UnsupportedProtocolVersionException) { // This will likely be thrown by all channels, but finish the loop cleanly fatalError = error; } else if (error instanceof AuthenticationException) { // Always warn because this is most likely something the operator needs to fix. // Keep going to reconnect if it can be fixed without bouncing the client. Loggers.warnWithException(LOG, "[{}] Authentication error", logPrefix, error); } else if (error instanceof InvalidKeyspaceException) { invalidKeyspaceErrors += 1; } else { if (config .getDefaultProfile() .getBoolean(DefaultDriverOption.CONNECTION_WARN_INIT_ERROR)) { Loggers.warnWithException( LOG, "[{}] Error while opening new channel", logPrefix, error); } else { LOG.debug("[{}] Error while opening new channel", logPrefix, error); } } } else { DriverChannel channel = CompletableFutures.getCompleted(future); if (isClosing) { LOG.debug( "[{}] New channel added ({}) but the pool was closed, closing it", logPrefix, channel); channel.forceClose(); } else { LOG.debug("[{}] New channel added {}", logPrefix, channel); channels.add(channel);; channel .closeStartedFuture() .addListener( f -> adminExecutor .submit(() -> onChannelCloseStarted(channel)) .addListener(UncaughtExceptions::log)); channel .closeFuture() .addListener( f -> adminExecutor .submit(() -> onChannelClosed(channel)) .addListener(UncaughtExceptions::log)); } } } // If all channels failed, assume the keyspace is wrong invalidKeyspace = invalidKeyspaceErrors > 0 && invalidKeyspaceErrors == pendingChannels.size(); pendingChannels.clear(); if (fatalError != null) { Loggers.warnWithException( LOG, "[{}] Fatal error while initializing pool, forcing the node down", logPrefix, fatalError); // Note: getBroadcastRpcAddress() can only be empty for the control node (and not for modern // C* versions anyway). If we already have a control connection open to that node, it's // impossible to get a protocol version or cluster name mismatch error while creating the // pool, so it's safe to ignore this case. node.getBroadcastRpcAddress() .ifPresent(address ->; // Don't bother continuing, the pool will get shut down soon anyway return true; } shrinkIfTooManyChannels(); // Can happen if the pool was shrinked during the reconnection int currentCount = channels.size(); LOG.debug( "[{}] Reconnection attempt complete, {}/{} channels", logPrefix, currentCount, wantedCount); // Stop reconnecting if we have the wanted count return currentCount >= wantedCount; } private void onChannelCloseStarted(DriverChannel channel) { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); if (!isClosing) { LOG.debug("[{}] Channel {} started graceful shutdown", logPrefix, channel); channels.remove(channel); closingChannels.add(channel);; reconnection.start(); } } private void onChannelClosed(DriverChannel channel) { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); if (!isClosing) { // Either it was closed abruptly and was still in the live set, or it was an orderly // shutdown and it had moved to the closing set. if (channels.remove(channel)) { LOG.debug("[{}] Lost channel {}", logPrefix, channel);; reconnection.start(); } else { LOG.debug("[{}] Channel {} completed graceful shutdown", logPrefix, channel); closingChannels.remove(channel); } } } private void resize(NodeDistance newDistance) { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); distance = newDistance; int newChannelCount = getConfiguredSize(newDistance); if (newChannelCount > wantedCount) { LOG.debug("[{}] Growing ({} => {} channels)", logPrefix, wantedCount, newChannelCount); wantedCount = newChannelCount; reconnection.start(); } else if (newChannelCount < wantedCount) { LOG.debug("[{}] Shrinking ({} => {} channels)", logPrefix, wantedCount, newChannelCount); wantedCount = newChannelCount; if (!reconnection.isRunning()) { shrinkIfTooManyChannels(); } // else it will be handled at the end of the reconnection attempt } } private void shrinkIfTooManyChannels() { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); int extraCount = channels.size() - wantedCount; if (extraCount > 0) { LOG.debug("[{}] Closing {} extra channels", logPrefix, extraCount); Set toRemove = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(extraCount); for (DriverChannel channel : channels) { toRemove.add(channel); if (--extraCount == 0) { break; } } for (DriverChannel channel : toRemove) { channels.remove(channel); channel.close();; } } } private void onConfigChanged(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ConfigChangeEvent event) { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); // resize re-reads the pool size from the configuration and does nothing if it hasn't changed, // which is exactly what we want. resize(distance); } private CompletionStage setKeyspace(CqlIdentifier newKeyspaceName) { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); if (setKeyspaceFuture != null && !setKeyspaceFuture.isDone()) { return CompletableFutures.failedFuture( new IllegalStateException( "Can't call setKeyspace while a keyspace switch is already in progress")); } keyspaceName = newKeyspaceName; setKeyspaceFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); // Switch the keyspace on all live channels. // We can read the size before iterating because mutations are confined to this thread: int toSwitch = channels.size(); if (toSwitch == 0) { setKeyspaceFuture.complete(null); } else { AtomicInteger remaining = new AtomicInteger(toSwitch); for (DriverChannel channel : channels) { channel .setKeyspace(newKeyspaceName) .addListener( f -> { // Don't handle errors: if a channel fails to switch the keyspace, it closes if (remaining.decrementAndGet() == 0) { setKeyspaceFuture.complete(null); } }); } } // pending channels were scheduled with the old keyspace name, ensure they eventually switch for (CompletionStage channelFuture : pendingChannels) { // errors are swallowed here, this is fine because a setkeyspace error will close the // channel, so it will eventually get reported channelFuture.thenAccept(channel -> channel.setKeyspace(newKeyspaceName)); } return setKeyspaceFuture; } private void reconnectNow() { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); // Don't force because if the reconnection is stopped, it means either we have enough channels // or the pool is shutting down. reconnection.reconnectNow(false); } private void close() { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); if (isClosing) { return; } isClosing = true; // If an attempt was in progress right now, it might open new channels but they will be // handled in onAllConnected reconnection.stop(); eventBus.unregister(configListenerKey, ConfigChangeEvent.class); // Close all channels, the pool future completes when all the channels futures have completed int toClose = closingChannels.size() + channels.size(); if (toClose == 0) { closeFuture.complete(null); } else { AtomicInteger remaining = new AtomicInteger(toClose); GenericFutureListener> channelCloseListener = f -> { if (!f.isSuccess()) { Loggers.warnWithException(LOG, "[{}] Error closing channel", logPrefix, f.cause()); } if (remaining.decrementAndGet() == 0) { closeFuture.complete(null); } }; for (DriverChannel channel : channels) {; channel.close().addListener(channelCloseListener); } for (DriverChannel channel : closingChannels) { // don't fire the close event, onChannelCloseStarted() already did it channel.closeFuture().addListener(channelCloseListener); } } } private void forceClose() { assert adminExecutor.inEventLoop(); if (!isClosing) { close(); } for (DriverChannel channel : channels) { channel.forceClose(); } for (DriverChannel channel : closingChannels) { channel.forceClose(); } } private int getConfiguredSize(NodeDistance distance) { return config .getDefaultProfile() .getInt( (distance == NodeDistance.LOCAL) ? DefaultDriverOption.CONNECTION_POOL_LOCAL_SIZE : DefaultDriverOption.CONNECTION_POOL_REMOTE_SIZE); } } }

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