Download hbase-mapreduce JAR file with all dependencies
hbase-mapreduce from group org.apache.hbase (version 2.5.5-hadoop3)
This module contains implementations of InputFormat, OutputFormat, Mapper, Reducer, etc which
are needed for running MR jobs on tables, WALs, HFiles and other HBase specific constructs.
It also contains a bunch of tools: RowCounter, ImportTsv, Import, Export, CompactionTool,
ExportSnapshot, WALPlayer, etc
Artifact hbase-mapreduce
Group org.apache.hbase
Version 2.5.5-hadoop3
Last update 02. June 2023
Tags: importtsv rowcounter other walplayer import needed exportsnapshot hfiles mapper constructs tools running tables outputformat reducer export implementations hbase which wals module jobs this inputformat also compactiontool specific contains bunch
Organization The Apache Software Foundation
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 22
Dependencies hbase-shaded-miscellaneous, hbase-shaded-netty, hbase-shaded-protobuf, hbase-common, hbase-zookeeper, hbase-protocol-shaded, hbase-metrics, hbase-metrics-api, hbase-asyncfs, metrics-core, slf4j-api, opentelemetry-api, hbase-client, hbase-hadoop-compat, hbase-server, hbase-replication, commons-io, commons-lang3, zookeeper, audience-annotations, hadoop-common, hadoop-hdfs,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.hbase
Version 2.5.5-hadoop3
Last update 02. June 2023
Tags: importtsv rowcounter other walplayer import needed exportsnapshot hfiles mapper constructs tools running tables outputformat reducer export implementations hbase which wals module jobs this inputformat also compactiontool specific contains bunch
Organization The Apache Software Foundation
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 22
Dependencies hbase-shaded-miscellaneous, hbase-shaded-netty, hbase-shaded-protobuf, hbase-common, hbase-zookeeper, hbase-protocol-shaded, hbase-metrics, hbase-metrics-api, hbase-asyncfs, metrics-core, slf4j-api, opentelemetry-api, hbase-client, hbase-hadoop-compat, hbase-server, hbase-replication, commons-io, commons-lang3, zookeeper, audience-annotations, hadoop-common, hadoop-hdfs,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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