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kafka.log.FileMessageSet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package kafka.log

import java.nio._
import java.nio.channels._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._

import kafka.utils._
import kafka.message._
import kafka.common.KafkaException
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kafka.metrics.{KafkaTimer, KafkaMetricsGroup}
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.CorruptRecordException
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

 * An on-disk message set. An optional start and end position can be applied to the message set
 * which will allow slicing a subset of the file.
 * @param file The file name for the underlying log data
 * @param channel the underlying file channel used
 * @param start A lower bound on the absolute position in the file from which the message set begins
 * @param end The upper bound on the absolute position in the file at which the message set ends
 * @param isSlice Should the start and end parameters be used for slicing?
class FileMessageSet private[kafka](@volatile var file: File,
                                    private[log] val channel: FileChannel,
                                    private[log] val start: Int,
                                    private[log] val end: Int,
                                    isSlice: Boolean) extends MessageSet with Logging {

  /* the size of the message set in bytes */
  private val _size =
      new AtomicInteger(end - start) // don't check the file size if this is just a slice view
      new AtomicInteger(math.min(channel.size().toInt, end) - start)

  /* if this is not a slice, update the file pointer to the end of the file */
  if (!isSlice)
    /* set the file position to the last byte in the file */
    channel.position(math.min(channel.size().toInt, end))

   * Create a file message set with no slicing.
  def this(file: File, channel: FileChannel) =
    this(file, channel, start = 0, end = Int.MaxValue, isSlice = false)

   * Create a file message set with no slicing
  def this(file: File) =
    this(file, FileMessageSet.openChannel(file, mutable = true))

   * Create a file message set with no slicing, and with initFileSize and preallocate.
   * For windows NTFS and some old LINUX file system, set preallocate to true and initFileSize
   * with one value (for example 512 * 1024 *1024 ) can improve the kafka produce performance.
   * If it's new file and preallocate is true, end will be set to 0.  Otherwise set to Int.MaxValue.
  def this(file: File, fileAlreadyExists: Boolean, initFileSize: Int, preallocate: Boolean) =
        channel = FileMessageSet.openChannel(file, mutable = true, fileAlreadyExists, initFileSize, preallocate),
        start = 0,
        end = ( if ( !fileAlreadyExists && preallocate ) 0 else Int.MaxValue),
        isSlice = false)

   * Create a file message set with mutable option
  def this(file: File, mutable: Boolean) = this(file, FileMessageSet.openChannel(file, mutable))

   * Create a slice view of the file message set that begins and ends at the given byte offsets
  def this(file: File, channel: FileChannel, start: Int, end: Int) =
    this(file, channel, start, end, isSlice = true)

   * Return a message set which is a view into this set starting from the given position and with the given size limit.
   * If the size is beyond the end of the file, the end will be based on the size of the file at the time of the read.
   * If this message set is already sliced, the position will be taken relative to that slicing.
   * @param position The start position to begin the read from
   * @param size The number of bytes after the start position to include
   * @return A sliced wrapper on this message set limited based on the given position and size
  def read(position: Int, size: Int): FileMessageSet = {
    if(position < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid position: " + position)
    if(size < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid size: " + size)
    new FileMessageSet(file,
                       start = this.start + position,
                       end = math.min(this.start + position + size, sizeInBytes()))

   * Search forward for the file position of the last offset that is greater than or equal to the target offset
   * and return its physical position. If no such offsets are found, return null.
   * @param targetOffset The offset to search for.
   * @param startingPosition The starting position in the file to begin searching from.
  def searchFor(targetOffset: Long, startingPosition: Int): OffsetPosition = {
    var position = startingPosition
    val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MessageSet.LogOverhead)
    val size = sizeInBytes()
    while(position + MessageSet.LogOverhead < size) {
      buffer.rewind(), position)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to read complete buffer for targetOffset %d startPosition %d in %s"
                                        .format(targetOffset, startingPosition, file.getAbsolutePath))
      val offset = buffer.getLong()
      if(offset >= targetOffset)
        return OffsetPosition(offset, position)
      val messageSize = buffer.getInt()
      if(messageSize < Message.MinMessageOverhead)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid message size: " + messageSize)
      position += MessageSet.LogOverhead + messageSize

   * Write some of this set to the given channel.
   * @param destChannel The channel to write to.
   * @param writePosition The position in the message set to begin writing from.
   * @param size The maximum number of bytes to write
   * @return The number of bytes actually written.
  def writeTo(destChannel: GatheringByteChannel, writePosition: Long, size: Int): Int = {
    // Ensure that the underlying size has not changed.
    val newSize = math.min(channel.size().toInt, end) - start
    if (newSize < _size.get()) {
      throw new KafkaException("Size of FileMessageSet %s has been truncated during write: old size %d, new size %d"
        .format(file.getAbsolutePath, _size.get(), newSize))
    val position = start + writePosition
    val count = math.min(size, sizeInBytes)
    val bytesTransferred = (destChannel match {
      case tl: TransportLayer => tl.transferFrom(channel, position, count)
      case dc => channel.transferTo(position, count, dc)
    trace("FileMessageSet " + file.getAbsolutePath + " : bytes transferred : " + bytesTransferred
      + " bytes requested for transfer : " + math.min(size, sizeInBytes))

    * This method is called before we write messages to the socket using zero-copy transfer. We need to
    * make sure all the messages in the message set have the expected magic value.
    * @param expectedMagicValue the magic value expected
    * @return true if all messages have expected magic value, false otherwise
  override def isMagicValueInAllWrapperMessages(expectedMagicValue: Byte): Boolean = {
    var location = start
    val offsetAndSizeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MessageSet.LogOverhead)
    val crcAndMagicByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Message.CrcLength + Message.MagicLength)
    while (location < end) {
      offsetAndSizeBuffer.rewind(), location)
      if (offsetAndSizeBuffer.hasRemaining)
        return true
      offsetAndSizeBuffer.getLong // skip offset field
      val messageSize = offsetAndSizeBuffer.getInt
      if (messageSize < Message.MinMessageOverhead)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid message size: " + messageSize)
      crcAndMagicByteBuffer.rewind(), location + MessageSet.LogOverhead)
      if (crcAndMagicByteBuffer.get(Message.MagicOffset) != expectedMagicValue)
        return false
      location += (MessageSet.LogOverhead + messageSize)

   * Convert this message set to use the specified message format.
  def toMessageFormat(toMagicValue: Byte): MessageSet = {
    val offsets = new ArrayBuffer[Long]
    val newMessages = new ArrayBuffer[Message]
    this.foreach { messageAndOffset =>
      val message = messageAndOffset.message
      if (message.compressionCodec == NoCompressionCodec) {
        newMessages += message.toFormatVersion(toMagicValue)
        offsets += messageAndOffset.offset
      } else {
        // File message set only has shallow iterator. We need to do deep iteration here if needed.
        val deepIter = ByteBufferMessageSet.deepIterator(messageAndOffset)
        for (innerMessageAndOffset <- deepIter) {
          newMessages += innerMessageAndOffset.message.toFormatVersion(toMagicValue)
          offsets += innerMessageAndOffset.offset

    if (sizeInBytes > 0 && newMessages.size == 0) {
      // This indicates that the message is too large. We just return all the bytes in the file message set.
    } else {
      // We use the offset seq to assign offsets so the offset of the messages does not change.
      new ByteBufferMessageSet(
        compressionCodec =,
        offsetSeq = offsets,
        newMessages: _*)

   * Get a shallow iterator over the messages in the set.
  override def iterator = iterator(Int.MaxValue)

   * Get an iterator over the messages in the set. We only do shallow iteration here.
   * @param maxMessageSize A limit on allowable message size to avoid allocating unbounded memory.
   * If we encounter a message larger than this we throw an InvalidMessageException.
   * @return The iterator.
  def iterator(maxMessageSize: Int): Iterator[MessageAndOffset] = {
    new IteratorTemplate[MessageAndOffset] {
      var location = start
      val sizeOffsetLength = 12
      val sizeOffsetBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(sizeOffsetLength)

      override def makeNext(): MessageAndOffset = {
        if(location + sizeOffsetLength >= end)
          return allDone()

        // read the size of the item
        sizeOffsetBuffer.rewind(), location)
          return allDone()

        val offset = sizeOffsetBuffer.getLong()
        val size = sizeOffsetBuffer.getInt()
        if(size < Message.MinMessageOverhead || location + sizeOffsetLength + size > end)
          return allDone()
        if(size > maxMessageSize)
          throw new CorruptRecordException("Message size exceeds the largest allowable message size (%d).".format(maxMessageSize))

        // read the item itself
        val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size), location + sizeOffsetLength)
          return allDone()

        // increment the location and return the item
        location += size + sizeOffsetLength
        new MessageAndOffset(new Message(buffer), offset)

   * The number of bytes taken up by this file set
  def sizeInBytes(): Int = _size.get()

   * Append these messages to the message set
  def append(messages: ByteBufferMessageSet) {
    val written = messages.writeTo(channel, 0, messages.sizeInBytes)

   * Commit all written data to the physical disk
  def flush() = {

   * Close this message set
  def close() {

   * Trim file when close or roll to next file
  def trim() {

   * Delete this message set from the filesystem
   * @return True iff this message set was deleted.
  def delete(): Boolean = {

   * Truncate this file message set to the given size in bytes. Note that this API does no checking that the
   * given size falls on a valid message boundary.
   * @param targetSize The size to truncate to.
   * @return The number of bytes truncated off
  def truncateTo(targetSize: Int): Int = {
    val originalSize = sizeInBytes
    if(targetSize > originalSize || targetSize < 0)
      throw new KafkaException("Attempt to truncate log segment to " + targetSize + " bytes failed, " +
                               " size of this log segment is " + originalSize + " bytes.")
    originalSize - targetSize

   * Read from the underlying file into the buffer starting at the given position
  def readInto(buffer: ByteBuffer, relativePosition: Int): ByteBuffer = {, relativePosition + this.start)

   * Rename the file that backs this message set
   * @throws IOException if rename fails.
  def renameTo(f: File) {
    try Utils.atomicMoveWithFallback(file.toPath, f.toPath)
    finally this.file = f


object FileMessageSet
   * Open a channel for the given file
   * For windows NTFS and some old LINUX file system, set preallocate to true and initFileSize
   * with one value (for example 512 * 1025 *1024 ) can improve the kafka produce performance.
   * @param file File path
   * @param mutable mutable
   * @param fileAlreadyExists File already exists or not
   * @param initFileSize The size used for pre allocate file, for example 512 * 1025 *1024
   * @param preallocate Pre allocate file or not, gotten from configuration.
  def openChannel(file: File, mutable: Boolean, fileAlreadyExists: Boolean = false, initFileSize: Int = 0, preallocate: Boolean = false): FileChannel = {
    if (mutable) {
      if (fileAlreadyExists)
        new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel()
      else {
        if (preallocate) {
          val randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw")
          new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel()
      new FileInputStream(file).getChannel()

object LogFlushStats extends KafkaMetricsGroup {
  val logFlushTimer = new KafkaTimer(newTimer("LogFlushRateAndTimeMs", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS))

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