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org.apache.solr.handler.admin.SplitOp Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.solr.handler.admin;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.lucene.index.MultiTerms;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.StringHelper;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonAdminParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CoreAdminParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.apache.solr.request.LocalSolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.update.SolrIndexSplitter;
import org.apache.solr.update.SplitIndexCommand;
import org.apache.solr.util.RTimer;
import org.apache.solr.util.RefCounted;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.PATH;
import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CoreAdminParams.GET_RANGES;

class SplitOp implements CoreAdminHandler.CoreAdminOp {

  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());

  public void execute(CoreAdminHandler.CallInfo it) throws Exception {
    SolrParams params = it.req.getParams();

    String splitKey = params.get("split.key");
    String[] newCoreNames = params.getParams("targetCore");
    String cname = params.get(CoreAdminParams.CORE, "");

    if ( params.getBool(GET_RANGES, false) ) {
      handleGetRanges(it, cname);

    List ranges = null;

    String[] pathsArr = params.getParams(PATH);
    String rangesStr = params.get(CoreAdminParams.RANGES);    // ranges=a-b,c-d,e-f
    if (rangesStr != null) {
      String[] rangesArr = rangesStr.split(",");
      if (rangesArr.length == 0) {
        throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "There must be at least one range specified to split an index");
      } else {
        ranges = new ArrayList<>(rangesArr.length);
        for (String r : rangesArr) {
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Exception parsing hexadecimal hash range: " + r, e);

    if ((pathsArr == null || pathsArr.length == 0) && (newCoreNames == null || newCoreNames.length == 0)) {
      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Either path or targetCore param must be specified");
    }"Invoked split action for core: {}", cname);
    String methodStr = params.get(CommonAdminParams.SPLIT_METHOD, SolrIndexSplitter.SplitMethod.REWRITE.toLower());
    SolrIndexSplitter.SplitMethod splitMethod = SolrIndexSplitter.SplitMethod.get(methodStr);
    if (splitMethod == null) {
      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Unsupported value of '" + CommonAdminParams.SPLIT_METHOD + "': " + methodStr);
    SolrCore parentCore = it.handler.coreContainer.getCore(cname);
    List newCores = null;
    SolrQueryRequest req = null;

    try {
      // TODO: allow use of rangesStr in the future
      List paths = null;
      int partitions = pathsArr != null ? pathsArr.length : newCoreNames.length;

      DocRouter router = null;
      String routeFieldName = null;
      if (it.handler.coreContainer.isZooKeeperAware()) {
        ClusterState clusterState = it.handler.coreContainer.getZkController().getClusterState();
        String collectionName = parentCore.getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor().getCollectionName();
        DocCollection collection = clusterState.getCollection(collectionName);
        String sliceName = parentCore.getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor().getShardId();
        Slice slice = collection.getSlice(sliceName);
        router = collection.getRouter() != null ? collection.getRouter() : DocRouter.DEFAULT;
        if (ranges == null) {
          DocRouter.Range currentRange = slice.getRange();
          ranges = currentRange != null ? router.partitionRange(partitions, currentRange) : null;
        Object routerObj = collection.get(DOC_ROUTER); // for back-compat with Solr 4.4
        if (routerObj instanceof Map) {
          Map routerProps = (Map) routerObj;
          routeFieldName = (String) routerProps.get("field");

      if (pathsArr == null) {
        newCores = new ArrayList<>(partitions);
        for (String newCoreName : newCoreNames) {
          SolrCore newcore = it.handler.coreContainer.getCore(newCoreName);
          if (newcore != null) {
            if (it.handler.coreContainer.isZooKeeperAware()) {
              // this core must be the only replica in its shard otherwise
              // we cannot guarantee consistency between replicas because when we add data to this replica
              CloudDescriptor cd = newcore.getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor();
              ClusterState clusterState = it.handler.coreContainer.getZkController().getClusterState();
              if (clusterState.getCollection(cd.getCollectionName()).getSlice(cd.getShardId()).getReplicas().size() != 1) {
                throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
                    "Core with core name " + newCoreName + " must be the only replica in shard " + cd.getShardId());
          } else {
            throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Core with core name " + newCoreName + " expected but doesn't exist.");
      } else {
        paths = Arrays.asList(pathsArr);

      req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(parentCore, params);

      SplitIndexCommand cmd = new SplitIndexCommand(req, it.rsp, paths, newCores, ranges, router, routeFieldName, splitKey, splitMethod);

      if (it.handler.coreContainer.isZooKeeperAware()) {
        for (SolrCore newcore : newCores) {
          // the index of the core changed from empty to have some data, its term must be not zero
          CloudDescriptor cd = newcore.getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor();
          ZkShardTerms zkShardTerms = it.handler.coreContainer.getZkController().getShardTerms(cd.getCollectionName(), cd.getShardId());

      // After the split has completed, someone (here?) should start the process of replaying the buffered updates.
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("ERROR executing split:", e);
      throw e;
    } finally {
      if (req != null) req.close();
      if (parentCore != null) parentCore.close();
      if (newCores != null) {
        for (SolrCore newCore : newCores) {

   *   This is called when splitByPrefix is used.
   *   The overseer called us to get recommended splits taking into
   *   account actual document distribution over the hash space.
  private void handleGetRanges(CoreAdminHandler.CallInfo it, String coreName) throws Exception {

    SolrCore parentCore = it.handler.coreContainer.getCore(coreName);
    if (parentCore == null) {
      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown core " + coreName);

    RefCounted searcherHolder = parentCore.getRealtimeSearcher();

    try {
      if (!it.handler.coreContainer.isZooKeeperAware()) {
        throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Shard splitByPrefix requires SolrCloud mode.");
      } else {
        SolrIndexSearcher searcher = searcherHolder.get();

        String routeFieldName = null;
        String prefixField = "id_prefix";

        ClusterState clusterState = it.handler.coreContainer.getZkController().getClusterState();
        String collectionName = parentCore.getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor().getCollectionName();
        DocCollection collection = clusterState.getCollection(collectionName);
        String sliceName = parentCore.getCoreDescriptor().getCloudDescriptor().getShardId();
        Slice slice = collection.getSlice(sliceName);
        DocRouter router = collection.getRouter() != null ? collection.getRouter() : DocRouter.DEFAULT;
        DocRouter.Range currentRange = slice.getRange();

        Object routerObj = collection.get(DOC_ROUTER); // for back-compat with Solr 4.4
        if (routerObj instanceof Map) {
          Map routerProps = (Map) routerObj;
          routeFieldName = (String) routerProps.get("field");
        if (routeFieldName == null) {
          routeFieldName = searcher.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField().getName();

        Collection counts = getHashHistogram(searcher, prefixField, router, collection);

        if (counts.size() == 0) {
          // How to determine if we should look at the id field to figure out the prefix buckets?
          // There may legitimately be no indexed terms in id_prefix if no ids have a prefix yet.
          // For now, avoid using splitByPrefix unless you are actually using prefixes.
          counts = getHashHistogramFromId(searcher, searcher.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField().getName(), router, collection);

        Collection splits = getSplits(counts, currentRange);
        String splitString = toSplitString(splits);

        if (splitString == null) {

        it.rsp.add(CoreAdminParams.RANGES, splitString);
    } finally {
      if (searcherHolder != null) searcherHolder.decref();
      if (parentCore != null) parentCore.close();

  static class RangeCount implements Comparable {
    DocRouter.Range range;
    int count;

    public RangeCount(DocRouter.Range range, int count) {
      this.range = range;
      this.count = count;

    public int hashCode() {
      return range.hashCode();

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (!(obj instanceof RangeCount)) return false;
      return this.range.equals( ((RangeCount)obj).range );

    public int compareTo(RangeCount o) {
      return this.range.compareTo(o.range);

    public String toString() {
      return range.toString() + "=" + count;

  static String toSplitString(Collection splits) throws Exception {
    if (splits == null) {
      return null;

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (DocRouter.Range range : splits) {
      if (sb.length() > 0) {

    return sb.toString();

   * Returns a list of range counts sorted by the range lower bound
  static Collection getHashHistogram(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, String prefixField, DocRouter router, DocCollection collection) throws IOException {
    RTimer timer = new RTimer();
    TreeMap counts = new TreeMap<>();

    Terms terms = MultiTerms.getTerms(searcher.getIndexReader(), prefixField);
    if (terms == null) {
      return counts.values();

    int numPrefixes = 0;
    int numTriLevel = 0;
    int numCollisions = 0;
    long sumBuckets = 0;

    TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator();
    BytesRef term;
    while ((term = != null) {

      String termStr = term.utf8ToString();
      int firstSep = termStr.indexOf(CompositeIdRouter.SEPARATOR);
      // truncate to first separator since we don't support multiple levels currently
      // NOTE: this does not currently work for tri-level composite ids since the number of bits allocated to the first ID is 16 for a 2 part id
      // and 8 for a 3 part id!
      if (firstSep != termStr.length()-1 && firstSep > 0) {
        termStr = termStr.substring(0, firstSep+1);

      DocRouter.Range range = router.getSearchRangeSingle(termStr, null, collection);
      int numDocs = termsEnum.docFreq();
      sumBuckets += numDocs;

      RangeCount rangeCount = new RangeCount(range, numDocs);

      RangeCount prev = counts.put(rangeCount.range, rangeCount);
      if (prev != null) {
        // we hit a hash collision or truncated a prefix to first level, so add the buckets together.
        rangeCount.count += prev.count;

    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Split histogram: ms={}, numBuckets={} sumBuckets={} numPrefixes={} numTriLevel={} numCollisions={}"
          , timer.getTime(), counts.size(), sumBuckets, numPrefixes, numTriLevel, numCollisions);

    return counts.values();

   *   Returns a list of range counts sorted by the range lower bound, using the indexed "id" field (i.e. the terms are full IDs, not just prefixes)
  static Collection getHashHistogramFromId(SolrIndexSearcher searcher, String idField, DocRouter router, DocCollection collection) throws IOException {
    RTimer timer = new RTimer();

    TreeMap counts = new TreeMap<>();

    Terms terms = MultiTerms.getTerms(searcher.getIndexReader(), idField);
    if (terms == null) {
      return counts.values();

    int numPrefixes = 0;
    int numCollisions = 0;
    long sumBuckets = 0;

    byte sep = (byte) CompositeIdRouter.SEPARATOR.charAt(0);
    TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator();
    BytesRef currPrefix = new BytesRef();  // prefix of the previous "id" term
    int bucketCount = 0; // count of the number of docs in the current bucket

    // We're going to iterate over all terms, so do the minimum amount of work per term.
    // Terms are sorted, so all terms sharing a prefix will be grouped together.  The extra work
    // is really just limited to stepping over all the terms in the id field.
    for (;;) {
      BytesRef term =;

      // compare to current prefix bucket and see if this new term shares the same prefix
      if (term != null && term.length >= currPrefix.length && currPrefix.length > 0) {
        if (StringHelper.startsWith(term, currPrefix)) {
          bucketCount++;  // use 1 since we are dealing with unique ids

      // At this point the prefix did not match, so if we had a bucket we were working on, record it.
      if (currPrefix.length > 0) {
        sumBuckets += bucketCount;
        String currPrefixStr = currPrefix.utf8ToString();
        DocRouter.Range range = router.getSearchRangeSingle(currPrefixStr, null, collection);

        RangeCount rangeCount = new RangeCount(range, bucketCount);
        bucketCount = 0;

        RangeCount prev = counts.put(rangeCount.range, rangeCount);
        if (prev != null) {
          // we hit a hash collision, so add the buckets together.
          rangeCount.count += prev.count;

      // if the current term is null, we ran out of values
      if (term == null) break;

      // find the new prefix (if any)

      // resize if needed
      if (currPrefix.length < term.length) {
        currPrefix.bytes = new byte[term.length+10];

      // Copy the bytes up to and including the separator, and set the length if the separator is found.
      // If there was no separator, then length remains 0 and it's the indicator that we have no prefix bucket
      currPrefix.length = 0;
      for (int i=0; i getSplits(Collection rawCounts, DocRouter.Range currentRange) throws Exception {
    int totalCount = 0;
    RangeCount biggest = null; // keep track of the largest in case we need to split it out into it's own shard
    RangeCount last = null;  // keep track of what the last range is

    // Remove counts that don't overlap with currentRange (can happen if someone overrode document routing)
    List counts = new ArrayList<>(rawCounts.size());
    for (RangeCount rangeCount : rawCounts) {
      if (!rangeCount.range.overlaps(currentRange)) {
      totalCount += rangeCount.count;
      if (biggest == null || rangeCount.count > biggest.count) {
        biggest = rangeCount;
      last = rangeCount;

    if (counts.size() == 0) {
      // we don't have any data to go off of, so do the split the normal way
      return null;

    List targetRanges = new ArrayList<>();

    if (counts.size() == 1) {
      // We have a single range, so we should split it.
      // Currently, we only split a prefix/bucket when we have just one, but this could be changed/controlled
      // in the future via a allowedSizeDifference parameter (i.e. if just separating prefix buckets results in
      // too large of an imbalanced, allow splitting within a prefix)

      // It may already be a partial range, so figure that out
      int lower = Math.max(last.range.min, currentRange.min);
      int upper = Math.min(last.range.max, currentRange.max);
      int mid = lower + (upper-lower)/2;
      if (mid == lower || mid == upper) {
        // shard too small... this should pretty much never happen, but use default split logic if it does.
        return null;

      // Make sure to include the shard's current range in the new ranges so we don't create useless empty shards.
      DocRouter.Range lowerRange = new DocRouter.Range(currentRange.min, mid);
      DocRouter.Range upperRange = new DocRouter.Range(mid+1, currentRange.max);

      return targetRanges;

    // We have at least two ranges, so we want to partition the ranges
    // and avoid splitting any individual range.
    // The "middle" bucket we are going to find will be included with the lower range and excluded from the upper range.

    int targetCount = totalCount / 2;
    RangeCount middle = null;
    RangeCount prev = null;
    int currCount = 0;
    for (RangeCount rangeCount : counts) {
      currCount += rangeCount.count;
      if (currCount >= targetCount) {  // this should at least be true on the last range
        middle = rangeCount;
      prev = rangeCount;

    // check if using the range before the middle one would make a better split point
    int overError = currCount - targetCount;  // error if we include middle in first split
    int underError = targetCount - (currCount - middle.count); // error if we include middle in second split
    if (underError < overError) {
      middle = prev;

    // The middle should never be the last, since that means that we won't actually do a split.
    // Minimising the error (above) should already ensure this never happens.
    assert middle != last;

    // Make sure to include the shard's current range in the new ranges so we don't create useless empty shards.
    DocRouter.Range lowerRange = new DocRouter.Range(currentRange.min, middle.range.max);
    DocRouter.Range upperRange = new DocRouter.Range(middle.range.max+1, currentRange.max);

    return targetRanges;


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