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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionAdminParams.FOLLOW_ALIASES;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrResponse;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.QueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionAdminParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CollectionParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonAdminParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.util.TestInjection;
import org.apache.solr.util.TimeOut;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Reindex a collection, usually in order to change the index schema.

WARNING: Reindexing is potentially a lossy operation - some indexed data that is not available * as stored fields may be irretrievably lost, so users should use this command with caution, * evaluating the potential impact by using different source and target collection names first, and * preserving the source collection until the evaluation is complete. * *

Reindexing follows these steps: * *

  1. creates a temporary collection using the most recent schema of the source collection (or * the one specified in the parameters, which must already exist), and the shape of the * original collection, unless overridden by parameters. *
  2. copy the source documents to the temporary collection, using their stored fields and * reindexing them using the specified schema. NOTE: some data loss may occur if the original * stored field data is not available! *
  3. create the target collection from scratch with the specified name (or the same as source if * not specified) and the specified parameters. NOTE: if the target name was not specified or * is the same as the source collection then a unique sequential collection name will be used. *
  4. copy the documents from the source collection to the target collection. *
  5. if the source and target collection name was the same then set up an alias pointing from * the source collection name to the actual (sequentially named) target collection *
  6. optionally delete the source collection. *
*/ public class ReindexCollectionCmd implements CollApiCmds.CollectionApiCommand { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass()); public static final String COMMAND = "cmd"; public static final String REINDEX_STATUS = "reindexStatus"; public static final String REMOVE_SOURCE = "removeSource"; public static final String TARGET = "target"; public static final String TARGET_COL_PREFIX = ".rx_"; public static final String CHK_COL_PREFIX = ".rx_ck_"; public static final String REINDEXING_STATE = CollectionAdminRequest.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "rx"; public static final String STATE = "state"; public static final String PHASE = "phase"; private static final List COLLECTION_PARAMS = Arrays.asList( ZkStateReader.CONFIGNAME_PROP, ZkStateReader.NUM_SHARDS_PROP, ZkStateReader.NRT_REPLICAS, ZkStateReader.PULL_REPLICAS, ZkStateReader.TLOG_REPLICAS, ZkStateReader.REPLICATION_FACTOR, "shards", CollectionAdminParams.CREATE_NODE_SET_PARAM, CollectionAdminParams.CREATE_NODE_SET_SHUFFLE_PARAM); private final CollectionCommandContext ccc; private static AtomicInteger tmpCollectionSeq = new AtomicInteger(); public enum State { IDLE, RUNNING, ABORTED, FINISHED; public String toLower() { return toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } public static State get(Object p) { if (p == null) { return null; } p = String.valueOf(p).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); return states.get(p); } static final Map states = Stream.of(State.values()) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(State::toLower, Function.identity())); } public enum Cmd { START, ABORT, STATUS; public String toLower() { return toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } public static Cmd get(String p) { if (p == null) { return null; } p = p.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); return cmds.get(p); } static final Map cmds = Stream.of(Cmd.values()) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(Cmd::toLower, Function.identity())); } private String zkHost; public ReindexCollectionCmd(CollectionCommandContext ccc) { this.ccc = ccc; } @Override public void call(ClusterState clusterState, ZkNodeProps message, NamedList results) throws Exception { log.debug("*** called: {}", message); String extCollection = message.getStr(CommonParams.NAME); if (extCollection == null) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Source collection name must be specified"); } boolean followAliases = message.getBool(FOLLOW_ALIASES, false); String collection; if (followAliases) { collection = ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getClusterStateProvider().resolveSimpleAlias(extCollection); } else { collection = extCollection; } if (!clusterState.hasCollection(collection)) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Source collection name must exist"); } String target = message.getStr(TARGET); if (target == null) { target = collection; } else { if (followAliases) { target = ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getClusterStateProvider().resolveSimpleAlias(target); } } boolean sameTarget = target.equals(collection) || target.equals(extCollection); boolean removeSource = message.getBool(REMOVE_SOURCE, false); Cmd command = Cmd.get(message.getStr(COMMAND, Cmd.START.toLower())); if (command == null) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown command: " + message.getStr(COMMAND)); } Map reindexingState = getReindexingState(ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getDistribStateManager(), collection); if (!reindexingState.containsKey(STATE)) { reindexingState.put(STATE, State.IDLE.toLower()); } State state = State.get(reindexingState.get(STATE)); if (command == Cmd.ABORT) {"Abort requested for collection {}, setting the state to ABORTED.", collection); // check that it's running if (state != State.RUNNING) { log.debug( "Abort requested for collection {} but command is not running: {}", collection, state); return; } setReindexingState(collection, State.ABORTED, null); reindexingState.put(STATE, "aborting"); results.add(REINDEX_STATUS, reindexingState); // if needed the cleanup will be performed by the running instance of the command return; } else if (command == Cmd.STATUS) { results.add(REINDEX_STATUS, reindexingState); return; } // command == Cmd.START // check it's not already running if (state == State.RUNNING) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Reindex is already running for collection " + collection + ". If you are sure this is not the case you can issue &cmd=abort to clean up this state."); } DocCollection coll = clusterState.getCollection(collection); boolean aborted = false; int batchSize = message.getInt(CommonParams.ROWS, 100); String query = message.getStr(CommonParams.Q, "*:*"); String fl = message.getStr(CommonParams.FL, "*"); Integer rf = message.getInt(ZkStateReader.REPLICATION_FACTOR, coll.getReplicationFactor()); Integer numNrt = message.getInt(ZkStateReader.NRT_REPLICAS, coll.getNumNrtReplicas()); Integer numTlog = message.getInt(ZkStateReader.TLOG_REPLICAS, coll.getNumTlogReplicas()); Integer numPull = message.getInt(ZkStateReader.PULL_REPLICAS, coll.getNumPullReplicas()); int numShards = message.getInt(ZkStateReader.NUM_SHARDS_PROP, coll.getActiveSlices().size()); DocRouter router = coll.getRouter(); if (router == null) { router = DocRouter.DEFAULT; } String configName = message.getStr(ZkStateReader.CONFIGNAME_PROP, coll.getConfigName()); String targetCollection; int seq = tmpCollectionSeq.getAndIncrement(); if (sameTarget) { do { targetCollection = TARGET_COL_PREFIX + extCollection + "_" + seq; if (!clusterState.hasCollection(targetCollection)) { break; } seq = tmpCollectionSeq.getAndIncrement(); } while (clusterState.hasCollection(targetCollection)); } else { targetCollection = target; } String chkCollection = CHK_COL_PREFIX + extCollection; String daemonUrl = null; Replica daemonReplica = null; Exception exc = null; boolean createdTarget = false; try { zkHost = ccc.getZkStateReader().getZkClient().getZkServerAddress(); // set the running flag reindexingState.clear(); reindexingState.put("actualSourceCollection", collection); reindexingState.put("actualTargetCollection", targetCollection); reindexingState.put("checkpointCollection", chkCollection); reindexingState.put("inputDocs", getNumberOfDocs(collection)); reindexingState.put(PHASE, "creating target and checkpoint collections"); setReindexingState(collection, State.RUNNING, reindexingState); // 0. set up target and checkpoint collections NamedList cmdResults = new NamedList<>(); ZkNodeProps cmd; if (clusterState.hasCollection(targetCollection)) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Target collection " + targetCollection + " already exists! Delete it first."); } if (clusterState.hasCollection(chkCollection)) { // delete the checkpoint collection cmd = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.DELETE.toLower(), CommonParams.NAME, chkCollection); new DeleteCollectionCmd(ccc).call(clusterState, cmd, cmdResults); CollectionHandlingUtils.checkResults( "deleting old checkpoint collection " + chkCollection, cmdResults, true); } if (maybeAbort(collection)) { aborted = true; return; } Map propMap = new HashMap<>(); propMap.put(Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.CREATE.toLower()); propMap.put(CommonParams.NAME, targetCollection); propMap.put(ZkStateReader.NUM_SHARDS_PROP, numShards); propMap.put(CollectionAdminParams.COLL_CONF, configName); // init first from the same router propMap.put("", router.getName()); for (String key : coll.keySet()) { if (key.startsWith("router.")) { propMap.put(key, coll.get(key)); } } // then apply overrides if present for (String key : message.keySet()) { if (key.startsWith("router.")) { propMap.put(key, message.getStr(key)); } else if (COLLECTION_PARAMS.contains(key)) { propMap.put(key, message.get(key)); } } propMap.put(CommonAdminParams.WAIT_FOR_FINAL_STATE, true); if (rf != null) { propMap.put(ZkStateReader.REPLICATION_FACTOR, rf); } if (numNrt != null) { propMap.put(ZkStateReader.NRT_REPLICAS, numNrt); } if (numTlog != null) { propMap.put(ZkStateReader.TLOG_REPLICAS, numTlog); } if (numPull != null) { propMap.put(ZkStateReader.PULL_REPLICAS, numPull); } // create the target collection cmd = new ZkNodeProps(propMap); cmdResults = new NamedList<>(); new CreateCollectionCmd(ccc).call(clusterState, cmd, cmdResults); createdTarget = true; CollectionHandlingUtils.checkResults( "creating target collection " + targetCollection, cmdResults, true); // create the checkpoint collection - use RF=1 and 1 shard cmd = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.CREATE.toLower(), CommonParams.NAME, chkCollection, ZkStateReader.NUM_SHARDS_PROP, "1", ZkStateReader.REPLICATION_FACTOR, "1", CollectionAdminParams.COLL_CONF, "_default", CommonAdminParams.WAIT_FOR_FINAL_STATE, "true"); cmdResults = new NamedList<>(); new CreateCollectionCmd(ccc).call(clusterState, cmd, cmdResults); CollectionHandlingUtils.checkResults( "creating checkpoint collection " + chkCollection, cmdResults, true); // wait for a while until we see both collections TimeOut waitUntil = new TimeOut(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getTimeSource()); boolean created = false; while (!waitUntil.hasTimedOut()) { waitUntil.sleep(100); // this also refreshes our local var clusterState clusterState = ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getClusterState(); created = clusterState.hasCollection(targetCollection) && clusterState.hasCollection(chkCollection); if (created) break; } if (!created) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Could not fully create temporary collection(s)"); } if (maybeAbort(collection)) { aborted = true; return; } // 1. put the source collection in read-only mode cmd = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MODIFYCOLLECTION.toLower(), ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROP, collection, ZkStateReader.READ_ONLY, "true"); if (ccc.getDistributedClusterStateUpdater().isDistributedStateUpdate()) { ccc.getDistributedClusterStateUpdater() .doSingleStateUpdate( DistributedClusterStateUpdater.MutatingCommand.CollectionModifyCollection, cmd, ccc.getSolrCloudManager(), ccc.getZkStateReader()); } else { ccc.offerStateUpdate(cmd); } TestInjection.injectReindexLatch(); if (maybeAbort(collection)) { aborted = true; return; } // 2. copy the documents to target // Recipe taken from: // ModifiableSolrParams q = new ModifiableSolrParams(); q.set(CommonParams.QT, "/stream"); q.set("collection", collection); q.set( "expr", "daemon(id=\"" + targetCollection + "\"," + "terminate=\"true\"," + "commit(" + targetCollection + "," + "update(" + targetCollection + "," + "batchSize=" + batchSize + "," + "topic(" + chkCollection + "," + collection + "," + "q=\"" + query + "\"," + "fl=\"" + fl + "\"," + "id=\"topic_" + targetCollection + "\"," + // some of the documents eg. in .system contain large blobs "rows=\"" + batchSize + "\"," + "initialCheckpoint=\"0\"))))"); log.debug("- starting copying documents from {} to {}", collection, targetCollection); SolrResponse rsp = null; try { rsp = ccc.getSolrCloudManager().request(new QueryRequest(q)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to copy documents from " + collection + " to " + targetCollection, e); } daemonReplica = getReplicaForDaemon(rsp, coll); if (daemonReplica == null) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to copy documents from " + collection + " to " + targetCollection + ": " + Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); } reindexingState.put("daemonUrl", daemonReplica.getCoreUrl()); reindexingState.put("daemonName", targetCollection); reindexingState.put(PHASE, "copying documents"); setReindexingState(collection, State.RUNNING, reindexingState); // wait for the daemon to finish waitForDaemon(targetCollection, daemonReplica, collection, targetCollection, reindexingState); if (maybeAbort(collection)) { aborted = true; return; } log.debug("- finished copying from {} to {}", collection, targetCollection); // fail here or earlier during daemon run TestInjection.injectReindexFailure(); // 5. if (sameTarget) set up an alias to use targetCollection as the source name if (sameTarget) { log.debug("- setting up alias from {} to {}", extCollection, targetCollection); cmd = new ZkNodeProps(CommonParams.NAME, extCollection, "collections", targetCollection); cmdResults = new NamedList<>(); new CreateAliasCmd(ccc).call(clusterState, cmd, cmdResults); CollectionHandlingUtils.checkResults( "setting up alias " + extCollection + " -> " + targetCollection, cmdResults, true); reindexingState.put("alias", extCollection + " -> " + targetCollection); } reindexingState.remove("daemonUrl"); reindexingState.remove("daemonName"); reindexingState.put("processedDocs", getNumberOfDocs(targetCollection)); reindexingState.put(PHASE, "copying done, finalizing"); setReindexingState(collection, State.RUNNING, reindexingState); if (maybeAbort(collection)) { aborted = true; return; } // 6. delete the checkpoint collection log.debug("- deleting {}", chkCollection); cmd = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.DELETE.toLower(), CommonParams.NAME, chkCollection); cmdResults = new NamedList<>(); new DeleteCollectionCmd(ccc).call(clusterState, cmd, cmdResults); CollectionHandlingUtils.checkResults( "deleting checkpoint collection " + chkCollection, cmdResults, true); // 7. optionally delete the source collection if (removeSource) { log.debug("- deleting source collection"); cmd = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.DELETE.toLower(), CommonParams.NAME, collection, FOLLOW_ALIASES, "false"); cmdResults = new NamedList<>(); new DeleteCollectionCmd(ccc).call(clusterState, cmd, cmdResults); CollectionHandlingUtils.checkResults( "deleting source collection " + collection, cmdResults, true); } else { // 8. clear readOnly on source ZkNodeProps props = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MODIFYCOLLECTION.toLower(), ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROP, collection, ZkStateReader.READ_ONLY, null); if (ccc.getDistributedClusterStateUpdater().isDistributedStateUpdate()) { ccc.getDistributedClusterStateUpdater() .doSingleStateUpdate( DistributedClusterStateUpdater.MutatingCommand.CollectionModifyCollection, props, ccc.getSolrCloudManager(), ccc.getZkStateReader()); } else { ccc.offerStateUpdate(props); } } // 9. set FINISHED state on the target and clear the state on the source ZkNodeProps props = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MODIFYCOLLECTION.toLower(), ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROP, targetCollection, REINDEXING_STATE, State.FINISHED.toLower()); if (ccc.getDistributedClusterStateUpdater().isDistributedStateUpdate()) { ccc.getDistributedClusterStateUpdater() .doSingleStateUpdate( DistributedClusterStateUpdater.MutatingCommand.CollectionModifyCollection, props, ccc.getSolrCloudManager(), ccc.getZkStateReader()); } else { ccc.offerStateUpdate(props); } reindexingState.put(STATE, State.FINISHED.toLower()); reindexingState.put(PHASE, "done"); removeReindexingState(collection); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error during reindexing of {}", extCollection, e); exc = e; aborted = true; } finally { if (aborted) { cleanup( collection, targetCollection, chkCollection, daemonReplica, targetCollection, createdTarget); if (exc != null) { results.add("error", exc.toString()); } reindexingState.put(STATE, State.ABORTED.toLower()); } results.add(REINDEX_STATUS, reindexingState); } } private static final String REINDEXING_STATE_PATH = "/.reindexing"; private Map setReindexingState( String collection, State state, Map props) throws Exception { String path = ZkStateReader.COLLECTIONS_ZKNODE + "/" + collection + REINDEXING_STATE_PATH; DistribStateManager stateManager = ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getDistribStateManager(); if (props == null) { // retrieve existing props, if any props = stateManager.getJson(path); } Map copyProps = new HashMap<>(props); copyProps.put("state", state.toLower()); if (stateManager.hasData(path)) { stateManager.setData(path, Utils.toJSON(copyProps), -1); } else { stateManager.makePath(path, Utils.toJSON(copyProps), CreateMode.PERSISTENT, false); } return copyProps; } private void removeReindexingState(String collection) throws Exception { String path = ZkStateReader.COLLECTIONS_ZKNODE + "/" + collection + REINDEXING_STATE_PATH; DistribStateManager stateManager = ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getDistribStateManager(); if (stateManager.hasData(path)) { stateManager.removeData(path, -1); } } @VisibleForTesting public static Map getReindexingState( DistribStateManager stateManager, String collection) throws Exception { String path = ZkStateReader.COLLECTIONS_ZKNODE + "/" + collection + REINDEXING_STATE_PATH; // make it modifiable return new TreeMap<>(stateManager.getJson(path)); } private long getNumberOfDocs(String collection) { CloudSolrClient solrClient = ccc.getCoreContainer().getSolrClientCache().getCloudSolrClient(zkHost); try { ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.add(CommonParams.Q, "*:*"); params.add(CommonParams.ROWS, "0"); QueryResponse rsp = solrClient.query(collection, params); return rsp.getResults().getNumFound(); } catch (Exception e) { return 0L; } } private boolean maybeAbort(String collection) throws Exception { DocCollection coll = ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getClusterState().getCollectionOrNull(collection); if (coll == null) { // collection no longer present - abort"## Aborting - collection {} no longer present.", collection); return true; } Map reindexingState = getReindexingState(ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getDistribStateManager(), collection); State state = State.get(reindexingState.getOrDefault(STATE, State.RUNNING.toLower())); if (state != State.ABORTED) { return false; }"## Aborting - collection {} state is {}", collection, state); return true; } // XXX see #waitForDaemon() for why we need this private Replica getReplicaForDaemon(SolrResponse rsp, DocCollection coll) { @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) Map rs = (Map) rsp.getResponse().get("result-set"); if (rs == null || rs.isEmpty()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" -- Missing daemon information in response: {}", Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) List list = (List) rs.get("docs"); if (list == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" -- Missing daemon information in response: {}", Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); } return null; } String replicaName = null; for (Object o : list) { @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) Map map = (Map) o; String op = (String) map.get("DaemonOp"); if (op == null) { continue; } String[] parts = op.split("\\s+"); if (parts.length != 4) { log.debug(" -- Invalid daemon location info, expected 4 tokens: {}", op); return null; } // check if it's plausible if (parts[3].contains("shard") && parts[3].contains("replica")) { replicaName = parts[3]; break; } else { log.debug(" -- daemon location info likely invalid: {}", op); return null; } } if (replicaName == null) { return null; } // build a baseUrl of the replica for (Replica r : coll.getReplicas()) { if (replicaName.equals(r.getCoreName())) { return r; } } return null; } // XXX currently this is complicated to due a bug in the way the daemon 'list' // XXX operation is implemented - see SOLR-13245. We need to query the actual // XXX SolrCore where the daemon is running @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private void waitForDaemon( String daemonName, Replica daemonReplica, String sourceCollection, String targetCollection, Map reindexingState) throws Exception { HttpClient client = ccc.getCoreContainer().getUpdateShardHandler().getDefaultHttpClient(); try (SolrClient solrClient = new HttpSolrClient.Builder() .withHttpClient(client) .withBaseSolrUrl(daemonReplica.getBaseUrl()) .build()) { ModifiableSolrParams q = new ModifiableSolrParams(); q.set(CommonParams.QT, "/stream"); q.set("action", "list"); q.set(CommonParams.DISTRIB, false); QueryRequest req = new QueryRequest(q); boolean isRunning; int statusCheck = 0; do { isRunning = false; statusCheck++; try { NamedList rsp = solrClient.request(req, daemonReplica.getCoreName()); Map rs = (Map) rsp.get("result-set"); if (rs == null || rs.isEmpty()) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Can't find daemon list: missing result-set: " + Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); } List list = (List) rs.get("docs"); if (list == null) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Can't find daemon list: missing result-set: " + Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); } if (list.isEmpty()) { // finished? break; } for (Object o : list) { Map map = (Map) o; String id = (String) map.get("id"); if (daemonName.equals(id)) { isRunning = true; // fail here TestInjection.injectReindexFailure(); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Exception waiting for daemon " + daemonName + " at " + daemonReplica.getCoreUrl(), e); } if (statusCheck % 5 == 0) { reindexingState.put("processedDocs", getNumberOfDocs(targetCollection)); setReindexingState(sourceCollection, State.RUNNING, reindexingState); } ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getTimeSource().sleep(2000); } while (isRunning && !maybeAbort(sourceCollection)); } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private void killDaemon(String daemonName, Replica daemonReplica) throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("-- killing daemon {} at {}", daemonName, daemonReplica.getCoreUrl()); } HttpClient client = ccc.getCoreContainer().getUpdateShardHandler().getDefaultHttpClient(); try (SolrClient solrClient = new HttpSolrClient.Builder() .withHttpClient(client) .withDefaultCollection(daemonReplica.getCoreName()) .withBaseSolrUrl(daemonReplica.getBaseUrl()) .build()) { ModifiableSolrParams q = new ModifiableSolrParams(); q.set(CommonParams.QT, "/stream"); // we should really use 'kill' here, but then we will never // know when the daemon actually finishes running - 'kill' only // sets a flag that may be noticed much later q.set("action", "stop"); q.set(CommonParams.ID, daemonName); q.set(CommonParams.DISTRIB, false); QueryRequest req = new QueryRequest(q); NamedList rsp = solrClient.request(req); // /result-set/docs/[0]/DaemonOp : Deamon:id killed on coreName if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" -- stop daemon response: {}", Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); } Map rs = (Map) rsp.get("result-set"); if (rs == null || rs.isEmpty()) { log.warn( "Problem killing daemon {}: missing result-set: {}", daemonName, Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); return; } List list = (List) rs.get("docs"); if (list == null) { log.warn( "Problem killing daemon {}: missing result-set: {}", daemonName, Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); return; } if (list.isEmpty()) { // already finished? return; } for (Object o : list) { Map map = (Map) o; String op = (String) map.get("DaemonOp"); if (op == null) { continue; } if (op.contains(daemonName) && op.contains("stopped")) { // now wait for the daemon to really stop q.set("action", "list"); req = new QueryRequest(q); TimeOut timeOut = new TimeOut(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getTimeSource()); while (!timeOut.hasTimedOut()) { rsp = solrClient.request(req); rs = (Map) rsp.get("result-set"); if (rs == null || rs.isEmpty()) { log.warn( "Problem killing daemon {}: missing result-set: {}", daemonName, Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); break; } List list2 = (List) rs.get("docs"); if (list2 == null) { log.warn( "Problem killing daemon {}: missing result-set: {}", daemonName, Utils.toJSONString(rsp)); break; } if (list2.isEmpty()) { // already finished? break; } Map status2 = null; for (Object o2 : list2) { Map map2 = (Map) o2; if (daemonName.equals(map2.get("id"))) { status2 = map2; break; } } if (status2 == null) { // finished? break; } Number stopTime = (Number) status2.get("stopTime"); if (stopTime.longValue() > 0) { break; } } if (timeOut.hasTimedOut()) { log.warn( "Problem killing daemon {}: timed out waiting for daemon to stop.", daemonName); // proceed anyway } } } // now kill it - it's already stopped, this simply removes its status q.set("action", "kill"); req = new QueryRequest(q); solrClient.request(req); } } private void cleanup( String collection, String targetCollection, String chkCollection, Replica daemonReplica, String daemonName, boolean createdTarget) throws Exception {"## Cleaning up after abort or error"); // 1. kill the daemon // 2. cleanup target / chk collections IFF the source collection still exists and is not empty // 3. cleanup collection state if (daemonReplica != null) { killDaemon(daemonName, daemonReplica); } ClusterState clusterState = ccc.getSolrCloudManager().getClusterState(); NamedList cmdResults = new NamedList<>(); if (createdTarget && !collection.equals(targetCollection) && clusterState.hasCollection(targetCollection)) { log.debug(" -- removing {}", targetCollection); ZkNodeProps cmd = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.DELETE.toLower(), CommonParams.NAME, targetCollection, FOLLOW_ALIASES, "false"); new DeleteCollectionCmd(ccc).call(clusterState, cmd, cmdResults); CollectionHandlingUtils.checkResults( "CLEANUP: deleting target collection " + targetCollection, cmdResults, false); } // remove chk collection if (clusterState.hasCollection(chkCollection)) { log.debug(" -- removing {}", chkCollection); ZkNodeProps cmd = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.DELETE.toLower(), CommonParams.NAME, chkCollection, FOLLOW_ALIASES, "false"); cmdResults = new NamedList<>(); new DeleteCollectionCmd(ccc).call(clusterState, cmd, cmdResults); CollectionHandlingUtils.checkResults( "CLEANUP: deleting checkpoint collection " + chkCollection, cmdResults, false); } log.debug(" -- turning readOnly mode off for {}", collection); ZkNodeProps props = new ZkNodeProps( Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, CollectionParams.CollectionAction.MODIFYCOLLECTION.toLower(), ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROP, collection, ZkStateReader.READ_ONLY, null); if (ccc.getDistributedClusterStateUpdater().isDistributedStateUpdate()) { ccc.getDistributedClusterStateUpdater() .doSingleStateUpdate( DistributedClusterStateUpdater.MutatingCommand.CollectionModifyCollection, props, ccc.getSolrCloudManager(), ccc.getZkStateReader()); } else { ccc.offerStateUpdate(props); } removeReindexingState(collection); } }