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org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy

import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap, HashSet}
import scala.concurrent.Future

import org.apache.spark.{ExecutorAllocationClient, SparkEnv, SparkException, TaskState}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rpc._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.CoarseGrainedClusterMessages._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.ENDPOINT_NAME
import org.apache.spark.util.{RpcUtils, SerializableBuffer, ThreadUtils, Utils}

 * A scheduler backend that waits for coarse-grained executors to connect.
 * This backend holds onto each executor for the duration of the Spark job rather than relinquishing
 * executors whenever a task is done and asking the scheduler to launch a new executor for
 * each new task. Executors may be launched in a variety of ways, such as Mesos tasks for the
 * coarse-grained Mesos mode or standalone processes for Spark's standalone deploy mode
 * (spark.deploy.*).
class CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl, val rpcEnv: RpcEnv)
  extends ExecutorAllocationClient with SchedulerBackend with Logging {

  // Use an atomic variable to track total number of cores in the cluster for simplicity and speed
  protected val totalCoreCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
  // Total number of executors that are currently registered
  protected val totalRegisteredExecutors = new AtomicInteger(0)
  protected val conf =
  private val maxRpcMessageSize = RpcUtils.maxMessageSizeBytes(conf)
  private val defaultAskTimeout = RpcUtils.askRpcTimeout(conf)
  // Submit tasks only after (registered resources / total expected resources)
  // is equal to at least this value, that is double between 0 and 1.
  private val _minRegisteredRatio =
    math.min(1, conf.getDouble("spark.scheduler.minRegisteredResourcesRatio", 0))
  // Submit tasks after maxRegisteredWaitingTime milliseconds
  // if minRegisteredRatio has not yet been reached
  private val maxRegisteredWaitingTimeMs =
    conf.getTimeAsMs("spark.scheduler.maxRegisteredResourcesWaitingTime", "30s")
  private val createTime = System.currentTimeMillis()

  // Accessing `executorDataMap` in `DriverEndpoint.receive/receiveAndReply` doesn't need any
  // protection. But accessing `executorDataMap` out of `DriverEndpoint.receive/receiveAndReply`
  // must be protected by `CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this`. Besides, `executorDataMap` should
  // only be modified in `DriverEndpoint.receive/receiveAndReply` with protection by
  // `CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this`.
  private val executorDataMap = new HashMap[String, ExecutorData]

  // Number of executors requested by the cluster manager, [[ExecutorAllocationManager]]
  private var requestedTotalExecutors = 0

  // Number of executors requested from the cluster manager that have not registered yet
  private var numPendingExecutors = 0

  private val listenerBus =

  // Executors we have requested the cluster manager to kill that have not died yet; maps
  // the executor ID to whether it was explicitly killed by the driver (and thus shouldn't
  // be considered an app-related failure).
  private val executorsPendingToRemove = new HashMap[String, Boolean]

  // A map to store hostname with its possible task number running on it
  protected var hostToLocalTaskCount: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty

  // The number of pending tasks which is locality required
  protected var localityAwareTasks = 0

  // The num of current max ExecutorId used to re-register appMaster
  @volatile protected var currentExecutorIdCounter = 0

  private val reviveThread =

  class DriverEndpoint(override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv, sparkProperties: Seq[(String, String)])
    extends ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint with Logging {

    // Executors that have been lost, but for which we don't yet know the real exit reason.
    protected val executorsPendingLossReason = new HashSet[String]

    protected val addressToExecutorId = new HashMap[RpcAddress, String]

    override def onStart() {
      // Periodically revive offers to allow delay scheduling to work
      val reviveIntervalMs = conf.getTimeAsMs("spark.scheduler.revive.interval", "1s")

      reviveThread.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable {
        override def run(): Unit = Utils.tryLogNonFatalError {
      }, 0, reviveIntervalMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

    override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
      case StatusUpdate(executorId, taskId, state, data) =>
        scheduler.statusUpdate(taskId, state, data.value)
        if (TaskState.isFinished(state)) {
          executorDataMap.get(executorId) match {
            case Some(executorInfo) =>
              executorInfo.freeCores += scheduler.CPUS_PER_TASK
            case None =>
              // Ignoring the update since we don't know about the executor.
              logWarning(s"Ignored task status update ($taskId state $state) " +
                s"from unknown executor with ID $executorId")

      case ReviveOffers =>

      case KillTask(taskId, executorId, interruptThread, reason) =>
        executorDataMap.get(executorId) match {
          case Some(executorInfo) =>
              KillTask(taskId, executorId, interruptThread, reason))
          case None =>
            // Ignoring the task kill since the executor is not registered.
            logWarning(s"Attempted to kill task $taskId for unknown executor $executorId.")

      case KillExecutorsOnHost(host) =>
        scheduler.getExecutorsAliveOnHost(host).foreach { exec =>
          killExecutors(exec.toSeq, adjustTargetNumExecutors = false, countFailures = false,
            force = true)

      case UpdateDelegationTokens(newDelegationTokens) =>
        executorDataMap.values.foreach { ed =>

      case RemoveExecutor(executorId, reason) =>
        // We will remove the executor's state and cannot restore it. However, the connection
        // between the driver and the executor may be still alive so that the executor won't exit
        // automatically, so try to tell the executor to stop itself. See SPARK-13519.
        removeExecutor(executorId, reason)

    override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {

      case RegisterExecutor(executorId, executorRef, hostname, cores, logUrls) =>
        if (executorDataMap.contains(executorId)) {
          executorRef.send(RegisterExecutorFailed("Duplicate executor ID: " + executorId))
        } else if (scheduler.nodeBlacklist.contains(hostname)) {
          // If the cluster manager gives us an executor on a blacklisted node (because it
          // already started allocating those resources before we informed it of our blacklist,
          // or if it ignored our blacklist), then we reject that executor immediately.
          logInfo(s"Rejecting $executorId as it has been blacklisted.")
          executorRef.send(RegisterExecutorFailed(s"Executor is blacklisted: $executorId"))
        } else {
          // If the executor's rpc env is not listening for incoming connections, `hostPort`
          // will be null, and the client connection should be used to contact the executor.
          val executorAddress = if (executorRef.address != null) {
            } else {
          logInfo(s"Registered executor $executorRef ($executorAddress) with ID $executorId")
          addressToExecutorId(executorAddress) = executorId
          val data = new ExecutorData(executorRef, executorAddress, hostname,
            cores, cores, logUrls)
          // This must be synchronized because variables mutated
          // in this block are read when requesting executors
          CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this.synchronized {
            executorDataMap.put(executorId, data)
            if (currentExecutorIdCounter < executorId.toInt) {
              currentExecutorIdCounter = executorId.toInt
            if (numPendingExecutors > 0) {
              numPendingExecutors -= 1
              logDebug(s"Decremented number of pending executors ($numPendingExecutors left)")
          // Note: some tests expect the reply to come after we put the executor in the map

            SparkListenerExecutorAdded(System.currentTimeMillis(), executorId, data))

      case StopDriver =>

      case StopExecutors =>
        logInfo("Asking each executor to shut down")
        for ((_, executorData) <- executorDataMap) {

      case RemoveWorker(workerId, host, message) =>
        removeWorker(workerId, host, message)

      case RetrieveSparkAppConfig =>
        val reply = SparkAppConfig(

    // Make fake resource offers on all executors
    private def makeOffers() {
      // Make sure no executor is killed while some task is launching on it
      val taskDescs = CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this.synchronized {
        // Filter out executors under killing
        val activeExecutors = executorDataMap.filterKeys(executorIsAlive)
        val workOffers = {
          case (id, executorData) =>
            new WorkerOffer(id, executorData.executorHost, executorData.freeCores,
      if (!taskDescs.isEmpty) {

    override def onDisconnected(remoteAddress: RpcAddress): Unit = {
        .foreach(removeExecutor(_, SlaveLost("Remote RPC client disassociated. Likely due to " +
          "containers exceeding thresholds, or network issues. Check driver logs for WARN " +

    // Make fake resource offers on just one executor
    private def makeOffers(executorId: String) {
      // Make sure no executor is killed while some task is launching on it
      val taskDescs = CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this.synchronized {
        // Filter out executors under killing
        if (executorIsAlive(executorId)) {
          val executorData = executorDataMap(executorId)
          val workOffers = IndexedSeq(
            new WorkerOffer(executorId, executorData.executorHost, executorData.freeCores,
        } else {
      if (!taskDescs.isEmpty) {

    private def executorIsAlive(executorId: String): Boolean = synchronized {
      !executorsPendingToRemove.contains(executorId) &&

    // Launch tasks returned by a set of resource offers
    private def launchTasks(tasks: Seq[Seq[TaskDescription]]) {
      for (task <- tasks.flatten) {
        val serializedTask = TaskDescription.encode(task)
        if (serializedTask.limit() >= maxRpcMessageSize) {
          Option(scheduler.taskIdToTaskSetManager.get(task.taskId)).foreach { taskSetMgr =>
            try {
              var msg = "Serialized task %s:%d was %d bytes, which exceeds max allowed: " +
                "spark.rpc.message.maxSize (%d bytes). Consider increasing " +
                "spark.rpc.message.maxSize or using broadcast variables for large values."
              msg = msg.format(task.taskId, task.index, serializedTask.limit(), maxRpcMessageSize)
            } catch {
              case e: Exception => logError("Exception in error callback", e)
        else {
          val executorData = executorDataMap(task.executorId)
          executorData.freeCores -= scheduler.CPUS_PER_TASK

          logDebug(s"Launching task ${task.taskId} on executor id: ${task.executorId} hostname: " +

          executorData.executorEndpoint.send(LaunchTask(new SerializableBuffer(serializedTask)))

    // Remove a disconnected slave from the cluster
    private def removeExecutor(executorId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason): Unit = {
      logDebug(s"Asked to remove executor $executorId with reason $reason")
      executorDataMap.get(executorId) match {
        case Some(executorInfo) =>
          // This must be synchronized because variables mutated
          // in this block are read when requesting executors
          val killed = CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this.synchronized {
            addressToExecutorId -= executorInfo.executorAddress
            executorDataMap -= executorId
            executorsPendingLossReason -= executorId
          scheduler.executorLost(executorId, if (killed) ExecutorKilled else reason)

            SparkListenerExecutorRemoved(System.currentTimeMillis(), executorId, reason.toString))
        case None =>
          // SPARK-15262: If an executor is still alive even after the scheduler has removed
          // its metadata, we may receive a heartbeat from that executor and tell its block
          // manager to reregister itself. If that happens, the block manager master will know
          // about the executor, but the scheduler will not. Therefore, we should remove the
          // executor from the block manager when we hit this case.

          logInfo(s"Asked to remove non-existent executor $executorId")

    // Remove a lost worker from the cluster
    private def removeWorker(workerId: String, host: String, message: String): Unit = {
      logDebug(s"Asked to remove worker $workerId with reason $message")
      scheduler.workerRemoved(workerId, host, message)

     * Stop making resource offers for the given executor. The executor is marked as lost with
     * the loss reason still pending.
     * @return Whether executor should be disabled
    protected def disableExecutor(executorId: String): Boolean = {
      val shouldDisable = CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this.synchronized {
        if (executorIsAlive(executorId)) {
          executorsPendingLossReason += executorId
        } else {
          // Returns true for explicitly killed executors, we also need to get pending loss reasons;
          // For others return false.

      if (shouldDisable) {
        logInfo(s"Disabling executor $executorId.")
        scheduler.executorLost(executorId, LossReasonPending)


  var driverEndpoint: RpcEndpointRef = null

  protected def minRegisteredRatio: Double = _minRegisteredRatio

  override def start() {
    val properties = new ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]
    for ((key, value) <- {
      if (key.startsWith("spark.")) {
        properties += ((key, value))

    // TODO (prashant) send conf instead of properties
    driverEndpoint = createDriverEndpointRef(properties)

  protected def createDriverEndpointRef(
      properties: ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]): RpcEndpointRef = {
    rpcEnv.setupEndpoint(ENDPOINT_NAME, createDriverEndpoint(properties))

  protected def createDriverEndpoint(properties: Seq[(String, String)]): DriverEndpoint = {
    new DriverEndpoint(rpcEnv, properties)

  def stopExecutors() {
    try {
      if (driverEndpoint != null) {
        logInfo("Shutting down all executors")
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        throw new SparkException("Error asking standalone scheduler to shut down executors", e)

  override def stop() {
    try {
      if (driverEndpoint != null) {
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        throw new SparkException("Error stopping standalone scheduler's driver endpoint", e)

   * Reset the state of CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend to the initial state. Currently it will only
   * be called in the yarn-client mode when AM re-registers after a failure.
   * */
  protected def reset(): Unit = {
    val executors: Set[String] = synchronized {
      requestedTotalExecutors = 0
      numPendingExecutors = 0

    // Remove all the lingering executors that should be removed but not yet. The reason might be
    // because (1) disconnected event is not yet received; (2) executors die silently.
    executors.foreach { eid =>
      removeExecutor(eid, SlaveLost("Stale executor after cluster manager re-registered."))

  override def reviveOffers() {

  override def killTask(
      taskId: Long, executorId: String, interruptThread: Boolean, reason: String) {
    driverEndpoint.send(KillTask(taskId, executorId, interruptThread, reason))

  override def defaultParallelism(): Int = {
    conf.getInt("spark.default.parallelism", math.max(totalCoreCount.get(), 2))

   * Called by subclasses when notified of a lost worker. It just fires the message and returns
   * at once.
  protected def removeExecutor(executorId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason): Unit = {
    driverEndpoint.send(RemoveExecutor(executorId, reason))

  protected def removeWorker(workerId: String, host: String, message: String): Unit = {
    driverEndpoint.ask[Boolean](RemoveWorker(workerId, host, message)).failed.foreach(t =>
      logError(t.getMessage, t))(ThreadUtils.sameThread)

  def sufficientResourcesRegistered(): Boolean = true

  override def isReady(): Boolean = {
    if (sufficientResourcesRegistered) {
      logInfo("SchedulerBackend is ready for scheduling beginning after " +
        s"reached minRegisteredResourcesRatio: $minRegisteredRatio")
      return true
    if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - createTime) >= maxRegisteredWaitingTimeMs) {
      logInfo("SchedulerBackend is ready for scheduling beginning after waiting " +
        s"maxRegisteredResourcesWaitingTime: $maxRegisteredWaitingTimeMs(ms)")
      return true

   * Return the number of executors currently registered with this backend.
  private def numExistingExecutors: Int = executorDataMap.size

  override def getExecutorIds(): Seq[String] = {

  override def maxNumConcurrentTasks(): Int = { { executor =>
      executor.totalCores / scheduler.CPUS_PER_TASK

   * Request an additional number of executors from the cluster manager.
   * @return whether the request is acknowledged.
  final override def requestExecutors(numAdditionalExecutors: Int): Boolean = {
    if (numAdditionalExecutors < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Attempted to request a negative number of additional executor(s) " +
        s"$numAdditionalExecutors from the cluster manager. Please specify a positive number!")
    logInfo(s"Requesting $numAdditionalExecutors additional executor(s) from the cluster manager")

    val response = synchronized {
      requestedTotalExecutors += numAdditionalExecutors
      numPendingExecutors += numAdditionalExecutors
      logDebug(s"Number of pending executors is now $numPendingExecutors")
      if (requestedTotalExecutors !=
          (numExistingExecutors + numPendingExecutors - executorsPendingToRemove.size)) {
          s"""requestExecutors($numAdditionalExecutors): Executor request doesn't match:
             |requestedTotalExecutors  = $requestedTotalExecutors
             |numExistingExecutors     = $numExistingExecutors
             |numPendingExecutors      = $numPendingExecutors
             |executorsPendingToRemove = ${executorsPendingToRemove.size}""".stripMargin)

      // Account for executors pending to be added or removed


   * Update the cluster manager on our scheduling needs. Three bits of information are included
   * to help it make decisions.
   * @param numExecutors The total number of executors we'd like to have. The cluster manager
   *                     shouldn't kill any running executor to reach this number, but,
   *                     if all existing executors were to die, this is the number of executors
   *                     we'd want to be allocated.
   * @param localityAwareTasks The number of tasks in all active stages that have a locality
   *                           preferences. This includes running, pending, and completed tasks.
   * @param hostToLocalTaskCount A map of hosts to the number of tasks from all active stages
   *                             that would like to like to run on that host.
   *                             This includes running, pending, and completed tasks.
   * @return whether the request is acknowledged by the cluster manager.
  final override def requestTotalExecutors(
      numExecutors: Int,
      localityAwareTasks: Int,
      hostToLocalTaskCount: Map[String, Int]
    ): Boolean = {
    if (numExecutors < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Attempted to request a negative number of executor(s) " +
          s"$numExecutors from the cluster manager. Please specify a positive number!")

    val response = synchronized {
      this.requestedTotalExecutors = numExecutors
      this.localityAwareTasks = localityAwareTasks
      this.hostToLocalTaskCount = hostToLocalTaskCount

      numPendingExecutors =
        math.max(numExecutors - numExistingExecutors + executorsPendingToRemove.size, 0)



   * Request executors from the cluster manager by specifying the total number desired,
   * including existing pending and running executors.
   * The semantics here guarantee that we do not over-allocate executors for this application,
   * since a later request overrides the value of any prior request. The alternative interface
   * of requesting a delta of executors risks double counting new executors when there are
   * insufficient resources to satisfy the first request. We make the assumption here that the
   * cluster manager will eventually fulfill all requests when resources free up.
   * @return a future whose evaluation indicates whether the request is acknowledged.
  protected def doRequestTotalExecutors(requestedTotal: Int): Future[Boolean] =

   * Request that the cluster manager kill the specified executors.
   * @param executorIds identifiers of executors to kill
   * @param adjustTargetNumExecutors whether the target number of executors be adjusted down
   *                                 after these executors have been killed
   * @param countFailures if there are tasks running on the executors when they are killed, whether
   *                      those failures be counted to task failure limits?
   * @param force whether to force kill busy executors, default false
   * @return the ids of the executors acknowledged by the cluster manager to be removed.
  final override def killExecutors(
      executorIds: Seq[String],
      adjustTargetNumExecutors: Boolean,
      countFailures: Boolean,
      force: Boolean): Seq[String] = {
    logInfo(s"Requesting to kill executor(s) ${executorIds.mkString(", ")}")

    val response = synchronized {
      val (knownExecutors, unknownExecutors) = executorIds.partition(executorDataMap.contains)
      unknownExecutors.foreach { id =>
        logWarning(s"Executor to kill $id does not exist!")

      // If an executor is already pending to be removed, do not kill it again (SPARK-9795)
      // If this executor is busy, do not kill it unless we are told to force kill it (SPARK-9552)
      val executorsToKill = knownExecutors
        .filter { id => !executorsPendingToRemove.contains(id) }
        .filter { id => force || !scheduler.isExecutorBusy(id) }
      executorsToKill.foreach { id => executorsPendingToRemove(id) = !countFailures }

      logInfo(s"Actual list of executor(s) to be killed is ${executorsToKill.mkString(", ")}")

      // If we do not wish to replace the executors we kill, sync the target number of executors
      // with the cluster manager to avoid allocating new ones. When computing the new target,
      // take into account executors that are pending to be added or removed.
      val adjustTotalExecutors =
        if (adjustTargetNumExecutors) {
          requestedTotalExecutors = math.max(requestedTotalExecutors - executorsToKill.size, 0)
          if (requestedTotalExecutors !=
              (numExistingExecutors + numPendingExecutors - executorsPendingToRemove.size)) {
              s"""killExecutors($executorIds, $adjustTargetNumExecutors, $countFailures, $force):
                 |Executor counts do not match:
                 |requestedTotalExecutors  = $requestedTotalExecutors
                 |numExistingExecutors     = $numExistingExecutors
                 |numPendingExecutors      = $numPendingExecutors
                 |executorsPendingToRemove = ${executorsPendingToRemove.size}""".stripMargin)
        } else {
          numPendingExecutors += executorsToKill.size

      val killExecutors: Boolean => Future[Boolean] =
        if (!executorsToKill.isEmpty) {
          _ => doKillExecutors(executorsToKill)
        } else {
          _ => Future.successful(false)

      val killResponse = adjustTotalExecutors.flatMap(killExecutors)(ThreadUtils.sameThread)

      killResponse.flatMap(killSuccessful =>
        Future.successful (if (killSuccessful) executorsToKill else Seq.empty[String])


   * Kill the given list of executors through the cluster manager.
   * @return whether the kill request is acknowledged.
  protected def doKillExecutors(executorIds: Seq[String]): Future[Boolean] =

   * Request that the cluster manager kill all executors on a given host.
   * @return whether the kill request is acknowledged.
  final override def killExecutorsOnHost(host: String): Boolean = {
    logInfo(s"Requesting to kill any and all executors on host ${host}")
    // A potential race exists if a new executor attempts to register on a host
    // that is on the blacklist and is no no longer valid. To avoid this race,
    // all executor registration and killing happens in the event loop. This way, either
    // an executor will fail to register, or will be killed when all executors on a host
    // are killed.
    // Kill all the executors on this host in an event loop to ensure serialization.

  protected def fetchHadoopDelegationTokens(): Option[Array[Byte]] = { None }

private[spark] object CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend {
  val ENDPOINT_NAME = "CoarseGrainedScheduler"

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