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org.apache.spark.deploy.history.FsHistoryProvider.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.deploy.history

import{File, FileNotFoundException, IOException}
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util.{Date, ServiceLoader}
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, ExecutorService, Future, TimeUnit}
import{ZipEntry, ZipOutputStream}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionException
import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.Node

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, FileSystem, Path}
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.{DFSInputStream, DistributedFileSystem}
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants
import org.fusesource.leveldbjni.internal.NativeDB

import org.apache.spark.{SecurityManager, SparkConf, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.ReplayListenerBus._
import org.apache.spark.status._
import org.apache.spark.status.KVUtils._
import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.{ApplicationAttemptInfo, ApplicationInfo}
import org.apache.spark.status.config._
import org.apache.spark.ui.SparkUI
import org.apache.spark.util.{Clock, SystemClock, ThreadUtils, Utils}
import org.apache.spark.util.kvstore._

 * A class that provides application history from event logs stored in the file system.
 * This provider checks for new finished applications in the background periodically and
 * renders the history application UI by parsing the associated event logs.
 * == How new and updated attempts are detected ==
 * - New attempts are detected in [[checkForLogs]]: the log dir is scanned, and any entries in the
 * log dir whose size changed since the last scan time are considered new or updated. These are
 * replayed to create a new attempt info entry and update or create a matching application info
 * element in the list of applications.
 * - Updated attempts are also found in [[checkForLogs]] -- if the attempt's log file has grown, the
 * attempt is replaced by another one with a larger log size.
 * The use of log size, rather than simply relying on modification times, is needed to
 * address the following issues
 * - some filesystems do not appear to update the `modtime` value whenever data is flushed to
 * an open file output stream. Changes to the history may not be picked up.
 * - the granularity of the `modtime` field may be 2+ seconds. Rapid changes to the FS can be
 * missed.
 * Tracking filesize works given the following invariant: the logs get bigger
 * as new events are added. If a format was used in which this did not hold, the mechanism would
 * break. Simple streaming of JSON-formatted events, as is implemented today, implicitly
 * maintains this invariant.
private[history] class FsHistoryProvider(conf: SparkConf, clock: Clock)
  extends ApplicationHistoryProvider with Logging {

  def this(conf: SparkConf) = {
    this(conf, new SystemClock())

  import config._
  import FsHistoryProvider._

  // Interval between safemode checks.
  private val SAFEMODE_CHECK_INTERVAL_S = conf.getTimeAsSeconds(
    "spark.history.fs.safemodeCheck.interval", "5s")

  // Interval between each check for event log updates
  private val UPDATE_INTERVAL_S = conf.getTimeAsSeconds("spark.history.fs.update.interval", "10s")

  // Interval between each cleaner checks for event logs to delete
  private val CLEAN_INTERVAL_S = conf.getTimeAsSeconds("spark.history.fs.cleaner.interval", "1d")

  // Number of threads used to replay event logs.
    Math.ceil(Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() / 4f).toInt)

  private val logDir = conf.get(EVENT_LOG_DIR)

  private val HISTORY_UI_ACLS_ENABLE = conf.getBoolean("spark.history.ui.acls.enable", false)
  private val HISTORY_UI_ADMIN_ACLS = conf.get("spark.history.ui.admin.acls", "")
  private val HISTORY_UI_ADMIN_ACLS_GROUPS = conf.get("spark.history.ui.admin.acls.groups", "")
  logInfo(s"History server ui acls " + (if (HISTORY_UI_ACLS_ENABLE) "enabled" else "disabled") +
    "; users with admin permissions: " + HISTORY_UI_ADMIN_ACLS.toString +
    "; groups with admin permissions" + HISTORY_UI_ADMIN_ACLS_GROUPS.toString)

  private val hadoopConf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(conf)
  // Visible for testing
  private[history] val fs: FileSystem = new Path(logDir).getFileSystem(hadoopConf)

  // Used by check event thread and clean log thread.
  // Scheduled thread pool size must be one, otherwise it will have concurrent issues about fs
  // and applications between check task and clean task.
  private val pool = ThreadUtils.newDaemonSingleThreadScheduledExecutor("spark-history-task-%d")

  // The modification time of the newest log detected during the last scan.   Currently only
  // used for logging msgs (logs are re-scanned based on file size, rather than modtime)
  private val lastScanTime = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong(-1)

  private val pendingReplayTasksCount = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0)

  private val storePath = conf.get(LOCAL_STORE_DIR).map(new File(_))
  private val fastInProgressParsing = conf.get(FAST_IN_PROGRESS_PARSING)

  // Visible for testing.
  private[history] val listing: KVStore = { path =>
    val dbPath = Files.createDirectories(new File(path, "listing.ldb").toPath()).toFile()

    val metadata = new FsHistoryProviderMetadata(CURRENT_LISTING_VERSION,
      AppStatusStore.CURRENT_VERSION, logDir.toString())

    try {
      open(dbPath, metadata)
    } catch {
      // If there's an error, remove the listing database and any existing UI database
      // from the store directory, since it's extremely likely that they'll all contain
      // incompatible information.
      case _: UnsupportedStoreVersionException | _: MetadataMismatchException =>
        logInfo("Detected incompatible DB versions, deleting...")
        open(dbPath, metadata)
      case dbExc: NativeDB.DBException =>
        // Get rid of the corrupted listing.ldb and re-create it.
        logWarning(s"Failed to load disk store $dbPath :", dbExc)
        open(dbPath, metadata)
  }.getOrElse(new InMemoryStore())

  private val diskManager = { path =>
    new HistoryServerDiskManager(conf, path, listing, clock)

  private val blacklist = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Long]

  // Visible for testing
  private[history] def isBlacklisted(path: Path): Boolean = {

  private def blacklist(path: Path): Unit = {
    blacklist.put(path.getName, clock.getTimeMillis())

   * Removes expired entries in the blacklist, according to the provided `expireTimeInSeconds`.
  private def clearBlacklist(expireTimeInSeconds: Long): Unit = {
    val expiredThreshold = clock.getTimeMillis() - expireTimeInSeconds * 1000
    blacklist.asScala.retain((_, creationTime) => creationTime >= expiredThreshold)

  private val activeUIs = new mutable.HashMap[(String, Option[String]), LoadedAppUI]()

   * Return a runnable that performs the given operation on the event logs.
   * This operation is expected to be executed periodically.
  private def getRunner(operateFun: () => Unit): Runnable = {
    new Runnable() {
      override def run(): Unit = Utils.tryOrExit {

   * Fixed size thread pool to fetch and parse log files.
  private val replayExecutor: ExecutorService = {
    if (!Utils.isTesting) {
      ThreadUtils.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(NUM_PROCESSING_THREADS, "log-replay-executor")
    } else {

  val initThread = initialize()

  private[history] def initialize(): Thread = {
    if (!isFsInSafeMode()) {
    } else {

  private[history] def startSafeModeCheckThread(
      errorHandler: Option[Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler]): Thread = {
    // Cannot probe anything while the FS is in safe mode, so spawn a new thread that will wait
    // for the FS to leave safe mode before enabling polling. This allows the main history server
    // UI to be shown (so that the user can see the HDFS status).
    val initThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
      override def run(): Unit = {
        try {
          while (isFsInSafeMode()) {
            logInfo("HDFS is still in safe mode. Waiting...")
            val deadline = clock.getTimeMillis() +
        } catch {
          case _: InterruptedException =>
      new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
        override def uncaughtException(t: Thread, e: Throwable): Unit = {
          logError("Error initializing FsHistoryProvider.", e)

  private def startPolling(): Unit = {

    // Validate the log directory.
    val path = new Path(logDir)
    try {
      if (!fs.getFileStatus(path).isDirectory) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Logging directory specified is not a directory: %s".format(logDir))
    } catch {
      case f: FileNotFoundException =>
        var msg = s"Log directory specified does not exist: $logDir"
        if (logDir == DEFAULT_LOG_DIR) {
          msg += " Did you configure the correct one through spark.history.fs.logDirectory?"
        throw new FileNotFoundException(msg).initCause(f)

    // Disable the background thread during tests.
    if (!conf.contains("spark.testing")) {
      // A task that periodically checks for event log updates on disk.
      logDebug(s"Scheduling update thread every $UPDATE_INTERVAL_S seconds")
        getRunner(() => checkForLogs()), 0, UPDATE_INTERVAL_S, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

      if (conf.getBoolean("spark.history.fs.cleaner.enabled", false)) {
        // A task that periodically cleans event logs on disk.
          getRunner(() => cleanLogs()), 0, CLEAN_INTERVAL_S, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    } else {
      logDebug("Background update thread disabled for testing")

  override def getListing(): Iterator[ApplicationInfo] = {
    // Return the listing in end time descending order.

  override def getApplicationInfo(appId: String): Option[ApplicationInfo] = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case _: NoSuchElementException =>

  override def getEventLogsUnderProcess(): Int = pendingReplayTasksCount.get()

  override def getLastUpdatedTime(): Long = lastScanTime.get()

  override def getAppUI(appId: String, attemptId: Option[String]): Option[LoadedAppUI] = {
    val app = try {
     } catch {
      case _: NoSuchElementException =>
        return None

    val attempt = app.attempts.find( == attemptId).orNull
    if (attempt == null) {
      return None

    val conf = this.conf.clone()
    val secManager = new SecurityManager(conf)

    // make sure to set admin acls before view acls so they are properly picked up
    secManager.setAdminAcls(HISTORY_UI_ADMIN_ACLS + "," + attempt.adminAcls.getOrElse(""))
    secManager.setViewAcls(, attempt.viewAcls.getOrElse(""))
    secManager.setAdminAclsGroups(HISTORY_UI_ADMIN_ACLS_GROUPS + "," +

    val kvstore = try {
      diskManager match {
        case Some(sm) =>
          loadDiskStore(sm, appId, attempt)

        case _ =>
    } catch {
      case _: FileNotFoundException =>
        return None

    val ui = SparkUI.create(None, new AppStatusStore(kvstore), conf, secManager,,

    val loadedUI = LoadedAppUI(ui)

    synchronized {
      activeUIs((appId, attemptId)) = loadedUI


  override def getEmptyListingHtml(): Seq[Node] = {

Did you specify the correct logging directory? Please verify your setting of spark.history.fs.logDirectory listed above and whether you have the permissions to access it.
It is also possible that your application did not run to completion or did not stop the SparkContext.

} override def getConfig(): Map[String, String] = { val safeMode = if (isFsInSafeMode()) { Map("HDFS State" -> "In safe mode, application logs not available.") } else { Map() } Map("Event log directory" -> logDir.toString) ++ safeMode } override def stop(): Unit = { try { if (initThread != null && initThread.isAlive()) { initThread.interrupt() initThread.join() } Seq(pool, replayExecutor).foreach { executor => executor.shutdown() if (!executor.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { executor.shutdownNow() } } } finally { activeUIs.foreach { case (_, loadedUI) => } activeUIs.clear() listing.close() } } override def onUIDetached(appId: String, attemptId: Option[String], ui: SparkUI): Unit = { val uiOption = synchronized { activeUIs.remove((appId, attemptId)) } uiOption.foreach { loadedUI => loadedUI.lock.writeLock().lock() try { } finally { loadedUI.lock.writeLock().unlock() } diskManager.foreach { dm => // If the UI is not valid, delete its files from disk, if any. This relies on the fact that // ApplicationCache will never call this method concurrently with getAppUI() for the same // appId / attemptId. dm.release(appId, attemptId, delete = !loadedUI.valid) } } } /** * Builds the application list based on the current contents of the log directory. * Tries to reuse as much of the data already in memory as possible, by not reading * applications that haven't been updated since last time the logs were checked. */ private[history] def checkForLogs(): Unit = { try { val newLastScanTime = clock.getTimeMillis() logDebug(s"Scanning $logDir with lastScanTime==$lastScanTime") val updated = Option(fs.listStatus(new Path(logDir))).map(_.toSeq).getOrElse(Nil) .filter { entry => !entry.isDirectory() && // FsHistoryProvider used to generate a hidden file which can't be read. Accidentally // reading a garbage file is safe, but we would log an error which can be scary to // the end-user. !entry.getPath().getName().startsWith(".") && !isBlacklisted(entry.getPath) } .filter { entry => try { val info =[LogInfo], entry.getPath().toString()) if (info.appId.isDefined) { // If the SHS view has a valid application, update the time the file was last seen so // that the entry is not deleted from the SHS listing. Also update the file size, in // case the code below decides we don't need to parse the log. listing.write(info.copy(lastProcessed = newLastScanTime, fileSize = entry.getLen())) } if (shouldReloadLog(info, entry)) { if (info.appId.isDefined && fastInProgressParsing) { // When fast in-progress parsing is on, we don't need to re-parse when the // size changes, but we do need to invalidate any existing UIs. // Also, we need to update the `lastUpdated time` to display the updated time in // the HistoryUI and to avoid cleaning the inprogress app while running. val appInfo =[ApplicationInfoWrapper], info.appId.get) val attemptList = { attempt => if ( == info.attemptId) { new AttemptInfoWrapper( = new Date(newLastScanTime)), attempt.logPath, attempt.fileSize, attempt.adminAcls, attempt.viewAcls, attempt.adminAclsGroups, attempt.viewAclsGroups) } else { attempt } } val updatedAppInfo = new ApplicationInfoWrapper(, attemptList) listing.write(updatedAppInfo) invalidateUI(info.appId.get, info.attemptId) false } else { true } } else { false } } catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => // If the file is currently not being tracked by the SHS, add an entry for it and try // to parse it. This will allow the cleaner code to detect the file as stale later on // if it was not possible to parse it. listing.write(LogInfo(entry.getPath().toString(), newLastScanTime, None, None, entry.getLen())) entry.getLen() > 0 } } .sortWith { case (entry1, entry2) => entry1.getModificationTime() > entry2.getModificationTime() } if (updated.nonEmpty) { logDebug(s"New/updated attempts found: ${updated.size} ${}") } val tasks = updated.flatMap { entry => try { val task: Future[Unit] = replayExecutor.submit(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = mergeApplicationListing(entry, newLastScanTime, true) }, Unit) Some(task -> entry.getPath) } catch { // let the iteration over the updated entries break, since an exception on // replayExecutor.submit (..) indicates the ExecutorService is unable // to take any more submissions at this time case e: Exception => logError(s"Exception while submitting event log for replay", e) None } } pendingReplayTasksCount.addAndGet(tasks.size) // Wait for all tasks to finish. This makes sure that checkForLogs // is not scheduled again while some tasks are already running in // the replayExecutor. tasks.foreach { case (task, path) => try { task.get() } catch { case e: InterruptedException => throw e case e: ExecutionException if e.getCause.isInstanceOf[AccessControlException] => // We don't have read permissions on the log file logWarning(s"Unable to read log $path", e.getCause) blacklist(path) // SPARK-28157 We should remove this blacklisted entry from the KVStore // to handle permission-only changes with the same file sizes later. listing.delete(classOf[LogInfo], path.toString) case e: Exception => logError("Exception while merging application listings", e) } finally { pendingReplayTasksCount.decrementAndGet() } } // Delete all information about applications whose log files disappeared from storage. // This is done by identifying the event logs which were not touched by the current // directory scan. // // Only entries with valid applications are cleaned up here. Cleaning up invalid log // files is done by the periodic cleaner task. val stale = listing.view(classOf[LogInfo]) .index("lastProcessed") .last(newLastScanTime - 1) .asScala .toList stale.foreach { log => log.appId.foreach { appId => cleanAppData(appId, log.attemptId, log.logPath) listing.delete(classOf[LogInfo], log.logPath) } } lastScanTime.set(newLastScanTime) } catch { case e: Exception => logError("Exception in checking for event log updates", e) } } private[history] def shouldReloadLog(info: LogInfo, entry: FileStatus): Boolean = { var result = info.fileSize < entry.getLen if (!result && info.logPath.endsWith(EventLoggingListener.IN_PROGRESS)) { try { result = Utils.tryWithResource( { in => in.getWrappedStream match { case dfsIn: DFSInputStream => info.fileSize < dfsIn.getFileLength case _ => false } } } catch { case e: Exception => logDebug(s"Failed to check the length for the file : ${info.logPath}", e) } } result } private def cleanAppData(appId: String, attemptId: Option[String], logPath: String): Unit = { try { val app = load(appId) val (attempt, others) = app.attempts.partition( == attemptId) assert(attempt.isEmpty || attempt.size == 1) val isStale = attempt.headOption.exists { a => if (a.logPath != new Path(logPath).getName()) { // If the log file name does not match, then probably the old log file was from an // in progress application. Just return that the app should be left alone. false } else { val maybeUI = synchronized { activeUIs.remove(appId -> attemptId) } maybeUI.foreach { ui => ui.invalidate() } diskManager.foreach(_.release(appId, attemptId, delete = true)) true } } if (isStale) { if (others.nonEmpty) { val newAppInfo = new ApplicationInfoWrapper(, others) listing.write(newAppInfo) } else { listing.delete(classOf[ApplicationInfoWrapper], appId) } } } catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => } } override def writeEventLogs( appId: String, attemptId: Option[String], zipStream: ZipOutputStream): Unit = { /** * This method compresses the files passed in, and writes the compressed data out into the * [[OutputStream]] passed in. Each file is written as a new [[ZipEntry]] with its name being * the name of the file being compressed. */ def zipFileToStream(file: Path, entryName: String, outputStream: ZipOutputStream): Unit = { val fs = file.getFileSystem(hadoopConf) val inputStream =, 1 * 1024 * 1024) // 1MB Buffer try { outputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(entryName)) ByteStreams.copy(inputStream, outputStream) outputStream.closeEntry() } finally { inputStream.close() } } val app = try { load(appId) } catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => throw new SparkException(s"Logs for $appId not found.") } try { // If no attempt is specified, or there is no attemptId for attempts, return all attempts attemptId .map { id => app.attempts.filter( == Some(id)) } .getOrElse(app.attempts) .map(_.logPath) .foreach { log => zipFileToStream(new Path(logDir, log), log, zipStream) } } finally { zipStream.close() } } /** * Replay the given log file, saving the application in the listing db. */ protected def mergeApplicationListing( fileStatus: FileStatus, scanTime: Long, enableOptimizations: Boolean): Unit = { val eventsFilter: ReplayEventsFilter = { eventString => eventString.startsWith(APPL_START_EVENT_PREFIX) || eventString.startsWith(APPL_END_EVENT_PREFIX) || eventString.startsWith(LOG_START_EVENT_PREFIX) || eventString.startsWith(ENV_UPDATE_EVENT_PREFIX) } val logPath = fileStatus.getPath() val appCompleted = isCompleted(logPath.getName()) val reparseChunkSize = conf.get(END_EVENT_REPARSE_CHUNK_SIZE) // Enable halt support in listener if: // - app in progress && fast parsing enabled // - skipping to end event is enabled (regardless of in-progress state) val shouldHalt = enableOptimizations && ((!appCompleted && fastInProgressParsing) || reparseChunkSize > 0) val bus = new ReplayListenerBus() val listener = new AppListingListener(fileStatus, clock, shouldHalt) bus.addListener(listener) logInfo(s"Parsing $logPath for listing data...") Utils.tryWithResource(EventLoggingListener.openEventLog(logPath, fs)) { in => bus.replay(in, logPath.toString, !appCompleted, eventsFilter) } // If enabled above, the listing listener will halt parsing when there's enough information to // create a listing entry. When the app is completed, or fast parsing is disabled, we still need // to replay until the end of the log file to try to find the app end event. Instead of reading // and parsing line by line, this code skips bytes from the underlying stream so that it is // positioned somewhere close to the end of the log file. // // Because the application end event is written while some Spark subsystems such as the // scheduler are still active, there is no guarantee that the end event will be the last // in the log. So, to be safe, the code uses a configurable chunk to be re-parsed at // the end of the file, and retries parsing the whole log later if the needed data is // still not found. // // Note that skipping bytes in compressed files is still not cheap, but there are still some // minor gains over the normal log parsing done by the replay bus. // // This code re-opens the file so that it knows where it's skipping to. This isn't as cheap as // just skipping from the current position, but there isn't a a good way to detect what the // current position is, since the replay listener bus buffers data internally. val lookForEndEvent = shouldHalt && (appCompleted || !fastInProgressParsing) if (lookForEndEvent && listener.applicationInfo.isDefined) { Utils.tryWithResource(EventLoggingListener.openEventLog(logPath, fs)) { in => val target = fileStatus.getLen() - reparseChunkSize if (target > 0) { logInfo(s"Looking for end event; skipping $target bytes from $logPath...") var skipped = 0L while (skipped < target) { skipped += in.skip(target - skipped) } } val source = Source.fromInputStream(in).getLines() // Because skipping may leave the stream in the middle of a line, read the next line // before replaying. if (target > 0) { } bus.replay(source, logPath.toString, !appCompleted, eventsFilter) } } logInfo(s"Finished parsing $logPath") listener.applicationInfo match { case Some(app) if !lookForEndEvent || => // In this case, we either didn't care about the end event, or we found it. So the // listing data is good. invalidateUI(, addListing(app) listing.write(LogInfo(logPath.toString(), scanTime, Some(,, fileStatus.getLen())) // For a finished log, remove the corresponding "in progress" entry from the listing DB if // the file is really gone. if (appCompleted) { val inProgressLog = logPath.toString() + EventLoggingListener.IN_PROGRESS try { // Fetch the entry first to avoid an RPC when it's already removed.[LogInfo], inProgressLog) if (!fs.isFile(new Path(inProgressLog))) { listing.delete(classOf[LogInfo], inProgressLog) } } catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => } } case Some(_) => // In this case, the attempt is still not marked as finished but was expected to. This can // mean the end event is before the configured threshold, so call the method again to // re-parse the whole log. logInfo(s"Reparsing $logPath since end event was not found.") mergeApplicationListing(fileStatus, scanTime, false) case _ => // If the app hasn't written down its app ID to the logs, still record the entry in the // listing db, with an empty ID. This will make the log eligible for deletion if the app // does not make progress after the configured max log age. listing.write(LogInfo(logPath.toString(), scanTime, None, None, fileStatus.getLen())) } } /** * Invalidate an existing UI for a given app attempt. See LoadedAppUI for a discussion on the * UI lifecycle. */ private def invalidateUI(appId: String, attemptId: Option[String]): Unit = { synchronized { activeUIs.get((appId, attemptId)).foreach { ui => ui.invalidate() } } } /** * Delete event logs from the log directory according to the clean policy defined by the user. */ private[history] def cleanLogs(): Unit = Utils.tryLog { val maxTime = clock.getTimeMillis() - conf.get(MAX_LOG_AGE_S) * 1000 val expired = listing.view(classOf[ApplicationInfoWrapper]) .index("oldestAttempt") .reverse() .first(maxTime) .asScala .toList expired.foreach { app => // Applications may have multiple attempts, some of which may not need to be deleted yet. val (remaining, toDelete) = app.attempts.partition { attempt => >= maxTime } if (remaining.nonEmpty) { val newApp = new ApplicationInfoWrapper(, remaining) listing.write(newApp) } toDelete.foreach { attempt => logInfo(s"Deleting expired event log for ${attempt.logPath}") val logPath = new Path(logDir, attempt.logPath) listing.delete(classOf[LogInfo], logPath.toString()) cleanAppData(,, logPath.toString()) deleteLog(logPath) } if (remaining.isEmpty) { listing.delete(app.getClass(), } } // Delete log files that don't have a valid application and exceed the configured max age. val stale = listing.view(classOf[LogInfo]) .index("lastProcessed") .reverse() .first(maxTime) .asScala .toList stale.foreach { log => if (log.appId.isEmpty) { logInfo(s"Deleting invalid / corrupt event log ${log.logPath}") deleteLog(new Path(log.logPath)) listing.delete(classOf[LogInfo], log.logPath) } } // Clean the blacklist from the expired entries. clearBlacklist(CLEAN_INTERVAL_S) } /** * Rebuilds the application state store from its event log. */ private def rebuildAppStore( store: KVStore, eventLog: FileStatus, lastUpdated: Long): Unit = { // Disable async updates, since they cause higher memory usage, and it's ok to take longer // to parse the event logs in the SHS. val replayConf = conf.clone().set(ASYNC_TRACKING_ENABLED, false) val trackingStore = new ElementTrackingStore(store, replayConf) val replayBus = new ReplayListenerBus() val listener = new AppStatusListener(trackingStore, replayConf, false, lastUpdateTime = Some(lastUpdated)) replayBus.addListener(listener) for { plugin <- loadPlugins() listener <- plugin.createListeners(conf, trackingStore) } replayBus.addListener(listener) try { val path = eventLog.getPath() logInfo(s"Parsing $path to re-build UI...") Utils.tryWithResource(EventLoggingListener.openEventLog(path, fs)) { in => replayBus.replay(in, path.toString(), maybeTruncated = !isCompleted(path.toString())) } trackingStore.close(false) logInfo(s"Finished parsing $path") } catch { case e: Exception => Utils.tryLogNonFatalError { trackingStore.close() } throw e } } /** * Checks whether HDFS is in safe mode. * * Note that DistributedFileSystem is a `@LimitedPrivate` class, which for all practical reasons * makes it more public than not. */ private[history] def isFsInSafeMode(): Boolean = fs match { case dfs: DistributedFileSystem => isFsInSafeMode(dfs) case _ => false } private[history] def isFsInSafeMode(dfs: DistributedFileSystem): Boolean = { /* true to check only for Active NNs status */ dfs.setSafeMode(HdfsConstants.SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_GET, true) } /** * String description for diagnostics * @return a summary of the component state */ override def toString: String = { val count = listing.count(classOf[ApplicationInfoWrapper]) s"""|FsHistoryProvider{logdir=$logDir, | storedir=$storePath, | last scan time=$lastScanTime | application count=$count}""".stripMargin } private def load(appId: String): ApplicationInfoWrapper = {[ApplicationInfoWrapper], appId) } /** * Write the app's information to the given store. Serialized to avoid the (notedly rare) case * where two threads are processing separate attempts of the same application. */ private def addListing(app: ApplicationInfoWrapper): Unit = listing.synchronized { val attempt = app.attempts.head val oldApp = try { load( } catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => app } def compareAttemptInfo(a1: AttemptInfoWrapper, a2: AttemptInfoWrapper): Boolean = { > } val attempts = oldApp.attempts.filter( != ++ List(attempt) val newAppInfo = new ApplicationInfoWrapper(, attempts.sortWith(compareAttemptInfo)) listing.write(newAppInfo) } private def loadDiskStore( dm: HistoryServerDiskManager, appId: String, attempt: AttemptInfoWrapper): KVStore = { val metadata = new AppStatusStoreMetadata(AppStatusStore.CURRENT_VERSION) // First check if the store already exists and try to open it. If that fails, then get rid of // the existing data. dm.openStore(appId, { path => try { return, metadata) } catch { case e: Exception => logInfo(s"Failed to open existing store for $appId/${}.", e) dm.release(appId,, delete = true) } } // At this point the disk data either does not exist or was deleted because it failed to // load, so the event log needs to be replayed. val status = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(logDir, attempt.logPath)) val isCompressed = EventLoggingListener.codecName(status.getPath()).flatMap { name => Try(CompressionCodec.getShortName(name)).toOption }.isDefined logInfo(s"Leasing disk manager space for app $appId / ${}...") val lease =, isCompressed) val newStorePath = try { Utils.tryWithResource(, metadata)) { store => rebuildAppStore(store, status, } lease.commit(appId, } catch { case e: Exception => lease.rollback() throw e }, metadata) } private def createInMemoryStore(attempt: AttemptInfoWrapper): KVStore = { val store = new InMemoryStore() val status = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(logDir, attempt.logPath)) rebuildAppStore(store, status, store } private def loadPlugins(): Iterable[AppHistoryServerPlugin] = { ServiceLoader.load(classOf[AppHistoryServerPlugin], Utils.getContextOrSparkClassLoader).asScala } /** For testing. Returns internal data about a single attempt. */ private[history] def getAttempt(appId: String, attemptId: Option[String]): AttemptInfoWrapper = { load(appId).attempts.find( == attemptId).getOrElse( throw new NoSuchElementException(s"Cannot find attempt $attemptId of $appId.")) } private def deleteLog(log: Path): Unit = { if (isBlacklisted(log)) { logDebug(s"Skipping deleting $log as we don't have permissions on it.") } else { try { fs.delete(log, true) } catch { case _: AccessControlException => logInfo(s"No permission to delete $log, ignoring.") case ioe: IOException => logError(s"IOException in cleaning $log", ioe) } } } private def isCompleted(name: String): Boolean = { !name.endsWith(EventLoggingListener.IN_PROGRESS) } } private[history] object FsHistoryProvider { private val SPARK_HISTORY_FS_NUM_REPLAY_THREADS = "spark.history.fs.numReplayThreads" private val APPL_START_EVENT_PREFIX = "{\"Event\":\"SparkListenerApplicationStart\"" private val APPL_END_EVENT_PREFIX = "{\"Event\":\"SparkListenerApplicationEnd\"" private val LOG_START_EVENT_PREFIX = "{\"Event\":\"SparkListenerLogStart\"" private val ENV_UPDATE_EVENT_PREFIX = "{\"Event\":\"SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate\"," /** * Current version of the data written to the listing database. When opening an existing * db, if the version does not match this value, the FsHistoryProvider will throw away * all data and re-generate the listing data from the event logs. */ private[history] val CURRENT_LISTING_VERSION = 1L } private[history] case class FsHistoryProviderMetadata( version: Long, uiVersion: Long, logDir: String) /** * Tracking info for event logs detected in the configured log directory. Tracks both valid and * invalid logs (e.g. unparseable logs, recorded as logs with no app ID) so that the cleaner * can know what log files are safe to delete. */ private[history] case class LogInfo( @KVIndexParam logPath: String, @KVIndexParam("lastProcessed") lastProcessed: Long, appId: Option[String], attemptId: Option[String], fileSize: Long) private[history] class AttemptInfoWrapper( val info: ApplicationAttemptInfo, val logPath: String, val fileSize: Long, val adminAcls: Option[String], val viewAcls: Option[String], val adminAclsGroups: Option[String], val viewAclsGroups: Option[String]) private[history] class ApplicationInfoWrapper( val info: ApplicationInfo, val attempts: List[AttemptInfoWrapper]) { @JsonIgnore @KVIndexParam def id: String = @JsonIgnore @KVIndexParam("endTime") def endTime(): Long = @JsonIgnore @KVIndexParam("oldestAttempt") def oldestAttempt(): Long = def toApplicationInfo(): ApplicationInfo = info.copy(attempts = } private[history] class AppListingListener( log: FileStatus, clock: Clock, haltEnabled: Boolean) extends SparkListener { private val app = new MutableApplicationInfo() private val attempt = new MutableAttemptInfo(log.getPath().getName(), log.getLen()) private var gotEnvUpdate = false private var halted = false override def onApplicationStart(event: SparkListenerApplicationStart): Unit = { = event.appId.orNull = event.appName attempt.attemptId = event.appAttemptId attempt.startTime = new Date(event.time) attempt.lastUpdated = new Date(clock.getTimeMillis()) attempt.sparkUser = event.sparkUser checkProgress() } override def onApplicationEnd(event: SparkListenerApplicationEnd): Unit = { attempt.endTime = new Date(event.time) attempt.lastUpdated = new Date(log.getModificationTime()) attempt.duration = event.time - attempt.startTime.getTime() attempt.completed = true } override def onEnvironmentUpdate(event: SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate): Unit = { // Only parse the first env update, since any future changes don't have any effect on // the ACLs set for the UI. if (!gotEnvUpdate) { val allProperties = event.environmentDetails("Spark Properties").toMap attempt.viewAcls = allProperties.get("spark.ui.view.acls") attempt.adminAcls = allProperties.get("spark.admin.acls") attempt.viewAclsGroups = allProperties.get("spark.ui.view.acls.groups") attempt.adminAclsGroups = allProperties.get("spark.admin.acls.groups") gotEnvUpdate = true checkProgress() } } override def onOtherEvent(event: SparkListenerEvent): Unit = event match { case SparkListenerLogStart(sparkVersion) => attempt.appSparkVersion = sparkVersion case _ => } def applicationInfo: Option[ApplicationInfoWrapper] = { if ( != null) { Some(app.toView()) } else { None } } /** * Throws a halt exception to stop replay if enough data to create the app listing has been * read. */ private def checkProgress(): Unit = { if (haltEnabled && !halted && != null && gotEnvUpdate) { halted = true throw new HaltReplayException() } } private class MutableApplicationInfo { var id: String = null var name: String = null var coresGranted: Option[Int] = None var maxCores: Option[Int] = None var coresPerExecutor: Option[Int] = None var memoryPerExecutorMB: Option[Int] = None def toView(): ApplicationInfoWrapper = { val apiInfo = ApplicationInfo(id, name, coresGranted, maxCores, coresPerExecutor, memoryPerExecutorMB, Nil) new ApplicationInfoWrapper(apiInfo, List(attempt.toView())) } } private class MutableAttemptInfo(logPath: String, fileSize: Long) { var attemptId: Option[String] = None var startTime = new Date(-1) var endTime = new Date(-1) var lastUpdated = new Date(-1) var duration = 0L var sparkUser: String = null var completed = false var appSparkVersion = "" var adminAcls: Option[String] = None var viewAcls: Option[String] = None var adminAclsGroups: Option[String] = None var viewAclsGroups: Option[String] = None def toView(): AttemptInfoWrapper = { val apiInfo = ApplicationAttemptInfo( attemptId, startTime, endTime, lastUpdated, duration, sparkUser, completed, appSparkVersion) new AttemptInfoWrapper( apiInfo, logPath, fileSize, adminAcls, viewAcls, adminAclsGroups, viewAclsGroups) } } }

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