org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.streaming
import java.util.{Locale, Optional}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, Dataset, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.CaseInsensitiveMap
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.DDLUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2Utils
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.{StreamingRelation, StreamingRelationV2}
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.StreamSourceProvider
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.{ContinuousReadSupport, DataSourceOptions, MicroBatchReadSupport}
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.streaming.MicroBatchReader
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
* Interface used to load a streaming `Dataset` from external storage systems (e.g. file systems,
* key-value stores, etc). Use `SparkSession.readStream` to access this.
* @since 2.0.0
final class DataStreamReader private[sql](sparkSession: SparkSession) extends Logging {
* Specifies the input data source format.
* @since 2.0.0
def format(source: String): DataStreamReader = {
this.source = source
* Specifies the input schema. Some data sources (e.g. JSON) can infer the input schema
* automatically from data. By specifying the schema here, the underlying data source can
* skip the schema inference step, and thus speed up data loading.
* @since 2.0.0
def schema(schema: StructType): DataStreamReader = {
this.userSpecifiedSchema = Option(schema)
* Specifies the schema by using the input DDL-formatted string. Some data sources (e.g. JSON) can
* infer the input schema automatically from data. By specifying the schema here, the underlying
* data source can skip the schema inference step, and thus speed up data loading.
* @since 2.3.0
def schema(schemaString: String): DataStreamReader = {
this.userSpecifiedSchema = Option(StructType.fromDDL(schemaString))
* Adds an input option for the underlying data source.
* You can set the following option(s):
* - `timeZone` (default session local timezone): sets the string that indicates a timezone
* to be used to parse timestamps in the JSON/CSV datasources or partition values.
* @since 2.0.0
def option(key: String, value: String): DataStreamReader = {
this.extraOptions += (key -> value)
* Adds an input option for the underlying data source.
* @since 2.0.0
def option(key: String, value: Boolean): DataStreamReader = option(key, value.toString)
* Adds an input option for the underlying data source.
* @since 2.0.0
def option(key: String, value: Long): DataStreamReader = option(key, value.toString)
* Adds an input option for the underlying data source.
* @since 2.0.0
def option(key: String, value: Double): DataStreamReader = option(key, value.toString)
* (Scala-specific) Adds input options for the underlying data source.
* You can set the following option(s):
* - `timeZone` (default session local timezone): sets the string that indicates a timezone
* to be used to parse timestamps in the JSON/CSV data sources or partition values.
* @since 2.0.0
def options(options: scala.collection.Map[String, String]): DataStreamReader = {
this.extraOptions ++= options
* (Java-specific) Adds input options for the underlying data source.
* You can set the following option(s):
* - `timeZone` (default session local timezone): sets the string that indicates a timezone
* to be used to parse timestamps in the JSON/CSV data sources or partition values.
* @since 2.0.0
def options(options: java.util.Map[String, String]): DataStreamReader = {
* Loads input data stream in as a `DataFrame`, for data streams that don't require a path
* (e.g. external key-value stores).
* @since 2.0.0
def load(): DataFrame = {
if (source.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) == DDLUtils.HIVE_PROVIDER) {
throw new AnalysisException("Hive data source can only be used with tables, you can not " +
"read files of Hive data source directly.")
val ds = DataSource.lookupDataSource(source, sparkSession.sqlContext.conf).newInstance()
// We need to generate the V1 data source so we can pass it to the V2 relation as a shim.
// We can't be sure at this point whether we'll actually want to use V2, since we don't know the
// writer or whether the query is continuous.
val v1DataSource = DataSource(
userSpecifiedSchema = userSpecifiedSchema,
className = source,
options = extraOptions.toMap)
val v1Relation = ds match {
case _: StreamSourceProvider => Some(StreamingRelation(v1DataSource))
case _ => None
ds match {
case s: MicroBatchReadSupport =>
val sessionOptions = DataSourceV2Utils.extractSessionConfigs(
ds = s, conf = sparkSession.sessionState.conf)
val options = sessionOptions ++ extraOptions.toMap
val dataSourceOptions = new DataSourceOptions(options.asJava)
var tempReader: MicroBatchReader = null
val schema = try {
tempReader = s.createMicroBatchReader(
Utils.createTempDir(namePrefix = s"temporaryReader").getCanonicalPath,
} finally {
// Stop tempReader to avoid side-effect thing
if (tempReader != null) {
tempReader = null
s, source, options,
schema.toAttributes, v1Relation)(sparkSession))
case s: ContinuousReadSupport =>
val sessionOptions = DataSourceV2Utils.extractSessionConfigs(
ds = s, conf = sparkSession.sessionState.conf)
val options = sessionOptions ++ extraOptions.toMap
val dataSourceOptions = new DataSourceOptions(options.asJava)
val tempReader = s.createContinuousReader(
Utils.createTempDir(namePrefix = s"temporaryReader").getCanonicalPath,
s, source, options,
tempReader.readSchema().toAttributes, v1Relation)(sparkSession))
case _ =>
// Code path for data source v1.
Dataset.ofRows(sparkSession, StreamingRelation(v1DataSource))
* Loads input in as a `DataFrame`, for data streams that read from some path.
* @since 2.0.0
def load(path: String): DataFrame = {
option("path", path).load()
* Loads a JSON file stream and returns the results as a `DataFrame`.
* JSON Lines (newline-delimited JSON) is supported by
* default. For JSON (one record per file), set the `multiLine` option to true.
* This function goes through the input once to determine the input schema. If you know the
* schema in advance, use the version that specifies the schema to avoid the extra scan.
* You can set the following JSON-specific options to deal with non-standard JSON files:
* - `maxFilesPerTrigger` (default: no max limit): sets the maximum number of new files to be
* considered in every trigger.
* - `primitivesAsString` (default `false`): infers all primitive values as a string type
* - `prefersDecimal` (default `false`): infers all floating-point values as a decimal
* type. If the values do not fit in decimal, then it infers them as doubles.
* - `allowComments` (default `false`): ignores Java/C++ style comment in JSON records
* - `allowUnquotedFieldNames` (default `false`): allows unquoted JSON field names
* - `allowSingleQuotes` (default `true`): allows single quotes in addition to double quotes
* - `allowNumericLeadingZeros` (default `false`): allows leading zeros in numbers
* (e.g. 00012)
* - `allowBackslashEscapingAnyCharacter` (default `false`): allows accepting quoting of all
* character using backslash quoting mechanism
* - `allowUnquotedControlChars` (default `false`): allows JSON Strings to contain unquoted
* control characters (ASCII characters with value less than 32, including tab and line feed
* characters) or not.
* - `mode` (default `PERMISSIVE`): allows a mode for dealing with corrupt records
* during parsing.
* - `PERMISSIVE` : when it meets a corrupted record, puts the malformed string into a
* field configured by `columnNameOfCorruptRecord`, and sets other fields to `null`. To
* keep corrupt records, an user can set a string type field named
* `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` in an user-defined schema. If a schema does not have the
* field, it drops corrupt records during parsing. When inferring a schema, it implicitly
* adds a `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` field in an output schema.
* - `DROPMALFORMED` : ignores the whole corrupted records.
* - `FAILFAST` : throws an exception when it meets corrupted records.
* - `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` (default is the value specified in
* `spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord`): allows renaming the new field having malformed string
* created by `PERMISSIVE` mode. This overrides `spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord`.
* - `dateFormat` (default `yyyy-MM-dd`): sets the string that indicates a date format.
* Custom date formats follow the formats at `java.text.SimpleDateFormat`. This applies to
* date type.
* - `timestampFormat` (default `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX`): sets the string that
* indicates a timestamp format. Custom date formats follow the formats at
* `java.text.SimpleDateFormat`. This applies to timestamp type.
* - `multiLine` (default `false`): parse one record, which may span multiple lines,
* per file
* - `lineSep` (default covers all `\r`, `\r\n` and `\n`): defines the line separator
* that should be used for parsing.
* - `dropFieldIfAllNull` (default `false`): whether to ignore column of all null values or
* empty array/struct during schema inference.
* @since 2.0.0
def json(path: String): DataFrame = format("json").load(path)
* Loads a CSV file stream and returns the result as a `DataFrame`.
* This function will go through the input once to determine the input schema if `inferSchema`
* is enabled. To avoid going through the entire data once, disable `inferSchema` option or
* specify the schema explicitly using `schema`.
* You can set the following CSV-specific options to deal with CSV files:
* - `maxFilesPerTrigger` (default: no max limit): sets the maximum number of new files to be
* considered in every trigger.
* - `sep` (default `,`): sets a single character as a separator for each
* field and value.
* - `encoding` (default `UTF-8`): decodes the CSV files by the given encoding
* type.
* - `quote` (default `"`): sets a single character used for escaping quoted values where
* the separator can be part of the value. If you would like to turn off quotations, you need to
* set not `null` but an empty string. This behaviour is different form
* `com.databricks.spark.csv`.
* - `escape` (default `\`): sets a single character used for escaping quotes inside
* an already quoted value.
* - `charToEscapeQuoteEscaping` (default `escape` or `\0`): sets a single character used for
* escaping the escape for the quote character. The default value is escape character when escape
* and quote characters are different, `\0` otherwise.
* - `comment` (default empty string): sets a single character used for skipping lines
* beginning with this character. By default, it is disabled.
* - `header` (default `false`): uses the first line as names of columns.
* - `inferSchema` (default `false`): infers the input schema automatically from data. It
* requires one extra pass over the data.
* - `ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace` (default `false`): a flag indicating whether or not leading
* whitespaces from values being read should be skipped.
* - `ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace` (default `false`): a flag indicating whether or not trailing
* whitespaces from values being read should be skipped.
* - `nullValue` (default empty string): sets the string representation of a null value. Since
* 2.0.1, this applies to all supported types including the string type.
* - `emptyValue` (default empty string): sets the string representation of an empty value.
* - `nanValue` (default `NaN`): sets the string representation of a non-number" value.
* - `positiveInf` (default `Inf`): sets the string representation of a positive infinity
* value.
* - `negativeInf` (default `-Inf`): sets the string representation of a negative infinity
* value.
* - `dateFormat` (default `yyyy-MM-dd`): sets the string that indicates a date format.
* Custom date formats follow the formats at `java.text.SimpleDateFormat`. This applies to
* date type.
* - `timestampFormat` (default `yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX`): sets the string that
* indicates a timestamp format. Custom date formats follow the formats at
* `java.text.SimpleDateFormat`. This applies to timestamp type.
* - `maxColumns` (default `20480`): defines a hard limit of how many columns
* a record can have.
* - `maxCharsPerColumn` (default `-1`): defines the maximum number of characters allowed
* for any given value being read. By default, it is -1 meaning unlimited length
* - `mode` (default `PERMISSIVE`): allows a mode for dealing with corrupt records
* during parsing. It supports the following case-insensitive modes.
* - `PERMISSIVE` : when it meets a corrupted record, puts the malformed string into a
* field configured by `columnNameOfCorruptRecord`, and sets other fields to `null`. To keep
* corrupt records, an user can set a string type field named `columnNameOfCorruptRecord`
* in an user-defined schema. If a schema does not have the field, it drops corrupt records
* during parsing. A record with less/more tokens than schema is not a corrupted record to
* CSV. When it meets a record having fewer tokens than the length of the schema, sets
* `null` to extra fields. When the record has more tokens than the length of the schema,
* it drops extra tokens.
* - `DROPMALFORMED` : ignores the whole corrupted records.
* - `FAILFAST` : throws an exception when it meets corrupted records.
* - `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` (default is the value specified in
* `spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord`): allows renaming the new field having malformed string
* created by `PERMISSIVE` mode. This overrides `spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord`.
* - `multiLine` (default `false`): parse one record, which may span multiple lines.
* @since 2.0.0
def csv(path: String): DataFrame = format("csv").load(path)
* Loads a ORC file stream, returning the result as a `DataFrame`.
* You can set the following ORC-specific option(s) for reading ORC files:
* - `maxFilesPerTrigger` (default: no max limit): sets the maximum number of new files to be
* considered in every trigger.
* @since 2.3.0
def orc(path: String): DataFrame = {
* Loads a Parquet file stream, returning the result as a `DataFrame`.
* You can set the following Parquet-specific option(s) for reading Parquet files:
* - `maxFilesPerTrigger` (default: no max limit): sets the maximum number of new files to be
* considered in every trigger.
* - `mergeSchema` (default is the value specified in `spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchema`): sets
* whether we should merge schemas collected from all
* Parquet part-files. This will override
* `spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchema`.
* @since 2.0.0
def parquet(path: String): DataFrame = {
* Loads text files and returns a `DataFrame` whose schema starts with a string column named
* "value", and followed by partitioned columns if there are any.
* By default, each line in the text files is a new row in the resulting DataFrame. For example:
* {{{
* // Scala:
* spark.readStream.text("/path/to/directory/")
* // Java:
* spark.readStream().text("/path/to/directory/")
* }}}
* You can set the following text-specific options to deal with text files:
* - `maxFilesPerTrigger` (default: no max limit): sets the maximum number of new files to be
* considered in every trigger.
* - `wholetext` (default `false`): If true, read a file as a single row and not split by "\n".
* - `lineSep` (default covers all `\r`, `\r\n` and `\n`): defines the line separator
* that should be used for parsing.
* @since 2.0.0
def text(path: String): DataFrame = format("text").load(path)
* Loads text file(s) and returns a `Dataset` of String. The underlying schema of the Dataset
* contains a single string column named "value".
* If the directory structure of the text files contains partitioning information, those are
* ignored in the resulting Dataset. To include partitioning information as columns, use `text`.
* By default, each line in the text file is a new element in the resulting Dataset. For example:
* {{{
* // Scala:
* spark.readStream.textFile("/path/to/spark/")
* // Java:
* spark.readStream().textFile("/path/to/spark/")
* }}}
* You can set the following text-specific options to deal with text files:
* - `maxFilesPerTrigger` (default: no max limit): sets the maximum number of new files to be
* considered in every trigger.
* - `wholetext` (default `false`): If true, read a file as a single row and not split by "\n".
* - `lineSep` (default covers all `\r`, `\r\n` and `\n`): defines the line separator
* that should be used for parsing.
* @param path input path
* @since 2.1.0
def textFile(path: String): Dataset[String] = {
if (userSpecifiedSchema.nonEmpty) {
throw new AnalysisException("User specified schema not supported with `textFile`")
// Builder pattern config options
private var source: String = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.defaultDataSourceName
private var userSpecifiedSchema: Option[StructType] = None
private var extraOptions = CaseInsensitiveMap[String](Map.empty)