org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ExplainUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution
import java.util.IdentityHashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, BitSet}
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, PlanExpression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.QueryPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.adaptive.{AdaptiveSparkPlanExec, AdaptiveSparkPlanHelper, QueryStageExec}
import{Exchange, ReusedExchangeExec}
object ExplainUtils extends AdaptiveSparkPlanHelper {
def localIdMap: ThreadLocal[java.util.Map[QueryPlan[_], Int]] = QueryPlan.localIdMap
* Given a input physical plan, performs the following tasks.
* 1. Computes the whole stage codegen id for current operator and records it in the
* operator by setting a tag.
* 2. Generate the two part explain output for this plan.
* 1. First part explains the operator tree with each operator tagged with an unique
* identifier.
* 2. Second part explains each operator in a verbose manner.
* Note : This function skips over subqueries. They are handled by its caller.
* @param plan Input query plan to process
* @param append function used to append the explain output
* @param collectedOperators The IDs of the operators that are already collected and we shouldn't
* collect again.
private def processPlanSkippingSubqueries[T <: QueryPlan[T]](
plan: T,
append: String => Unit,
collectedOperators: BitSet): Unit = {
try {
verbose = false,
addSuffix = false,
printOperatorId = true)
val operationsWithID = ArrayBuffer.empty[QueryPlan[_]]
collectOperatorsWithID(plan, operationsWithID, collectedOperators)
operationsWithID.foreach(p => append(p.verboseStringWithOperatorId()))
} catch {
case e: AnalysisException => append(e.toString)
* Given a input physical plan, performs the following tasks.
* 1. Generates the explain output for the input plan excluding the subquery plans.
* 2. Generates the explain output for each subquery referenced in the plan.
* Note that, ideally this is a no-op as different explain actions operate on different plan,
* instances but cached plan is an exception. The `InMemoryRelation#innerChildren` use a shared
* plan instance across multi-queries. Add lock for this method to avoid tag race condition.
def processPlan[T <: QueryPlan[T]](plan: T, append: String => Unit): Unit = {
val prevIdMap = localIdMap.get()
try {
// Initialize a reference-unique id map to store generated ids, which also avoid accidental
// overwrites and to allow intentional overwriting of IDs generated in previous AQE iteration
val idMap = new IdentityHashMap[QueryPlan[_], Int]()
// Initialize an array of ReusedExchanges to help find Adaptively Optimized Out
// Exchanges as part of SPARK-42753
val reusedExchanges = ArrayBuffer.empty[ReusedExchangeExec]
var currentOperatorID = 0
currentOperatorID = generateOperatorIDs(plan, currentOperatorID, idMap, reusedExchanges,
val subqueries = ArrayBuffer.empty[(SparkPlan, Expression, BaseSubqueryExec)]
getSubqueries(plan, subqueries)
currentOperatorID = subqueries.foldLeft(currentOperatorID) {
(curId, plan) => generateOperatorIDs(plan._3.child, curId, idMap, reusedExchanges,
// SPARK-42753: Process subtree for a ReusedExchange with unknown child
val optimizedOutExchanges = ArrayBuffer.empty[Exchange]
reusedExchanges.foreach{ reused =>
val child = reused.child
if (!idMap.containsKey(child)) {
currentOperatorID = generateOperatorIDs(child, currentOperatorID, idMap,
reusedExchanges, false)
val collectedOperators = BitSet.empty
processPlanSkippingSubqueries(plan, append, collectedOperators)
var i = 0
for (sub <- subqueries) {
if (i == 0) {
append("\n===== Subqueries =====\n\n")
i = i + 1
append(s"Subquery:$i Hosting operator id = " +
s"${getOpId(sub._1)} Hosting Expression = ${sub._2}\n")
// For each subquery expression in the parent plan, process its child plan to compute
// the explain output. In case of subquery reuse, we don't print subquery plan more
// than once. So we skip [[ReusedSubqueryExec]] here.
if (!sub._3.isInstanceOf[ReusedSubqueryExec]) {
processPlanSkippingSubqueries(sub._3.child, append, collectedOperators)
i = 0
optimizedOutExchanges.foreach{ exchange =>
if (i == 0) {
append("\n===== Adaptively Optimized Out Exchanges =====\n\n")
i = i + 1
processPlanSkippingSubqueries[SparkPlan](exchange, append, collectedOperators)
} finally {
* Traverses the supplied input plan in a bottom-up fashion and records the operator id via
* setting a tag in the operator.
* Note :
* - Operator such as WholeStageCodegenExec and InputAdapter are skipped as they don't
* appear in the explain output.
* - Operator identifier starts at startOperatorID + 1
* @param plan Input query plan to process
* @param startOperatorID The start value of operation id. The subsequent operations will be
* assigned higher value.
* @param idMap A reference-unique map store operators visited by generateOperatorIds and its
* id. This Map is scoped at the callsite function processPlan. It serves three
* purpose:
* Firstly, it stores the QueryPlan - generated ID mapping. Secondly, it is used to
* avoid accidentally overwriting existing IDs that were generated in the same
* processPlan call. Thirdly, it is used to allow for intentional ID overwriting as
* part of SPARK-42753 where an Adaptively Optimized Out Exchange and its subtree
* may contain IDs that were generated in a previous AQE iteration's processPlan
* call which would result in incorrect IDs.
* @param reusedExchanges A unique set of ReusedExchange nodes visited which will be used to
* idenitfy adaptively optimized out exchanges in SPARK-42753.
* @param addReusedExchanges Whether to add ReusedExchange nodes to reusedExchanges set. We set it
* to false to avoid processing more nested ReusedExchanges nodes in the
* subtree of an Adpatively Optimized Out Exchange.
* @return The last generated operation id for this input plan. This is to ensure we always
* assign incrementing unique id to each operator.
private def generateOperatorIDs(
plan: QueryPlan[_],
startOperatorID: Int,
idMap: java.util.Map[QueryPlan[_], Int],
reusedExchanges: ArrayBuffer[ReusedExchangeExec],
addReusedExchanges: Boolean): Int = {
var currentOperationID = startOperatorID
// Skip the subqueries as they are not printed as part of main query block.
if (plan.isInstanceOf[BaseSubqueryExec]) {
return currentOperationID
def setOpId(plan: QueryPlan[_]): Unit = idMap.computeIfAbsent(plan, plan => {
plan match {
case r: ReusedExchangeExec if addReusedExchanges =>
case _ =>
currentOperationID += 1
plan.foreachUp {
case _: WholeStageCodegenExec =>
case _: InputAdapter =>
case p: AdaptiveSparkPlanExec =>
currentOperationID = generateOperatorIDs(p.executedPlan, currentOperationID, idMap,
reusedExchanges, addReusedExchanges)
if (!p.executedPlan.fastEquals(p.initialPlan)) {
currentOperationID = generateOperatorIDs(p.initialPlan, currentOperationID, idMap,
reusedExchanges, addReusedExchanges)
case p: QueryStageExec =>
currentOperationID = generateOperatorIDs(p.plan, currentOperationID, idMap,
reusedExchanges, addReusedExchanges)
case other: QueryPlan[_] =>
currentOperationID = other.innerChildren.foldLeft(currentOperationID) {
(curId, plan) => generateOperatorIDs(plan, curId, idMap, reusedExchanges,
* Traverses the supplied input plan in a bottom-up fashion and collects operators with assigned
* ids.
* @param plan Input query plan to process
* @param operators An output parameter that contains the operators.
* @param collectedOperators The IDs of the operators that are already collected and we shouldn't
* collect again.
private def collectOperatorsWithID(
plan: QueryPlan[_],
operators: ArrayBuffer[QueryPlan[_]],
collectedOperators: BitSet): Unit = {
// Skip the subqueries as they are not printed as part of main query block.
if (plan.isInstanceOf[BaseSubqueryExec]) {
def collectOperatorWithID(plan: QueryPlan[_]): Unit = {
Option(ExplainUtils.localIdMap.get().get(plan)).foreach { id =>
if (collectedOperators.add(id)) operators += plan
plan.foreachUp {
case _: WholeStageCodegenExec =>
case _: InputAdapter =>
case p: AdaptiveSparkPlanExec =>
collectOperatorsWithID(p.executedPlan, operators, collectedOperators)
if (!p.executedPlan.fastEquals(p.initialPlan)) {
collectOperatorsWithID(p.initialPlan, operators, collectedOperators)
case p: QueryStageExec =>
collectOperatorsWithID(p.plan, operators, collectedOperators)
case other: QueryPlan[_] =>
other.innerChildren.foreach(collectOperatorsWithID(_, operators, collectedOperators))
* Traverses the supplied input plan in a top-down fashion and records the
* whole stage code gen id in the plan via setting a tag.
private def generateWholeStageCodegenIds(plan: QueryPlan[_]): Unit = {
var currentCodegenId = -1
def setCodegenId(p: QueryPlan[_], children: Seq[QueryPlan[_]]): Unit = {
if (currentCodegenId != -1) {
p.setTagValue(QueryPlan.CODEGEN_ID_TAG, currentCodegenId)
// Skip the subqueries as they are not printed as part of main query block.
if (plan.isInstanceOf[BaseSubqueryExec]) {
plan.foreach {
case p: WholeStageCodegenExec => currentCodegenId = p.codegenStageId
case _: InputAdapter => currentCodegenId = -1
case p: AdaptiveSparkPlanExec => setCodegenId(p, Seq(p.executedPlan))
case p: QueryStageExec => setCodegenId(p, Seq(p.plan))
case other: QueryPlan[_] => setCodegenId(other, other.innerChildren)
* Generate detailed field string with different format based on type of input value
def generateFieldString(fieldName: String, values: Any): String = values match {
case iter: Iterable[_] if (iter.size == 0) => s"${fieldName}: []"
case iter: Iterable[_] => s"${fieldName} [${iter.size}]: ${iter.mkString("[", ", ", "]")}"
case str: String if (str == null || str.isEmpty) => s"${fieldName}: None"
case str: String => s"${fieldName}: ${str}"
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type for argument values: $values")
* Given a input plan, returns an array of tuples comprising of :
* 1. Hosting operator id.
* 2. Hosting expression
* 3. Subquery plan
private def getSubqueries(
plan: => QueryPlan[_],
subqueries: ArrayBuffer[(SparkPlan, Expression, BaseSubqueryExec)]): Unit = {
plan.foreach {
case a: AdaptiveSparkPlanExec =>
getSubqueries(a.executedPlan, subqueries)
case q: QueryStageExec =>
getSubqueries(q.plan, subqueries)
case p: SparkPlan =>
p.expressions.foreach (_.collect {
case e: PlanExpression[_] =>
e.plan match {
case s: BaseSubqueryExec =>
subqueries += ((p, e, s))
getSubqueries(s, subqueries)
case _ =>
* Returns the operator identifier for the supplied plan by retrieving the
* `operationId` tag value.
def getOpId(plan: QueryPlan[_]): String = {
Option(ExplainUtils.localIdMap.get().get(plan)).map(v => s"$v").getOrElse("unknown")