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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import{BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong

import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.internal.{Logging, MDC}
import org.apache.spark.internal.LogKeys.EXTENDED_EXPLAIN_GENERATOR
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, ExtendedExplainGenerator, Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{InternalRow, QueryPlanningTracker}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnsupportedOperationChecker
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.ByteCodeStats
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.QueryPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{AppendData, Command, CommandResult, CreateTableAsSelect, LogicalPlan, OverwriteByExpression, OverwritePartitionsDynamic, ReplaceTableAsSelect, ReturnAnswer, Union}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.{PlanChangeLogger, Rule}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.StringUtils.PlanStringConcat
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.truncatedString
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.adaptive.{AdaptiveExecutionContext, InsertAdaptiveSparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.bucketing.{CoalesceBucketsInJoin, DisableUnnecessaryBucketedScan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.dynamicpruning.PlanDynamicPruningFilters
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.reuse.ReuseExchangeAndSubquery
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.{IncrementalExecution, OffsetSeqMetadata, WatermarkPropagator}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode
import org.apache.spark.util.ArrayImplicits._
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

 * The primary workflow for executing relational queries using Spark.  Designed to allow easy
 * access to the intermediate phases of query execution for developers.
 * While this is not a public class, we should avoid changing the function names for the sake of
 * changing them, because a lot of developers use the feature for debugging.
class QueryExecution(
    val sparkSession: SparkSession,
    val logical: LogicalPlan,
    val tracker: QueryPlanningTracker = new QueryPlanningTracker,
    val mode: CommandExecutionMode.Value = CommandExecutionMode.ALL,
    val shuffleCleanupMode: ShuffleCleanupMode = DoNotCleanup) extends Logging {

  val id: Long = QueryExecution.nextExecutionId

  // TODO: Move the planner an optimizer into here from SessionState.
  protected def planner = sparkSession.sessionState.planner

  def assertAnalyzed(): Unit = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: AnalysisException =>
        // Because we do eager analysis for Dataframe, there will be no execution created after
        // AnalysisException occurs. So we need to explicitly create a new execution to post
        // start/end events to notify the listener and UI components.
        SQLExecution.withNewExecutionIdOnError(this, Some("analyze"))(e)

  def assertSupported(): Unit = {
    if (sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isUnsupportedOperationCheckEnabled) {

  lazy val analyzed: LogicalPlan = {
    val plan = executePhase(QueryPlanningTracker.ANALYSIS) {
      // We can't clone `logical` here, which will reset the `_analyzed` flag.
      sparkSession.sessionState.analyzer.executeAndCheck(logical, tracker)

  lazy val commandExecuted: LogicalPlan = mode match {
    case CommandExecutionMode.NON_ROOT => analyzed.mapChildren(eagerlyExecuteCommands)
    case CommandExecutionMode.ALL => eagerlyExecuteCommands(analyzed)
    case CommandExecutionMode.SKIP => analyzed

  private def commandExecutionName(command: Command): String = command match {
    case _: CreateTableAsSelect => "create"
    case _: ReplaceTableAsSelect => "replace"
    case _: AppendData => "append"
    case _: OverwriteByExpression => "overwrite"
    case _: OverwritePartitionsDynamic => "overwritePartitions"
    case _ => "command"

  private def eagerlyExecuteCommands(p: LogicalPlan) = {
    def eagerlyExecute(
        p: LogicalPlan,
        name: String,
        mode: CommandExecutionMode.Value): LogicalPlan = {
      // Since Command execution will eagerly take place here,
      // and in most cases be the bulk of time and effort,
      // with the rest of processing of the root plan being just outputting command results,
      // for eagerly executed commands we mark this place as beginning of execution.
      val qe = sparkSession.sessionState.executePlan(p, mode)
      val result = QueryExecution.withInternalError(s"Eagerly executed $name failed.") {
        SQLExecution.withNewExecutionId(qe, Some(name)) {
    p transformDown {
      case u @ Union(children, _, _) if children.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Command]) =>
        eagerlyExecute(u, "multi-commands", CommandExecutionMode.SKIP)
      case c: Command =>
        val name = commandExecutionName(c)
        eagerlyExecute(c, name, CommandExecutionMode.NON_ROOT)

  // The plan that has been normalized by custom rules, so that it's more likely to hit cache.
  lazy val normalized: LogicalPlan = {
    QueryExecution.normalize(sparkSession, commandExecuted, Some(tracker))

  lazy val withCachedData: LogicalPlan = sparkSession.withActive {
    // clone the plan to avoid sharing the plan instance between different stages like analyzing,
    // optimizing and planning.

  def assertCommandExecuted(): Unit = commandExecuted

  lazy val optimizedPlan: LogicalPlan = {
    // We need to materialize the commandExecuted here because optimizedPlan is also tracked under
    // the optimizing phase
    executePhase(QueryPlanningTracker.OPTIMIZATION) {
      // clone the plan to avoid sharing the plan instance between different stages like analyzing,
      // optimizing and planning.
      val plan =
        sparkSession.sessionState.optimizer.executeAndTrack(withCachedData.clone(), tracker)
      // We do not want optimized plans to be re-analyzed as literals that have been constant
      // folded and such can cause issues during analysis. While `clone` should maintain the
      // `analyzed` state of the LogicalPlan, we set the plan as analyzed here as well out of
      // paranoia.

  def assertOptimized(): Unit = optimizedPlan

  lazy val sparkPlan: SparkPlan = {
    // We need to materialize the optimizedPlan here because sparkPlan is also tracked under
    // the planning phase
    executePhase(QueryPlanningTracker.PLANNING) {
      // Clone the logical plan here, in case the planner rules change the states of the logical
      // plan.
      QueryExecution.createSparkPlan(sparkSession, planner, optimizedPlan.clone())

  def assertSparkPlanPrepared(): Unit = sparkPlan

  // executedPlan should not be used to initialize any SparkPlan. It should be
  // only used for execution.
  lazy val executedPlan: SparkPlan = {
    // We need to materialize the optimizedPlan here, before tracking the planning phase, to ensure
    // that the optimization time is not counted as part of the planning phase.
    val plan = executePhase(QueryPlanningTracker.PLANNING) {
      // clone the plan to avoid sharing the plan instance between different stages like analyzing,
      // optimizing and planning.
      QueryExecution.prepareForExecution(preparations, sparkPlan.clone())
    // Note: For eagerly executed command it might have already been called in
    // `eagerlyExecutedCommand` and is a noop here.

  def assertExecutedPlanPrepared(): Unit = executedPlan

   * Internal version of the RDD. Avoids copies and has no schema.
   * Note for callers: Spark may apply various optimization including reusing object: this means
   * the row is valid only for the iteration it is retrieved. You should avoid storing row and
   * accessing after iteration. (Calling `collect()` is one of known bad usage.)
   * If you want to store these rows into collection, please apply some converter or copy row
   * which produces new object per iteration.
   * Given QueryExecution is not a public class, end users are discouraged to use this: please
   * use `Dataset.rdd` instead where conversion will be applied.
  lazy val toRdd: RDD[InternalRow] = new SQLExecutionRDD(
    executedPlan.execute(), sparkSession.sessionState.conf)

  /** Get the metrics observed during the execution of the query plan. */
  def observedMetrics: Map[String, Row] = CollectMetricsExec.collect(executedPlan)

  protected def preparations: Seq[Rule[SparkPlan]] = {
      Option(InsertAdaptiveSparkPlan(AdaptiveExecutionContext(sparkSession, this))), false)

  protected def executePhase[T](phase: String)(block: => T): T = sparkSession.withActive {
    QueryExecution.withInternalError(s"The Spark SQL phase $phase failed with an internal error.") {

  def simpleString: String = {
    val concat = new PlanStringConcat()
    simpleString(false, SQLConf.get.maxToStringFields, concat.append)
    withRedaction {

  private def simpleString(
      formatted: Boolean,
      maxFields: Int,
      append: String => Unit): Unit = {
    append("== Physical Plan ==\n")
    if (formatted) {
      try {
        ExplainUtils.processPlan(executedPlan, append)
      } catch {
        case e: AnalysisException => append(e.toString)
        case e: IllegalArgumentException => append(e.toString)
    } else {
        append, verbose = false, addSuffix = false, maxFields = maxFields)
    extendedExplainInfo(append, executedPlan)

  def explainString(mode: ExplainMode): String = {
    val concat = new PlanStringConcat()
    explainString(mode, SQLConf.get.maxToStringFields, concat.append)
    withRedaction {

  private def explainString(mode: ExplainMode, maxFields: Int, append: String => Unit): Unit = {
    val queryExecution = if (logical.isStreaming) {
      // This is used only by explaining `Dataset/DataFrame` created by `spark.readStream`, so the
      // output mode does not matter since there is no `Sink`.
      new IncrementalExecution(
        sparkSession, logical, OutputMode.Append(), "",
        UUID.randomUUID, UUID.randomUUID, 0, None, OffsetSeqMetadata(0, 0),
        WatermarkPropagator.noop(), false)
    } else {

    mode match {
      case SimpleMode =>
        queryExecution.simpleString(false, maxFields, append)
      case ExtendedMode =>
        queryExecution.toString(maxFields, append)
      case CodegenMode =>
        try {
          org.apache.spark.sql.execution.debug.writeCodegen(append, queryExecution.executedPlan)
        } catch {
          case e: AnalysisException => append(e.toString)
      case CostMode =>
        queryExecution.stringWithStats(maxFields, append)
      case FormattedMode =>
        queryExecution.simpleString(formatted = true, maxFields = maxFields, append)

  private def writePlans(append: String => Unit, maxFields: Int): Unit = {
    val (verbose, addSuffix) = (true, false)
    append("== Parsed Logical Plan ==\n")
    QueryPlan.append(logical, append, verbose, addSuffix, maxFields)
    append("\n== Analyzed Logical Plan ==\n")
    try {
      if (analyzed.output.nonEmpty) {
   => s"${}: ${o.dataType.simpleString}"), ", ", maxFields)
      QueryPlan.append(analyzed, append, verbose, addSuffix, maxFields)
      append("\n== Optimized Logical Plan ==\n")
      QueryPlan.append(optimizedPlan, append, verbose, addSuffix, maxFields)
      append("\n== Physical Plan ==\n")
      QueryPlan.append(executedPlan, append, verbose, addSuffix, maxFields)
      extendedExplainInfo(append, executedPlan)
    } catch {
      case e: AnalysisException => append(e.toString)

  override def toString: String = withRedaction {
    val concat = new PlanStringConcat()
    toString(SQLConf.get.maxToStringFields, concat.append)
    withRedaction {

  private def toString(maxFields: Int, append: String => Unit): Unit = {
    writePlans(append, maxFields)

  def stringWithStats: String = {
    val concat = new PlanStringConcat()
    stringWithStats(SQLConf.get.maxToStringFields, concat.append)
    withRedaction {

  private def stringWithStats(maxFields: Int, append: String => Unit): Unit = {
    // trigger to compute stats for logical plans
    try {
      // This will trigger to compute stats for all the nodes in the plan, including subqueries,
      // if the stats doesn't exist in the statsCache and update the statsCache corresponding
      // to the node.
      optimizedPlan.collectWithSubqueries {
        case plan => plan.stats
    } catch {
      case e: AnalysisException => append(e.toString + "\n")
    // only show optimized logical plan and physical plan
    append("== Optimized Logical Plan ==\n")
    QueryPlan.append(optimizedPlan, append, verbose = true, addSuffix = true, maxFields)
    append("\n== Physical Plan ==\n")
    QueryPlan.append(executedPlan, append, verbose = true, addSuffix = false, maxFields)

   * Redact the sensitive information in the given string.
  private def withRedaction(message: String): String = {
    Utils.redact(sparkSession.sessionState.conf.stringRedactionPattern, message)

  def extendedExplainInfo(append: String => Unit, plan: SparkPlan): Unit = {
    val generators = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.getConf(SQLConf.EXTENDED_EXPLAIN_PROVIDERS)
    val extensions = Utils.loadExtensions(classOf[ExtendedExplainGenerator],
    if (extensions.nonEmpty) {
      extensions.foreach(extension =>
        try {
          append(s"\n== Extended Information (${extension.title}) ==\n")
        } catch {
          case NonFatal(e) => logWarning(log"Cannot use " +
            log"${MDC(EXTENDED_EXPLAIN_GENERATOR, extension)} to get extended information.", e)

  /** A special namespace for commands that can be used to debug query execution. */
  // scalastyle:off
  object debug {
  // scalastyle:on

     * Prints to stdout all the generated code found in this plan (i.e. the output of each
     * WholeStageCodegen subtree).
    def codegen(): Unit = {
      // scalastyle:off println
      // scalastyle:on println

     * Get WholeStageCodegenExec subtrees and the codegen in a query plan
     * @return Sequence of WholeStageCodegen subtrees and corresponding codegen
    def codegenToSeq(): Seq[(String, String, ByteCodeStats)] = {

     * Dumps debug information about query execution into the specified file.
     * @param path path of the file the debug info is written to.
     * @param maxFields maximum number of fields converted to string representation.
     * @param explainMode the explain mode to be used to generate the string
     *                    representation of the plan.
    def toFile(
        path: String,
        maxFields: Int = Int.MaxValue,
        explainMode: Option[String] = None): Unit = {
      val filePath = new Path(path)
      val fs = filePath.getFileSystem(sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf())
      val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs.create(filePath)))
      try {
        val mode =
        explainString(mode, maxFields, writer.write)
        if (mode != CodegenMode) {
          writer.write("\n== Whole Stage Codegen ==\n")
          org.apache.spark.sql.execution.debug.writeCodegen(writer.write, executedPlan)
        }"Debug information was written at: $filePath")
      } finally {

 * SPARK-35378: Commands should be executed eagerly so that something like `sql("INSERT ...")`
 * can trigger the table insertion immediately without a `.collect()`. To avoid end-less recursion
 * we should use `NON_ROOT` when recursively executing commands. Note that we can't execute
 * a query plan with leaf command nodes, because many commands return `GenericInternalRow`
 * and can't be put in a query plan directly, otherwise the query engine may cast
 * `GenericInternalRow` to `UnsafeRow` and fail. When running EXPLAIN, or commands inside other
 * command, we should use `SKIP` to not eagerly trigger the command execution.
object CommandExecutionMode extends Enumeration {
  val SKIP, NON_ROOT, ALL = Value

 * Modes for shuffle dependency cleanup.
 * DoNotCleanup: Do not perform any cleanup.
 * SkipMigration: Shuffle dependencies will not be migrated at node decommissions.
 * RemoveShuffleFiles: Shuffle dependency files are removed at the end of SQL executions.
sealed trait ShuffleCleanupMode

case object DoNotCleanup extends ShuffleCleanupMode

case object SkipMigration extends ShuffleCleanupMode

case object RemoveShuffleFiles extends ShuffleCleanupMode

object QueryExecution {
  private val _nextExecutionId = new AtomicLong(0)

  private def nextExecutionId: Long = _nextExecutionId.getAndIncrement

   * Construct a sequence of rules that are used to prepare a planned [[SparkPlan]] for execution.
   * These rules will make sure subqueries are planned, make sure the data partitioning and ordering
   * are correct, insert whole stage code gen, and try to reduce the work done by reusing exchanges
   * and subqueries.
  private[execution] def preparations(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      adaptiveExecutionRule: Option[InsertAdaptiveSparkPlan] = None,
      subquery: Boolean): Seq[Rule[SparkPlan]] = {
    // `AdaptiveSparkPlanExec` is a leaf node. If inserted, all the following rules will be no-op
    // as the original plan is hidden behind `AdaptiveSparkPlanExec`.
    adaptiveExecutionRule.toSeq ++
      // `ReplaceHashWithSortAgg` needs to be added after `EnsureRequirements` to guarantee the
      // sort order of each node is checked to be valid.
      // `RemoveRedundantSorts` and `RemoveRedundantWindowGroupLimits` needs to be added after
      // `EnsureRequirements` to guarantee the same number of partitions when instantiating
      // PartitioningCollection.
        sparkSession.sessionState.columnarRules, outputsColumnar = false),
      CollapseCodegenStages()) ++
      (if (subquery) {
      } else {

   * Prepares a planned [[SparkPlan]] for execution by inserting shuffle operations and internal
   * row format conversions as needed.
  private[execution] def prepareForExecution(
      preparations: Seq[Rule[SparkPlan]],
      plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = {
    val planChangeLogger = new PlanChangeLogger[SparkPlan]()
    val preparedPlan = preparations.foldLeft(plan) { case (sp, rule) =>
      val result = rule.apply(sp)
      planChangeLogger.logRule(rule.ruleName, sp, result)
    planChangeLogger.logBatch("Preparations", plan, preparedPlan)

   * Transform a [[LogicalPlan]] into a [[SparkPlan]].
   * Note that the returned physical plan still needs to be prepared for execution.
  def createSparkPlan(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      planner: SparkPlanner,
      plan: LogicalPlan): SparkPlan = {
    // TODO: We use next(), i.e. take the first plan returned by the planner, here for now,
    //       but we will implement to choose the best plan.

   * Prepare the [[SparkPlan]] for execution.
  def prepareExecutedPlan(spark: SparkSession, plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = {
    prepareForExecution(preparations(spark, subquery = true), plan)

   * Transform the subquery's [[LogicalPlan]] into a [[SparkPlan]] and prepare the resulting
   * [[SparkPlan]] for execution.
  def prepareExecutedPlan(spark: SparkSession, plan: LogicalPlan): SparkPlan = {
    val sparkPlan = createSparkPlan(spark, spark.sessionState.planner, plan.clone())
    prepareExecutedPlan(spark, sparkPlan)

   * Prepare the [[SparkPlan]] for execution using exists adaptive execution context.
   * This method is only called by [[PlanAdaptiveDynamicPruningFilters]].
  def prepareExecutedPlan(
      session: SparkSession,
      plan: LogicalPlan,
      context: AdaptiveExecutionContext): SparkPlan = {
    val sparkPlan = createSparkPlan(session, session.sessionState.planner, plan.clone())
    val preparationRules = preparations(session, Option(InsertAdaptiveSparkPlan(context)), true)
    prepareForExecution(preparationRules, sparkPlan.clone())

   * Marks null pointer exceptions, asserts and scala match errors as internal errors
  private[sql] def isInternalError(e: Throwable): Boolean = e match {
    case _: java.lang.NullPointerException => true
    case _: java.lang.AssertionError => true
    case _: scala.MatchError => true
    case _ => false

   * Converts marked exceptions from [[isInternalError]] to internal errors.
  private[sql] def toInternalError(msg: String, e: Throwable): Throwable = {
    if (isInternalError(e)) {
        msg + " You hit a bug in Spark or the Spark plugins you use. Please, report this bug " +
          "to the corresponding communities or vendors, and provide the full stack trace.",
    } else {

   * Catches marked exceptions from [[isInternalError]], and converts them to internal errors.
  private[sql] def withInternalError[T](msg: String)(block: => T): T = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: Throwable => throw toInternalError(msg, e)

  def normalize(
      session: SparkSession,
      plan: LogicalPlan,
      tracker: Option[QueryPlanningTracker] = None): LogicalPlan = {
    val normalizationRules = session.sessionState.planNormalizationRules
    if (normalizationRules.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      val planChangeLogger = new PlanChangeLogger[LogicalPlan]()
      val normalized = normalizationRules.foldLeft(plan) { (p, rule) =>
        val startTime = System.nanoTime()
        val result = rule.apply(p)
        val runTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime
        val effective = !result.fastEquals(p)
        tracker.foreach(_.recordRuleInvocation(rule.ruleName, runTime, effective))
        planChangeLogger.logRule(rule.ruleName, p, result)
      planChangeLogger.logBatch("Plan Normalization", plan, normalized)

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