org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.JdbcSQLQueryBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.filter.Predicate
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.{JDBCOptions, JDBCPartition}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.TableSampleInfo
* The builder to build a single SELECT query.
* Note: All the `withXXX` methods will be invoked at most once. The invocation order does not
* matter, as all these clauses follow the natural SQL order: sample the table first, then filter,
* then group by, then sort, then offset, then limit.
* @since 3.5.0
class JdbcSQLQueryBuilder(dialect: JdbcDialect, options: JDBCOptions) {
* `columns`, but as a String suitable for injection into a SQL query.
protected var columnList: String = "1"
* A WHERE clause representing both `filters`, if any, and the current partition.
protected var whereClause: String = ""
* A GROUP BY clause representing pushed-down grouping columns.
protected var groupByClause: String = ""
* A ORDER BY clause representing pushed-down sort of top n.
protected var orderByClause: String = ""
* A LIMIT value representing pushed-down limit.
protected var limit: Int = -1
* A OFFSET value representing pushed-down offset.
protected var offset: Int = -1
* A table sample clause representing pushed-down table sample.
protected var tableSampleClause: String = ""
* The columns names that following dialect's SQL syntax.
* e.g. The column name is the raw name or quoted name.
def withColumns(columns: Array[String]): JdbcSQLQueryBuilder = {
if (columns.nonEmpty) {
columnList = columns.mkString(",")
* Constructs the WHERE clause that following dialect's SQL syntax.
def withPredicates(predicates: Array[Predicate], part: JDBCPartition): JdbcSQLQueryBuilder = {
// `filters`, but as a WHERE clause suitable for injection into a SQL query.
val filterWhereClause: String = {
predicates.flatMap(dialect.compileExpression(_)).map(p => s"($p)").mkString(" AND ")
// A WHERE clause representing both `filters`, if any, and the current partition.
whereClause = if (part.whereClause != null && filterWhereClause.length > 0) {
"WHERE " + s"($filterWhereClause)" + " AND " + s"(${part.whereClause})"
} else if (part.whereClause != null) {
"WHERE " + part.whereClause
} else if (filterWhereClause.length > 0) {
"WHERE " + filterWhereClause
} else {
* Constructs the GROUP BY clause that following dialect's SQL syntax.
def withGroupByColumns(groupByColumns: Array[String]): JdbcSQLQueryBuilder = {
if (groupByColumns.nonEmpty) {
// The GROUP BY columns should already be quoted by the caller side.
groupByClause = s"GROUP BY ${groupByColumns.mkString(", ")}"
* Constructs the ORDER BY clause that following dialect's SQL syntax.
def withSortOrders(sortOrders: Array[String]): JdbcSQLQueryBuilder = {
if (sortOrders.nonEmpty) {
orderByClause = s" ORDER BY ${sortOrders.mkString(", ")}"
* Saves the limit value used to construct LIMIT clause.
def withLimit(limit: Int): JdbcSQLQueryBuilder = {
this.limit = limit
* Saves the offset value used to construct OFFSET clause.
def withOffset(offset: Int): JdbcSQLQueryBuilder = {
this.offset = offset
* Constructs the table sample clause that following dialect's SQL syntax.
def withTableSample(sample: TableSampleInfo): JdbcSQLQueryBuilder = {
tableSampleClause = dialect.getTableSample(sample)
* Build the final SQL query that following dialect's SQL syntax.
def build(): String = {
// Constructs the LIMIT clause that following dialect's SQL syntax.
val limitClause = dialect.getLimitClause(limit)
// Constructs the OFFSET clause that following dialect's SQL syntax.
val offsetClause = dialect.getOffsetClause(offset)
options.prepareQuery +
s"SELECT $columnList FROM ${options.tableOrQuery} $tableSampleClause" +
s" $whereClause $groupByClause $orderByClause $limitClause $offsetClause"