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scripts.algorithms.CsplineCG.dml Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X     String  ---     Location (on HDFS) to read the 1-column matrix of x values knots
# Y     String  ---     Location (on HDFS) to read the 1-column matrix of corresponding y values knots
# K String --- Location to store the $k_{i}$ -file for the calculated k vectors. the default is to print it to the standard output
# O String --- Location to store the output predicted y the default is to print it to the standard output
# inp_x Double  ---     the given input x, for which the cspline will find predicted y.
# Log   String  " "     Location to store iteration-specific variables for monitoring and debugging purposes
# tol   Double 0.000001 Tolerance (epsilon); conjugate graduent procedure terminates early if
#                       L2 norm of the beta-residual is less than tolerance * its initial norm
# maxi  Int      0      Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations, 0 = no maximum
# fmt   String "text"   Matrix file output format, such as `text`,`mm`, or `csv`
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OUTPUT: Matrix of k parameters
# The Log file, when requested, contains the following per-iteration variables in CSV
# format, each line containing triple (NAME, ITERATION, VALUE) with ITERATION = 0 for
# initial values:
# NAME                  MEANING
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CG_RESIDUAL_NORM      L2-norm of Conj.Grad.residual, which is A %*% beta - t(X) %*% y
#                           where A = t(X) %*% X + diag (lambda), or a similar quantity
# CG_RESIDUAL_RATIO     Ratio of current L2-norm of Conj.Grad.residual over the initial
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f CsplineCG.dml -nvargs X=INPUT_DIR/X Y=INPUT_DIR/Y K=OUTPUT_DIR/K O=OUTPUT_DIR/Out
# tol=0.001 maxi=100 fmt=csv Log=OUTPUT_DIR/log

# - The inputs xs are monotonically increasing,
# - there is no duplicates points in x

#Algorithms: It implement the
#it usages natural spline with q1''(x0) == qn''(xn) == 0.0

##BEGIN Main Func
fileX = $X;
fileY = $Y;
fileK = $K;
fileO = ifdef($O, " ");
inp_x = $inp_x
fileLog = ifdef ($Log, " ");
fmtO = ifdef ($fmt, "csv");

tolerance = ifdef ($tol, 0.000001);      # $tol=0.000001;
max_iteration = ifdef ($maxi, 0);        # $maxi=0;


print ("Reading X and Y ...");
xs = read (fileX);
ys = read (fileY);

print("Calculating Ks ...")
ks = xs
ks = calcKnotsDerivKs(xs, ys,
                      max_iteration, tolerance, fileLog)
print("Writing Ks ...")
write (ks, fileO, format=fmtO);

print("Interpolating ...")
x = inp_x
y = interpSpline(x, xs, ys, ks)

print("For inp_x = " + $inp_x + " Calculated y = " + y)

y_mat = matrix(y, 1, 1)

if (fileO != " ") {
  write (y_mat, fileO);
} else {


##END Main Func

#given X and corresponding Y values for the function. where each (xi,yi) represents a knot.
#it calculates the first derivates i.e k of the interpolated polynomial
calcKnotsDerivKs = function (
  matrix[double] X, matrix[double] Y,
  int max_iteration,
  double tolerance,
  String fileLog
) return (matrix[double] K) {

  nx = nrow(X)
  ny = nrow(Y)
  if (nx != ny) {
      stop("X and Y vectors are of different size")

  Xu = trunc(X, 1, "up") # Xu is (X where X[0] is removed)
  Xd = trunc(X, 1, "down") # Xd is (X where X[n] is removed)

  Bx=1/(Xu-Xd) # The expr => 1/Delta(X(i) = 1/(X(i)-X(i-1))

  Bxd = resize(Bx, 1, 0, "tr") # Bxd is (0, Bx) vector
  Bxu = resize(Bx, 1, 0, "br") # Bxu is (Bx, 0) vector
  Dx = 2*(Bxd + Bxu) # the major diagonal entry 2(1/Delta(X(i) + 1/Delta(X(i+1)))

  MDx = diag(Dx) # convert vector to diagonal matrix

  MBx = diag(Bx) # this is the temp diagonal matrix, which will form the bands of the tri-diagonal matrix
  MUx = resize(MBx, 1, 1, "bl") # the upper diagonal matrix of the band
  MLx = resize(MBx, 1, 1, "tr") # the lower diagonal matrix of the band

  A=MUx+MDx+MLx # create the complete tri-diagonal matrix

  #calculate b matrix
  Yu = trunc(Y, 1, "up") # Yu is (Y where Y[0] is removed)
  Yd = trunc(Y, 1, "down") # Yd is (Y where Y[n] is removed)
  By=(Yu-Yd)/(Bx*Bx) # the expr => Delta(Y(i))/Delta(X(i))*Delta(X(i))

  By1=resize(By, 1, 0, "tr") # By1 is (0, By) vector
  By2=resize(By, 1, 0, "br") # By2 is (By, 0) vector
  b=3*(By1+By2) # the b entries 3*(Delta(Y(i))/Delta(X(i))*Delta(X(i)) + Delta(Y(i+1))/Delta(X(i+1))*Delta(X(i+1)))

  # solve Ax = b for x vector and assign it to K
  K = CGSolver(A, b,
                   max_iteration, tolerance, fileLog)


#given the X and Y n sample points and K (the first derivative of the interp polynomial), it calculate the
#  y for the given x using the cubic spline interpolation
interpSpline = function(
  double x, matrix[double] X, matrix[double] Y, matrix[double] K
) return (double q) {

  #first find the right knots for interpolation
  i = as.integer(nrow(X) - sum(X >= x) + 1)

  #calc the y as per the algo docs
  t = (x - X[i-1,1]) / ( X[i,1] - X[i-1,1])

  a =  K[i-1,1]*(X[i,1]-X[i-1,1]) - (Y[i,1]-Y[i-1,1])
  b = -K[i,1]*(X[i,1]-X[i-1,1]) + (Y[i,1]-Y[i-1,1])

  qm = (1-t)*Y[i-1,1] + t*Y[i,1] + t*(1-t)*(a*(1-t)+b*t)

  q = as.scalar(qm)


#solve Ax = b
#   for CG our formulation is
#      t(A)Ax = t(A)b // where t is transpose
CGSolver = function (
 matrix[double] A, matrix[double] b,
 int max_iteration,
 double tolerance,
 String fileLog
) return (matrix[double] x) {

  n = nrow(A)
  if (max_iteration < 0) {
    max_iteration = n
  if (tolerance < 0) {
    tolerance = 0.000001

  x = matrix (0, rows = n, cols = 1); #/* solution vector x*/

  print ("Running the CG algorithm...");

  i = 0
  r = -t(A) %*% b # initial guess x0 = t(0.0)
  p = -r
  norm_r2 = sum (r ^ 2)
  norm_r2_initial = norm_r2
  norm_r2_target = norm_r2_initial * tolerance ^ 2
  print ("||r|| initial value = " + sqrt (norm_r2_initial) + ",  target value = " + sqrt (norm_r2_target));
  log_str = "CG_RESIDUAL_NORM,0," + sqrt (norm_r2_initial)
  log_str = append (log_str, "CG_RESIDUAL_RATIO,0,1.0")

  while (i < max_iteration & norm_r2 > norm_r2_target) {
    q = t(A) %*% (A %*% p)
    a = norm_r2 / sum (p*q)
    x = x + a*p
    r = r + a*q
    old_norm_r2 = norm_r2
    norm_r2 = sum(r^2)
    p = -r + (norm_r2/ old_norm_r2)*p
    i = i + 1
    print ("Iteration " + i + ":  ||r|| / ||r init|| = " + sqrt (norm_r2 / norm_r2_initial))
    log_str = append (log_str, "CG_RESIDUAL_NORM,"  + i + "," + sqrt (norm_r2))
    log_str = append (log_str, "CG_RESIDUAL_RATIO," + i + "," + sqrt (norm_r2 / norm_r2_initial))
  if (i >= max_iteration) {
    print ("Warning: the maximum number of iterations has been reached.")

  print ("The CG algorithm is done.")

  if (fileLog != " ") {
    write (log_str, fileLog);
  } else {
    print("log_str:" + log_str)

# trunc the matrix by the specified amount in the specified direction.
# The shifted cells are discarded, the matrix is smaller in size
trunc = function (
  matrix[double] X, # nxm matrix
  int by, # shift amount
  String dir # currently only 'up' is supported. but should handle 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right'
) return (matrix[double] Y) # Y is
    r = nrow(X); c = ncol(X);
    if (by > r) {
      stop("can't pop matrix more than number of rows")
    Y = matrix(0.0, r-by, c)

    if (r != by ) {
      if (dir == "up") {
        Y[1:r-by,] = X[1+by:r,]
      } else if (dir == "down") {
        Y[1:r-by,] = X[1:r-by,]
      } else {
        stop("trunc unsupported direction " + dir)

# resize (only grow and not truncate) the matrix by the specified amount in the specified direction
resize = function(
  matrix[double] X, #nxm matrix
  int rby, # row resize count
  int cby,  # col resize count
  String dir
) return (matrix[double] Y) # Y is
   r = nrow(X); c = ncol(X);
   rn = r + rby; cn = c + cby;
   Y = matrix(0.0, rn, cn)
   if (dir == "tr") { # top right
     Y[1+rby:rn, 1:c] = X
   } else if (dir == "bl") { # bottom left
     Y[1:r, 1+cby:cn] = X
   } else if (dir == "tl") { # top left
     Y[1+rby:rn, 1+cby:cn ] = X
   } else if (dir == "br") { # bottom right
     Y[1:r, 1:c] = X
   } else {
     stop("Unknown direction dir => " + dir)

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