com.serialpundit.serial.internal.SerialComPortJNIBridge Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Show all versions of sp-tty Show documentation
* This file is part of SerialPundit.
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Rishi Gupta. All rights reserved.
* The SerialPundit is DUAL LICENSED. It is made available under the terms of the GNU Affero
* General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 for non-commercial use and under the terms of a commercial
* license for commercial use of this software.
* The SerialPundit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
package com.serialpundit.serial.internal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Comparator;
import com.serialpundit.core.NativeLibLoader;
import com.serialpundit.core.SerialComException;
import com.serialpundit.core.SerialComPlatform;
import com.serialpundit.core.SerialComSystemProperty;
import com.serialpundit.serial.SerialComLineErrors;
import com.serialpundit.serial.internal.SerialComLooper;
import com.serialpundit.serial.nullmodem.Itty2comHotPlugListener;
* This class is an interface between java and native shared library. The native library is found
* in the root of 'sp-tty.jar' file.
* In Linux/Windows/Solaris it is possible to run 32 bit JVM on 64 bit OS, while perhaps in mac os x
* JVM must match with underlying OS architecture. Whether 32 or 64 bit sp-dll/so file is to be loaded,
* is decided by arch of JVM this process is running on. SerialPundit includes both 32 and 64 bit dll/so
* and therefore 32 bit application using this library with 32 JVM can be run on a 64 bit OS system.
* @author Rishi Gupta
public final class SerialComPortJNIBridge {
private static final Comparator comparator = new Comparator() {
public int compare(final String valueA, final String valueB) {
return valueA.compareTo(valueB);
int al = valueA.length();
int bl = valueB.length();
int minLength = (al <= bl) ? al : bl;
int shiftA = 0;
int shiftB = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < minLength; i++){
char charA = valueA.charAt(i - shiftA);
char charB = valueB.charAt(i - shiftB);
if(charA != charB){
if(Character.isDigit(charA) && Character.isDigit(charB)){
int[] resultsA = {-1, (i - shiftA)};
String numVal = "";
for(int x = (i - shiftA); x < al; x++){
resultsA[1] = x;
char c = valueA.charAt(x);
numVal += c;
}else {
try {
resultsA[0] = Integer.valueOf(numVal);
} catch (Exception e) {
//Do nothing
int[] resultsB = {-1, (i - shiftB)};
numVal = "";
for(int x = (i - shiftB); x < bl; x++){
resultsB[1] = x;
char c = valueB.charAt(x);
numVal += c;
}else {
try {
resultsB[0] = Integer.valueOf(numVal);
} catch (Exception e) {
//Do nothing
if(resultsA[0] != resultsB[0]){
return resultsA[0] - resultsB[0];
if(al < bl){
i = resultsA[1];
shiftB = resultsA[1] - resultsB[1];
}else {
i = resultsB[1];
shiftA = resultsB[1] - resultsA[1];
}else {
if(Character.toLowerCase(charA) - Character.toLowerCase(charB) != 0){
return Character.toLowerCase(charA) - Character.toLowerCase(charB);
return valueA.compareToIgnoreCase(valueB);
* Allocates a new SerialComPortJNIBridge object.
public SerialComPortJNIBridge() {
* Extract native library from jar in a working directory, load and link it. The native library is found
* in the root of 'sp-tty.jar' file.
* @param directoryPath null for default directory or user supplied directory path.
* @param loadedLibName null for default name or user supplied name of loaded library.
* @param serialComSystemProperty instance of SerialComSystemProperty to get required java properties.
* @param cpuArch architecture of CPU this library is running on.
* @param osType operating system this library is running on.
* @param abiType binary application interface type to correctly link.
* @param hotDeploy true if tomcat hot deployment is needed otherwise false.
* @return true on success.
* @throws SerialComException if java system properties can not be accessed or required files can not be
* accessed, if shared library is not found, it can not be loaded, linked and initialized etc.
public static boolean loadNativeLibrary(String directoryPath, String loadedLibName, SerialComSystemProperty serialComSystemProperty,
int osType, int cpuArch, int abiType, boolean hotDeploy) throws SerialComException {
String javaTmpDir = null;
String userHomeDir = null;
String fileSeparator = null;
File baseDir = null;
File workingDir = null;
boolean isTmpDir = false;
boolean isUserHomeDir = false;
String libToExtractFromJar = null;
File libFile = null;
String libExtension = null;
InputStream input = null;
FileOutputStream output = null;
fileSeparator = serialComSystemProperty.getfileSeparator();
if((fileSeparator == null) || (fileSeparator.length() == 0)) {
throw new SerialComException("The file.separator java system property is either null or empty !");
try {
/* Prepare directory in which native shared library will be extracted from jar */
if(directoryPath == null) {
// user did not supplied any directory path so try tmp and user home
javaTmpDir = serialComSystemProperty.getJavaIOTmpDir();
if((javaTmpDir == null) || (javaTmpDir.length() == 0)) {
throw new SerialComException("The java system property is either null or empty !");
baseDir = new File(javaTmpDir);
if(baseDir.exists() && baseDir.isDirectory() && baseDir.canWrite()) {
isTmpDir = true;
// temp directory will be used
}else {
// access to temp directory failed, let us try access to user's home directory
userHomeDir = serialComSystemProperty.getUserHome();
if((userHomeDir == null) || (userHomeDir.length() == 0)) {
throw new SerialComException("The user.home java system property is either null or empty !");
baseDir = new File(userHomeDir);
if(!baseDir.exists()) {
throw new SerialComException("User home directory does not exist. Also unable to access tmp/temp directory !");
if(!baseDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new SerialComException("User home directory is not a directory. Also unable to access tmp/temp directory !");
if(!baseDir.canWrite()) {
throw new SerialComException("User home directory is not writeable (permissions ??). Also unable to access tmp/temp directory !");
isUserHomeDir = true;
// for tmp or user home create unique directory inside them for our use only
workingDir = new File(baseDir.toString() + fileSeparator + "sp_tuartx1");
if(!workingDir.exists()) {
if(!workingDir.mkdir()) {
if(isTmpDir == true) {
throw new SerialComException("Can not create sp_tuartx1 unique directory in tmp/temp directory !");
}else if(isUserHomeDir == true) {
throw new SerialComException("Can not create sp_tuartx1 unique directory in user's home directory !");
}else {
}else {
// user specified directory, so try it
baseDir = new File(directoryPath);
if(!baseDir.exists()) {
throw new SerialComException("Given " + directoryPath + " directory does not exist !");
if(!baseDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new SerialComException("Given " + directoryPath + " is not a directory !");
if(!baseDir.canWrite()) {
throw new SerialComException("Given " + directoryPath + " directory is not writeable !");
// for user specified directory base itself will be working directory
workingDir = baseDir;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw (SerialComException) new SerialComException(e.getMessage()).initCause(e);
/* Find the native library that will be extracted based on arch and os type */
if(cpuArch == SerialComPlatform.ARCH_AMD64) {
switch(osType) {
case SerialComPlatform.OS_WINDOWS:
libToExtractFromJar = "spcomwinx64.dll";
libExtension = ".dll";
case SerialComPlatform.OS_LINUX:
libToExtractFromJar = "";
libExtension = ".so";
case SerialComPlatform.OS_MAC_OS_X:
libToExtractFromJar = "spcommacx64.dylib";
libExtension = ".dylib";
default :
else if(cpuArch == SerialComPlatform.ARCH_X86) {
switch(osType) {
case SerialComPlatform.OS_WINDOWS:
libToExtractFromJar = "spcomwinx86.dll";
libExtension = ".dll";
case SerialComPlatform.OS_LINUX:
libToExtractFromJar = "";
libExtension = ".so";
case SerialComPlatform.OS_MAC_OS_X:
libToExtractFromJar = "spcommacx86.dylib";
libExtension = ".dylib";
default :
else if(cpuArch == SerialComPlatform.ARCH_ARMV8) {
if(osType == SerialComPlatform.OS_LINUX) {
libExtension = ".so";
if(abiType == SerialComPlatform.ABI_ARMHF) {
libToExtractFromJar = "";
}else if(abiType == SerialComPlatform.ABI_ARMEL) {
libToExtractFromJar = "";
}else {
}else {
throw new SerialComException("Please report us your platform !");
else if(cpuArch == SerialComPlatform.ARCH_ARMV7) {
if(osType == SerialComPlatform.OS_LINUX) {
libExtension = ".so";
if(abiType == SerialComPlatform.ABI_ARMHF) {
libToExtractFromJar = "";
}else if(abiType == SerialComPlatform.ABI_ARMEL) {
libToExtractFromJar = "";
}else {
}else {
throw new SerialComException("Please report us your platform !");
else if(cpuArch == SerialComPlatform.ARCH_ARMV6) {
if(osType == SerialComPlatform.OS_LINUX) {
libExtension = ".so";
if(abiType == SerialComPlatform.ABI_ARMHF) {
libToExtractFromJar = "";
}else if(abiType == SerialComPlatform.ABI_ARMEL) {
libToExtractFromJar = "";
}else {
}else {
throw new SerialComException("Please report us your platform !");
else if(cpuArch == SerialComPlatform.ARCH_ARMV5) {
if(osType == SerialComPlatform.OS_LINUX) {
libExtension = ".so";
libToExtractFromJar = "";
else {
throw new SerialComException("This architecture is unknown to serialpundit. Please contact us !");
try {
// For hot deployment if the library is already extracted, loaded/linked return without going further.
// For desktop applications, the static variable 'nativeLibLoadAndInitAlready' would prevent extraction
// and loading if it has been already done previously.
if(hotDeploy == true) {
try {
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Extraction required, extract native shared library from jar into working directory
try {
if(loadedLibName == null) {
libFile = new File(workingDir.getAbsolutePath() + fileSeparator + libToExtractFromJar);
}else {
libFile = new File(workingDir.getAbsolutePath() + fileSeparator + loadedLibName.trim() + libExtension);
input = SerialComPortJNIBridge.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + libToExtractFromJar);
output = new FileOutputStream(libFile);
if(input != null) {
int read;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while((read = != -1){
output.write(buffer, 0, read);
output = null;
if((libFile != null) && libFile.exists() && libFile.isFile()) {
// congratulations successfully extracted native shared library
}else {
throw new SerialComException("Can not extract native shared library " + libToExtractFromJar + " from sp-tty.jar file !");
}else {
throw new SerialComException("Can not get shared library " + libToExtractFromJar + " resource as stream from sp-tty.jar file !");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw (SerialComException) new SerialComException(libFile.toString()).initCause(e);
} finally {
try {
if(output != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
try {
if(input != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
if(hotDeploy != true) {
// Try loading the dynamic shared library from the local file system finally as privileged action
final File libFileFinal = libFile;
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public Boolean run() {
return true;
else {
InputStream cin = SerialComPortJNIBridge.class.getResourceAsStream("NativeLoaderUART.class");
if(cin == null) {
throw new SerialComException("NativeLoaderUART.class not found in jar file !");
NativeLibLoader nll = new NativeLibLoader("com.serialpundit.serial.internal.NativeLoaderUART", cin);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw (SerialComException) new SerialComException(e.getMessage()).initCause(e);
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
throw (SerialComException) new SerialComException(e.getMessage()).initCause(e);
return true;
/* Native library calls */
public native int initNativeLib();
public native String getNativeLibraryVersion();
public native String[] listAvailableComPorts();
public native int setUpDataLooperThread(long handle, SerialComLooper looper);
public native int setUpEventLooperThread(long handle, SerialComLooper looper);
public native int destroyDataLooperThread(long handle);
public native int destroyEventLooperThread(long handle);
public native int pauseListeningEvents(long handle);
public native int resumeListeningEvents(long handle);
// Open-close
public native long openComPort(String portName, boolean enableRead, boolean enableWrite, boolean exclusiveOwner);
public native int closeComPort(long handle);
// read
public native byte[] readBytes(long handle, int byteCount);
public native int readBytesP(long handle, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, long context, SerialComLineErrors lineErr);
public native byte[] readBytesBlocking(long handle, int byteCount, long context);
public native int readBytesDirect(long handle, ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, int length);
// write
public native int writeBytes(long handle, byte[] buffer, int delay);
public native int writeBytesDirect(long handle, ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, int length);
public native int writeSingleByte(long handle, byte dataByte);
public native int writeBytesBlocking(long handle, byte[] buffer, long context);
public native long createBlockingIOContext();
public native int unblockBlockingIOOperation(long context);
public native int destroyBlockingIOContext(long context);
// Modem control, buffer
public native int setRTS(long handle, boolean enabled);
public native int setDTR(long handle, boolean enabled);
public native int[] getLinesStatus(long handle);
public native int[] getInterruptCount(long handle);
public native String findDriverServingComPort(String comPortName);
public native String findIRQnumberForComPort(long handle);
public native int sendBreak(long handle, int duration);
public native int[] getByteCount(long handle);
public native int clearPortIOBuffers(long handle, boolean rxPortbuf, boolean txPortbuf);
// Configuration
public native int configureComPortData(long handle, int dataBits, int stopBits, int parity, int baudRateTranslated, int custBaudTranslated);
public native int configureComPortControl(long handle, int flowctrl, byte xonCh, byte xoffCh, boolean ParFraError, boolean overFlowErr);
public native int[] getCurrentConfigurationU(long handle);
public native String[] getCurrentConfigurationW(long handle);
public native int fineTuneRead(long handle, int vmin, int vtime, int rit, int rttm, int rttc);
// Null modem driver
public native int setuptty2com();
public native int unsetuptty2com();
public native String[] listNextAvailablePorts();
public native String[] listExistingStandardNullModemPorts();
public native String[] listExistingCustomNullModemPorts();
public native String[] listExistingStandardLoopbackPorts();
public native String[] listExistingCustomLoopbackPorts();
public native String[] listAllExistingPorts();
public native String[] listAllExistingPortsWithInfo();
public native String[] createStandardNullModemPair(int deviceIndex1, int deviceIndex2);
public native String[] createCustomNullModemPair(int idx1, int rtsMap1, int dtrMap1, boolean setDTRatOpen1, int idx2, int rtsMap2, int dtrMap2, boolean setDTRatOpen2);
public native String[] createStandardLoopBackDevice(int deviceIndex);
public native String[] createCustomLoopBackDevice(int deviceIndex, int rtsMap, int dtrMap, boolean setDTRatOpen);
public native int destroyAllCreatedVirtualDevices();
public native int destroyAllCreatedNullModemPairs();
public native int destroyAllCreatedLoopbackDevices();
public native int destroyGivenVirtualDevice(String device);
public native String[] getLastLoopBackDeviceNode();
public native String[] getLastNullModemPairNodes();
public native int emulateSerialEvent(String devNode, int error);
public native int emulateLineRingingEvent(String devNode, boolean state);
public native int registerTTY2COMHotPlugEventListener(Itty2comHotPlugListener hotPlugListener, String deviceNode);
public native int unregisterTTY2COMHotPlugEventListener(int opaqueHandle);
public native String[] getStatsForGivenDevice(String deviceNode);
public native Object emulateFaultyCable(String deviceNode, boolean state);