org.cdecode.firebase.api.database.DataSnapshot Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.cdecode.firebase.api.database;
* A DataSnapshot instance contains data from a Firebase Database location. Any time you read Database data, you receive the data as a DataSnapshot.
* DataSnapshots are passed to the methods in listeners that you attach with {@link DatabaseReference#addValueEventListener(ValueEventListener)},
* {@link DatabaseReference#addChildEventListener(ChildEventListener)}, or {@link DatabaseReference#addListenerForSingleValueEvent(ValueEventListener)}.
* They are efficiently-generated immutable copies of the data at a Firebase Database location. They can't be modified and will never change. To modify data at
* a location, use a {@link DatabaseReference DatabaseReference} reference (e.g. with {@link DatabaseReference#setValue(Object)}).
public interface DataSnapshot {
* Get a DataSnapshot for the location at the specified relative path. The relative path can either be a simple child key (e.g. 'fred') or a deeper
* slash-separated path (e.g. 'fred/name/first'). If the child location has no data, an empty DataSnapshot is returned.
* @param path A relative path to the location of child data
* @return The DataSnapshot for the child location
public DataSnapshot child(String path);
* Can be used to determine if this DataSnapshot has data at a particular location
* @param path A relative path to the location of child data
* @return Whether or not the specified child location has data
public boolean hasChild(String path);
* Indicates whether this snapshot has any children
* @return True if the snapshot has any children, otherwise false
public boolean hasChildren();
* Returns true if the snapshot contains a non-null value.
* @return True if the snapshot contains a non-null value, otherwise false
public boolean exists();
* getValue() returns the data contained in this snapshot as native types. The possible types returned are:
* - Boolean
- String
- Long
- Double
- Map<String, Object>
- List<Object>
* This list is recursive; the possible types for {@link java.lang.Object} in the above list is given by the same list. These types correspond to the types
* available in JSON.
* @return The data contained in this snapshot as native types
public Object getValue();
* getValue() returns the data contained in this snapshot as native types. The possible types returned are:
* - Boolean
- String
- Long
- Double
- Map<String, Object>
- List<Object>
* This list is recursive; the possible types for {@link java.lang.Object} in the above list is given by the same list. These types correspond to the types
* available in JSON.
* If useExportFormat is set to true, priority information will be included in the output. Priority information shows up as a .priority key in a map. For
* data that would not otherwise be a map, the map will also include a .value key with the data.
* @param useExportFormat Whether or not to include priority information
* @return The data, along with its priority, in native types
public Object getValue(boolean useExportFormat);
* This method is used to marshall the data contained in this snapshot into a class of your choosing. The class must fit 2 simple constraints:
* - The class must have a default constructor that takes no arguments
- The class must define public getters for the properties to be assigned. Properties without a public getter will be set to their default value when an
* instance is deserialized
* An example class might look like:
* class Message {
* private String author;
* private String text;
* private Message() {}
* public Message(String author, String text) {
* = author;
* this.text = text;
* }
* public String getAuthor() {
* return author;
* }
* public String getText() {
* return text;
* }
* }
* // Later
* Message m = snapshot.getValue(Message.class);
* @param valueType The class into which this snapshot should be marshalled
* @param The type to return. Implicitly defined from the class passed in
* @return An instance of the class passed in, populated with the data from this snapshot
public T getValue(Class valueType);
* Due to the way that Java implements generics, it takes an extra step to get back a properly-typed Collection. So, in the case where you want a
* {@link java.util.List} of Message instances, you will need to do something like the following:
* GenericTypeIndicator<List<Message>> t = new GenericTypeIndicator<List<
* Message>>()
* {};
* List<Message> messages = snapshot.getValue(t);
* It is important to use a subclass of {@link GenericTypeIndicator}. See {@link GenericTypeIndicator} for more details
* @param t A subclass of {@link GenericTypeIndicator} indicating the type of generic collection to be returned.
* @param The type to return. Implicitly defined from the {@link GenericTypeIndicator} passed in
* @return A properly typed collection, populated with the data from this snapshot
public T getValue(GenericTypeIndicator t);
* @return The number of immediate children in the this snapshot
public long getChildrenCount();
* Used to obtain a reference to the source location for this snapshot.
* @return A DatabaseReference corresponding to the location that this snapshot came from
public DatabaseReference getRef();
* @return the key name for the source location of this snapshot
public String getKey();
* Gives access to all of the immediate children of this snapshot. Can be used in native for loops:
for (DataSnapshot child : parent.getChildren()) {
* @return The immediate children of this snapshot
public Iterable getChildren();
* Returns the priority of the data contained in this snapshot as a native type. Possible return types:
* - Double
- String
* Note that null is also allowed.
* @return the priority of the data contained in this snapshot as a native type
public Object getPriority();
public String toString();