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package com.izforge.izpack.panels.process;
import com.izforge.izpack.api.adaptator.IXMLElement;
import com.izforge.izpack.api.adaptator.IXMLParser;
import com.izforge.izpack.api.adaptator.impl.XMLParser;
import com.izforge.izpack.api.handler.AbstractUIHandler;
import com.izforge.izpack.api.resource.Resources;
import com.izforge.izpack.api.rules.Condition;
import com.izforge.izpack.api.rules.RulesEngine;
import com.izforge.izpack.util.Debug;
import com.izforge.izpack.util.IoHelper;
import com.izforge.izpack.util.OsConstraintHelper;
import com.izforge.izpack.util.PlatformModelMatcher;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* This class does alle the work for the process panel.
* It responsible for
parsing the process spec XML file
performing the actions described therein
* @author Tino Schwarze
public class ProcessPanelWorker implements Runnable
* Name of resource for specifying processing parameters.
public static final String SPEC_RESOURCE_NAME = "ProcessPanel.Spec.xml";
private AbstractUIProcessHandler handler;
* List of jobs to run in the process panel (try).
private ArrayList jobs = new ArrayList();
* List of process panel jobs that run only in the event of a process panel failure (catch).
private ArrayList catchJobs = new ArrayList();
* List of process panel jobs that run regardless of previous job failing (finally).
private ArrayList finalJobs = new ArrayList();
private boolean result = true;
private PrintWriter logfile = null;
private String logfiledir = null;
private final InstallData idata;
private final Map> buttonConfigs = new HashMap>();
private final RulesEngine rules;
* The resources.
private final Resources resources;
* The platform-model matcher.
private final PlatformModelMatcher matcher;
* The logger.
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProcessPanelWorker.class.getName());
* Constructs a ProcessPanelWorker.
* @param installData the installation data
* @param rules the rules engine
* @param resources the resources
* @param matcher the platform-model matcher
public ProcessPanelWorker(InstallData installData, RulesEngine rules, Resources resources,
PlatformModelMatcher matcher)
this.idata = installData;
this.rules = rules;
this.resources = resources;
this.matcher = matcher;
public void setHandler(AbstractUIProcessHandler handler)
this.handler = handler;
private boolean readSpec() throws IOException
InputStream input;
input = resources.getInputStream(SPEC_RESOURCE_NAME);
catch (Exception e)
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to read " + SPEC_RESOURCE_NAME, e);
return false;
IXMLParser parser = new XMLParser();
IXMLElement spec;
spec = parser.parse(input);
catch (Exception e)
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to parse " + SPEC_RESOURCE_NAME, e);
return false;
if (!spec.hasChildren())
return false;
// Handle logfile
IXMLElement logFileDirElement = spec.getFirstChildNamed("logfiledir");
if (logFileDirElement != null)
logfiledir = logFileDirElement.getContent();
for (IXMLElement job_el : spec.getChildrenNamed("job"))
// normally use condition attribute, but also read conditionid to not break older versions.
String conditionid = job_el.hasAttribute("condition") ? job_el.getAttribute(
"condition") : job_el.hasAttribute("conditionid") ? job_el.getAttribute("conditionid") : null;
if ((conditionid != null) && (conditionid.length() > 0))
logger.fine("Checking condition for job: " + conditionid);
Condition cond = rules.getCondition(conditionid);
if ((cond != null) && !cond.isTrue())
logger.fine("condition " + conditionid + " is not fulfilled.");
// skip, if there is a condition and this condition isn't true
logger.fine("Condition " + conditionid + " is fulfilled or does not exist");
// ExecuteForPack Patch
// Check if processing required for pack
List forPacks = job_el.getChildrenNamed("executeForPack");
if (!jobRequiredFor(forPacks))
// first check OS constraints - skip jobs not suited for this OS
List constraints = OsConstraintHelper.getOsList(job_el);
if (matcher.matchesCurrentPlatform(constraints))
List ef_list = new ArrayList();
String job_name = job_el.getAttribute("name", "");
for (IXMLElement executeFileElement : job_el.getChildrenNamed("executefile"))
String ef_name = executeFileElement.getAttribute("name");
if ((ef_name == null) || (ef_name.length() == 0))
System.err.println("missing \"name\" attribute for ");
return false;
String ef_working_dir = executeFileElement.getAttribute("workingDir");
ErrorHandlingStrategy errorHandlingStrategy = ErrorHandlingStrategy.valueOf(
executeFileElement.getAttribute("onError", "ask").toUpperCase());
List args = new ArrayList();
for (IXMLElement arg_el : executeFileElement.getChildrenNamed("arg"))
String arg_val = arg_el.getContent();
List envvars = new ArrayList();
for (IXMLElement env_el : executeFileElement.getChildrenNamed("env"))
String env_val = env_el.getContent();
ef_list.add(new ProcessPanelWorker.ExecutableFile(ef_name, args, envvars, ef_working_dir, errorHandlingStrategy));
for (IXMLElement executeClassElement : job_el.getChildrenNamed("executeclass"))
String ef_name = executeClassElement.getAttribute("name");
if ((ef_name == null) || (ef_name.length() == 0))
System.err.println("missing \"name\" attribute for ");
return false;
List args = new ArrayList();
for (IXMLElement arg_el : executeClassElement.getChildrenNamed("arg"))
String arg_val = arg_el.getContent();
ef_list.add(new ProcessPanelWorker.ExecutableClass(ef_name, args));
Boolean isCatch = job_el.hasAttribute("catch") && Boolean.parseBoolean(job_el.getAttribute("catch"));
Boolean isFinal = job_el.hasAttribute("final") && Boolean.parseBoolean(job_el.getAttribute("final"));
if (ef_list.isEmpty())
logger.fine("Nothing to do for job '" + job_name + "'");
if (isCatch) {
this.catchJobs.add(new ProcessingJob(job_name, ef_list));
} else if (isFinal) {
this.finalJobs.add(new ProcessingJob(job_name, ef_list));
} else { ProcessingJob(job_name, ef_list));
buttonConfigs.put(Boolean.FALSE, new ArrayList());
buttonConfigs.put(Boolean.TRUE, new ArrayList());
for (IXMLElement onFailElement : spec.getChildrenNamed("onFail"))
String conditionid = onFailElement.hasAttribute("condition") ? onFailElement.getAttribute(
"condition") : onFailElement.hasAttribute("conditionid") ? onFailElement.getAttribute(
"conditionid") : null;
boolean unlockPrev = onFailElement.hasAttribute("previous") ? Boolean.parseBoolean(
onFailElement.getAttribute("previous")) : false;
boolean unlockNext = onFailElement.hasAttribute("next") ? Boolean.parseBoolean(
onFailElement.getAttribute("next")) : false;
buttonConfigs.get(Boolean.FALSE).add(new ButtonConfig(conditionid, unlockPrev, unlockNext));
for (IXMLElement onSuccessElement : spec.getChildrenNamed("onSuccess"))
String conditionid = onSuccessElement.hasAttribute("condition") ? onSuccessElement.getAttribute(
"condition") : onSuccessElement.hasAttribute("conditionid") ? onSuccessElement.getAttribute(
"conditionid") : null;
boolean unlockPrev = onSuccessElement.hasAttribute("previous") ? Boolean.parseBoolean(
onSuccessElement.getAttribute("previous")) : false;
buttonConfigs.get(Boolean.TRUE).add(new ButtonConfig(conditionid, unlockPrev, true));
return true;
* This is called when the processing thread is activated.
* Can also be called directly if asynchronous processing is not desired.
public void run()
// ExecuteForPack patch
// Read spec only here... not before, cause packs are otherwise
// all selected or de-selected
if (!readSpec())
System.err.println("Error parsing XML specification for processing.");
catch (IOException ioe)
// Create logfile if needed. Do it at this point because
// variable substitution needs selected install path.
if (logfiledir != null)
logfiledir = IoHelper.translatePath(logfiledir, idata.getVariables());
String appVersion = idata.getVariable("APP_VER");
if (appVersion != null)
appVersion = "V" + appVersion;
appVersion = "undef";
String identifier = (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss")).format(new Date());
identifier = appVersion.replace(' ', '_') + "_" + identifier;
File tempLogFile = File.createTempFile("Install_" + identifier + "_", ".log",
new File(logfiledir));
logfile = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(tempLogFile), true);
catch (IOException e)
logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
// TODO throw or throw not, that's the question...
* Process panel jobs.
for (ProcessPanelWorker.ProcessingJob processingJob :
this.result = runJob(processingJob);
if (!this.result)
* Jobs run in event of failure.
for (ProcessPanelWorker.ProcessingJob catchJob : this.catchJobs)
* Jobs run every time despite of failure or success.
for (ProcessPanelWorker.ProcessingJob finalJob : this.finalJobs)
boolean unlockNext = true;
boolean unlockPrev = false;
// get the ButtonConfigs matching the this.result
for (ButtonConfig buttonConfig : buttonConfigs.get(this.result))
String conditionid = buttonConfig.getConditionid();
if ((conditionid != null) && (conditionid.length() > 0))
logger.fine("Condition for job: " + conditionid);
Condition cond = rules.getCondition(conditionid);
if ((cond != null) && !cond.isTrue())
logger.fine("Condition " + conditionid + " is not fulfilled");
// skip, if there is a condition and this condition isn't true
unlockNext = buttonConfig.isUnlockNext();
unlockPrev = buttonConfig.isUnlockPrev();
this.handler.finishProcessing(unlockPrev, unlockNext);
if (logfile != null)
* Runs the specified process panel job.
* @param job a ProcessPanelWorker job.
* @return the job's return value.
private boolean runJob(ProcessPanelWorker.ProcessingJob job)
Boolean val;
val =, idata.getVariables());
return val;
* Start the compilation in a separate thread.
public void startThread()
Thread processingThread = new Thread(this, "processing thread");
// will call
* Return the result of the process execution.
* @return true if all processes succeeded, false otherwise.
public boolean getResult()
return this.result;
interface Processable
* @param handler The UI handler for user interaction and to send output to.
* @param variables the variables
* @return true on success, false if processing should stop
public boolean run(AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, Variables variables);
private static class ProcessingJob implements ProcessPanelWorker.Processable
public String name;
private List processables;
public ProcessingJob(String name, List processables)
{ = name;
this.processables = processables;
public boolean run(AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, Variables variables)
for (ProcessPanelWorker.Processable processable : this.processables)
if (!, variables))
return false;
return true;
private class ExecutableFile implements ProcessPanelWorker.Processable
private String filename;
private String workingDir;
private final ErrorHandlingStrategy errorHandlingStrategy;
private List arguments;
private List envvariables;
protected AbstractUIProcessHandler handler;
public ExecutableFile(String fn, List args, List envvars, String workingDir, ErrorHandlingStrategy errorHandlingStrategy)
this.filename = fn;
this.arguments = args;
this.envvariables = envvars;
this.workingDir = workingDir;
this.errorHandlingStrategy = errorHandlingStrategy;
public boolean run(AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, Variables variables)
this.handler = handler;
List params = new ArrayList(this.arguments.size() + 1);
// keep the file name in quotes as per
String filename = variables.replace(this.filename);
if (System.getProperty("").contains("Windows") && !(filename.startsWith("\"") && filename.endsWith("\""))) {
params.add("\"" + filename + "\"");
} else {
catch (Exception e)
for (String argument : this.arguments)
catch (Exception e)
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(params);
if (workingDir != null && !workingDir.equals(""))
workingDir = IoHelper.translatePath(workingDir, variables); File(workingDir));
Map environment = processBuilder.environment();
for (String envvar : envvariables)
String ev = variables.replace(envvar);
int i = ev.indexOf("=");
if (i > 0)
environment.put(ev.substring(0, i), ev.substring(i + 1));
Process process = processBuilder.start();
ProcessPanelWorker.ExecutableFile.OutputMonitor stdoutMon = new ProcessPanelWorker.ExecutableFile.OutputMonitor(
this.handler, process.getInputStream(), false);
ProcessPanelWorker.ExecutableFile.OutputMonitor stderrMon = new ProcessPanelWorker.ExecutableFile.OutputMonitor(
this.handler, process.getErrorStream(), true);
Thread stdoutThread = new Thread(stdoutMon);
Thread stderrThread = new Thread(stderrMon);
int exitStatus = process.waitFor();
stopMonitor(stdoutMon, stdoutThread);
stopMonitor(stderrMon, stderrThread);
if (exitStatus != 0)
if (this.errorHandlingStrategy == ErrorHandlingStrategy.ASK) {
QuestionErrorDisplayer myErrorAlter = new QuestionErrorDisplayer(handler);
return myErrorAlter.shouldContinue();
} else if (this.errorHandlingStrategy == ErrorHandlingStrategy.IGNORE) {
return true;
} else {
this.handler.emitError("Process failed", "An error occurred while executing " + this.filename);
return false;
catch (InvocationTargetException ex)
this.handler.emitError("process interrupted", ex.toString());
return false;
catch (InterruptedException ie)
this.handler.emitError("process interrupted", ie.toString());
return false;
catch (IOException ioe)
this.handler.emitError("I/O error", ioe.toString());
return false;
return true;
private void stopMonitor(ProcessPanelWorker.ExecutableFile.OutputMonitor monitor, Thread thread)
// taken from com.izforge.izpack.util.FileExecutor
long softTimeout = 500;
catch (InterruptedException e)
if (!thread.isAlive())
long hardTimeout = 500;
catch (InterruptedException e)
public class OutputMonitor implements Runnable
private boolean stderr = false;
private AbstractUIProcessHandler handler;
private BufferedReader reader;
private Boolean stop = false;
public OutputMonitor(AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, InputStream is, boolean stderr)
this.stderr = stderr;
this.reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
this.handler = handler;
public void run()
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
this.handler.logOutput(line, stderr);
// log output also to file given in ProcessPanelSpec
if (logfile != null)
synchronized (this.stop)
if (stop)
catch (IOException ioe)
this.handler.logOutput(ioe.toString(), true);
// log errors also to file given in ProcessPanelSpec
if (logfile != null)
public void doStop()
synchronized (this.stop)
this.stop = true;
* Tries to create a class that has an empty contstructor and a method
* run(AbstractUIProcessHandler, String[]) If found, it calls the method and processes all
* returned exceptions
private static class ExecutableClass implements ProcessPanelWorker.Processable
final private String myClassName;
final private List myArguments;
protected AbstractUIProcessHandler myHandler;
public ExecutableClass(String className, List args)
myClassName = className;
myArguments = args;
public boolean run(AbstractUIProcessHandler aHandler, Variables variables)
boolean result = false;
myHandler = aHandler;
String params[] = new String[myArguments.size()];
int i = 0;
for (String myArgument : myArguments)
params[i] = variables.replace(myArgument);
ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
Class> procClass = loader.loadClass(myClassName);
Object instance = procClass.newInstance();
Method method = procClass.getMethod("run", new Class[]{AbstractUIProcessHandler.class,
if (method.getReturnType().getName().equals("boolean"))
result = (Boolean) method.invoke(instance, new Object[]{myHandler, params});
method.invoke(instance, new Object[]{myHandler, params});
result = true;
catch (SecurityException e)
myHandler.emitError("Post Processing Error",
"Security exception thrown when processing class: " + myClassName);
if (Debug.isSTACKTRACE()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Security exception thrown when processing class: " + myClassName, e);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
myHandler.emitError("Post Processing Error", "Cannot find processing class: "
+ myClassName);
if (Debug.isSTACKTRACE()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot find processing class: " + myClassName, e);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
myHandler.emitError("Post Processing Error",
"Processing class does not have 'run' method: " + myClassName);
if (Debug.isSTACKTRACE()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Processing class does not have 'run' method: " + myClassName, e);
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
myHandler.emitError("Post Processing Error", "Error accessing processing class: "
+ myClassName);
if (Debug.isSTACKTRACE()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error accessing processing class: " + myClassName, e);
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
myHandler.emitError("Post Processing Error", "Invocation Problem calling: "
+ myClassName + ", " + e.getCause().getMessage());
if (Debug.isSTACKTRACE()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Invocation Problem calling: " + myClassName, e);
catch (Exception e)
myHandler.emitError("Post Processing Error",
"Exception when running processing class: " + myClassName + ", "
+ e.getMessage());
if (Debug.isSTACKTRACE()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception when running processing class: " + myClassName, e);
catch (Error e)
myHandler.emitError("Post Processing Error",
"Error when running processing class: " + myClassName + ", "
+ e.getMessage());
if (Debug.isSTACKTRACE()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error when running processing class: " + myClassName, e);
catch (Throwable e)
myHandler.emitError("Post Processing Error",
"Error when running processing class: " + myClassName + ", "
+ e.getMessage());
if (Debug.isSTACKTRACE()) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error when running processing class: " + myClassName, e);
return result;
/*------------------------ ExecuteForPack PATCH -------------------------*/
* Verifies if the job is required for any of the packs listed. The job is required for a pack
* in the list if that pack is actually selected for installation.
* If the list of selected packs is empty then true is always returned. The same
* is true if the packs list is empty.
* @param packs a Vector of Strings. Each of the strings denotes
* a pack for which the schortcut should be created if the pack is actually installed.
* @return true if the shortcut is required for at least on pack in the list,
* otherwise returns false.
* @design
* The information about the installed packs comes from GUIInstallData.selectedPacks. This assumes
* that this panel is presented to the user AFTER the PacksPanel.
* /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
private boolean jobRequiredFor(List packs)
String selected;
String required;
if (packs.size() == 0)
return (true);
// System.out.println ("Number of selected packs is "
// +installData.selectedPacks.size () );
for (int i = 0; i < idata.getSelectedPacks().size(); i++)
selected = idata.getSelectedPacks().get(i).getName();
// System.out.println ("Selected pack is " + selected);
for (IXMLElement pack : packs)
required = pack.getAttribute("name", "");
// System.out.println ("Attribute name is " + required);
if (selected.equals(required))
// System.out.println ("Return true");
return (true);
return (false);
private static class QuestionErrorDisplayer implements Runnable
private AbstractUIProcessHandler uiHandler;
private boolean toBeContinued = true;
QuestionErrorDisplayer(AbstractUIProcessHandler uiHandler)
this.uiHandler = uiHandler;
public void run()
if (uiHandler.askQuestion("Process execution failed",
"Continue anyway?", AbstractUIHandler.CHOICES_YES_NO,
AbstractUIHandler.ANSWER_YES) == AbstractUIHandler.ANSWER_NO)
public synchronized boolean shouldContinue()
return toBeContinued;
public synchronized void mustContinue(boolean toBeContinued)
this.toBeContinued = toBeContinued;