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* Copyright 2011 by The Cogchar Project (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.cogchar.animoid.calc.curvematrix;
import org.cogchar.animoid.calc.curve.ConstAccelCurve;
import org.cogchar.animoid.calc.optimize.ParameterVector;
import org.appdapter.bind.math.jscience.number.NumberFactory;
import org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number;
import org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable;
import org.jscience.mathematics.structure.Field;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class RampingFramedCurveSeq & Field> extends ConstAccelCurveSequence {
private static Logger theLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RampingFramedCurveSeq.class.getName());
public enum Phase {
BRAKE_INIT, // Get our velocity into a normal range of 0 to maxVel in progress direction.
// This may involve either stopping a regressive motion, or slowing a
// progressive motion.
ACCEL_SOFT, // At most 1 frame,
BRAKE_SOFT, // Always exactly 1 frame
public double minWorldPosDeg;
// <= 0, always a position below "default"
public double maxWorldPosDeg;
// >= 0, always a position above "default"
public double maxVelMagDPS;
// >= 0
public double maxAccelMagPerFrame;
// >= 0 DPS-per-frame
public double maxDecelMagPerFrame;
// >= 0 DPS-per-frame
public double initWorldVelDPS;
public double initWorldPosDeg;
// These are both signed
public double postIBWorldVelDPS;
// What's our speed after initial braking phase?
public double goalDirectionSign;
// +1.0 for positive, -1.0 for negative
public double frameLenSec;
public RampingFramedCurveSeq(String name, NumberFactory numberFactory) {
super(name, numberFactory);
private void setupCurves() {
String seqName = getName();
for (Phase p : Phase.values()) {
String nameSuffix =;
String curveSymbolSuffix = seqName + "_" + nameSuffix;
Variable timeOffsetVar = new Variable.Local("_t_" + nameSuffix);
ConstAccelCurve curve = new ConstAccelCurve(curveSymbolSuffix, timeOffsetVar, getNumberFactory());
public double getSignedInitProgressRateDPS() {
// Positive if initWorldVelDPS is in same direction as goal, else neg.
return initWorldVelDPS * goalDirectionSign;
private RN getEndPositionForCurrentParams() {
RN totalDuration = getTotalDuration();
RN endPos = getPosAtTime(totalDuration);
return endPos;
private double getYieldForPosition(double endPosVal) {
double deltaPos = endPosVal - initWorldPosDeg;
double yield = goalDirectionSign * deltaPos;
return yield;
private double getYieldForCurrentParamsIgnoringPosConstraints() {
RN endPos = getEndPositionForCurrentParams();
return getYieldForPosition(endPos.doubleValue());
public RN getYieldForCurrentParamsWithPosConstraints(String dbgHeader, double truncationWarningThresh, double negativeYieldWarningThresh) {
RN endPos = getEndPositionForCurrentParams();
double endPosVal = endPos.doubleValue();
if (endPosVal > maxWorldPosDeg) {
if (endPosVal - maxWorldPosDeg > truncationWarningThresh) {
theLogger.trace(dbgHeader + "[seqName=" + getName() + "] truncating endPosVal from " + endPosVal + " to max=" + maxWorldPosDeg);
endPosVal = maxWorldPosDeg;
if (endPosVal < minWorldPosDeg) {
if (minWorldPosDeg - endPosVal > truncationWarningThresh) {
theLogger.trace(dbgHeader + "[seqName=" + getName() + "] truncating endPosVal from " + endPosVal + " to min=" + minWorldPosDeg);
endPosVal = minWorldPosDeg;
double yield = getYieldForPosition(endPosVal);
if (yield < negativeYieldWarningThresh) {
// This should happen only if initWorldVelDPS is in wrong direction and
// we don't have time to accelerate into positive territory
// (Because of insufficient braking power to use during initialBraking)
theLogger.warn(dbgHeader + "[seqName=" + getName() + "] got negative yield: " + yield + " on curveSeq=" + toString() + ", endPos=" + endPosVal + ", totalDur=" + getTotalDuration() + ", initProgessRateDPS=" + getSignedInitProgressRateDPS() + ", minFramesToStopFromInit=" + minFramesToStopFromInitVel());
return getNumberFactory().makeNumberFromDouble(yield);
public void syncInitialConditions() {
RN initPosRN = getNumberFactory().makeNumberFromDouble(initWorldPosDeg);
RN initVelRN = getNumberFactory().makeNumberFromDouble(initWorldVelDPS);
setInitialConditions(initPosRN, initVelRN);
public double maxInitialBrakingMagPerFrame() {
return Math.max(maxAccelMagPerFrame, maxDecelMagPerFrame);
public int minFramesToStopFromInitVel() {
// Note - initVelMag may be larger than maxVelMagDPS!
// Idea: we should allow using the larger of either accel or deccel when coming
// out of a negative or too-large initial velocity. (Currently we are required
// to use accel, which may not be able to stop as fast as this minFrames value
// indicates).
double initVelMag = Math.abs(initWorldVelDPS);
return RampingFramedCACM.minFramesToChangeSpeed(initVelMag, maxDecelMagPerFrame);
private double initBrakingTargetProgressRate() {
double initProgressRateDPS = getSignedInitProgressRateDPS();
double initialTargetRate = initProgressRateDPS;
if (initProgressRateDPS < 0.0) {
initialTargetRate = 0.0;
} else if (initProgressRateDPS > maxVelMagDPS) {
initialTargetRate = maxVelMagDPS;
return initialTargetRate;
public void establishParamsForMaxYieldIgnoringPosConstraints(int frameCount) {
int brakeFramesBareMin = minFramesToStopFromInitVel();
if (frameCount < brakeFramesBareMin) {
// This shouldn't happen, b/c we already checked before calling this method.
throw new RuntimeException("Can\'t even stop from initVel in allowed frames");
double initProgressRateDPS = getSignedInitProgressRateDPS();
double progRatePostIB = initBrakingTargetProgressRate();
postIBWorldVelDPS = goalDirectionSign * progRatePostIB;
double ibSignedDeltaVel = postIBWorldVelDPS - initWorldVelDPS;
double ibdvMag = Math.abs(ibSignedDeltaVel);
int ibFrameCount = 0;
if (ibdvMag > 0.001) {
ibFrameCount = (int) RampingFramedCACM.minFramesToChangeSpeed(ibdvMag, maxDecelMagPerFrame);
if (ibFrameCount > frameCount) {
throw new RuntimeException("We don\'t even have time for initial braking manuever!");
if (ibFrameCount >= frameCount - 1) {
// Time is so short that we should just use the initial braking manuever as our
// entire motion.
progRatePostIB = 0.0;
postIBWorldVelDPS = 0.0;
ibSignedDeltaVel = -1.0 * initWorldVelDPS;
ibdvMag = Math.abs(ibSignedDeltaVel);
ibFrameCount = frameCount;
double ibAccelDPSPS = (ibFrameCount > 0) ? ibSignedDeltaVel / (ibFrameCount * frameLenSec) : 0.0;
int postIBframeCount = frameCount - ibFrameCount;
int framesHardUp = maxPossibleHardUpFrames(postIBframeCount);
int framesPostHU = postIBframeCount - framesHardUp;
double progRatePostHardUp = progRatePostIB + framesHardUp * maxAccelMagPerFrame;
double absPRPHU = Math.abs(progRatePostHardUp);
int minBrakeFrames = 0;
if (absPRPHU > 0.001) {
minBrakeFrames = RampingFramedCACM.minFramesToChangeSpeed(absPRPHU, maxDecelMagPerFrame);
double peakLegitVelMag = progRatePostHardUp;
// If needed, the softDown phase can be at maxDecel rate.
int framesSoftUp = 0;
int framesCoast = 0;
int framesSoftDn = 1;
int framesHardDn = 0;
framesHardDn = minBrakeFrames - framesSoftDn;
if (minBrakeFrames > framesPostHU) {
throw new RuntimeException("CalcError[" + getName() + "]: Can\'t stop after hardUp phase "
+ ", totalFrameCount=" + frameCount
+ ", progRatePostHU=" + progRatePostHardUp
+ ", minBrakeFrames=" + minBrakeFrames
+ ", framesPostHU=" + framesPostHU
+ ", ibFrameCount=" + ibFrameCount
+ ", framesHardUp=" + framesHardUp);
} else if (minBrakeFrames < framesPostHU) {
// Soft Accel could be anywhere from 0 to maxAccel
framesSoftUp = 1;
framesCoast = framesPostHU - framesSoftUp - framesSoftDn - framesHardDn;
ParameterVector durPV = new ParameterVector(getNumberFactory());
durPV.setValue(Phase.BRAKE_INIT.ordinal(), ibFrameCount * frameLenSec);
durPV.setValue(Phase.ACCEL_HARD.ordinal(), framesHardUp * frameLenSec);
durPV.setValue(Phase.ACCEL_SOFT.ordinal(), framesSoftUp * frameLenSec);
durPV.setValue(Phase.COAST.ordinal(), framesCoast * frameLenSec);
durPV.setValue(Phase.BRAKE_SOFT.ordinal(), framesSoftDn * frameLenSec);
durPV.setValue(Phase.BRAKE_HARD.ordinal(), framesHardDn * frameLenSec);
ParameterVector accPV = new ParameterVector(getNumberFactory());
accPV.setValue(Phase.BRAKE_INIT.ordinal(), ibAccelDPSPS);
accPV.setValue(Phase.ACCEL_HARD.ordinal(), goalDirectionSign * maxAccelMagPerFrame / frameLenSec);
accPV.setValue(Phase.COAST.ordinal(), 0.0);
// But in the weird case where decel is actually to stop our huge negative
// init vel, this sign should be different!
accPV.setValue(Phase.BRAKE_HARD.ordinal(), -1.0 * goalDirectionSign * maxDecelMagPerFrame / frameLenSec);
// The accelSoft value is between 0.0 and the hardAccel value.
// It cannot cause us to exceed maxVel, or to go faster than
// we can stop using BRAKE_HARD + BRAKE_SOFT.
double softAccelFrameMag = 0.0;
if (framesSoftUp == 1) {
double maxTotalDecel = maxDecelMagPerFrame * (framesHardDn + framesSoftDn);
double excessDecel = maxTotalDecel - peakLegitVelMag;
if (excessDecel < 0.0) {
throw new RuntimeException("CalcError[" + getName() + "]: can\'t stop from peakVel even before softAccel added");
double peakVelHeadroom = maxVelMagDPS - peakLegitVelMag;
if (peakVelHeadroom < 0.0) {
peakVelHeadroom = 0.0;
softAccelFrameMag = Math.min(excessDecel, peakVelHeadroom);
double actualPeakVel = peakLegitVelMag + softAccelFrameMag;
double softDecelFrameVal = actualPeakVel - framesHardDn * maxDecelMagPerFrame;
// Matt added the 0.1 tolerance parameter, right?
if (softDecelFrameVal > maxDecelMagPerFrame + 000.1) {
throw new RuntimeException("CalcError[" + getName() + "]: softDecelFrameVal " + softDecelFrameVal + " exceeds max!");
accPV.setValue(Phase.ACCEL_SOFT.ordinal(), goalDirectionSign * softAccelFrameMag / frameLenSec);
accPV.setValue(Phase.BRAKE_SOFT.ordinal(), -1.0 * goalDirectionSign * softDecelFrameVal / frameLenSec);
* Assumptions:
* 1) It's possible to stop from nomSignedInitVel using maxDecel within frameCount.
* 2) The HardUp accel will not cause us to hit a position boundary.
public int maxPossibleHardUpFrames(int frameCount) {
if (frameCount == 0) {
return 0;
double initProgressRateDPS = postIBWorldVelDPS * goalDirectionSign;
// getSignedInitProgressRateDPS();
int validHardUpFrames = 0;
while (true) {
int postHardUpFrames = frameCount - validHardUpFrames;
double validTotalHardAccelMag = validHardUpFrames * maxAccelMagPerFrame;
double validVelMagAfterHA = Math.abs(initProgressRateDPS + validTotalHardAccelMag);
int framesToStopAfterHA = RampingFramedCACM.minFramesToChangeSpeed(validVelMagAfterHA, maxDecelMagPerFrame);
if (framesToStopAfterHA > postHardUpFrames) {
theLogger.error("Troubled seq dump: " + this.toString());
throw new RuntimeException("CalcError[" + getName() + "]- can\'t stop in time: frameCount=" + frameCount
+ ", postHardUpFrames=" + postHardUpFrames + ", framesToStopAfterHA=" + framesToStopAfterHA + ", ");
} else if (framesToStopAfterHA == postHardUpFrames) {
} else {
// We've got a little time-breathing room, but:
// 1) Would another hard-up push us over maxVelMagDPS?
// 2) Is there enough TIME for another hard-up?
int candHardUpFrames = validHardUpFrames + 1;
double candTotalHardAccel = candHardUpFrames * maxAccelMagPerFrame;
double candPeakVelMag = initProgressRateDPS + candTotalHardAccel;
if (candPeakVelMag > maxVelMagDPS) {
// This would cause us to exceed maxVel.
// If nomSignedInitVel is large and negative, the meaning of
// these "braking" calcs gets distored.
int framesToStopAfterCHA = RampingFramedCACM.minFramesToChangeSpeed(Math.abs(candPeakVelMag), maxDecelMagPerFrame);
if (framesToStopAfterCHA > (frameCount - candHardUpFrames)) {
// Not enough room to stop.
validHardUpFrames = candHardUpFrames;
if ((initProgressRateDPS > maxVelMagDPS) && (validHardUpFrames != 0)) {
throw new RuntimeException("initProgressRateDPS=" + initProgressRateDPS + ", maxVelMagDPS=" + maxVelMagDPS + ", validHardUpFrames=" + validHardUpFrames);
return validHardUpFrames;
public void lowerYieldToTargetValueByReducingAccel(double targetYield) {
// Again, the position constraints are not our problem.
// targetYield should not cause us to exceed them!
double currentUnconstrainedYield = getYieldForCurrentParamsIgnoringPosConstraints();
if (targetYield > currentUnconstrainedYield) {
throw new RuntimeException("CalcError[" + getName() + "]: requested targetYield: " + targetYield + " is higher than current unconstrained yield " + currentUnconstrainedYield);
double yieldRatio = targetYield / currentUnconstrainedYield;
public String toString() {
return "CurveSeq[name=" + getName()
+ ", minPos=" + minWorldPosDeg
+ ", maxPos=" + maxWorldPosDeg
+ ", maxVelMag=" + maxVelMagDPS
+ ", maxAccelMagPerFrame=" + maxAccelMagPerFrame
+ ", maxDecelMagPerFrame=" + maxDecelMagPerFrame
+ ", initVel=" + initWorldVelDPS
+ ", initPos=" + initWorldPosDeg
+ ", postIBWorldVelDPS=" + postIBWorldVelDPS
+ ", goalDirectionSign=" + goalDirectionSign
+ ", frameLenSec=" + frameLenSec
+ ", super=" + super.toString() + "]";