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* Copyright 2011 by The Cogchar Project (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.cogchar.animoid.job;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.cogchar.animoid.calc.estimate.PositionEstimator;
import org.cogchar.animoid.calc.estimate.TimeKeeper;
import org.cogchar.api.animoid.config.bonus.AnimoidConfig;
import org.cogchar.api.animoid.protocol.Frame;
import org.cogchar.api.animoid.protocol.JVFrame;
import org.cogchar.api.animoid.protocol.Joint;
import org.cogchar.api.animoid.protocol.JointStateCoordinateType;
import org.cogchar.api.animoid.protocol.JointVelocityAROMPS;
import org.cogchar.zzz.platform.stub.JobSpaceStub;
import org.cogchar.platform.util.TimeUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author Stu B.
public class BlenderJob extends AnimoidJob implements PositionEstimator, TimeKeeper {
private static Logger theLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlenderJob.class.getName());
// We could just keep the frame of velocities from PREVIOUS eval of transformFrame.
// But...this is incompatible with Joystick and other still external (C++) influences.
// Also incompatible with adjustments to the current-pos-snapshot based on
// servo information feedback.
// Also incompatible with truncation of movement due to boundaries.
// So, better to subtract last position snapshot
// from this position snapshot, and use THAT as velocity estimate.
private Frame myPrevInputPosFrame;
private Frame myPrevOutputPosFrame;
private Frame myPrevNominalVel;
// prevTS = approximate time at which prevFrame was sent to servo controllers
private long myPrevTimestampMsec;
// dubious: list of jobs duplicates Thalamus contents.
private List myMotionJobs;
// Doubly dubious! And publicly so!
// public AttentionJob theTestAttentionJob;
public BlinkJob theTestBlinkJob;
public VisemeJob theTestVisemeJob;
private long myFirstTimestampMsec;
private long myLastKeyframeTimestampMsec;
private long myTotalFramesProcessed = 0;
public BlenderJob (AnimoidConfig aconf) {
myMotionJobs = new ArrayList();
public synchronized void registerMotionJob(MotionJob mj) {
public synchronized void unregisterMotionJob(MotionJob mj) {
protected synchronized void dropDeadJobs() {
Iterator mji = myMotionJobs.iterator();
while (mji.hasNext()) {
MotionJob mj =;
if (!mj.mayBeRunnableNowOrLater()) {
// This job is ended or ending. Give it the boot."Dropping motion job: " + mj); // of type " + mj.getTypeString() + " with status " + mjStatus);
protected Collection getMotionJobs() {
return myMotionJobs;
protected Set compileCautionJoints() {
Collection jobs = getMotionJobs();
Set resultSet = new HashSet();
for (MotionJob mj: jobs) {
Collection jobCautionJoints = mj.getCautionJoints();
if (jobCautionJoints != null) {
return resultSet;
@Override public Double getNominalSecPerFrame() {
return getAnimoidConfig().getSecondsPerFrame();
@Override public Double getFrameDurationSmoothingFactor() {
return getAnimoidConfig().getFrameDurationSmoothingFactor();
public synchronized Frame transformFrame(Frame currPosAbsRomFrame) {
// This method implements our java animation system, as a position
// transform from estimated current position to desired next position.
long xformStartStamp = TimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();
double frameDeltaSec = (xformStartStamp - myPrevTimestampMsec) / 1000.0;
theLogger.trace("****************** Starting xform at: " + xformStartStamp +
", which is " + frameDeltaSec + " sec since last frame-xform-start");
if (myPrevOutputPosFrame == null) {
// Initialize state and timing vars on first iteration.
myPrevOutputPosFrame = currPosAbsRomFrame;
myPrevInputPosFrame = currPosAbsRomFrame;
// These timing vars do not need to be absolutely precise.
myPrevTimestampMsec = xformStartStamp - Math.round(getNominalSecPerFrame() * 1000.0);
myFirstTimestampMsec = xformStartStamp;
myLastKeyframeTimestampMsec = xformStartStamp;
// Note that my prev OUT frame is not involved in the velocity calc.
// If all went great on prev frame, then currPosAbsRom will be same as my previous out,
// but there are many reasons it might not be. (Truncation, Joystick, ...)
Frame prevVelFrame = Frame.computeDerivativeFrame(JointStateCoordinateType.FLOAT_VEL_RANGE_OF_MOTION_PER_SEC,
myPrevInputPosFrame, currPosAbsRomFrame, getNominalSecPerFrame());
JVFrame prevJVFrame = JVFrame.makeFrom(prevVelFrame);
JVFrame velSumFrame = new JVFrame();
Map contribCounts = new HashMap();
Set cautionJoints = compileCautionJoints();
Collection jobs = getMotionJobs();
Frame currentPosEstAbsROM = estimatePositionNow(true);
for (MotionJob mj: jobs) {
JVFrame jobVelFrame = mj.contributeVelFrame(currentPosEstAbsROM, prevJVFrame, cautionJoints);
if (jobVelFrame != null) {
velSumFrame = JVFrame.sumJVFrames(velSumFrame, jobVelFrame);
// This contribution counting is unnecessary at the moment,
// since the averaging multiplier below is disabled.
// updateContribCounts(contribCounts, jobVelFrame);
// We want strict summation rather than averaging, because
// 1) We only care about the interaction of gaze + scripted anim
// 2) We have an assumption that scripted anims which affect gaze
// are gaze-direction-neutral (eyes compensate for head, etc).
// scaleSummedVelocitiesIntoAverages(velSumFrame, contribCounts);
Frame averageV = velSumFrame; // nextVelFrame;
// Integrate (i.e. multiply) the velocity vector for the frame length to
// produce a delta-position vector.
Frame deltaP = averageV.integrate(getNominalSecPerFrame());
Frame nextP = currPosAbsRomFrame.copy();
// Note that this truncation does not cause the nominalVel to be corrected.
// So now we correct it!
Frame betterVelEstimate = Frame.computeDerivativeFrame(
JointStateCoordinateType.FLOAT_VEL_RANGE_OF_MOTION_PER_SEC, currPosAbsRomFrame,
nextP, getNominalSecPerFrame());
myPrevInputPosFrame = currPosAbsRomFrame;
myPrevOutputPosFrame = nextP;
// Save our estimate of output velocity for use on next frame's computation.
myPrevNominalVel = betterVelEstimate;
long xformEndStamp = TimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();
double elapsedSinceLastXformEnd = (xformEndStamp - myPrevTimestampMsec) / 1000.0;
myPrevTimestampMsec = xformEndStamp;
// We are done with real work. Now update diagnostic counters and timers.
if ((myTotalFramesProcessed % 100) == 0) {
long totalMsec = xformEndStamp - myFirstTimestampMsec;
long avgFramePeriod = totalMsec / myTotalFramesProcessed;
long lastIntervalMsec = xformEndStamp - myLastKeyframeTimestampMsec;
long recentAvgFramePeriod = lastIntervalMsec / 100;"After " + myTotalFramesProcessed + " frames, average motion frame msec=" + avgFramePeriod + ", last 100 frames averaged " + recentAvgFramePeriod);
myLastKeyframeTimestampMsec = xformEndStamp;
double xformElapsedSec = (xformEndStamp - xformStartStamp) / 1000.0;
//"BlenderJob output: " + nextP);
theLogger.trace("*************************** Finished transform at: " + xformEndStamp
+ ", xformElapsedSec=" + xformElapsedSec
+ ", time since last frameStamp=" + elapsedSinceLastXformEnd);
return nextP;
public void setupTestMotionJobs( AnimoidConfig aconf, JobSpaceStub jobSpace) { // SightModel sm,
//theTestAttentionJob = new AttentionJob(this, sm, aconf, jobSpace);
// jobSpace.postManualJob(theTestAttentionJob);
theTestBlinkJob = new BlinkJob(aconf);
theTestVisemeJob = new VisemeJob(aconf, getNominalSecPerFrame());
// AttentionJob is not a motion job. It is a manager of motion jobs.
// Currently we are avoiding the obvious potential delegation pattern.
// registerMotionJob(theTestAttentionJob);
* @param tstampMsec - which is either "fresh" or "old".
* Fresh means >= the start time of our last output frame calculation in the
* transformFrame method. Since both methods are synchronized, there is
* a possibility that this method is blocked during that method's exec,
* allowing this tstampMsec to become "old".
* @return Frame containing enhanced estimated positions at moment, if it
* is "fresh", otherwise the last output position (for "old" timestamps).
public synchronized Frame estimatePositionAtMoment(long tstampMsec) {
if (myPrevNominalVel == null) {
return myPrevOutputPosFrame;
double deltaTsec = (tstampMsec - myPrevTimestampMsec) / 1000.0;
if (deltaTsec >= 0.0) {
double servoFrameSmoothing = getFrameDurationSmoothingFactor();
double servoFrameSpaceTsec = getNominalSecPerFrame() * servoFrameSmoothing;
double motionFractionComplete = deltaTsec / servoFrameSpaceTsec;
if (motionFractionComplete > 1.0) {
theLogger.trace ("Cannot estimate position after motion complete, momentTS=" + tstampMsec + ", prevFrameTS=" + myPrevTimestampMsec);
return myPrevOutputPosFrame;
// We need to subtract the amount of motion not yet completed from the previous
// goal frame. (We shouldn't start from the frame previous to that, because it
// is less accurate w.r.t the action of any C++ blend rules).
double reverseMotionFraction = 1.0 - motionFractionComplete;
// Limitation: If non-java blend rules (e.g. Joystick) are in play, then this
// estimate (and other estimates) are hosed.
Frame deltaP = myPrevNominalVel.integrate(-1.0 * reverseMotionFraction * getNominalSecPerFrame());
Frame posEst = myPrevOutputPosFrame.copy();
//"BlenderJob returning posEstimate: " + posEst);
return posEst;
} else {
theLogger.trace ("Cannot estimate position before motion started, momentTS=" + tstampMsec + ", prevFrameTS=" + myPrevTimestampMsec);
return myPrevOutputPosFrame;
public synchronized Frame estimateVelocityAtMoment(long tstampMsec) {
return myPrevNominalVel;
public Frame estimatePositionRoughly() {
return myPrevOutputPosFrame;
public String getContentSummaryString() {
return "Later";
public String getTypeString() {
return "BlenderJob";
public Frame estimatePositionNow(boolean enhancedAccuracy) {
Frame jointPosSnap = null;
if (enhancedAccuracy) {
long nowMsec = TimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();
jointPosSnap = estimatePositionAtMoment(nowMsec);
} else {
jointPosSnap = estimatePositionRoughly();
return jointPosSnap;