Download pepperModules-PAULAModules JAR file with all dependencies
pepperModules-PAULAModules from group org.corpus-tools (version 1.2.3)
With PAULAModules, we provide a PepperModules which imports data coming from PAULA (see: into a Salt model and to export data coming from a Salt model to PAULA format.
Artifact pepperModules-PAULAModules
Group org.corpus-tools
Version 1.2.3
Last update 02. September 2016
Tags: export model with provide into data peppermodules format paula_intro from sfb632 imports paula which http potsdam coming html paulamodules salt
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.corpus-tools
Version 1.2.3
Last update 02. September 2016
Tags: export model with provide into data peppermodules format paula_intro from sfb632 imports paula which http potsdam coming html paulamodules salt
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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