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* Braille Utils (C) 2010-2011 Daisy Consortium
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.daisy.dotify.cli;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import javax.print.PrintService;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.embosser.Device;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.embosser.Embosser;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.embosser.EmbosserFeatures;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.embosser.EmbosserProperties.PrintMode;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.embosser.EmbosserWriter;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.embosser.PrintPage;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.factory.FactoryProperties;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.factory.FactoryPropertiesComparator;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.Length;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.PageFormat;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.Paper;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.PaperCatalog;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.PaperFilter;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.RollPaperFormat;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.SheetPaperFormat.Orientation;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.paper.TractorPaperFormat;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.table.Table;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.table.TableCatalog;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.api.validator.ValidatorFactory;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.pef.FileDevice;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.pef.PEFConverterFacade;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.pef.PEFHandler;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.pef.PrinterDevice;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.pef.Range;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.pef.UnsupportedWidthException;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.Argument;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.CommandDetails;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.CommandParser;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.CommandParserResult;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.ExitCode;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.OptionalArgument;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.SwitchArgument;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.SwitchMap;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Provides a UI for embossing a PEF-file.
* Not for public use. This class is a package class. Use DotifyCLI
* @author Joel Håkansson
class EmbossPEF implements CommandDetails {
* Prefix used for required arguments in the arguments map
public static final String ARG_PREFIX = "required-";
public static final String DEVICE_NAME = "device name";
public static final String EMBOSSER_TYPE = "embosser type";
public static final String TABLE_TYPE = "table type";
public static final String PAPER_SIZE = "paper size";
public static final String CUT_LENGTH = "cut length";
public static final String ORIENTATION = "orientation";
public static final String PRINT_MODE = "print mode";
public static final String KEY_RANGE = "range";
public static final String KEY_COPIES = "copies";
public static final String KEY_DIR = "dir";
private final List reqArgs;
private final List optionalArgs;
private final SwitchMap switches;
private final CommandParser parser;
private String deviceName;
private Embosser type;
private Table table;
private Paper paper;
private PageFormat pageFormat;
public EmbossPEF() {
reqArgs = new ArrayList();
/*ArrayList options = new ArrayList();
options.add(new Definition("[path to file]", "Path to PEF-file"));
options.add(new Definition("-clear", "to clear settings"));
options.add(new Definition("-setup", "to change setup"));*/
reqArgs.add(new Argument("path_to_file", "Path to PEF-file"));
optionalArgs = new ArrayList();
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument(KEY_RANGE, "Emboss a range of pages", "1-"));
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument(KEY_COPIES, "Set copies", "1"));
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument(KEY_DIR, "Send the embosser data to a folder instead of the specified device.", ""));
this.switches = new SwitchMap.Builder()
.addSwitch(new SwitchArgument("clear", "settings", "clear", "To clear settings"))
.addSwitch(new SwitchArgument("setup", "settings", "setup", "To change setup"))
this.parser = CommandParser.create(this);
protected void readSetup(boolean verify) {
// Check setup
InputHelper input = new InputHelper();
ArrayList str = new ArrayList<>();
for (PrintService ps : PrinterDevice.getDevices()) {
deviceName =, str.toArray(new String[0]), "device", verify);
System.out.println("Using device: " + deviceName);
EmbosserCatalog ec = EmbosserCatalog.newInstance();
ArrayList sorted = new ArrayList(ec.list());
Collections.sort(sorted, new FactoryPropertiesComparator());
String embosserType =, sorted, "embosser", verify);
type = ec.get(embosserType);
System.out.println("Embosser: " + type.getDisplayName());
if (getEmbosser().supportsPrintMode(EmbosserProperties.PrintMode.REGULAR) && getEmbosser().supportsPrintMode(EmbosserProperties.PrintMode.MAGAZINE)) {
String printMode =, new String[]{
"print mode", verify);
System.out.println("Print mode: " + printMode);
TableCatalog tablef = TableCatalog.newInstance();
Collection supportedTables = tablef.list(type.getTableFilter());
if (supportedTables.size()>1) {
String tableType =, new ArrayList(supportedTables), "table", verify);
table = tablef.get(tableType);
System.out.println("Table: " + table.getDisplayName());
} else {
table = null;
boolean ok = false;
do {
PaperCatalog pc = PaperCatalog.newInstance();
sorted = new ArrayList(pc.list(new EmbosserPaperFilter(type)));
Collections.sort(sorted, new FactoryPropertiesComparator());
String paperSize =, sorted, "paper", verify);
paper = pc.get(paperSize);
switch (paper.getType()) {
case ROLL:
try {
double d = input.getDouble("Cut length (in mm)", CUT_LENGTH, verify);
this.pageFormat = new RollPaperFormat(paper.asRollPaper(), Length.newMillimeterValue(d));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
case SHEET:
try {
boolean b = input.getBoolean("Use default orientation (" +
new PrintPage((new SheetPaperFormat(paper.asSheetPaper(), Orientation.DEFAULT))).getShape().toString().toLowerCase()
+ ")?", ORIENTATION, verify);
this.pageFormat = new SheetPaperFormat(paper.asSheetPaper(), (b?Orientation.DEFAULT:Orientation.REVERSED));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
case TRACTOR: default:
this.pageFormat = new TractorPaperFormat(paper.asTractorPaper());
ok = type.supportsPageFormat(pageFormat);
if (!ok) {
System.out.println("The setting is not supported");
} while (!ok);
System.out.println("Paper: " + paper.getDisplayName() + " (" + pageFormat + ")");
public Table getTable() {
return table;
public String getDeviceName() {
return deviceName;
public PageFormat getPageFormat() {
return pageFormat;
public Embosser getEmbosser() {
return type;
void clearSettings() throws BackingStoreException {
InputHelper h = new InputHelper(getClass());
System.out.println("Settings have been cleared.");
void setup() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws BackingStoreException {
EmbossPEF ui = new EmbossPEF();
if (args.length<1) {
System.out.println("Expected at least one more argument.");
CommandParserResult parserResult = ui.parser.parse(args);
Map p = parserResult.toMap(ARG_PREFIX);
String firstArg = p.remove(ARG_PREFIX+0);
if ("clear".equalsIgnoreCase(p.get("settings"))) {
if ("setup".equalsIgnoreCase(p.get("settings"))) {
if (firstArg==null) {
} else {
Device device = null;
String basePathStr = parserResult.getOptional().get(KEY_DIR);
if (basePathStr!=null && !"".equals(basePathStr)) {
File basePath = new File(basePathStr);
if (basePath.isDirectory()) {
File embossFolder = null;
do {
embossFolder = new File(basePath, System.currentTimeMillis()+"");
} while (embossFolder.exists());
device = new FileDevice(embossFolder);
} else {
ExitCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_VALUE.exitSystem(basePathStr + " does not exist or is not a directory.");
} else {
device = new PrinterDevice(ui.getDeviceName(), true);
PageFormat pf = ui.getPageFormat();
ui.getEmbosser().setFeature(EmbosserFeatures.PAGE_FORMAT, pf);
int copies = 1;
String copiesStr = p.get(KEY_COPIES);
if (copiesStr!=null && copiesStr!="") {
try {
copies = Integer.parseInt(copiesStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Ignoring argument -"+ KEY_COPIES +"=" + copiesStr);
copies = 1;
try {
ui.getEmbosser().setFeature(EmbosserFeatures.NUMBER_OF_COPIES, copies);
//setting copies to 1 to avoid sending multiple requests below since
//copies has been enabled in implementation
copies = 1;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
//nothing to do here at the moment, send multiple requests below instead...
if (ui.getTable()!=null) {
ui.getEmbosser().setFeature(EmbosserFeatures.TABLE, ui.getTable());
File input = new File(firstArg);
if (!input.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find input file: " + firstArg);
try {
boolean ok = new ValidatorFacade().validate(input, System.out);
if (!ok) {
ExitCode.UNEXPECTED_RESOURCE_CONTENTS.exitSystem("Validation failed, exiting...");
for (int i=0; i getRequiredArguments() {
return reqArgs;
public List getOptionalArguments() {
return optionalArgs;
public SwitchMap getSwitches() {
return switches;