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org.daisy.dotify.cli.Convert Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.daisy.dotify.cli;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserCatalog;
import org.daisy.dotify.api.embosser.EmbosserFactoryException;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.pef.PEFConverterFacade;
import org.daisy.braille.utils.pef.UnsupportedWidthException;
import org.daisy.dotify.Dotify;
import org.daisy.dotify.SystemKeys;
import org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.BrailleTranslatorFactoryMaker;
import org.daisy.dotify.api.translator.TranslatorSpecification;
import org.daisy.dotify.common.text.FilterLocale;
import org.daisy.streamline.api.config.ConfigurationDetails;
import org.daisy.streamline.api.config.ConfigurationsCatalog;
import org.daisy.streamline.api.identity.IdentityProvider;
import org.daisy.streamline.api.tasks.InternalTaskException;
import org.daisy.streamline.api.tasks.TaskSystemFactoryMaker;
import org.daisy.streamline.api.validity.Validator;
import org.daisy.streamline.api.validity.ValidatorFactoryMaker;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.Argument;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.CommandDetails;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.CommandParser;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.CommandParserResult;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.Definition;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.ExitCode;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.OptionalArgument;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.SwitchArgument;
import org.daisy.streamline.cli.SwitchMap;
import org.daisy.streamline.engine.DefaultTempFileWriter;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Provides a command line entry point to Dotify.
* @author Joel Håkansson
public class Convert implements CommandDetails {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Convert.class.getCanonicalName());
//private static final String DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = "A4-w32";
private static final String DEFAULT_LOCALE = Locale.getDefault().toString().replaceAll("_", "-");
private static final String CONFIG_KEY = "configs";
private static final String WATCH_KEY = "watch";
protected static final String META_KEY = "meta";
private static final int DEFAULT_POLL_TIME = 5000;
private static final int MIN_POLL_TIME = 250;
private final List reqArgs;
private final List optionalArgs;
private final SwitchMap switches;
private final BrailleUtilsInfo brailleInfo;
private final CommandParser parser;
public Convert() {
this.brailleInfo = new BrailleUtilsInfo();
//Use lazy loading of argument details
this.reqArgs = new ArrayList();
this.optionalArgs = new ArrayList();
this.switches = new SwitchMap.Builder()
.addSwitch(new SwitchArgument('w', WATCH_KEY, WATCH_KEY, "" + DEFAULT_POLL_TIME, "Keeps the conversion in sync by watching the input file for changes and rerunning the conversion automatically when the input is modified."))
.addSwitch(new SwitchArgument('o', SystemKeys.LIST_OPTIONS, SystemKeys.LIST_OPTIONS, "true", "Lists additional options as the conversion runs."))
.addSwitch(new SwitchArgument('c', CONFIG_KEY, META_KEY, CONFIG_KEY, "Lists known configurations."))
this.parser = CommandParser.create(this);
* Provides a entry point for Dotify from the command line.
* @param args command line arguments
* @throws IOException if there is an i/o exception
* @throws InternalTaskException if there is a problem with running the tasks
public static void main(String[] args) throws InternalTaskException, IOException {
Convert m = new Convert();
CommandParserResult result = m.parser.parse(args);
List p = result.getRequired();
if (args.length<2 || p.size()<2) {
if (CONFIG_KEY.equals(result.getOptional().get(META_KEY))) {
ArrayList s = new ArrayList();
System.out.println("Known configurations (locale, braille mode):");
for (TranslatorSpecification ts : s) {
System.out.println(" " + ts.getLocale() + ", " + ts.getMode());
} else {
System.out.println("Expected at least two arguments");
} else if (p.size()>2) {
System.out.println("Unknown argument(s): " + p.subList(2, p.size()));
// remove required arguments
File input = new File(p.get(0));
//File input = new File(args[0]);
if (!input.exists()) {
ExitCode.MISSING_RESOURCE.exitSystem("Cannot find input file: " + input);
final File output = new File(p.get(1)).getAbsoluteFile();
final String context;
String s = result.getOptional().get("locale");
if (s==null || s.equals("")) {
context = s;
//File output = new File(args[1]);
final HashMap props = new HashMap();
//props.put("debug", "true");
//props.put(SystemKeys.TEMP_FILES_DIRECTORY, TEMP_DIR);
if (input.isDirectory() && output.isDirectory()) {
if (result.getOptional().get(WATCH_KEY)!=null) {
logger.warning("'" + WATCH_KEY + "' is not implemented for batch mode.");
if ("true".equals(props.get(SystemKeys.WRITE_TEMP_FILES))) {
ExitCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_VALUE.exitSystem("Cannot write debug files in batch mode.");
String format = props.get(SystemKeys.OUTPUT_FORMAT);
if (format==null) {
ExitCode.MISSING_ARGUMENT.exitSystem(SystemKeys.OUTPUT_FORMAT + " must be specified in batch mode.");
} else if (format.equals(SystemKeys.PEF_FORMAT)) {
format = "pef";
} else if (format.equals(SystemKeys.TEXT_FORMAT)) {
format = "txt";
} else if (format.equals(SystemKeys.OBFL_FORMAT)) {
format = "obfl";
} else {
ExitCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_VALUE.exitSystem("Unknown output format.");
//Experimental parallelization code in comment.
//ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
final String ext = format;
for (final File f : input.listFiles()) {
//es.execute(new Runnable() {
//public void run() {
try {
m.runDotify(f, new File(output, f.getName() + "." + ext), context, props);
} catch (InternalTaskException e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to process " + f, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to read " + f, e);
//try {
// es.awaitTermination(600, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
} else if (input.isDirectory()) {
ExitCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_VALUE.exitSystem("If input is a directory, output must be an existing directory too.");
} else {
String pollWaitStr = result.getOptional().get(WATCH_KEY);
if (pollWaitStr!=null) {
int pollWait = DEFAULT_POLL_TIME;
try {
pollWait = Math.max(Integer.parseInt(pollWaitStr), MIN_POLL_TIME);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.warning("Could not parse " + WATCH_KEY + " value '" + pollWaitStr + "' as an integer.");
logger.fine("Poll time is " + pollWait);
long modified = 0;
while (input.exists()) {
if (modified props) throws InternalTaskException, IOException {
if (!input.exists()) {
ExitCode.MISSING_RESOURCE.exitSystem("Cannot find input file: " + input);
}, output, FilterLocale.parse(context), props);
if (output.exists()) {
AnnotatedFile ao = IdentityProvider.newInstance().identify(output);
String mediaType = ao.getMediaType();
ValidatorFactoryMaker validatorFactory = ValidatorFactoryMaker.newInstance();
Validator validator;
if (mediaType!=null && (validator = validatorFactory.newValidator(mediaType))!=null) {"Validating output using %s", validator.getClass().getName()));
if (!validator.validate(output.toURI().toURL()).isValid()) {
logger.warning("Validation failed: " + output);
} else {"Output is valid.");
if (mediaType.equals("application/x-pef+xml") && props.containsKey(PEFConverterFacade.KEY_TABLE)) {
// create brl
HashMap p = new HashMap();
p.put(PEFConverterFacade.KEY_TABLE, props.get(PEFConverterFacade.KEY_TABLE));
try {
brailleInfo.getShortFormResolver().expandShortForm(p, PEFConverterFacade.KEY_TABLE);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
File f = new File(output.getParentFile(), output.getName() + ".brl");"Writing brl to " + f.getAbsolutePath());
try (FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f)) {
new PEFConverterFacade(EmbosserCatalog.newInstance()).parsePefFile(output, os, null, p);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Parse error when converting to brl", e);
} catch (SAXException e) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "SAX error when converting to brl", e);
} catch (UnsupportedWidthException e) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Width error when converting to brl", e);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Number format error when converting to brl", e);
} catch (EmbosserFactoryException e) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Embosser error when converting to brl", e);
public String getName() {
return DotifyCLI.CONVERT;
public String getDescription() {
return "Converts documents into braille.";
public List getRequiredArguments() {
if (reqArgs.isEmpty()) {
TaskSystemFactoryMaker fm = TaskSystemFactoryMaker.newInstance();
//TODO: map identifiers to file formats
Set inputFormats = fm.listInputs().stream().map(v->v.getIdentifier()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set outputFormats = fm.listOutputs().stream().map(v->v.getIdentifier()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
reqArgs.add(new Argument("path_to_input", "Path to the input file " + inputFormats));
reqArgs.add(new Argument("path_to_output", "Path to the output file " + outputFormats));
return reqArgs;
public List getOptionalArguments() {
if (optionalArgs.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList vals = new ArrayList();
ConfigurationsCatalog c = ConfigurationsCatalog.newInstance();
List detailsList = c.getConfigurationDetails().stream()
.sorted((o1, o2) -> {
return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey());
for (ConfigurationDetails details : detailsList) {
vals.add(new Definition(details.getKey(), details.getDescription()));
vals.add(new Definition("[other]", "Path to setup file"));
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument("preset", "A preset to use", vals, null));
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument("locale", "The target locale for the result", DEFAULT_LOCALE));
ArrayList vals = new ArrayList();
vals.add(new Definition(SystemKeys.PEF_FORMAT, "write result in PEF-format"));
vals.add(new Definition(SystemKeys.TEXT_FORMAT, "write result as text"));
//vals.add(new Definition(SystemKeys.OBFL_FORMAT, "write result in OBFL-format (bypass formatter)"));
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument(SystemKeys.OUTPUT_FORMAT, "Specifies output format", vals, "[detect]"));
ArrayList vals = new ArrayList();
vals.add(new Definition("true", "outputs temp files"));
vals.add(new Definition("false", "does not output temp files"));
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument(SystemKeys.WRITE_TEMP_FILES, "Writes temp files", vals, "false"));
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument(SystemKeys.TEMP_FILES_DIRECTORY, "Path to temp files directory", DefaultTempFileWriter.TEMP_DIR));
optionalArgs.add(new OptionalArgument(PEFConverterFacade.KEY_TABLE, "If specified, an ASCII-braille file (.brl) is generated in addition to the PEF-file using the specified braille code table", brailleInfo.getDefinitionList(), ""));
return optionalArgs;
public SwitchMap getSwitches() {
return switches;